The Boy I Love

By SweetPea607

174K 5.3K 2K

"Umm I-I was uhh j-just leaving" I stuttered. {why am I having trouble speaking? especially to Malfoy!} He lo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
โš ๏ธChapter 20 โš ๏ธ
Chapter 21
โš ๏ธChapter 22โš ๏ธ
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 10

6.5K 199 50
By SweetPea607

Anyone else watch big mouth? That shit cracks me up😂 also I edited/added little things here and there in the chapters starting from chapter one. You do not need to reread if you don't want, it's not important to the plot. I just thought it sounds better now. anyways let's go.

Harry's POV

I look over to Ron and he seems just as confused as me. He slowly flys over to me still keeping an eye on Zabini. "What the hell does he what?" He asks with hatred spilling off his tongue.

"I don't know. Stay here I'll be back" he looks at me like I'm crazy for even considering going over there. Before he has the chance to complain I fly to the ground and dismount my broom. "What do you want?" I ask in a tone that showed I wasn't in the mood to be messed with.

"Well didn't someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed" he replies crossing his arms and a smirk creeping onto his face.

"Get to the point Zabini. I was in the middle of something" I say letting out a big huff. I really don't want to deal with him right now.

"Yeah because I just love being able to smell the different layers of dirt and sweat on you" he says in his normal sarcastic tone. "Now shut up and listen. You need to go to the library in an hour"

I look at him like he just grew three heads, a little taken back. "Why would I do that?"

He rolls his eyes and shifts his weight from one foot to the other. "Let's face it Potter your going to go because your curiosity will get the better of you, like always"

"How do I know this isn't some kind of trick?"

"Who would dare try an trick the all mighty Harry Potter" he says extremely over exaggerating the things people say about me. I was about to walk away when he grabbed my shirt sleeve. "Okay, okay all jokes aside. it's important. you have to be there"

"Why? And why the hell would I trust you" He puts his hand over his heart like he was hurt by what I said. I roll my eyes and cross my arms.

"Oh Potter I'm crushed" he removes his hands from his chest and puts on a very serious face. "I don't care if you trust me or not just be there" he turns around and starts to walk away. "Oh yeah" he says turning his head to look at me with a smile. "You might want to clean up and change your clothes. Not everyone wants to smell that stench" and with that he walks away.

Ron flys down right next to me getting off his broom. "What did he want?" He said glaring at Zabini's back. I tell him everything that happened and by the end he was just as confused as I am. We walk off deciding that it was time for us to head to the showers. "Your not going are you?" He asks as we enter the locker room.

I think for a second weighing the opinions. I mean I am very curious to see what is so important but at the same time it could be a some kind of ploy. "I don't know. Maybe?" It came out more of a question then it was meant to.

"Harry you can't be serious. What if it's a trap?" He says in a worried tone.

"Yeah I thought about that too but what if it's not. Are you telling me that your not curious?" He thinks about it for a second and then nods, silently telling me that he is. Once we are done showering and changing we head back to the common room.

Draco's POV

I woke up and decided to put in extra effort to look good today. I mean this is the day I'm gonna actually flirt with Potter. Gotta look my best.

After showering and doing my hair, only putting a little bit of product in it so it looks effortlessly amazing. Don't want to look like I picked out several outfits before finally deciding what to wear....even though that is exactly what happened. Anyways I got dressed in a nice white collared shirt with the first few buttons undone. A black wool v-neck vest, black jeans, and of course a black collared jacket. To pull my outfit together I put on a black belt with a silver buckle and a silver snake ring that has an emerald for the eye.

About an hour later I check myself over one last time in my full body mirror to see if there is anything I should change. Once I'm done I pull on my shinny black shoes and head out the door to find Potter.

[Time skip two hours]

I have been searching forever and I still can't find him. {he should be up by now. Right?} I was tired and positive the only place I didn't check was Gryffindor tower. So I decided to go to Slytherin common room. When I walked in I saw Pansy and Blaise sitting on the black leather arm chairs next to the fire place. I walk over to them and the first thing that is said of course comes from Pansy .

"Oh what the fuck?" She says looking me up and down.

Blaise then turns to me and I can see he is trying to stifle a laugh. "Trying to get someone's attention are we?" I flip him off and while he bursts out laughing I turn my head to look at Pansy.

"You look nice Draco, don't listen to him" she says encouragingly with a smile. I return the small smile and take a seat next to them unbuttoning my jacket.

"I can't find him anywhere" I say letting out a big sigh.

"Who?" Blaise asks knowing damn well who I'm talking about but he knows I won't say his name with people around. {asshole}

"You know exactly who" I say threw gritted teeth, giving him a slight glare. To which of course he just smiles like he didn't do anything.

"Did you check everywhere?" Pansy asks to which I nod in response.

After thinking for a second I realize that may not be entirely true. "Well...maybe not everywhere. But it definitely feels like it" after I say that Blaise stands up, straightens his shirt and turns to walk away. "Where the hell you going?"

"Out to find him" he takes one look at me and Pansy, sighs and starts explaining himself. "Going out to find him is a LOT better then sitting here listening to Draco whine. So as much as I hate going anywhere near the golden trio I'm going to hunt them down. Even if it's the last thing I do and when I get back we are not talking about it for the rest of the day. Agreed?" he asked looking right at me. I nodded and he walked out.

About 30 minutes later Blaise comes back and takes a seat in the arm chair he was sitting in before. I look at him with a face that says 'sooo?' "He'll be in the library in little under an hour"

"Wait! You found him!? Where the fuck was he!?" I almost yell. People turned to look at us and all it takes is one glare to make them run away. I mean come one. I searched everywhere for hours and couldn't find him. Blaise goes out for not even an hour and found him. What the fuck!?

"Is someone jealous I know their boyfriend better then them?" He says smirking. I glare at him and he chuckles. "He was on the quidditch field practicing with Weasley. Honestly Draco I don't know how you missed them"

"The field was the first place I looked!!" Okay now this is starting to feel like a cruel prank. Seriously! He was on the damn field! I went on a little rant about how it wasn't far, I searched for forever and Blaise was only out there for a few minutes. After calming down a bit I noticed the time and saw I only had about 20 minutes to get over there. Okay so I guess my little rant was actually a bit bigger then I thought.

I got up said a quick goodbye to them. Pansy gave me some encouraging words and Blaise pretty much told me to get lost. {I swear I'm going to beat the shit out of him one day} I slowly make my way to the library because I had some time to kill. Once I enter there was a few people there but once they saw me they quickly picked up their stuff and walked out. Which I was glade for. I want to be alone with Potter.

I look at the time and see I still have a few minutes so I picked out a book and sat down on the window seat. It was my favorite place to read. Well besides under a nice tree. Yes I'm dramatic. I know. But I liked the sun light illuminating the pages of the book and it was just a really comfortable seat. After about 5 minutes I hear his voice.


Did you like the POV switch half way through? if not I won't do it again. It was just something to try. Also should I add pictures of things that I describe like the chairs or curtains? XOXO BYEEE 😘

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