Manan_Tera Ban Jaunga [COMPLE...

By TweetyNiki

595K 54.7K 15.2K

He told me I'm crazy. He told me I'm irresponsible. He told me I'm clumsy. He told me I'm a M I S T A K E An... More

C H A R A C T E R [I]
C H A R A C T E R [II]
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50.


14.9K 1.1K 596
By TweetyNiki

•• I ••

With the dawn hitting the land, the first thing he wanted to look and needed to see was her, beside him, every day in the morning.

He just had this deep craving, a yearn for only to be awoken by her given sight only.

A smile was all he needed from her to make his whole day lucky and going.
Nothing less and more. Just a smile.

Turning over and peeling his eyes groggily, he let out a husky dreamy smile when found her already staring him with a small smile on her beautiful face, beside him, just the way he loved.

He never asked, nor wanted much but wished for only her and seeing her beside eased him in many ways.

Never speaking nor blinking, she just kept her smile intact while he scooted closer lazily humming sweetly "The smile you give every time I open my eyes makes me want to keep you bounded with me, forever."

Looking down on her ruby tainted lips, he murmured "What would you do if I kiss you now?"

Looking between her eyes and the smile, he sighed "I know you won't say because you are just a vision of my mind." he gulped, a little frown settling between his whisk covered forehead "And I'm afraid that you will vanish as soon as I blink."

"But, you're here." He mumbled softly blinking ever so slowly in his dazed rasp before closing his eyes shut to keep her appearance locked in his heart and mind "Always here."

And just how he perceived, she was gone as soon as he opened his eyes. But he could not omit the smile on his face when his eyes caught the fabric of her dupatta he has been holding in his clutch.

It was not just any fabric but an emotion for him which has kept him going the whole fifteen long month.

Climbing down the bed leisurely, he took his time to walk to his canvas stand where he hung the dupatta around it, her portrait clipped with it.

Letting his finger trail over it for a moment, he whispered husk, his voice thick and sad "I miss you, Nandini. I miss you very much."

Biting on his lips hard to hold himself from breaking, he dropped his hands to his side very reluctantly and trudged his way out his room to start his day.

Post water paddling and runing the track of the Dashashwamedh ghat, Manik crouched down a bit keeping hands on his knees to take a moment of breath when a chuckle erupted out his mouth when a very dramatically exhausted Omprakash came in his view.

"How's it going, buddy?"

Raising his face up, Omprakash cringed his face over Manik's smirk "Wipe it off, you charming punk. I did two lapses of the ghat."

Chortling under his breath, Manik walked to him "You did great. I'm really proud of you."

"Really?" Giving him a dubious glance, Omprakash negotiated "So do I get a reward?"

"Hmm, let me think." Scratching his jaw, Manik squinted looked at Omprakash's hopeful face "I think you do-" on which the old man gleed however Manik added soon enough wiping the gleam off Omprakash's face "-only if you promise that you will drink that decoction after as soon as we reach home."

Scrounging his nose, Omprakash scoffed "You mean to say spoil my taste bud after having the delicious rabdi? You cruel punk-"

"-Do we have a deal here?" Twitching a concealed smile, Manik left no room for the old man to bargain, as he replied back soon very disinterested-ly "yeah, whatever. Deal. Now come on don't waste time. It's going to get crowded here soon with devotees. And oh!" Inhaling the air, Omprakash closed his eyes with delight "I can already smell the sweet aroma of rabdi calling me."

Nodding his head disbelief on Omprakash who was already following his imaginary aroma, Manik followed behind him too "How I wish you could show some of that enthusiasm while drinking decoction too."

"Shut up! Don't jinx my excitement." Omprakash chided nurtured throwing a quick glare at Manik "Now make the good use of that long legs and walk fast."

"Aye aye, captain."

Taking a delicious moment of long inhalation of the sweetest thing one can find in Varanasi, Omprakash sighed with a hum savoring the last spoonful of rabdi "It's like relishing heaven in your mouth?"

"As if you know how heaven actually tastes." Commented Manik sarcastically from beside with his arms locked over his chest whereas Omprakash snorted "You won't know unless you taste this rabdi. Ask Nandini. She is as die heart rabdi eater as me."

A little smile and then Manik was cut short of reply until Omprakash realised his words.
Tossing the disposal bowl into the trash, Omprakash cleared his throat "You know what is it today?"

Giving attention to the old man by his side, Manik stayed quiet whereas Omprakash smiled "It's Mahashivratri. A night of the marriage between lord Shiva and goddess Parvati. It is also called a night of reunion between two lovers."

Seeing Manik having the intention behind his talk, Omprakash proposed slowly "If you want I can make her talk to you over call because there won't be any better way to reunite with her again-"

"-Your feet seems to be swelling. " Manik cut in breathlessly fowning shortly looking at Omprakash's feet "I think we should head home. You might need some good warm foot massage."

Finding he being hesitant to talk on the subject, Omprakash sighed "You are right."

"Yeah, let me first just get some of these rabdi packed for Sloke and Meera too." Said Manik walking away from Omprakash's who had his concerned watch over him.

Over this fifteen month, Omprakash never saw Manik shattered again except the day of his birthday.

He remembers it all like yesterday how Manik in his early disheveled morning appearance came knocking on their door.

How he was racking and looking each nook of the entire Sharma residence for one glance of her.

How despite of everybody explaining he wouldn't believe she left.

How despite being a sturdy-self he crumbled down on his knees, all broken and shattered, until he was given a letter.

A letter which was meant for him by her.

A letter which fixed Manik into how he has represented himself before everyone after that one day.

A letter that no one knows what is written in it.

And everyone, including Omprakash are curious thinking what might has Nandini wrote in that letter vfor him.

Smiling warmly for Sadhana who offered him Prasad from her worship, Manik looked around the house of Sharmas before walking his way straight into the kitchen with the packet of rabdi he brought.

"Good morning, Amma."

Neelam beamed "Oh Manik ji. You have come so at the right time."

Walking inside the kitchen, Manik chucked the packet of rabdi inside the fridge and sighed contently along when a sweet warm aroma of Halwa Neelam was preparing hit his nostrils "Mhmm! Smells so good. You know I love your made halwa more than Maa."

"Say that again when Sheetal ji comes." Neelam chuckled dishing some in a bowl and topping it with some finely chopped dryfruit before presenting it before Manik "Do not tell Sloke I served you first."

Shoving a spoonful of hot halwa straight in his mouth, Manik fanned his mouth startling Neelam making her slap her forehead "Careful, Oof!"

All pleased, Manik gesture complimented out with his hand "Told you. You make this like nobody else." Before pointing out his spoon with a sly grin and walking out "And yes, I'm so going to tell Sloke about this."

While padding his way to the veranda, Manik found Sloke in his school uniform blabbering with someone over phone, who squinted his little sharp gaze over him on finding a bowl of Halwa in his hand "Oh and the Old man is here again to eat free of cost breakfast in our home. Like, doesn't he have his own house or something?"

Smirking underneath, Manik mocked provoked the little guy some more by shoving a spoonful of Halwa in his mouth whilst a delightful hum "Mhmm! Why does this Halwa tastes even more delicious with every spoon?"

Scowling and glaring, Sloke marched toward him making Manik all amused when he gestured him to crouch a bit down and before Manik could know, the bowl was grabbed and replaced by the phone in his hand instead.

"You handle that call while I finish the remaining in the bowl." Blinking with amusement, Manik chuckled at the little boy who ran away taking the remaining pudding before looking at the phone he was handled.

He could have glanced at the screen and get himself confirmed his doubt about the person on the other side of the call but following his instincts and before he could change his heart, he put it over his ear, his heart fluttering and palpating as he exhaled a very soft sigh.

A very sharp intake of breath from the other side and Manik knew it was she herself.

Non spoke but the call stayed going.

There was so many thing he wanted to say and ask but nothing came out his voice as he gulped harder feeling his throat parch.

Been craving to hear her voice, Manik felt his heart skip when someone from her end called out her name from behind and her reply came "I'll be there in a jiffy."

A moment more in silence and the call was cut ended. Blinking out in daze, Manik felt a comforting pat of Aloke over his shoulder "You alright?"

"Yeah. I- I have to..I'll just see you." Came his meek reply before giving back the phone and leaving their house.

Pulling the drawer of the desk in his room, Manik took out the desired paper out of the pile of papers inside it.
Staring at it blankly, Manik retreated his steps until he slumped down on the bed.


Stay strong. Don't fall weak.

I love you.

That was all written in the letter. No reason and nothing. It was just that plain and simple however for Manik, it was a wholesome.

Smiling a sigh, Manik shuffled the paper taking the divorce agreement out from behind which made him wheeze a sad chuckle.

I can't.

That's what she wrote over the divorce paper alongside scribbling on his signature until it was tore scratched.

Waking up that morning, Manik remembered himself being all terrified when he didn't found her there in his room. He doesn't have any idea how he made himself presentable enough to knock on the door of Sharmas after spending the night with her.

He just knew marching and trampling everyone coming in his way with his lethality when he went on raiding the entire Sharma house, leaving no nook unexplored.

It was then when little guy Sloke hugged his waist to hold him back where he heard him mumble cry "Nanhi left." leading his livid self to melt, coiled and broken on the floor with being embraced in the small arms of Sloke.

Until the letter was given.

"Bhaiya, come down and have your breakfast." Came Meera's call sparking Manik's attention from the papers before he twitched a smile.

Sheetal while serving Manik frowned mildly when she felt him a bit unusual than his self until Manik broke the ice "I..I heard Nandini today."

Amazed and surprised, Meera's hand faltered with a morsel whereas Sheetal blinked confused "Heard as in talked to her?"

"No." Clearing his throat, Manik eased his voice paying more attention to his breakfast "Just heard. Sloke was talking to her over call and then he handed me the phone."

And he trailed off, his morsel slipping down and falling on the plate as he blinked multiple times to compose himself until Sheetal caressed his arm "It's okay to show some vulnerability, beta. Don't hold yourself back from falling weak."

"But she said not to fall weak." He whispered, his voice thick and unmoored "I'm failing her. Ain't I, Maa? I have always failed her. And I'm failing, again."

"Manik." Pulling out the chair beside him, Sheetal sat facing him and holding his hand "Beta, stop pushing yourself. You had once pushed yourself farthest in turn to protect her from Manav. Now don't do the same again with yourself. Nandini never wanted this. She just wants your well-being. She knows the pain of being left behind. She has been through that trauma. That is why she wrote you to be strong. But that doesn't mean you have to conceal your vulnerability."

Staring his mother impassively, Manik blinked down and slowly nodded collecting his scattered thoughts "I just..couldn't understand how to feel after hearing her after fifteen long months."

"What was it like hearing her, bhaiya?" Meera asked gently "How did it made you feel?"

Sheetal smiled seeing a very small enamored beam smearing across her son's face but knowing him she doubted he would express and share his feelings to them.

"Alright, kids." Clapping her hand, Sheetal got up from the chair "Hurry and finish it all up in your plate and then straight off to your respective work places."

"Yes, boss." Came their reply in unison making Sheetal blink a smile.

Post breakfast and dropping Meera to her school, Manik made his entire day spent and engaged in his work.

In the last fifteen months, he has spent and devoted himself in establishing his business firmly in the city. He was vibrant and passionate of what he was doing. Whereas the staffs and employees where as avid as he could himself ask for.

With his phone beeping with a reminder, Manik gazed up at the clock before looking right back at the photo frame of them from the carnival, his finger gently tapping the table, as he pushed himself up. Taking his stuffs and grabbing his phone he padded right out his office, his aura charismatic as he nodded a small smile at everyone who bid him a adieu.

Parking right out of the academy, Manik made his way up to the dance studio and beamed brightly when the kids waved their hands for him.

"Evening, Mr. Malhotra."

Smiling at Yasmeen, Manik replied wish "Evening, Yasmeen. All good?"

"Umm, not really." Manik frowned on her hesitant reply as Yasmeen explained "There is a loophole in a billing process and I don't know how to solve it."

Manik nodded "Don't worry. I will sort it out. Anything else?"

"Yes, the workshop we were going to hold has to postpone as we have to redo and fix the flooring."

"Yeah, just do what you feel is right. I have faith in you." Manik smiled earning a warm eased smile from Yasmeen "Thank you, Mr. Malhotra. I'll be around if you need anything."

Turning to move to the office, Manik halted when he found Aryaman moving to and fro talking someone over call, which he believed was Nandini as he knows how being far she still cares about the studio, however the wide grin on his face forced Manik to narrow his gaze.

"You won't believe how happy I'm right now." Manik heard him say but before he could eavesdrop more, Aryaman shrugged his head at him making Manik roll his eyes.

Ending the call, Aryaman shoved his phone in his pocket and walked toward Manik "Hello, Mr. Malhotra."

"You too, Mr. Khurana." Replied Manik, his eye still narrow as he asked "You here again? "

"I think you keep forgetting. My girl works here and I stay here until she finish it up here." Came Aryaman's instant reply, his lips pressed thin.

"Ah, how lovely." Manik quipped, his voice laced with sarcasm "But tell me one thing, just how unoccupied are you everyday?"

"Just as much as you are." Retorted Aryaman casually, his eyes dancing with mirth "Anyway, what is your reason of being here, Mr. Malhotra?"

Hands shoved in his pocket, Manik smirked "My girl owns here." And he walked away leaving Aryaman chuckle behind as he shook his head.

For Aryaman, it was tough to move on from the girl he has been loving since so long.

Nandini holds a special place in his heart and still does but he now understand how he cannot take place in her heart which has been devoted to only one person.

And he truly admires that as he knows not only her feelings but Manik's love for her has no comparison with anyone's feelings in the entire world.

Stepping ahead from her was not easy but he did somehow and today he has no regrets.

Watching Yasmeen from afar and passing a wink on her momentary given attention made out a grin out of Aryaman's closed mouth as soon as he felt her cheeks tinting warmly.

Oh, he is so, so whipped.

The night of March in Varanasi usually stays quite warm, however Manik felt it surprisingly bizzare and serene.

Ambling his way to the terrace with a hot steaming mug of coffee in his hand, Manik blew out a sigh when a sweet breeze of air caressed his face over his first step on the terrace.

Gaze astray and unwavering, Manik looked out in the sky when his attention shifted to the waning moon, his eyes expressing a blink of affection it was pouring out of it's beam, until he felt a vague tingling on his skin.

Eyes unceasingly intense, a wave of crease settled between his eyebrows when a faint chime of anklet sparked his attention.

"Nan-dini!" Rolled out his mouth effortlessly as he clicked his head around and frowned deeply seeing no one on the other side of the terrace.

Suspiring breathlessly, Manik's gaze quivered when he heard the same chime of the anklet, her anklet from somewhere he couldn't detect.

"Nandini!" He whispered out treating a step forward earning nothing but more chime of the anklet which was speeding upward matching his heartbeat rate.

Howbeit, a moment later it went all still, so was his heart. Blinking ever so gently, Manik felt his eyes sting as he decided to turn and return back down to his room until he heard her faint voice.


Déjà vu hit him like a speeding thunder lightening when pivoting over Manik felt his breath knocked as soon as his vision found it's reason of existence.

Standing on the other side of the terrace was she herself.


Her eyes sparkling in the bright dark night under the beam of the moon, while her kohl lining underneath made her eyes even more divine.

Her mouth parted and trembling looked still so carmine even in the lack of light.

While her hair stayed dancing slowly around from cascading behind what he presumed would must be till her small back. Just like how he was use to see her back then.

She looked epitome of seraphic. So angelic and beautiful.

He could see the same spark of longingness and beam in her gaze before he saw her leaping straight into his arm.
The wall in between was no hurdle any longer as he took no second gone waste to hold her back into his most awaited embrace before he drew a shaky breath, holding her as close as he could fearing she would dissolve in the air just like how he hallucinated once after coming back Varanasi.

However feeling her caressing his hair, her rapid breath tingling his skin, he drew out a shaky whizz, his eyes gripped shut "You are for real."

"Mhmm." She hummed reply, her lips brushing over his exposed nape "I'm for real..and all yours. Are you?"

Pulling apart slowly, Manik looked down at her, his eyes softening and drinking her presence before touching his forehead with hers "I have been. Forever and always. Just yours."

With them sealing their lips, the almighty witnessed the reunion of two love whose love couldn't be counted any less than Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati themselves.

Just how lord Shiva is deficient without his better half Goddess Parvati, the same even Manik is incomplete without his love Nandini.

They are the incarnation of the symbol love.

And together they are called MaNan; A New Beginning.

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