Problem Solving

By lanadelaphrodite

27.6K 888 425

For Lana, life was dope. She had the perfect friends, a sweet reputation, many secrets she kept to herself, a... More

Princessy Bitch
Unfortunate Crush
The Morning After
"It's not gonna happen again"
Life Imitates Art
"Come over if you fancy"
In the DMs
"a little bit tipsy"
Ignorance Is Bliss?
A Confrontation
Fortune Cookies
Sleeping over?
"Its not gay, we have clothes on."
steal me with a kiss
"simply return it"
Smudged Lipstick
"Light experimentation"
Identity 2.0
"proactively defensive"
Spring Dance
Too Afraid
"ice skating"
"love and lust"
Empty Glasses
Daddy Issues
Alive or Dead
"maybe happy"
Hand Holding
"It is gay."

Escape Room

435 20 12
By lanadelaphrodite

Lana's POV

We sit there awkwardly. It's only awkward for me and Marina, not awkward between us because I'm sure we both just wanna get back into it. It's awkward because we don't know how to act with Lafina here.

The conversation is good and flows because we're all the same age, Lafina's only a year older. She's kind and I can tell she's genuinely interested in what I have to say, which I really like.. But still, I'm uncomfortably wet for her sister.

And the pizza's good. I didn't know when I was going to eat but I know for sure I prioritise seeing Marina to eating. So doing both in one is a huge win.

"You girls met in English, I've heard?" Lafina asks, I look to Marina

"Well kind of, kind of not" she says, Lafina looks confused

"We only really started to talk to each other in English" I say, Marina nods and makes an 'mmh' noise.

"Yeah we weren't always friends.." she does a cute smirk, I smile a little. She makes me feel kinda embarrassed.

"Why not?" Lafina smiles, perhaps looking for some drama. Maybe that's the type of girl she is.

"Too perfect" I say, it gets me a certain look from Marina. One that I really like. It's kind of a sexy look, playfully telling me to shut up.

"Yeah she does kind of seem.." Lafina begins then trails off. I know she's referring to the Electra character. I feel like I want to tell her that I know, so that the conversation isn't awkward.

"She knows, Laf. Don't worry" Marina tells her, she smiles and nods a little

"I was worried I'd spoken out of term."

They're both very well spoken. And their British accents just increase their formality. I really like it. Lafina has a pretty voice like Marina does, but to me, Marina is far prettier in general. And all I want to do is kiss her again.. but that'd make Lafina feel weird I guess, so it's best that I don't. Not right now, at least.

"No I did the same weird thing anyway" I say, snapping out of my thoughts. Marina raises her brows a little, probably surprised that I've told someone other than her.. I wonder if I'm making her jealous?

I don't intend to. The only reason I'm telling her is so that Marina can call me Lizzy whenever we're together at her place, in front of Lafina or not.

"Your names not Lana?" She asks, I shake my head a little

"Nu uh.. My real name's Lizzy." I sip my drink. They have nice lemonade. It's pink and tastes a bit like raspberry, so I presume it's raspberry lemonade. Personally, I think a blue lemonade would have been far cooler, but, the color pink is not at all out of place in this house.

"Cute" Lafina smiles, I kinda smile awkwardly

"Yeah but don't tell anyone"

"Wouldn't dream of it. By the way, I don't know if Marina has said or not, but you're welcome to come sleep here any time you want" Lafina tells me..

I wonder how sleeping over would be.. I sometimes think about it, and I've come to the conclusion that I certainly wouldn't know how to act. I'd be awkward, I think. Not just with the sex stuff, but with the other little things.. like getting changed together. That'd really throw me, I'd be torn between staring at her and being so awkward I couldn't even look at her, let alone stare.

But I think maybe I'd be good at the sex stuff.. awkward but good. Because I know how much I wanna make her feel good, and that's pretty much all sex is.. but with a girl... maybe that'd be difficult.

"Of course I've said, I'm quite a spectacular host" Marina answers so I don't have to. I think I was taking an awkwardly long time to reply. Cringe.

"Indeed you are" Lafina smiles "what're you two going to be doing for the rest of the night then?"

I look to Marina for an answer, she smiles and raises her shoulders a little

"Just.. talk and stuff. Don't know yet"

I really do love how Marina sometimes misses her 't's out. It's like she's replaced them with a 'h' sound. Like just then for example.. it sounded like she said 'yeh'.

That was probably a bad example. Another one is sometimes when she says 'great', it sounds like her pronunciation would be written down as 'grey-h'... hmm. Again. Bad example.

"Alright well, have fun. I'll sort the dishwasher" Lafina says sweetly, Marina smiles

"I owe you.." she gets up from her seat, I do as she does "see you later Laf" Marina says as we start to head back upstairs

"See ya.." I hear Lafina's voice as we go up. I can't lie, I'm getting a little nervous. I'm going to be alone with Marina again for the first time after we made out. Sexily, too.. I wonder if it turned her on like it did me?

She opens the door for me

"Thanks.." I mumble, going in. She gives me a look "what?" I ask, she shuts the door

"Oh don't tell me you've gone shy..."

"I have not.."

"Really?" She flirts, with a smile. Now I do feel shy. "You know what happened to me today?" She changes the subject for me

"Tell me" I say, sitting down on the bed. She doesn't sit down next to me, which I'm kind of sad about because I want to kiss her hard. Instead she goes to fiddle with things, things on her desk.. She might be organising, in fact. It irritates me a little. I just want her here on top of me.

"My friend Jess has such a crush on you.. She was talking about kissing you and imagining what it'd be like, and-"

"Wait wait" I interrupt "pale, wears strange earrings, clearly gay.. Girl who sits next to you in math class?"

"That pretty much sums her up.." she laughs, I nod "why? Do you like her?"

"No I think she stares at my ass.." I pause "are you jealous?" I ask. She doesn't particularly answer, just looks at me. But that gives me the answer "no way.." I smirk "you get jealous over me?"

"Like you don't me.." she rolls her eyes "don't you remember how jealous you got when-"

"This is about you" i interrupt again, she giggles

"And I'm making it about you." She picks up the strip of photo booth pictures we did and sits down next to me.: They are very cute. "You're telling me that if I recreated these exact pictures with someone else, you wouldn't feel anything at all?" She asks, I make a mean face at her to show my irritation. "Answer please" she smiles

"Okay well maybe I would. But only because you kissed me there. And kissing is different." I explain, she nods a little

"Indeed. So there we have it. Both of us get jealous"

"And what does that prove?" I ask, she smiles a little

"That I'm your bitch and that you're my bitch"

I kind of like the thought of that, but at the same time it's very gay of me to enjoy.

"You're lucky we have clothes on or else I'd walk out right now" I playfully threaten, she smiles

"How would you kiss me then?" She makes me lose all my words. All the words are gone. "Exactly.. by the way I enjoyed having you for dinner"

"Are you gonna make an eating out joke?" I ask, she laughs

"I wasn't going to.. I just wanted to say that I like that we're closer."

"I like it too.. you're nicer to me than literally anyone else in the world" I admit, she bites her lip a second. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's something to do with what she's thinking.. What's she thinking about thats making her bite her lip? I would love to know what it is.

"You don't mean that"

"I do, and I trust you a lot.. I mean, if I didn't, you'd still be calling me Lana." I remind her, she nods

"Yes.. well, for the record.. I love calling you Lizzy. I think it's even prettier than Lana" she puts our pictures on her end table. Since our hands are free, part of my brain thinks we're about to start making out again. Not to mention she just said something so very sweet to me.

"I like Marina far better than Electra. You're more exotic" I smirk, she giggles. I get more comfortable on her bed, she does too. Both of us are sat on the bed, our feet aren't touching the floor anymore. It's cozy.

"Even though I'm already a half Greek half Welsh British girl in America?"

"That's a lot of ethnicity.." I think about Greek women.. it explains the boob size. "Your Greek genetics are pretty clear" I admit, she fakes a gasp, it makes me laugh "don't be like that.."

"What're you implying?" She teases

"You know.." I awkwardly drag on the 'w'

"No I don't" she smirks, purposefully making it hard for me. "Tell me in full detail what you mean".. I glance from her face to her boobs then back to her face so I don't have to say anything. She laughs "you don't have to be so implicit"

"I don't want to sound gay" I urge, she smirks "what does it mean when you do that?"

"It means I think you're cute."

"Stop it, I'm not cute, and I'm not gay." I tell her firmly, she nods.

"Of course, of course.."

We get one of them quiet moments.. I notice how much I love that curve in her top lip, and how thick the bottom one this.. And kissing her is so incredibly hot. I've never ever been as turned on by anyone's kissing as I am Marina's.

"I'm not gay, right?" I ask, she smiles and shakes her head

"Not at all." She answers simply, leaving her lips a tiny little bit parted. I don't know why, but it's literally the sexiest thing I've ever seen.

"Good" I kiss her. I just can't fight it, shes too irresistible. She holds the side of my face, like she did the first ever time we kissed. I still think about that all the time, by the way. My mind is just Marina 24/7.

This kiss feels different to the last one, before we had to go downstairs. This one feels kind of intense, like I can't get enough of her. I pull her closer to me by her waist. It's the first time I feel her body.. So warm, curvy, beautiful.. I want to touch more. She seems to want more, opening her mouth to me and letting her tongue play with mine.

It's fucking hot. Even hotter than before.

I feel her hand on mine, guiding it down to her hip. I do the same with my other hand, moving it to her other hip, where she must want it. Meanwhile, her hand moves from my face down to my neck, kind of wrapping around it.

Oh my god, of course she's kinky. She's too alternative to be vanilla.. I hope she doesn't think I'm going to let her dom me. That is not going to happen.. Sure I'm a sub with guys, but Marina's so soft, and so feminine. She triggers something in me that no one else does.

I pull away for a second

"You're kinky.." I say, a couple inches from her mouth still

"Gosh Lizzy.." she just looks at me "we haven't even started." She kisses me again and says nothing more.

What're her kinks, I wonder.. Maybe a praise kink, she seems to like validation more than most.. And from her hand around my neck, maybe choking? Would I let her dom me like that? No, but it's hot in the meantime.. I should ask her what her kinks are but I wouldn't want to ask her when it came to it.

And I wonder what she'd do to me.. She's kissing me so good and all I can think about is doing more with her. Feeling her touch me, and kiss me more places than just my lips..

Am I that gay? Well, I'm making out with a girl on her bed. Maybe I am that gay.. But no one knows but her, which I like. It's hot, makes the whole thing more secret. We have our own safety bubble. We're our real selves with each other, I know a lot about her and she knows a lot about me. No one else in the world knows I've ever even kissed a girl.

And I like that.

Trusting Marina with that information feels right. She wouldn't hurt me I don't think... well maybe in the bedroom, but that's a different story.

She pulls away, then signs off with another kiss, but this one's short and leaves me wanting more.

"What?" I ask, she smiles

"I'm sorry did it offend you that we stopped?"

"I mean a little" I kiss her again, she giggles and pulls away

"Stop stop.. We shouldn't get too carried away"

"We shouldn't?" I frown

"No because you won't want to talk to me tomorrow and we have English and I always like hearing your new ideas." She explains. Ugh. It makes me a little mad. I'm sure she's just doing it to make me want her even more. And it's really working.

"Okay but what if I promise to talk to you?" I ask, she just smirks

"You know yourself how you'll be Lizzy.. you'll regret doing this with me." She gets off of the bed and puts our photo booth strip back in its place. She's very particular.

"I will not.."

"You're telling me that you'll come into school tomorrow and be able to look me in the eye?"

"Uhuh" I fold my arms

"And not sulk?"

"Uhuh." I nod. She sits back down next to me

"Well I don't believe you" she lays back on the bed. I lay down with her "we should talk about deep things"

"No we should.." I don't wanna say it... She looks at me with a smirk

"What, kiss more? Girl and girl?" She teases. I groan and rub my face

"I'm so sexually confused.. I don't need this right now."

"I'm sorry... What do you want in life?" She asks, ignoring that we just made out hard. It's irritating, and what she did the first time I saw her after we kissed. She seems to know how to get around me.

"I don't really know.. I guess I want people to like me."

"Me too.. but I want.." .... "no it sounds far too dramatic"

"No say it" I encourage

"I want the world to go away" she giggles, I smile.

"Me too. It fucking sucks.. hasn't done me any good ever." I look at my nails. They're pretty. They're long and white....

It crosses my mind that I'm not a very good lesbian with nails like these.

"Nor me.. Let's make our own world somehow."

"How?" I ask, she rolls her eyes

"That's not important. Focus on what'd be in the world."

"No one but us. And whoever you wanted to bring"

"You think we'd get lonely?" She asks, I nod

"I do, but until then it'd be a good time.. I guess we could always come back to this world" I point out.

I'm seriously astounded we're ignoring the kissing this well. It's all that my mind can focus on.

"Yeah but in that case, don't you think we'd just be better with a sort of room to which we escape to?" She asks, I think a second

"Well that's here, right? We do only things we know about here, we could survive here forever if needs be" I smile, she laughs

"Yeah kind of, until our food supply ran out."

"Well we could ask your sister to go get more food" I let myself get into it, even though I know it's just a distraction to stop myself from feeling any type of way.

"Or we could eat each other" ....

"Would that be substantial?" I ask, she laughs

"I meant cannibalism"

"Oh like that's not any weirder" I giggle, she laughs

"We're in survival mode Lizzy, no time for sex"

"No time at all?" I hear myself and hate it. "What have I become.." I mumble

"A being of sexual confusion.. but the best kisser in the world" ... I look at her

"No way you too"

"Really?" She smiles, I smile too

"Yeah. You kiss better than anyone else"

"I wonder why" she teases. For a second I don't know why but then it clicks with me it's a sexuality joke.

"Shut up I'm just.." I think of the word "Curious. I'm just curious"

"The word I would've used is 'horny' I think" she giggles, I can't help but smile. She's cute

"Like you aren't.."

"I'm not the one denying I'm into girls" she plays

"Wait I turned you on?" I ask, I feel my eyes widen. No way!! She's into me.

"Maybe a little. And what about you?"

"Maybe a little as well" I pause "okay well more than just a little but only because I've never kissed a girl before." I make an excuse, she laughs

"Sure.. you're lucky you're in our escape room, and that no one knows how adorably vulnerable you are except me"

"Escape rooms... aren't they like.. a game? And somewhere you wanna leave?" I ask, she nods

"Oh yes, but it makes sense doesn't it?"

"You've lost me" I admit, she does something to my hair. I couldn't tell you what she did, but I know it felt nice.

"Well, everything is different in this room.. your sexuality, our names.. why not the meaning of 'escape room' as well?"


Hey guys I'm back!! Happy almost weekend you guys.. one more day until Saturday! Keep going!!

I didn't upload any parts yesterday or the day before I don't think, so I felt glad to get this one out today. Also how cute are they? I want them to date irl.

As our characters are getting a little more serious, obviously some smut is gonna go down in order to show emotion and the intensity of the relationship. I've decided I'm gonna make it 100% skippable because I know sex makes some people uncomfortable (if you're one of these ppl, I apologise for all my dirty jokes and references). I'm gonna have it so that the smut is initiated at the end of one part, then the next part will be straight up sex until it's all done. Then it'll be the next part and you won't have missed any storyline. 100% skippable!

Anyways, hope ur Friday goes awesome babe. See u at the weekend for more story xoxo

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