The Chronicles of Arnora: The...

By Arnora-Books

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Book One is finally complete, please look forward to Book Two, The Chronicles of Arnora: The Zemorian Invasio... More

Chapter One: The Beast of Zhagos
Chapter Two: The Calm before the Storm
Chapter Three: The Hidden City
Chapter Five: Hero of Legend
Chapter Six: Revelations
Chapter Seven: Right Hand of the Emperor
Chapter Eight: The Elysium Tower
Chapter Nine: The Knight Mage
Chapter Ten: Curse of The Blood Moon
Chapter Eleven: Dungeons and Vampires
Chapter Twelve: A Rock and a Hard Place
Chapter Thirteen: Escaping Elysium
Chapter Fourteen: The Second General
Chapter Fifteen: Rise of the Blood Moon
Chapter Sixteen: The Fires of Hope
Chapter Seventeen: The Beginning of the End
Chapter Eighteen: The Great Evil

Chapter Four: The Hunter and the Hunted

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By Arnora-Books

(Warning: this chapter contains depictions of blood and torture, which might not be suitable for some readers.)

~Chapter Four~
The Hunter and the Hunted

The fang slowly floated off to the south of what was once Zhagos's High Town, Owin and the others followed closely behind it, not knowing what lay ahead of them.

Owin: "The scent of the blood poultice is getting much stronger, Arwen definitely came this way."

Osonia: "What is this poultice you keep speaking of? You've mentioned before you're tracking her with it." Owin pulled the blood poultice out from his pocket.

Owin: "This small bag here is a blood poultice, it's basically a mixture of simple alchemical herbs, but the key ingredient that gives it power is the blood of a higher vampire. Higher vampires developed it in order to stop biting transformations. Supposedly it makes them a more civilized race, which in fact most of them are. Each poultice is very unique to the person it's used on, the scents they give off are also unique, it makes it much easier to track the person it's bound to, in this case that person being Arwen."

Osonia: "So when we find her what do you intend to do with her?"

Owin: "Well I'll try my best to save her, the process is easy just as long as she's willing to turn back, but it will get much harder for her as the transition goes on. Which is why I'm hoping this vampire that killed your kin is the one that turned her. I'll need its blood in order to make the potion that can turn her back."

Osonia: "You can have as much of the monster's blood as you like Owin, just as long as I'm the one that gets to kill it. What it did back there to my people is unforgivable, it will pay dearly with its life." Owin sighed.

Owin: "I understand how you feel about it Osonia, but we know nothing about this creature, no normal vampire could have done what it did back there. We can't just rush in the moment we find it, it's way too dangerous."

Luke: "Owin's right, this vampire could be extremely dangerous and powerful. Up until now I thought the upier were the most deadly of all vampires. What happened back there is similar to an upier attack, but with what I can piece together so far it's as strong, if not stronger than an upier and has the knowledge of a higher vampire.

Aqua: "Which is exactly why you won't be getting anywhere near the thing Luke. I'm in charge of you while we are away from Noxmore. If it comes to it and we do go up against this creature you'll stay as far away from it as possible." Owin suddenly stopped and sniffed the air. "Owin what is it?"

Owin: "We aren't alone out here, there's something nearby with a scent that I don't recognize. But I can tell you it's definitely not human or elf."

Aqua: "Do you think it might be the vampire?"

Owin: Owin takes in another deep breath "Yes the scent is mixed with the faint smell of fresh elven blood. I believe that we're being hunted." A mist had suddenly appeared out of nowhere surrounding Owin and the others. "This mist is unnatural, keep your guard up!"

Luke: "Is it me or did it just suddenly get colder, and I feel kind of light headed...." Just then Luke had passed out, hitting the ground hard.

Aqua: "Luke!" Aqua ran over to catch him but became light headed herself falling next to him.

Osonia: "What's going on I......." and just like that Osonia too had passed out.
Owin: "What black magic is this..." Owin drew his sword, fighting to stand up right, his head was growing lighter and his vision started to blur. He had caught a glimpse of a dark shadowy figure coming straight towards him just as he too hit the ground passing out. A few hours had soon passed and he awoke in a dark musky room lit with torches. He tried to move but couldn't because he was now chained to a wall. He looked around the room and saw his companions scattered about tied down and still unconscious. Then he saw it there standing in the dim light across the room, he knew by the scent it was the very creature that was hunting them earlier. "Why don't you step out of the shadows and come a bit closer, this way I can see the face of the monster I'm going to kill." The creature let out an evil laugh and walked into the light, he looked to be a young man, but Owin knew all too well that he wasn't. The creature then spoke.

Creature: "Hahahaha and how exactly will you do that when you are bound to that wall and your weapons lay there far across the room. I'm afraid you won't be doing any killing tonight Slayer."

Owin: "So it can speak, then you can tell me, what the hell are you?! I know you're a vampire, but you don't smell like any other that I've come across before. You're something completely different altogether, am I correct?" The creature laughed again.

Creature: "Hahaha you Slayers really are quite something aren't you? The best answer I can give you as to what I am is a hybrid, a mutation, a higher vampire with very unique abilities. Like earlier tonight it was so easy to catch you and your companions off guard, the mist I created had worked way better than I thought it would. It made you and your friends pass out in a matter of seconds, but that is just one of the many powers I possess."

Owin: "Yeah I saw your powers at work earlier tonight, you slaughtered those innocent elves. There was hardly anything left of them, but you made a mistake and left behind a fang in one of the bodies. As for that mist you used though, I've only ever seen a jiangshi use something similar to it while hunting, but nowhere near as powerful as that."

Creature: "You know your vampires, then again I shouldn't expect anything less from a highly trained monster-slayer. These abilities I have go far beyond that of any other vampire though, I'm perhaps even more powerful then the Vampire Queen Lilith herself!" The creature slowly waved his hand in front of Owin, and a sharp pain jolted through his entire body.

Owin: "Ahhhhhhhhh! What.... The.... Hell are you doing..... To me! Ahhhhhhhhh!" The creature moved his hand again and the pain subsided. Owin looked up to his tormentor smirking. "That was a nice trick you did there, it tickled me a bit."

Creature: "If you liked that trick, then you're going to love this." The creature then raised his hand and it started to change, mutating into a much larger dark red skinned hand with long razor-like fingernails. The creature smiled before plunging its nails deep into Owins stomach, holding back his screams as the pain set in. "How's that for a trick?" He then pulled his hand away, his nails ripping at Owins flesh causing blood to spill out onto the ground. His face was a deep red and tears had filled his eyes. He couldn't hold back anymore and let out a loud scream as the pain was now too much from him to bear.

Owin: "Ahhhhhhhhh! You vile monster, when I get free from these chains.... I swear to the Gods that you're going to die, that I promise!"

Creature: "You call me a creature! A vile monster! I have a name you know! My name is Killian, and it's the last name you'll ever hear again!" He again raised his hand, ready to strike Owin down for good when all of a sudden he flies across the room crashing into the far wall. Owin looked over and saw a red aura surrounding a very angry Aqua.

Aqua: "Owin! Are you okay? I would come to help you but these damn chains are magic proof, I can't break free to heal you. Luckily I can still use my telepathic magic it seems." Killian slowly picked himself up and dusted himself off, his hand now back to normal.

Killian: "The witch is awake now I see, I have to admit that was quite an attack. It hurt and definitely took me by surprise. I never would have thought that you knew telepathic magic." He then waved his hand through the air, and Aqua started to scream. "Luckily for me we won't have to worry about that happening ever again."

Owin: "What are you doing to her!?" Killian looked over and smiled at Owin.

Killian: "Oh, I just simply severed here telepathic powers. I can't tell you if it's permanent or not, but it sounds like it's quite painful." Just then another figure appeared out of the shadows and Owin noticed her all too well, it was Arwen, or what was left of her at least, for now she was appearing to be more vampire then human. "My dear Arwen, you've awakened at a good time." She looked around the room to Owin and the others.

Arwen: "Killian, I thought you said you weren't going to hurt anyone without me? You promised that you wouldn't."

Killian: "I'm just having a bit of fun my dear haha and besides the Slayer started it. All of this could have been avoided if he just kept his mouth shut." Arwen looked over at Owin, looking at the blood dripping from his wounds. The scent filling the air around her, she licked her lips in hunger. "Arwen no! Control yourself, a Slayer's blood might smell good but it's tainted, and is incredibly deadly to vampires, one taste and that'll be the end of you."

Owin: "Arwen..... Do you remember who I am? It's been awhile but we've met before, I'm...... Owin I've known you..... and Orion for sometime."

Arwen: "Should I know who you are? Because why should it matter to me? Why should this Orion matter to me?"

Aqua: "Arwen please come to your senses! We are your friends, you're not in your right mind! This is an effect of the transition, the blood poultice that he used on you is making you forget who you are. You must remember who you are!" Arwen walked over to Aqua looking deep into her eyes.

Arwen: "My Friends you say? I don't have nor do I  need any friends, I have my beloved Killian afterall and he is all I need."

Aqua: "Your beloved? He turned you against your will Arwen! He took you from your home, from your family, from your true beloved!"

Arwen: "No! Killian freed me! He saved me from my weak and pathetic humanity."

Owin: "That's the bruxa in you speaking.... Arwen, Orion loves you. You've known each other..... since you were children. Your love is true for him.... I know it." Just then Arwen began to fidget having flashbacks from her childhood.

Arwen: "Yes I remember my childhood, I remember my family and I remember when they first introduced me to him, when he first confessed his love for me."
Killian: "Nooooooo!" Killian waved his hand and Arwen fell over out cold. "I won't allow you insects to take her from me! You'll have to try much harder than that. Rest now Arwen you'll feel better when you awaken and by time then the Slayer and his friends shall be long dead." Just then the sounds of rattling chains filled the room. Killian looked over to see a now awakened Osonia trying to get free of her bonds. "I see the elf is awake now." He walked over to her with a large evil smile on his face. "Tell me elf, are you more resilient than those of your kin I killed earlier tonight?" She then grew angry struggling even more to break free.

Osonia: "You ungrateful vile worm! You will pay with your life for what you did to them!" Killian laughed maniacally.

Killian: "Hahaha, you are in no position to make threats little elf, no matter how puny and  meaningless they are. I must admit though you are putting up more of a fight then the others did earlier, they just stood there frozen in fear. It was quite amusing tearing them limb from limb, watching each one beg me not to hurt them. I can still taste their sweet blood on my lips."

Osonia: "Amusing?! How dare you! They were my friends! They were my family! Im gwest- na i aino ir im net- lain im lélë tana- cin faila manen limb -o a cost im tur- sasta- or-!" (I swear to the gods when I get free I will show you just how much of a fight I can put up!) Killian then walked over and slapped Osonia hard, breaking her skin and drawing a bit of blood.

Killian: "Don't you dare use that heinous speech in front of me! If there's one thing I truly despise most it's the elven tongue! But I am almost intrigued to take you up on that offer, I would love to see just how long you can go up against me." Osonia gave him a longing glare.

Osonia: "Then why don't you set me free and we'll find out." A dark mist then rose up off the floor entangling itself around Osonia binding and gagging her.

Killian: "Again it's very tempting, but killing you wouldn't be worth my time." Killian looked around the room at his other captives, first to Owin who was still slowly bleeding out onto the floor, then over to Aqua who was still trying to recover from the separation of her mental powers and finally over to Luke who was still unconscious. "The boy still hasn't awakened, I figured he would have been the first to recover since he was the first to fall." He walked over to where Luke was and moved his hand over his still body. The boy then awakened gasping for air. "Good you're alive, I was beginning to think you were dead." Luke looked up and stared at the man above him.

Luke: "Are you him? The vampire we've been looking for?" Killian looked back down  at him surprised.

Killian: "I'm Curious, you don't seem angry that I have you tied down nor are you surprised to see me and you have no negativity towards me?"

Luke: "Yes you could say I am curious as to what exactly you are. So you won't have any negativity from me." Killian smiled widely.

Killian: "Now I feel almost sorry for what I've done to your friends. Maybe if they showed a little more compassion like you, I wouldn't have hurt them like I did."

Aqua: "Don't you dare speak to him you monster! Luke he's pure evil, he has Owin hanging on by a thread of his life and he somehow severed my telepathic powers!"

Luke: "He did? That's fascinating, you were able to lock away her psychic magic, that's very interesting indeed. I suspect that mist from earlier was you as well I assume? You aren't just some common higher vampire with abilities like those. You're some sort of hybrid aren't you?"

Aqua: "Luke! I forbid you to speak to him!"

Killian: "Be quiet witch! You are very clever for a human, and for one so young to come to that conclusion so fast. Yet I see in your eyes that you've seen so much in your brief blip of a life. I sense you carry within you a vast knowledge." Killian laid his hand on Luke's head. "I admit I like you Luke, you've been kind to me. So I'm going to warn you that this is going to hurt quite a lot." Killian then dug his nails deep into Lukes head. "Let's see what secrets your mind holds." Luke screamed loudly as Killians nails tore at his flesh. His thoughts and memories were now being absorbed by Killian. "You have a vast knowledge of vampires for one as young as you are, no wonder you're so curious about what I am." He looked deeper into Luke's mind. "Hmmmm and what's this? Something about an Elemental named Professor Sigmus, and he's keeping vampires locked up in cages and studying them like they're lab rats. I just might have to pay him a visit and free my fellow vampires." Killian dwells deeper into Luke's mind, coming across some long forgotten memories. "You lost your family when you were just a boy. I see that a coven of upier had come in the night and slaughtered them and I see you alone survived...... And you killed the upier...?!" Killian let go of Luke's mind backing away from him, frightened at what he had just seen. "What the hell are you?!"

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