tummy rumblin' ☘︎︎ rodrick...

By halfgrlhalfrnt

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𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘥 𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘥𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘶 ♲︎ zoo wee mama mfs 97% of th... More

not a chapter But,..,.
◌ q+a ◌


4K 156 856
By halfgrlhalfrnt

𝟿:𝟷𝟽 𝙿𝙼

"sorry i didnt reply i hopped in my car the second you said come ove-oh my god baby no why are you crying??"

sniffling, i pulled dana inside and closed the door behind us.

"what happ-"

"wait let's go upstairs real quick" i mumbled, grabbing her hand to walk up to my room so none of my family members could eavesdrop. god forbid they see me express my feelings.

softly shutting my bedroom door, i sat and slouched on my bed as dana patiently waited for me to speak, only standing a couple feet away from me with a concerned look.

"so i was at rodrick's like 20 minutes ago..."

my body instantly froze as i raised my eyebrows at him.


did he just fucking say...

"i'm in love with you"

what the FUCK. what the fuck whqt fuck what theufuck thw what the fuckwhat tuffkcwhat the fuck what theydkfuck what the fuck.

"you......are?" i quietly asked, still looking at him wide eyes.

my chest was slowly but surely filling up with a joyous warm feeling i can't even fucking explain right now and i can almost confidently say that if i decided not to eat breakfast this morning, i probably would've passed out by now.

i can't fucking believe it. he loves me back. he fucking loves me back.

a raging blush began to take over my cheeks as a smile slowly started creep up-


my smile, as well everything in my body, immediately fell as i stood up from his bed.

"wait what? what do you...what?"

"mary i was kidding, why would i be in love with you? you're my best friend duh" he chuckled....nervously almost, as he lightly slapped my shoulder with the back of his hand in a joking manner.

what. the. fuck.

this... this isn't happening. of course it is. of fucking course. why WOULD he love you back? there's not a single fucking reason why he would. you should've known it was gonna be like this if you ended up loving someone again mary, it always ends up all fucked up one way or another. it's a pattern. you should've listened to yourself and your past experiences.

i looked down as tears started prickle up in my eyes.

bitch don't fucking cry.

miraculously sucking up the waterfall that nearly came from my eyes, i looked up at rodrick and chuckled half-assed.

"i really..uh believed ya there for a second"

"yea..." he chuckled back, looking like he was deeply questioning everything.

"uh what time is it?" i asked casually.

his curious gaze continued to stay on me for a second, abruptly snapping out of it and grabbing his phone to check the time.

"8:54 why"

"oh heh i forgot i was supposed to be the one to put rivi to bed tonight"

"of course you did sill-"

"can you walk me out now?"

rodrick's joking smirk subtly fell as he nodded confused yet understandingly, putting his arm over me with a soft smile to walk me down.

looking away from his direction, i inhaled a long breath as casually as i could while tears started to well up in my eyes again.

"mary are you okay?"

fuck why do i always end up wanting to cry even more whenever people ask if i'm okay when i'm obviously not?

"yea of course why" i scoffed while blinking away my tears before turning to look at rodrick normally, which is just me looking at his nose instead of his eyes to avoid eye contact.

"you just look kinda down now.... don't be sad.... i love ya ya know..." he boyishly attempted to make me feel better as he tightened his squeeze on my shoulder, so obviously comforting me for a reason he wasn't aware of.

"love ya too rod but i'm not down, just tired yanno" i nudged him.

"you're actually fucking kidding me"

"swear to god bitch no" i laughed as i felt my waterproof mascara start to run down my cheeks.

god i'm a fucking mess.

"i'm so sorry baby" she pouted as she went to sit next to me, pulling my head down to rest on top of her shoulder.

"it's fine, i just feel so fucking stupid you know... like i shoulda! fuckin! known!" i said annoyed, punching my own palm in frustration at my own stupidity.

"he's such a fucking dumbass..." she shook her head, honestly looking more angry than i was at the situation.

"i don't get it..." she continued, getting ready to go on a whole tangent. "i know you probably don't wanna hear this right now but i have Never seen that motherfucker look at Anyone like how he looks at you. and i've known rodrick since like the 3rd grade. he never stops talking about you and he's always doing things for you that i was always so sure he'd never do for anyone"

"like what?" i asked curiously.

"like whenever he buys you things just because they remind him of you, i literally have never seen him do shit like that before. number one, that bitch is always broke. and number two, yea he's a really caring and thoughtful guy but it's never like That you know??? he wasn't even doing that with his exes"

my head dropped as i could feel my heart do that achey thing again for the 7th time tonight.

sometimes i forget i'm not the only person with exes. maybe i should ask rodrick about his one day. i mean i've always thought about doing so, but i always end up chickening out. i always assumed it was because i probably didn't care, but looking back now, i just didn't want him talking about being with other girls.

oh you took a girl out on a date before we even knew of each other's existence? get the fuck out.

"dude i don't know, you weren't there..." i shrugged, thinking about the way he said it. yea it's kinda funny thinking about it since he said sike like the stupid dude he is and all but i'm still hurt.

fuck you rodrick why are you such a fucking dude.

"can we invite ben and discuss with him too cause he's like the second biggest rodrick 'x' mary stan and i would personally like to hear what he has to say" she suggested, me knowing damn well it's cause she wants to see ben crumble with this information.

"who's number one"


"oh worm. but yea we can in-"

"I'M HERE" ben announced, abruptly opening my door.

i held onto my chest in pure fear as i jumped at his sudden presence.

"how the fuck did you get in???"

"you had an open window"

"bitch you did not..."

"don't worry i closed it for you"

dana and i looked at each other and back at him with expressionless faces.

what a crazy bitch. love that about him.

"so what's up" ben innocently asked, playing around with the little knick knacks in my room. dana gave me a reassuring look before i breathed in deeply to prepare myself again.

"please say sike"

"good choice of words! real nice ben!" dana said sarcastically with an over exaggerated smile clad on her face.

"shit sorry"

"it's cool" i chuckled, hiding my pain.

ben lightly gasped as he held up a finger, telling us to wait, before digging through his pockets quite aggressively.

"real quick you need to eat since you've been crying" he said while handing me an unwrapped granola bar.

oh my fucking god what a kind fucking gesture.

i looked up at him with soft eyes and grabbed the snack with a grateful small smile.

don't cry don't cry don't cr-oh i'm crying again.

"WHaT nOoO" ben and dana cooed at the same time as i shot my head up to look at the ceiling, a loud sob coming from my mouth as my eyes completely gave up and opened the watergates.

i can't help i'm so emotional over everything right now. if someone were to put on marley and me right now it'd be over for everybody.

in an attempt to return back to normalcy, i opened the granola bar and shoved half of it into my mouth to stop myself from crying, but failing as i was only letting out sobs through the granola while tears continued to roll down my face non stop.

ben and dana didn't know what to do except stroke my hair and back, going for a good silent moral support.


we all know why i do.

"this shit makes no sense to me... why would he say he's in love with you as a joke?? not even a good joke at that.... it was just.... rude" ben thought out loud. i pursed my lips in defeat when i didn't have an answer for him.

my phone began to ring, indicating a facetime from someone and i picked it up to see who the hell it was.


speaking of the devil.

"ohmy god do i answer it"


my eyes shifted from my phone to the two, slightly panicking as rodrick's stupid cute face stayed on my screen while he continued to ring.

"i'm gonna answer it" i said determinedly.

"ugh fine wait!" dana sprung up from the bed and ran to my bathroom and back in light speed, a makeup remover wipe in her hand.

i smiled and took it from her, wiping away the runny mascara and eyeliner all over my face while pressing the answer button.

the call was connecting and i put my finger up to my lips to make sure they don't talk during the call.

"hi" rodrick nonchalantly greeted while holding the camera below his face.

how do you still look good at that angle? bitch.

"what's good" i replied, trying my best to not sound like i have 3 pounds of snot in my nose right now. a cough came from his end and i furrowed my eyebrows as his mouth didn't even open at all or anything to indicate it was him.

it was definitely a feminine cough too. i just know it is.

"just bored and shit" rodrick sighed.

ben and dana rolled their eyes at the same time, also looking like they were gonna explode from all the pent up anger.

yea me too.

"tell him he's a dumb bitch" ben mouthed to me.

"what makes you think i could help that" i ignored him and chuckled jokingly at rodrick.

dana looked like she's had enough of it already and before i could even process, she grabbed ahold of my phone and opened her mouth to scream at rodrick.


"ME TOO BITCH" ben yelled from beside me.

dana handed me back the phone as i stared at the two of them with my jaw on the floor.

well i'll be damn-

the phone got fished out of my hand again and i looked up at dana with furrowed eyebrows.

"i don't actually hate hate you but i hate you"

"ME TOO BITCH" ben yelled again as dana put my phone back on my palm with an innocent smile.

"umm...yea uh...what the fuck" rodrick said from the screen, holding the phone to his face a little too closely. i stifled the giggle i was about to let out, enjoying how silly he looked right now.

no. you're mad at him.

but he's so cute.

someone hit me please.

"whAt'D I Do???" he ushered again, shaking the camera dramatically.

"you know what you did........." ben sneered.

"wait why are you guys over at mary's? we have school tomo-wait can i come???"

"because we're sleeping over. and no" dana said.

i shot my head up at the two.

"who the fuck sleeping over???"


i pursed my lips and nodded in agreement.

shit, can't argue against that.

plus it'd be fun. and then at the 6 in the morning we could all panic about waking up late together and driving to the gas station to get monster and coffee together and showing up to class late together and getting detention together aw how cute.

"oh come onnnnnn why?? is it cause i'm good lookinger than you guys" digital rodrick whined.

"what else would the reason be?" i rolled my eyes teasingly with a wide smile, immediately meeting dana and ben's judgmental stares in my direction.

so yall are just gonna blame me?

a girly giggle erupted from rodrick's end of the line and all three of us in my room immediately dipped down to face the screen, accidentally bumping each other's heads like a bunch of dumbasses.

"ow" i grumbled as we all kept our eyes and ears open, waiting for another sound to come from rodrick's end.

i knew it.

"babe c'mon..." the girl's voice finally spoke after a painful 10 seconds of silence. dana, ben, and i all looked at each other with knowing looks. amanda.

"your girlfriend's sleeping over?" dana asked with a grimace only ben and i could see. it's not like he was paying attention to the phone anyways.

"uh huh" amanda replied back with the slightest of an attitude.

damn girl.


"mary's room's too small. 3 people only. bye" dana announced, clicking the end call button before walking downstairs to probably raid my pantry again.

ben and i looked at each other with the same impressed expression.

wow i would've never had the balls to do that.

i don't even think i'd want to though... i'd feel bad.

god damn it screw you rodrick for real.

dana came back with 2 bags of chips and this is when i now noticed her and ben's backpacks on the floor, both half open with pajamas and toothbrushes and shit sticking out of them. oh.

"ben truth or dare?"

"uhhh dare"

"i dare you to text all the people you've fucked that you're dtf again"

"bitch that's like 14 people fuck i look like"

probably looking like we just ran 2 blocks while running on only 2 pipeline punchline monsters, because that's exactly what we did, dana and i skidded into our first period class like lightning fucking mcqueen before casually walking to our seats to avoid looking suspicious.

alexa how do i breathe in a quiet classroom normally after running 2 blocks?


jot i


i hav thw lungs of a 70 yr old

mb if u n rodrick get ovr ur
nicotine addictions u'd hav
lungs as mf Brass as mine

bitch u got fkin juul pods 4 white
blood cells dont come 4 me

pack it up cancer stick

pack it up TheTruth.com

i really thought i'd be over what happened. i really did.

but here i am, sitting next to rodrick with my arms crossed and my body faced forward to the teacher for once, not responding to half of the remarks coming out of him, which unfortunately for me, were all bangers today whether it hurts me to admit that or not.

c'mon mary...

is this really worth getting pissed at him fo-yes.

all of a sudden his fluffy hair was touching mine as he leaned close to my ear.

"what's wrong"

i looked at him in the eyes, then realized his face was a good close 5 inches away from mine, before turning my head back to front at lightning speed and hiding my gulp.

god damn that was way too close.


"then why are you ignoring me, what'd i do?" he asked, sounding genuinely confused and slightly hurt. i looked down as a pang of guilt struck through me.

be Actually reasonable mary.

you're gonna be mad he doesn't feel the same way? yea the little trick he pulled was totally fucking unnecessary, but what do we expect? it's not like it was out of character for him to be honest. or any guy.

"you didn't do anything i'm just tired" i softly smiled at him. he squinted his eyes at me and sucked his lips in.

"swear" he said looking me up and down, holding his pinky up.

sir chill the Fuck out keep your eyes to yourself.

"swear" i returned his pinky promise.

"oh my fucking god i know right, did you get hungover too??" i laughed while writing down some hard ass physics equation onto my paper.

"oh yeah" amanda chuckled.

"i bet it was so convenient for you to go home whenever since your house was right there" she continued after a second of silence, her tone slightly throwing me off.

"o-uh i mean my brother and i just ended up knocking out in the living room and leaving in the morning after helping with the clean up, but it was still pretty convenient yea" i said while nodding nonchalantly.

"oh? you slept over?"

i stopped writing and looked at her from my peripheral vision. there's that damn tone again.

"just... me and my brother and rodrick and greg all sprawled out in the living room..." i elaborated with a nervous laugh, hoping she'd pick up the fact it was all innocent.

she opened her mouth in realization before nodding slowly to herself. 'kay den.

quietly continuing my work, or at least trying to, i couldn't help but divert my focus as amanda's energy beside me was really starting to make me feel off.

is she good? shit feels almost malevolent.

"i mean this in the kindest way..." she began to say, only loud enough for me to hear amongst everyone else's chattering in the classroom.

oop here we go.

"i'm glad rodrick can lean on you, considering you're like his best friend or whatever, but i can't really see as to why you guys are SO close you know?" she rambled, looking at me with an expression that made me wanna sock her in the face for whatever reason.

my mouth hung open as i looked at her with blank eyes.

now what the fuck is she tryna say?

"sorry?" i questioned as if i didn't hear her, needing some type of elaboration on what she was trying to put down.

"like ya know... i can't picture you and rodrick even as friends... like you guys aren't really a good match for each other" she casually explained, not even looking at me in the eye now, only facing down at her paper as she pretended to write shit down.

my eyes stayed trained on her and i let my pencil drop out of my hand.


"what makes you say that?" i asked in the same casual tone, tilting my head as i already knew exactly why.

this bitch is tryna get rid of me!

"i don't know like... you guys don't have anything in common, he's like this cool mysterious guy and don't get me wrong, you're cool too, but you guys like... clash too much? and i feel like you guys don't really have much to talk about when you're together"

i felt my entire body do an eye roll.

"well number one you're wrong and number two you're fucking wrong" i said with no further explanation.

"enlightenment me" she sassed.

i'll enlighten you in the face bitc-

"do you know how people become best friends? they talk and hang out 24/7-oh look at that! me and rodrick do that! oh and they actually have things in common, not cause they say so, but because they actually do-oh wait a minute! that's us again! weird! but yea no you're so right, i don't get how we're so close either" i said, every word dripping in sarcasm.

"well Obviously there's a reason he's with me and not you nowadays" she said while shooting daggers into my eyes.

"well you can suck my fat dick cause it looks like you're not doing a great job keeping him to yourself with that weird possessive claim you have since he still keeps asking me to come over. oh AND you're a raging cunt-"

the bell loudly interrupted my verbal battery towards bitchzilla and i shook my head, grabbing my shit and leaving the classroom without another word.

what the literal fuck is her problem?

roddy rich
lol i drew a dick on the
principal's desk

nice gf rod
biggest sweetheart evr



sorry 4 the slow updates ive been working a lot ]]: capitalism rly beating my ass rn

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