
By Minalove23

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Leila Marie White. Just read 😏 More



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By Minalove23

I woke up to my alarm going off.It was currently 6am.

I got out of bed and went into my bathroom brushed my teeth and took a shower and washed my hair.

I wrapped my body in a towel and my hair in another before going into my closet to pick out an outfit.

I got my laptop and put on some Netflix whilst I got ready.

I did my hair and no make up  before putting my clothes on

Once I was ready I went and got Myah ready and by 7:30am we were ready.

"Leila I'm home,is Myah ready"my moms said walking in the house

"Yes mommy I'm ready, now let's go befoe I'm late"she said with her school bag on

"Ight baby ,Leila good luck at school I put money on your card and don't let no bitches talk shit"She said before heading to the door

"Never gonna happen bye love you" I said as they left the house

I checked the time and it was only 7:35 and school started at 8:10 so I had time

I was currently fixing my hair till I got a text from and unknown number

Unknown-Hey girl it's Deja your mom gave me your number

Me-Oh heyyy girl lemme save your number

Deja💕-Cool you wanna go get McDonald wiv me🥺

Me-send me yo address imma come get you

Deja💕- ahh yes okay see youu

I grabbed my bag and phone before leaving the house and locking the doors behind me.

Sad thing is I'm 17 and 5,3 and drive  a 4 door G Wagon so I pretty much had to climb into my car
But I'm used to it now

I got settled in the car connecting my phone to the car and played a playlist.

I put in Deja's address and headed towards her house.

As I pulled up to a red light a bitch got hot so I rolled down my window and took off my jacket before continuing to sing to summer Walker

I looked to my right to see some guy starring mad hard at me like there was something on my face so I starred back and he didn't do or say shit so I looked away 

After a few moments the light finally went green and a took off Turing left into Deja's road.

Once I pulled up outside I texted her that I was outside and she came looking cute asf.

"Damnnn Leila this shit is nicee"She said admiring my baby

"Ahehe girl hurry up and get in"I said laughing at her

"But Leila imma have to climb into this bitch I'm only 5,2"she said tryna get in

Once she did I pulled off her street and searched up for the nearest McDonalds

"Okay Lemme give you the run down on our school"Deja said getting comfortable

"Ight go ahead"

"Alright so you gonna be hanging with me right?"

"Hell Yhh " I said smiling at her

"Cool there's the school hoe and when I tell you this bitch slept suck and duck most the boys in our classes it's unbelievable"

I nodded

"But there's one boy she hasn't even had the chance to touch and that's my bro, Nemiah or also known as killa"

"He pretty much run the streets of New York with my boyfriend Izzy since his dad died"

"Oh damnn but before you continue what you getting?"I asked her pulling into the drive thru

"Lemme get 2 hash browns and an orange juice"

"Can I get 4 hash browns an orange juice and Carmel Frapp please" I said into the mic

"That's 5.97  pull up to the next counter please"

I paid and received our food and pulled off heading towards our school

Deja continued telling me about the school till we got there and man this school is gon be something else

We got out the car putting our rubbish in the bin.

I put some lip gloss on before putting my body warmer back on.

I locked my doors before we headed inside.

Deja took me to the office to get my schedule and my picture taken for my student badge thingy

"Leila this is your schedule here's your student lanyard,hope you have a good first day"the office lady said giving me my things

I put the lanyard on and Deja looked over my schedule to see if we was in the same classes

"Yess girl we got 1st 3rd gym and 4th together"she said happy

"Lemme introduce you to the gang"

We walked down the hall and people kept starring at me for god knows why

We walked into our first period class and sat on the back row I just took the seat next to Deja which was empty

"Heyy yall this my girl Leila,Leila this is Izzy my boyfriend,Ne-"

Izzy /shooter ^Deja's man 18

"Killa" he plainly interrupted

Nemiah/Killa 18

"Okayy.. Killa and Jeremiah" She introduced

Jeremiah/Ridaa 18

"Hmmm Deja you know we don't like randoms in the gang"Jeremiah said

"But I think I like her already you bout be my bsf"He said smiling

We all laughed at him except Killa.He held a mug on his face looking at me

I realised he was who I saw on my way to Deja's house at the light.

"Is there something on my face again?"I asked muggin him

He starred at me longer"Nahh"

"Ight cool stop starring"I said turning my head to the front as the teacher walked in

"Alright class let's get started but first I hear we have a new student..Miss Leila White can you stand and tell us something about you"

"Umm I'm Leila and not sure what im supposed to say"I said sitting down

Ain't nobody gotta know shit about me anyways

We went thru all our lessons until lunch.

"Okay Leila edibles or a joint"Jeremy asked me

"I don't mind both probably joint more"I replied eating my cookie

"Nahhh I like edibles more I ain't got time for allat rolling up to do"Deja said sitting on Izzy's lap

"You always roll up my shit"Izzy commented

"That don't mean I like doing it you don't be doing tight enough"

"I know sum else that's tight"he tried to murmur but we all heard him and laughed

"Yall lil nastys"Jeremiah looked at them in disgust as they were doing allat french kissing

"Best friend you got a mans"He asked

"Nope not interested right now" I replied

"What you think bout my mans Killa there" he said pointing at him as he was focused on his phone

"Ermm what about him?"

"You two be good together, I can see it now"he said smirking

"Boy shut up you don't know what you talking about"I said laughing

We continued talking for the rest of lunch till it was time for gym

We walked into the gym and sat on the bleachers since there were no teachers around.

"I'm going vending machine yall want sum"I asked Deja,Izzy and Jeremiah since Killa wasn't with us

Deja and Izzy said no but of course Jeremiah fat ass wanted sum

"Err actually grab me some skittles and err Twinkies thank you bsf"I rolled my eyes laughing and went to go get the snacks

I was walking down the bleacher stairs till I seen the same bitch who was mugging me wit her lil friends this morning

I mugged her back and continued my business I ain't plan on fighting hoes today.

I walked into the hall to see Killa on the phone shouting at the person on the other side.

I let him be and grabbed the skittles Twinkies and a a packet of blue m&ms for me.

"Ight bro imma see you at the kickback tonight..ight cool"he said coming off the phone

"You alright?" I turned to ask him as I held the snacks

"Mind your fucking business"he said looking at me up and down

"Nigga fuck you ion like your ass at all now"I said mugging him and walking back into the hall

I turned to walk up the bleachers and the bitch from before was standing in my way watching me

"Bitch is everything okay, can yall move out my way"I asked getting irritated

They continued to stand there the mug me

I walked up to her face.

"Do we have a problem here?"I asked her nose almost touching

She didn't say a word but I know she was shook the bitch moved right out my way

"Thank you"I said smiling

I walked back over the the hand and gave Jeremiah his food.

"Leila what happened with winter over there"Deja asked me

"Ion the bitch kept looking at me didn't wanna move out the way but she need to state her fucking problem"

"That's the hoe I was telling you about on the way,she so fuckin triflin"

"Yh she better watch out cos I'm not the one"I said

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just read, I promise you won't regret 😉
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