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For Renn and anyone else who wanted Cristo and Demi to be endgame More

Unless It's With You


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Setting: Four Seasons Hotel George V, Paris, France

Even if Demi wasn't completely sure of their itinerary for the day, she was still stuck in hair and makeup after ordering room service for her and Muse. When she awoke this morning, Cristo's side of the bed was empty and the sheets were cold which meant he had been gone for a while and hadn't bothered to say goodbye or explain where he was going. She knew that just because his show was over, that didn't mean fashion week was over, but he had two cellphones and an army of personal assistants. Someone could've updated her with his location and his schedule for the day.

"Demi, do you know what you want to wear today?" Kelsey asked as she came out of the third bedroom in the suite that was solely dedicated to Cristo and Demi's outfits for the week.

Although Cristo had hired Lana to style her, as soon as they got here he had completely redone everything, going as far as ordering new pieces and even taking a few from his store. Apparently no one knew how to dress her like her husband did.

"Something simple please. I don't want to be in anything couture until the Louis Vuitton show on Friday," Demi responded, causing Kelsey to nod before disappearing back into the room, and it seemed as though Kim took her place, stepping in front of Demi wearing a white hotel robe and an exasperated look on her face.

"What's up, Kim?" Demi asked as she set her phone down. Kim released a loud huff.

"My kids are literally driving me insane. I can't. I left them with Kourtney. You're so lucky you only have one," Kim breathed out as Demi swallowed around the lump in her throat.

It had been almost three years since her last miscarriage but it was still sort of a soft spot for her, especially because she hadn't told a lot of people. Only Kylie, Kris, and Cristo knew what had happened and Demi wasn't planning to share what she had gone through with anyone else.

"Where is Muse at, by the way?"

"She's still sleeping. This whole jet lag thing is really not working for her," Demi responded as Cesar finished curling her hair. "What are you guys doing today?"

"I think we're taking the kids out. What about you?"

"I don't know..." Demi trailed off as she heard the door to the suite open and close, and then Taylor entered the room.

This time she was wearing a two piece blazer set and she literally looked like she had just stepped off of the runway. Demi tugged Odell's old Giant's hoodie closer to her body as Kim stepped next to her.

"Good morning, Demi. I would like to apologize for last night. It was completely inappropriate and in no way did I mean to offend you," Taylor apologized, but Demi brushed her off. Cesar disappeared into the same room as Kelsey and Kim went to sit on the couch.

"Cristo wanted me to let you know that he's at his father's design studio today to help him out. He said you probably won't join him but he wanted to make sure you knew where he was," Taylor stated as Demi released a low scoff. Demi saw a look cross Taylor's face but if she had something to say, she didn't say it.

"If I may..." Taylor started, catching Demi by surprise. "I know what you and your sisters think of me, Demi. I've seen the looks and I know you don't approve of me but can I tell you something?"

"Aren't you already doing that?" Demi snarkily responded.

"I don't want your husband. In fact, not that it's any of your business, but I don't even like men. I have a girlfriend and I took this job because we're trying to move out of her parents' shitty chateau. I'm only here for the fashion show and then I'll probably never see your husband again. Cristo loves you. All he talks about is you and Muse and he's really missed you these past few months. He was so looking forward to you being here but your piss poor attitude has completely ruined his mood. And maybe if you spent more time with him, you would realize that. Should I give you the address for the design studio?" Taylor asked as if she hadn't just insulted Demi to her face.

"No...I know where it is."

"Good. Have a nice day," Taylor flashed her a brilliant smile before leaving the room, and practically leaving both Kim and Demi's jaws on the ground.

"Oh snap..." Kim muttered as Demi felt her face flush red. Demi didn't appreciate receiving relationship advice from a random assistant, but if she ignored who the message was coming from, she was able to process it a little more easily. And what she realized was that Taylor wasn't completely wrong and Demi had a lot of making up to do.

Setting: Louis Vuitton Design Studio, Paris, France

Now that Demi was sitting in Cristo's fashion studio watching him work his magic for the Louis Vuitton show, Demi realized that she really didn't know that much about fashion, nor did she really understand Cristo's job and how good he actually was at it. And coming to that realization made her feel like the shittiest wife ever, because for the past few months she had been complaining about how he wasn't dedicated to his family and how he was never there. Her feelings were still valid, but the problem was on her end too. She was so preoccupied with being a mother that she forgot to be a wife and she wasn't there for Cristo the way that she wanted him to be there for her. A week in Paris wasn't going to make up for that, but Demi was going to try her best.

Taylor entered the space with her iPad clutched against her chest, making a beeline for Cristo. Taylor had been nice but ever since she basically told her off, Demi couldn't bear to look her in the eyes. She had really told her everything she didn't want to hear about her marriage and although she didn't appreciate some woman that she barely knew being all up in her business, she couldn't even be mad at her because she was right.

Oh no. Cristo was gesturing to her while talking to Taylor and now she was coming over there. Demi suddenly wanted to be swallowed up by her "lucky me I see ghosts" Yeezy crew neck as Taylor approached her.

"Cristo wanted me to check on you. Are you hungry? Would you like something to drink?" Taylor politely questioned, but Demi shook her head.

She was trying to be interested in what Cristo was doing but she was also kind of bored. Kim took Muse with her because all of the cousins wanted to hang out, so it's not like she had her daughter to keep her company.

"I'm fine. Thank you, but um, I might need your help with something later," Demi responded, folding her arms across her chest as she relaxed back on the couch. Taylor gave a curt nod before walking away, and then Cristo came over.

"I'm sorry. I'm almost finished and then we can grab some dinner," he apologized, but Demi shook her head as she sat up.

"No, take all of the time you need. I know you want things to be perfect for your father," Demi answered, which completely caught him by surprise.

"What do you think of everything?"

"Well...I really don't know much about fashion but everything looks great, Cristo. I think the show is going to be perfect and your dad is probably super grateful for all of your help," Demi honestly replied as Cristo plopped down next to her.

"I hope so. You know he's been a little sick so he can't be as hands on as he wants to be...he's had to rely on his creative directors and they've done an amazing job but I see things that they don't. I don't want to step on anyone's toes but-"

"But you want everything to be perfect for your dad. I understand, baby," Demi reassured him. "I didn't know Nicolas was sick."

"Yeah...it's nothing to worry about though." Cristo shrugged it off like it wasn't a big deal but Demi kind of felt like it was. Cristo's dad was everything to him and if anything happened to him Cristo would be absolutely devastated.

Setting: Loft Burger, Paris, France

Apparently Loft Burger in Paris used to be one of Cristo's favorite "fast food" places when he was younger. After spending afternoons at the Louvre and the Louis Vuitton design studio with his father, he would always join his friends for a late lunch and the spot quickly became one of his favorites. Demi swore that they were going to some high class, five star establishment, so when Cristo tugged her into the cozy cafe style restaurant, she was pleasantly surprised.

"I think this is our first time in a while going out without Muse...you know, out to eat?" Cristo said as they sat down at a table in the far corner. It was a little more secluded and away from any windows so they couldn't be easily spotted by the paparazzi.

"It is...but I miss her," Demi pouted.

She wanted some quality alone time with her husband but Muse really was glued to her hip at all times so it was a little weird for her not to be with them. But Kim had assured her that she was having the time of her life at the Eiffel Tower Carousel.

"What's good here? Or can you order for me?" Demi questioned and Cristo nodded before flagging down a waiter. He ordered for both of them in French and then they settled into an uncomfortable silence. Demi wanted to talk to him, but she didn't even know where to start.

"The other night when I said I would have to stay in Paris for another month...I didn't mean that. I don't have to stay here. With my father being sick, I would like to but I also have obligations to you and Muse back in California. So, I think I will stay for another week and then I'll come home," Cristo explained as Demi folded her hands in her lap.

"How long has he been sick?"

"Off and on for a while. We just got around the clock nurses for him." Demi could tell that Cristo didn't really want to talk about it so she reached across the table to grab his hand.

"I'll stay with you...me and Muse. And then we'll go home together, as a family," Demi suddenly decided.


"Yeah...and I'm sorry that you felt as though I didn't support you or anything like that. Cristo, I love you and you're my husband and I'm always rooting for you, I swear. And I want to be here with you for everything."

"Je t'aime beaucoup."

"Je t'aime beaucoup."

Setting: Louis Vuitton Maison Champs-Elysees, Paris, France

Kim: It's kind of easy to forget that Demi is literally married to the son of the owner of Louis Vuitton so I'm so happy that Cristo and his father arranged a special tour and shopping hour for us at the Louis Vuitton store in Paris because it's like the biggest Louis store in the whole world and Louis Vuitton was the first like luxury bag that I owned. Of course it won't mean much to the kids but it's super cool to the rest of us.

Of course during one of the most famous weeks in the world, Kris Jenner had to find a way to monetize it and what better way to do that than to allow Harpers Baazar to film a tour of the largest Louis Vuitton store in the world with the owner's son and his wife? Demi wasn't planning on doing much work this week but Kris had approached them with the idea, Cristo didn't see a problem with it, and Demi didn't want to be the party pooper so she went along with it. Cristo had styled Demi for the day - and all of the other days - and she loved her husband and wanted him to know that he had her full support, but she was so looking forward to changing into sweats for Kanye's show tonight. Even Muse was dressed in head to toe Louis.

"First we're going to do the tour and then we'll sit down for an interview," Lizzie, the writer for Harper's Bazaar said as the photographers and videographers finished setting up. The rest of her family was already looking around the store while Muse stayed glued to her parents' side.

"How long is the interview?" Demi asked as one of the assistants tried to get her wired up to a mic.

She was used to it because of KUWTK but it still amazed her at how creative they were with mic placement. If she wasn't wearing a belt around her waist, there were only so many other places that it could go.

"She messed up your belt," Cristo mumbled after the assistant was done hooking her up. He stepped behind Demi to adjust her multi colored belt so that you could clearly see the "Vuitton" on the part of it that was hanging down.

"It should be fifteen minutes tops. I only have a few questions and I went over them with Ms. Jenner beforehand," Lizzie said, and Demi saw Cristo make a face but it was gone as quick as it came.

"If you're interviewing us, the questions should've gone through us. We have assistants and public relations people for a reason," Cristo said as Demi reached over and squeezed his hand.

His tone wasn't rude, just affirmative and to the point. He did have a point but Demi didn't think he would actually say it out loud.

"Of course. And is it okay if we film Muse or would you be more comfortable if we didn't?"

Cristo and Demi both looked at each other and then their daughter. And there it was. That synchronization that she had missed. That unspoken communication that truly let Demi know that they were on the same page. She hadn't felt that in so long but in that moment, with the conversation centered around their child, they had come to a consensus without even needing to speak.

"You can film her but we have to see the final product before you publish it," Demi answered for them, causing Cristo to nod in agreement. Yes. It was something so small but Demi felt like the weight that had been pressed against her chest since she landed in Paris had lifted a little bit. The tension had eased off. They were finally acting like husband and wife again.

The love story of Cristo Ghesquiere and Demi Lovato-Ghesquiere is like something out of a fairytale. Ghesquiere is practically French royalty since his father Nicolas is the owner and artistic director of Louis Vuitton, and many have speculated that he will be passing the reigns onto his son. Until then, Ghesquiere has a label of his own called C'est La Vie. He met Lovato-Ghesquiere at a Louis Vuitton event in Beverly Hills, and the rest, as they say, is history. The two have been married for three years and have a three year old daughter named Muse. We had the opportunity to join them on a tour of Louis Vuitton Maison in Champs-Elysees, and see what the two have been up to.

It's been a long time since the two of you have been interviewed as a couple. What have you been up to?

Cristo: Work...raising our daughter...living our lives. I think that people have this conception of us, and I think they believe that we are more interesting that we actually are. We live quite simple lives. The only time we are really busy are times like these, you know, fashion week, or when she's ready to release an album, but other than that, as I said, our lives are simple.

Well simple is certainly not the word that I would use for it. Cristo, you own one of the most famous brands in the world and there are also rumors that you will be taking over Louis Vuitton once your father retires. Demi, you're an international superstar, a model, an actress...and although you haven't been as visible over the past few years, you're still a force to be reckoned with. Anything you can tell us about your future plans?

Demi: This sounds terrible but I really don't have any solid plans for the future besides being with my family and raising my daughter. I always have time in the studio, I am always being asked to model for something, I'm always reading scripts and considering auditions, but nothing is really set in stone and I kind of have just been working as I please. My number one priority is being there for my daughter, and I think that goes for both of us.

Cristo: It does. All of this can fade away so quickly but at the end of the day, we want to be the best parents possible to Muse and finding that balance is the most important thing to us.

Speaking of Muse, she is the luckiest girl in the world and your family tree is just insane. What do you most look forward to as you raise her?

Demi: That's kind of a loaded question but right now, I'm really looking forward to the holidays because that was such a special time for me as I grew up. Whether it was at Kris Jenner's house or my parents' house, that time from September to December was so much fun and filled with so much love, and now Muse is at the age where she can really appreciate it and remember it and cherish this time with her family. There's so much love there and I can't wait for her to really experience this season.

Cristo: That and I've been teaching her French, and you can tell that she is really starting to grasp the language and comprehend what I'm saying. Like Demi said, this really is the best time and it's so important to us to create good memories for her so that's what we've been trying to do.

This year on Christmas will mark your third wedding anniversary. What's something that you've learned from each other after three years of marriage?

Demi: I think I've taught him how to step back and enjoy life and really cherish the small moments that may not seem significant but they really are. I think I've taught him how important it is to find the balance between your work life and your personal life, and that sometimes its okay to step back and just enjoy all of your blessings.

Cristo: And I think I've taught her the opposite and really tried to instill in her that I think she'll be successful in anything that she does simply because she's my wife, and to me, she's the most beautiful and talented person in the world, and I want her to use that.

Any plans in the future for my kids?

Demi: You never know. I grew up with a lot of siblings but Cristo is an only child so I think we're just letting what happens happen.

Cristo: And oh what a lonely existence that was...so yeah, definitely more kids in the future.

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