The Other Davis|The Game

By twlight2003

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In which Toni Childs baby sister Alex Childs follow her husband Hakeem Payne alongside their best friends Mel... More

Main Characters

Pilot Part 1

624 25 12
By twlight2003

September 8, 2006

In the Sabers sitting room 22 year old Alexandra Childs stood at the food situation with her 32-year-old older sister Toni Childs discussing her career. "I am so happy that you decided to finish your career in California but of all places San Diego." Toni said in a disgusted tone, grabbing some fruits.

Alex laughed. "I know." She said, grabbing a piece of strawberry. "But it's about two hours away from L.A. so you will see me more."

"True...." Toni began to say. "But have you told mom you're back in California?"

"I don't think so." Alex voiced while grabbing a slice of pizza and put it on her plate.

"Alex!" Toni exclaimed.

"I know, I know." Alex waved off as they moved towards the drinks. "But you know how mom is -" She starts to say, but Toni cut her off.

"I do. But you still need to tell her." Toni says as they grab their drinks.

"Okay, I will." Alex sighed out irritated as they made their way to the steps, and she saw Melaine rolling her eyes at Joan clearly frustrated, Alex shook her head. "It seems like Joan is trying to get Mel to not stay in San Diego."

"Yeah." Toni laughed. "You know how the Clayton's and Barrent's family are." She adds making Alex laugh nodded her head before they see a older black woman speaking to Melanie and Joan as they made their way down the steps to the bottom of the seats and they can hear what the older black woman was saying.

"All rookies listen up." The older black woman calls out loud while glancing around. "Here are the rules to assigned seating." She began to say when Toni and Alex sat down in some empty seats that they were assigned, which was a roll above Melanie and Joan. "You sit in the seat to which you are assigned." She said, staring right at Joan and Melanie while Alex rolled her eyes and exchanged looks with Toni.

"Oh." Joan smiles, tugging her jacket, making Alex and Toni snort amuse because clearly the older black woman was talking about Joan.

"Girl, why aren't you gathering your things?" The older black woman questioned Joan with a death glare.

Joan looked at her, shocked. "Was that... That was directed at me?" She asked, making Toni and Alex laugh.

"Duh, Joan." Alex voiced leaning down to Joan and Melanie. "It's obviously she's talking about you."

"Right." The older woman said nodded her head at Alex before gesturing to Joan. "Is your ass warming up seat 13?" She retorted, causing Joan eyes to widen along with Mel while Toni and Alex sniffled a laugh.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Melanie quickly starts to say in a sweet tone. "During the pre-season, the wives and the girlfriends can sit anywhere in the box." She explains, looking at the older black woman.

"Mel, it's the first game of the real season." Alex chimes in, corrected Melanie.

The older black woman nodded her head. "Yeah, so get your real ass in your real seat." She bluntly said, sipping her water as Joan and Melanie stared at her wide-eyed meanwhile Toni and Alex laughed amuse. "Um..." The older woman impatiently snaps.

"Okay. Okay." Melanie and Joan sync said while getting up.

Alex shook her head. "That was funny ass hell!" She laughs.

Toni nodded, laughing. "Their face was priceless." She said, grabbing her phone and text Joan when Alex sees her husband Hakeem Payne appear on the tv screen.

"Oh! There my man. Whoo!" Alex proudly says, clapping her hand with a big smile on her face and Toni smile too.

"Hakeem Payne. Quaterback. Sabers." Hakeem Payne announced on the tv screen.
The next morning around 9:15 a.m. In a three bedroom apartment with two bathrooms, Alex was in her new kitchen and just finished cooking breakfast for her husband and two sons, taking out four plates and orange jucie while listening to the radio and making coffee. "It's a beautiful day in sunny San Diego." The man on the radio announced. "This is Drew Sindora with two to play on Hot 99." He said before the music started playing as 22 year old Hakeem Payne enters the kitchen with a black towel wrapped around him.

"Good morning." Hakeem said, kissing Alex cheek. "I thought I smelled something good in here." He added, pulling Alex against him, and she giggles as he wraps his arms around her and begins kissing down her body.

"Well, I finished cooking your favorite." Alex moaned out as he found her spot before pulling away with a teasing smirk. "I hate you sometimes!" She glared at Hakeem.

Hakeem chuckle. "Uh-huh." He said, grabbing a cub and pouring him a glass of orange juice. "Are the boys still asleep?"

Alex nodded. "Yeah, I decided to let them sleep in because they don't start preschool until two more weeks." She explained, taking a piece of her bacon while taking a seat.

"Alright." Hakeem said nodded his head, taking a piece of his pancake. "So what's the special occasion?" He asked, sipping his juice while staring at Alex.

"What do you mean?" Alex asked, furrowing her eyebrows confuse.

"You know, you're not a morning person and don't cook breakfast unless it's a special occasion or when you're in a good mood?" Hakeem explained arching his eyebrows while eating his bacon.

"Well, it's a celebratory breakfast." Alex shrugged with a smile.

"Uh-huh, now what are we celebrating?" Hakeem questioned, looking at his wife with a knowing look.

"Well, I sell over eight hundred of my designs in one month and made over 5,000 dollars." Alex proudly said with a big smile. "And you made your first official throw."

"But I didn't earn any points because Derwin didn't make first down." Hakeem explained, shaking his head at the thought of his best friend since college and now was his partner on the team to throw the ball at.

"But you still threw the ball pretty damn well." Alex stated, smiling as Hakeem shook his head.

"No, baby girl, these are the pros. I got to make every throw count, which means that everytime I throw the ball it has to be catch so it can count." Hakeem exclaimed. "Derwin and I can still get cut." He sighed out. "I'm a third-string quarterback."

"Cute bae." Alex says in a awe tone as she stands up and walks up to him. She kisses his cheek before going behind his back and starts massaging his shoulders. "You're at least second string to me." She smiled wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I was being hard on Derwin and myself again, huh?" Hakeem asked, looking at his wife as he pulled her on his lap.

"Uh-huh." Alex said with a smile.

"Well, thank you for always being here, baby. I don't think I could do this without you." Hakeem said as Alex wrapped her arms around his neck again.

"Awe..." Alex said, pecking him on the lip.

"Oh, you know what I can't do? Sit here from ten to two and wait for the satellite company. You be here, right?" Hakeem questioned as he pulled her off his lap gently. "Oh, and I'm out of protein to mix. And could you pick up my suit from the cleaners for the coach's party tonight?" He asked, tugging his towel while picking his plate up as Alex stared at him like he was crazy.

"Uh, last time I checked, I ain't no maid." Alex sarcastic dismissed.

"Babe, I gonna be in practice all day, and then we have to leave for the party tonight." Hakeem voiced making Alex sighed.

"I know, I know. But remember, I'm gonna school shopping for the boys today with Melanie after I drop them off to Toni in L.A. until I can find them a babysitter and have to look at some nanny website today." Alex exclaimed.

"Shit! I forgot." Hakeem sighed out.

"You forgot?" Alex questioned, crossing her arms.

"Yeah, baby, look, this is a stressful time for me...." Hakeem began to say, but Alex rudely snorted, cutting him off.

"A stressful time for you? I'm a full-time mother of two, a wife, model, and designer twenty-four-seven while you just have to practice at least six hours a day..." Alex retorted. "You only spend a few hours with me and the boys. So, who's more stressful?" Alex continued with a death glare.

"Okay, okay." Hakeem says nodded his head, knowing be couldn't argue with his wife because she was more stressful than him. "I guess I shouldn't use the word stressful, huh?" He teased as she nodded her head with a smile.

"Uh-huh." Alex sarcastic says as Hakeem grabs her hand. "Oh, god." She muttered with an eye rolled as her husband pulled her down onto the floor.

"Exactly." Hakeem says with a smile as he intertwine their fingers. "Lord, you've blessed us each with exciting new journeys. Please don't let those journeys get in the way of our journey together. And I know my journey is more important than my lovely wife. It's just that her journey goes right by the dry cleaners." He starts to pray, making Alex laugh.

"Okay, I'll pick up your damn suit." Alex says, giggling.

"And please forgive her for her foul language. Amen." Hakeem finished praying before smiling down at his wife. "Thank you, baby girl."

"Aw, you're welcome." Alex smiled as Hakeem pulled her into a kiss that became heating very fast, and they landed on the floor with her on top of him, and one thing led to another.
It was now 8:00 p.m. when Melanie, Derwin, Hakeem, and Alex arrive at the coach's party. They made their way downstairs. "I'm telling you guys they shrunk it." Derwin says nervously, making Alex and Hakeem laugh intertwine their hands.

"All right, just take off the jacket." Melanie suggested as they got down the stairs, and he took the jacket off, making Alex eyes widen.

"What the hell is going on with the crotch area in your pants, dude?" Alex remarked in a lower voice, making Melanie and Hakeem chuckle.

"What?" Derwin questioned, glancing at the three who were staring at him with amuse looks.

"Uh, baby, you don't feel your sperm count dropping?" Melanie questioned.

"Why didn't you say anything before we left the house?" Derwin asked, covering his crotch with his jacket while Alex and Hakeem shook their heads, leaving the two alone, and went to find their table.

"That was hilauorus." Alex says, giggling as she took her seat alone with Hakeem

"Yeah." Hakeem agreed with a smile as he saw Melanie and Derwin making their way to them.

"Forget it. I'm just going down the whole night." Derwin says as he sits down alone with Melanie. "In fact, I have to. My pants just split." He says in a lower voice, causing Alex, Hakeem, and Melanie eyes widen.

"You're kidding?" Alex questioned, trying not to laugh.

"Uh-uh." Derwin replies, shaking his head.

"Derwin." Melanie says, sniffle a laugh. A few minutes later, the four began chatting when an older blonde hair woman in her early thirties came to their table.

"Derwin Davis and Hakeem Payne ?" The blonde hair woman interrupted their conversation.

"Yes?" Derwin and Hakeem sync questioned.

"Hi, I'm Jason Pitts' wife." The blonde hair woman introduced holding her hand out to Derwin to shake.

"Oh, yeah. Hi." Derwin says, shaking her hand before he dropped it, and she held her hand to Hakeem.

"Hi." Hakeem replies, shaking her hand.

"I wanted to meet you both since you're a part of the Sabers family now. By the way, it was a good catch and throw on Sunday. Everyone's still talking about it. But don't let it get to you." The older blonde hair woman bitchy says with a innocent smile.

"Okay." Hakeem and Derwin sync reply awkwardly exchanging looks before glancing at their women.

"Uh, this is my wife Alexandra." Hakeem introduce gesturing to his wife.

"Hey." Alex waves with a slight smile. "Just call me Alex."

"Aren't you to young to be a wife?" The older blonde hair woman snarky questioned in a jealous tone making Hakeem, Melanie and Derwin eyes widen when they notice the smirk on Alex face.

"Didn't you grow up in a trailer before playing housewife?" Alex retorted with a sweet smile. "Because you look like you did." She added.

"I-I, u-um-....." The blonde hair woman starts to strutted out making Alex chuckle as Derwin awkwardly fake cough while Hakeem squeeze Alex thigh under the table to keep her calm.

"This is my girlfriend, Melanie." Derwin chimed in gesturing to Melanie who was sipping her wine.

"Are you an out-of-town girlfriend? Or an in-town girlfriend?" The blonde hair woman snarky asked looking Melanie up and down making Alex glares at her.

"I'm the only girlfriend." Melanie calmly answered.

"Of course you are." The blonde hair woman retorted with a fake laugh. "So, welcome to the San Diego Sabers organization. I hope to see you, Melanie, and Alex at the Sabers Sunbeam meeting this Friday." She commented, sipping her wine as Alex choke on hers.

"Excuse me, what the hell are you talking about?" Alex questioend wiping her mouth as Hakeem grabbed her hand.

"The Sabers Sunbeams, of which I'm president four years now and is the charity arm of the organization. Giving back is a vital part of every football player's career. So, this Friday, girls, it's very important you guys be there because this is the meeting where everyone signs up for their charity." The blonde hair woman explained as Alex rolled her eyes at her because she was annoyed and clearly just a housewife.

"Well, I'm sorry. Derwin will have to sign himself up. I've got class all day." Melanie spoke while patting Derwin arm.

"Uh... Okay. Mmm. Looks like someone's going to get stuck with Sabers for seniors. Hope you don't mind losing a friend every week." The blonde hair woman bitchy says giving Melanie a sweet smile before looking at Alex. "What about you Alex?"

Alex shrug. "You see me if you see me there." She rudely reply sipping her wine while giving the blonde hair woman a look making the blonde hair woman eyes widen in surprise and Hakeem sighed pulling his wife close to him and whisper sweet gentle words in her ear to keep her calm before she pop off which would be no good for anyone.
Alex and Melanie follow after the blonde hair woman who where leading them to the bar where the same familiar elder black woman in her early forties from yesterday stood at. "Tasha!" The blonde hair woman calls out smiling.

"Kelly!" The older black woman named Tasha says with a slight smile leaning against the bar.

"You remember the rookie receiver girlfriend?" Kelly asks, gesturing to Melanie. "And the quarterback wife?" She added gesturing to Alex.

"Oh, yeah. The girlfriend was the one in my seats. Mm-hmm." Tasha says, locking Melanie up and down before smiling at Alex. "And I differently remember this cutie pie. How can I forget the famous modeling girl." She says, making Kelly eyes widen in realization.

"Now I knew why you look so familiar to me." Kelly says in a jealous tone, looking Alex up and down.

"That's me modeling girl since ten and upcoming fashion designer." Alex retorted with a fake smile as she sip more of her wine.

"I like you." Tasha says, smiling at Alex as she stepped off the bar before glancing at Melanie. "So, are you an out-of-town girlfriend or an in-town girlfriend?" She asked her, crossing her arms, making Alex genuinely laugh because this was the second time she heard this, but it was more curiously.

"I'm the girlfriend who has her name on the lease." Melanie proudly says with a smile as she linked her arms with Alex as the two older women look at her surprise as an older light skin man walk over to them.

"Here, babe, put this in your purse." The light skin man says, handing her a brisket to Kelly, who sighed and slightly pushed him to the side.

"Uh-uh, Jason, not now." Kelly dimissed as Alex, Melanie, and Tasha watch the two and quietly listen to their conversation.

"This is good brisket." The light skin man named Jason states. "Tomorrow's protein day. I'm going to have it with some eggs and peanut butter. And here's, uh... in some straws. We're almost out." He said, taking some straw out of his pocket as Kelly gives him a look.

"What? You know Brittany likes to blow bubbles in her milk." He said, making Alex srunch her nose in disgust.

"Jason, I am not putting greasy food in my Birkin bag." Kelly says, shaking her head while Alex rolls her eyes.

"Where is the tinfoil I put in your purse?" Jason asked.

"I took it out." Kelly answered in a duh tone.

"What? It's wrapped in two napkins. It's not like it's dripping." Jason says, handing her the briskets again.

"I don't want it in my Birkin." Kelly says, taking a step away from him.

"Baby, you don't have a Birkin bag. You have a bootleg bag. Just drop it in there." Jason says, trying to put the briskets in Kelly purse.

"No." Kelly hissed, giving Jason a glare.

"All right, babe. Will you hold it for me, please? I'll go tip my hat to a couple of folks so we can get out of here." Jason says as she sighs, taking it. "Thank you." He says in a lower voice with a smile before walking off, and Kelly goes back to the girls.

"Do you guys have some sort of bag or something back there?" Kelly asked the bartender who handed her a bag.

"Are you okay?" Melanie asked.

Alex scoff. "No, she ain't okay." She blurted out, looking at Melanie before crossing her arms. "Hell, I wouldn't be if I was her, and I would've slap his ass."

"Exactly." Tasha agreed, gesturing to Alex. "And haven't you heard? She's married to the cheapest man alive." She adds, glancing at the two young girls.

"He's not cheap. He's thinking about our future." Kelly says, putting the brisket in the bag. "Alex, Melanie, a lot of these rookies come in here, and they spend all their money on the cars and the bling. Don't do that." She advises as Melanie and Alex exchange looks.

"Yet you did." Alex smirked at Kelly as she places her glass cup on the bar as Tasha looks at her impress.

"Yeah, you spent 9,000 dollars on that bag." Melanie added with a smirk appearing on her face as she stares at Kelly purse.

"No, I didn't. It's fake." Kelly deny, glancing down at her purse.

"It's not." Alex scoffed, giving Kelly a look as Tasha smiled amuse. "I know my fashion."

"And my daddy brought me one for my birthday." Melanie added with a grin.

"Well, maybe your daddy brought you a fake. Did you ever think about that?" Kelly snarky says.

"Hmm." Alex smiled.

"Forget the purse. You're the one that got faked out." Tasha chimed in. "You married one of our best, as you all usually do, but you didn't benefit in the least." She added with a smirk, making Alex smile.

"I didn't marry one of "yours," I married Jason." Kelly corrected.

"Look, I know he's light, bright and damn near white, but we still got dibs." Tasha grins at Kelly and Alex chuckle with a nod agreeing.

"You can have him on your million man march, but he's still marching home to me." Kelly retorts with a smirk as Alex and Melanie sniffle a laughed while Tasha glances around.

"Oh. I guess it's true what they say. White folk ain't scared of us no more." Tasha joked looking at Alex and Melanie. The three black women began laughing, and Kelly join in.

"Uh-oh. Melanie, Alex." Kelly says, pointing forward. "Groupies alert." She warned, making Alex and Melanie look where she points at and see four hoochies surrender Hakeem and Derwin.

"Oh, pffft." Melanie waved off. "They had groupies in college." She informed as she unlink her arm with Alex.

"Yeah and we wasn't worried about them then, and were not going to worried about them now unless a bitch wants to end up in the hospital." Alex smiled with a mischievous glint in her eye she grab her glass cup while Tasha and Kelly look at her shock.

"Uh, cranberry juice and pinot noir. Thanks." Melanie says to the bartender.

"Yall going to not-worry yourself out of a man. This is the pros. The groupie game is played at a whole other level here. These women are ho'ing four hummers, homes and hedge funds. Trust." Tasha informed.

"Well, Hakeem knows better." Alex says in a knowingly tone as Tasha and Kelly narrow their eyebrows at her confuse while Melanie and Alex exchange looks remembering when Alex nearly put some ugly whore in the hospital when she caught Hakeem in bed with another girl during their junior year in college, Alex had broke his nose and her favorite brother came down to Kansas when he heard and beat the shit out of Hakeem and giving him a warning.

"And if he can be taken that easily, then..." Melanie began to say but Kelly cut her off.

"Girls don't be naive. And watch that Dionne over there." Kelly says, pointing gesture to a tall, slim light skin girl that came up to Derwin and Jackson smiling . "She's the worst kind."

"How?" Alex questioned, staring at Dionne confuse.

"She's a groupie with a "career." Kelly quoted.

"Hmm?" Alex questioned, downing the rest of her drink as she analyzed Dionne.

"Image consultant. Pffft." Tasha scoffed with an eye rolled. "And I ain't saying she a gold digger. But she ain't consulting with no broke... receivers and quarterbacks." She added as the three girls stared at her before looking back at Hakeem and Derwin with Dionne, who was clearly flirting with the guys.

"Well, I'm about go make sure a bitch knows her place before she end up without a job." Alex bluntly says in a serious tone slamming the glass on the bar and storm off to the table causing Tasha and Kelly eyes widen in surprise.

"Oh boy." Melanie mumble quickly rushing after Alex knowing how scaring Alex could be and that she will probably end up slapping someone.

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