they were just having fun

By bizarrelilbrunette

6.3K 330 1.8K

Elmer Kasprzak reunites with his childhood best friend of 11 years, but they're relationship is only getting... More

the one with the window
the one with the jersey
the one with the glitter
the one with the prank
the one with Albert
the one with the mall
the one with mall jail
the one with the sleepover
the one with Spot
the one with awkwardness
the one with Jack
the one with the rumour
the one with a misunderstanding
the one with the new kid
the one where he found out
will you..?
the one with Race I
the one with Race II
the one with Race III
the one with lollipops
the one with the bully
the one with the first date
the one with a new kid II
the one with Lilly
the one with the waiting room
the one with Albert II
the one with Romeo
the one with Jojo
the one on Christmas Eve
the one at home for the holidays
the one on Christmas
the one at the café
the one on New Year's Eve
the one on New Year's
the one back at school
the one with Eden
the one where they find out
the one with double trouble
the one with the volleyball game
the one with the fight
the one with Medda's plan
the one at the cabin
the one with the bonfire
the one with a secret
the one with the kiss
the one with Eden II
the one with studying... ish
the one with the cardigan
the one with Gia
the one with the semi formal
the one after the semi formal
the one with ninety eight or a hundred?
the one in Lilly's backyard
the one with the last volleyball game
the one at the carnival
the one with "you're it."
the one with Lexi
the one with goodbye
fun facts

the one with Spot's new friend

91 5 28
By bizarrelilbrunette

"Elmer?" Andi asked. "oh my god." She whispered and ran up to him.

"hey Didi." Elmer smiled weakly.

Andi laughed quietly. "you- you're awake! You're alive! You're okay!" She exclaimed.

"you said I would be." He replied, still smiling.

"did you hear what I said last night?" Andi asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"nah, I just know you too well." Elmer laughed.

"not too well." She retorted.

"yeah? You also said that-"

"the universe needs all five of us together for it to work." The two said at the same time, making Andi's eyes go wide.

"woah." She mumbled. "get out of my head!" She yelled, making Elmer laugh some more.

"I didn't even tell you that, I told Albert!" She added. Suddenly, Albert walked in.

"Albert! You got discharged?" Andi asked with a smile on her face.

"yeah, but theres no way I'm leaving until everyone is alright." He replied and put his non-casted arm around Andi.

"Albert, ya don't have to-"

"I'm staying." He told Elmer, who then mouthed "okay."

"are your parents okay with you staying?" Andi asked.

"ah they don't know I'm discharged yet." Albert answered. The three then heard the door open, so they turned to see Spot.

"I've got good news and bad news." He stated.

"tell us the bad news first, doc." Andi replied.

"Race is concussed and they won't let him go for at least a week." Spot stated.

"...and the good news?" Albert asked.

"Finch is awake." A doctor then walked behind Spot and sighed loudly.

"I think that's my job to tell them." She told him.

"sorry doc, beat ya to it." Spot winked and strolled towards Elmer.

"you're seriously friends with him?" She asked Andi and Albert as they walked out of the room.

"you haven't seen the rest of our friends." Andi replied and walked passed the doctor. Andi and Albert were about to walk into Finch's room when they heard Spot arguing with the doctor. They turned around to see the doctor struggling to push Spot out of the room.

"you're not the... doctor." The doctor said in between grunts. Andi then shook her head and walked towards them.

"Spot." Andi said, causing him to stop talking. "leave the poor doctor alone if you want to live. 'Cause I swear she looks like she's going to kill you." She demanded.

"fine." He agreed and walked towards Albert.

"sorry about him." Andi apologized and made her way to the two boys. When they came in, Finch was already sitting up.

"hey guys." He smiled, then flinched when pain shot in his head.

"hey." Andi whispered and walked to him. "you good?" She asked, grabbing his hand.

"yeah, my head's killing me though." Finch replied.

"that's what Racer said." Spot remarked. Suddenly, the same doctor that Spot encountered came into Finch's room.

"oh no." She mumbled when she saw him.

"hey doc!" Spot greeted with a smile. "we're great friends." He whispered to Finch, in which Andi and Albert rolled their eyes. Andi then grabbed Spot's wrist and dragged him out the room. Albert followed.

"what are you doing?" Spot asked.

"saving you." Andi replied and closed the door on the way out. The three then made their way to Race's room. Andi knocked quietly before going in.

"hey Blondie." Andi said quietly. Race answered with a wave.

"heard you're concussed." Albert added.

"yeah, but it's okay. Not like I'm gonna be running anytime soon." He replied and motioned to his leg.

"hey! Now we have two Crutchie's!" Spot exclaimed, resulting in Andi socking him in the shoulder. "what? It's true!" Spot defended. Race laughed, but winced after when he felt pain in his head. After talking with Race for a while, Andi decided that he should get some rest so that his head could get better, so she and Spot made their way back to Elmer's room.

"hey Dallas, we're back!" Andi stated as they came in. She then walked up to him and kissed his forehead.

"hey! Keep it PG!" Spot complained.

"may I remind you of the countless times you made out with Gia in front of me?" Andi reminded, raising an eyebrow.

Spot crossed his arms. "you don't have to remind me that I dated that bitch." Spot mumbled.

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