Wings of Fire: The Prequels

De Lolasi2505

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Dust was supposed to be normal. Obelisk was supposed to be powerful. Cloudwatcher was supposed to be dead. Gu... Mais

A/N: Fun Facts, Playlist, etc. Please Read!


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De Lolasi2505

Becoming a spy was one of Obelisk's favorite fantasies. To be on the edge of discovery, only her wits to save her, was exhilarating. She could put on any mask and it would fit because she made it fit. Any personality, she could act. Any situation, she could transform.

It was one of her favorite things to do. Galaxy would humor her, name a situation and personality, before watching where her daughter would take it. Seeing how well she could act.

Without Galaxy around, Obelisk fell a little out of practice. The lying/intimidation classes filled in the gaps a little but it still wasn't quite as enjoyable as what she used to do. Even with Stonemover around, Obelisk limited herself.

Some limits from the other NightWings lifted as she grew older, one of which is her ability to travel to the mainland when she turned ten. Unlike most, she didn't immediately start begging to leave. She was fine here with her brother thank you very much.

Empathy wasn't content to let her student clip her own wings, making her tag along on a trip to gather more resources from the mainland.

Said trip turned out to be a disaster, the two cornered by a patrol of SkyWings only a little way into the kingdom.

And this is why I don't venture out of our territory.

"Why are two NightWings out of their precious little kingdom?" said the leader in a mocking tone, sneering at the two in disgust.

"Gathering supplies," said Obelisk, stepping a little forward to direct attention towards her. Her wings were expanded slightly, placing her in a pose that Empathy knew well enough to keep her mouth shut. Obelisk was taking control of the situation, just the same as she would in the council room.

"For?" a different SkyWing stepped forward, holding more scars than the rest of the patrol easily.

"Medicine," said Obelisk, keeping her answers short. As calm as her tone could be, Obelisk would rather not say more than needed and possibly get either side mad. Well, the SkyWings more mad that is.

"What, you lot can't predict enough to stay out of fights?" scoffed the leader, glaring at them like they had dragged him into one he'd rather not be having.

"Sickness is a battle you can't fight with claws and jaws," said Obelisk, returning the leader's glare with a calm gaze that held a hint of disinterest. "May we continue on our way? There is no reason for you to delay us."

"Not yet," said the leader, picking up on something that didn't exist. "Are you pretentious lizards becoming sick? Are you finally going to die out?"

"Maybe we're gathering supplies for a sickness yet to come. The death of NightWings is nowhere close," said Obelisk, taking a little pride as the leader deflated with an angry huff.

"What would happen if we were to take you to Queen Scarlet? Hideous death and suffering?" Mr. Scarred-Beyond-Belief said, joining in on the leader's prejudice.

"I won't say what will happen in a few years," said Obelisk, ignoring Empathy's stare at the back of her head. She knew what she was doing, NightWing prophecy classes taught her enough.

The SkyWings glanced at each other, silently debating whether or not to take the bait. "What will happen?" asked Mr. Scarred.

"My words will hold no meaning if you capture us, heed that as you may," said Obelisk, gaining a few nervous looks that were intended. "In about three years' time, a prophecy will be told. It will decide the war's trajectory and destiny will decide its bearers."

"Ok," said the leader, one of the few who looked completely disbelieving of her words. "Leave then if your words will hold true."

"They will," said Obelisk, nodding at Empathy over her shoulder before taking off and leaving the patrol to its devices. Empathy hurried to follow, still trying to rationalize what her student just did.

After a little while of silent flight, Empathy finally had enough. "What were you thinking? We could've gotten out of that without using any prophecy," said Empathy, worry seeping into her words.

"I highly doubt it. Besides, it only gives more of an opportunity for when the prophecy is finally out," said Obelisk, shrugging off Empathy's worry as she scanned the ground for more of a particular plant.

"Why three years?" asked Empathy, frowning a little as she tried to think it through herself.

"Sometimes it pays to remember Mastermind's ramblings," said Obelisk, getting a huff of laughter for her reasoning. "The queen will need to do something if all that he says is true, Morrowseer will make sure that something is a prophecy. I gave them a better opening."

"I guess your name is true," said Empathy with a chuckle, getting a curious and confused look from Obelisk. "Obelisks are used to tell time and you just gave everything a timeline."

"Too bad you're too insensitive to enact actions of your name," said Obelisk with a light chuckle.

"Well, I never!"

Empathy's scoff made Obelisk laugh, the apprentice escaping a swat from Empathy by diving down for another plant.

The prophecy will begin soon. Who will we drag in for our selfish gain?

Honestly, if it saves Empathy and Stonemover, I don't care who.


Geographical events told their own story. Stories of an ever-shifting world, no matter how slowly those changes could happen. Sometimes those events had no qualms about what lives they effected.

Even if it was an entire tribe.

Before Obelisk's little world fell apart, the volcano shook with a warning. Empathy, Obelisk, and the other healers barely got to glance at each other in worry before their first patient was dragged in. Burns laced nearly all of their scales, the healers barely able to get them to a ledge before they met their end.

Then came another, and another, and another. Dragons filed in faster than Obelisk could count, filling up the infirmary quickly. Dead bodies took up space that could be used for living, the rush too fast to try to move them.

When the third or so dragon stumbled in, Obelisk took a moment to use something that she never thought she would use. "I enchant this bracelet with my own permission so that when I say 'let's begin', the following takes effect," whispered Obelisk, finding a corner to murmur into while another dragon was dragged in.

"One: Anytime anyone wearing this bracelet taps a living being twice and says 'natural' with the thought to heal in mind, the being is healed but to a point where it looks and is natural unless the wearer says 'unnatural'. Those who are affected by this cannot die for as long as the process is happening. This can take several days if necessary.

"Two: Anytime anyone wearing this bracelet holds onto a living being and says 'enhanced' with the thought to heal in mind, the being is healed almost instantly.

"Three: With the prior power, energy is taken from the wearer if absolutely necessary. Otherwise, energy is taken from anything that isn't living.

"Four: With the first power, take energy from the one being healed if absolutely necessary but not to a point that they can't fight off against any infections or additional wounds. Any energy otherwise needed is taken from anything that isn't living.

"Five: Give the wearer a diagnostic of a living being if they tap or hold onto the target and say 'diagnostic'. This diagnostic shall only be visible to the wearer unless they say 'their name can see it'. It will appear as a floating scroll above the diagnosed with clear writing of the target's condition.

"If the wearer motions to the diagnostic scroll with a circular motion, the scroll will end up in front of the talon that motioned. Tapping on any of the conditions twice will give a diagram of what is happening. Tapping on them three times will highlight where the wound or illness is on the diagnosed in a color that will not easily blend into their colors. This highlight may be seen by more than the wearer if the wearer.

"Tapping on them four times will give a list of suggested treatments and procedures to assist the diagnosed. If a specific supply is needed, the wearer can tap on it twice to see where it is. They can also request a map if needed.

"The diagnostic scroll will disappear once the wearer says 'diagnostics complete'. If multiple scrolls are present, they will be numbered in turn of appearance. To make them disappear one by one, say 'scroll number diagnostic complete'. To make all of them disappear, say 'all diagnostics complete'.

"Six: Every time there is a new wearer, show them a list of all of this so they can understand what this bracelet can do. That list must be invisible to all but the wearer like the diagnostic scroll. This list can be shown to others just like the diagnostic can be shown. This list is also summonable by the wearer saying 'healer tool conditions'. These conditions can be edited but only by the wearer."

By the time Obelisk was finally done, there were ten more injured dragons in the room. "Let's begin," Obelisk said, watching in a type of mute satisfaction as one of the trios' quartz circles turned black. She set off in a flurry of activity, the word 'natural' passing through her lips too many times to count.

Many dragons still died but not as many as there could've. Tremors from the volcano didn't make the healers' job any easier but it did promise consistent work. When it finally fell still, the influx of new dragons slowed to a trickle. Obelisk was still rushing around with barely a breath more than enough to quickly mumble a small comfort to an injured dragon or speak to a fellow healer.

Trouble seemed to be neverending, that sentiment mirrored by a NightWing who was sent to make her waste her time. "There's a council meeting. Obelisk was requested," said the NightWing, his voice weak from the smoke and ash outside.

Frowning, Obelisk opened her mouth to protest but someone else cut her off before she could even start. "Go Obelisk, we can hold down the fort," said Empathy, drawing her apprentice's exasperated glare. Empathy was in worse shape than the rest of the healers for some reason, Obelisk couldn't just leave her with all of this work like that.

A nod from Empathy paired with stern eyes told Obelisk that she was having none of it. "Fine," said Obelisk, weaving past the injured NightWings as fast as she could.

It wasn't the time for a council meeting. Never the time to deal with those fools. Don't waste time with their panic.

The first look outside was like a punch to the stomach. It transformed from a tropical paradise to a hellscape, rock and lava everywhere. The ash got into Obelisk's lungs, making her cough as she flung herself into the air.

The council room was still very much the same, two semi-circles of amphitheater seats with a spire in the middle to question dragons. What was different were the dragons in the seats. A good chunk of the usual attendees was gone, dead or incapacitated, and the rest looked haunted.

When Obelisk sat down, the meeting began. "What are we supposed to do?" whined one of the older NightWings, almost making Obelisk curl her lip in disgust at the childish attitude.

Useless whelp.

(You couldn't exactly blame her for being annoyed. First, they drag her into this meeting while she's doing her job as a healer, and then they whine. What next?)

"We use our trump card," said Obelisk, expanding her wings a little despite the strain it put on her. Eyes landed on her, taking in her proper pose despite the obvious exhaustion.

Calm and authority radiated from her nonetheless, many using that as a rock in these trying times. "A prophecy will begin. At the end of it, the new queen of the SandWings must bow to us and give us land. We'll use the Talons of Peace as our access to control whatever is within the prophecy."

"And what are we supposed to do till the prophecy is complete? Stay here on this barren rock?" scoffed another, making Obelisk internally groan at the lack of ideas.

What? Am I supposed to hold your talons through this entire thing? Want me to hunt something for you too?

Before Obelisk could say anything, the clattering of claws brought everyone's attention to the entrance. Suddenly Obelisk felt like she was in the IceWing Kingdom despite the heat, the sight of her brother causing such a reaction. "Sorry," said Stonemover, his voice cracking at the end and making him clear his throat. "I have something to tell everyone."

"What is it?" the same one from a few seconds ago growled, Obelisk barely biting her tongue on one of her own. This wasn't happening.

This wasn't happening.

"I'm an animus dragon," said Stonemover, his voice clear yet nervous. It didn't make any difference, the gasps from the council saying that much.


"Since when?"

"Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"Perfect timing, not."

"Seriously, now you say something?"

"Let him talk!" Obelisk shouted, silence quickly following her words mostly from volume alone. Obelisk turned her head to Stonemover, nodding at him despite the disapproval and worry in her eyes.

"Thank you," said Stonemover, nodding back at his sister with a small smile. "I didn't do or say anything because I wasn't sure how my powers would be used. I wanted a say and was trying to figure out how to make sure I had one. These new circumstances have made me forego this plan.

"Instead of reviving the entire island, why don't I create a quick route between a place that has plenty of food and here?"

"Makes sense," said Obelisk, voicing the various nods from around the council. "I vote on the Rainforest Kingdom. Even if we are found, RainWings are pacifists so there won't be much trouble. Maybe they'll even give us some food before we leave."

"Another route should be placed to Burn's stronghold if we do plan on doing the prophecy," said Morrowseer, his snobbish voice decreasing Obelisk's tolerance in no time flat.

"In due time," said Obelisk, glaring at him a little as she brought herself up to be bigger and taller even though she would never reach his size. "I'm not letting my brother's soul be used up in the first five minutes of us knowing that he's an animus."

Morrowseer let out a huff and looked ready to rebuke Obelisk's words, the sight of Greatness leaning towards the screen delaying him. All was silent until Greatness opened her mouth to speak on her mother's behalf, "The queen agrees to all that has been said.

"Stonemover will create a route between us and the rainforest during his journey in one week. A prophecy will be written by Morrowseer and Her Majesty. Do you have anything to add to the prophecy, Obelisk?"

Slightly stunned at the offer, Obelisk took it quickly before anyone else could react, "Calling the main characters of the prophecy something to do with destiny is my suggestion."

"Okay. Meeting adjourned," Greatness gave a simple and sharp nod, effectively dismissing the council.

Obelisk was the first out of the room, Stonemover on her tail. They took off, flying in silence as they navigated back to the fortress. Rather than immediately return to the infirmary like she had planned when she was called for the meeting, Obelisk pulled Stonemover into an out-of-the-way unoccupied room.

That gave Obelisk the privacy she needed to start scolding Stonemover. "What were you thinking?! That could've gone so wrong! You're lucky--"

For the first time in a long time, Stonemover cut Obelisk off, "I was thinking about my tribe, just like you are when you're in the infirmary. And--"

"Don't play that card," Obelisk hissed with a small flinch. Stone was (a little too) direct with his words, just like most little siblings were.

"--it didn't go wrong," he continued past her reaction without much difficulty. "Plus, you helped give me time between my enchantments."

"Least I could do," Obelisk claimed. "What do you plan on doing for your week or so before you have to leave?"

"Spend time with you," said Stonemover, not putting much time or thought into his answer.

"I'll have to be in the infirmary, it won't be the best. You'll probably have to help around," she warned.

"I'll be happy to. Lead the way," said Stonemover, motioning towards the door with a flick of his tail.

"We'll see how long that sentiment lasts," teased Obelisk, leading the way with a good-natured huff from Stonemover. They walked quickly, passing by various NightWings who all had their heads down and/or their wings drooping. The effect only got worse as they got closer to the infirmary,  but the frantic rush of the healers didn't quite fit the somber mood.

A dark purple and blue NightWing noticed them first, abandoning his patient to come greet them. "Hey Obelisk. Sorry for the immediate redirect but Empathy ran out a little earlier, I had my talons full so I couldn't go after her. It might be best if you go check on her," said the NightWing, getting straight to the point like he knew Obelisk liked.

"Thanks, Intuition, I will. Stonemover here wanted to spend some extra time with me and he'll gladly offer up his services as an extra set of talons while I go get Empathy," said Obelisk, winking at Stonemover before stepping out of the room. "See you soon."

"See ya!"

Intuition's cheery tone didn't fit the general doom and gloom of the day but Obelisk didn't mind it. Although right now, she had to focus on finding Empathy.

Searching for a while in common places where Empathy hung out yielded results, the older dragon in the back corner of the hatchery where she would normally check up on the eggs. "Empathy?" Obelisk called quietly, trying not to startle her all that much. She was met with an alarming sob. "Empathy, are you okay?"

"I don't..."

"You don't what?" asked Obelisk, slowly advancing as she repeated Empathy's trailed off sentence.

Empathy turned towards her apprentice, getting a quiet gasp for the egg that was cradled in her arms. "I don't want to hurt them," said Empathy, sobbing again as she held her egg a little closer. "The volcano will hurt them. I don't want to hurt them."

"Oh Empathy," Obelisk closed the distance between them, lightly tracing her claws on Empathy's egg. "Empathy, I don't know what to tell you."

"They don't deserve this," said Empathy, her voice quiet and broken.

"They don't, they don't," Obelisk agreed, frowning a little before her face cleared at the idea she had. "But Aunty Obelisk will make sure they have the best lives they can get."

Empathy's jaw dropped. "What?" she rasped, staring at Obelisk in pure disbelief.

Lifting her gaze to meet Empathy's, Obelisk made a promise, "I swear to you, I'll make sure that they have the best lives that they can have. Volcano or not, they'll be the happiest dragonets on this island."

"Why?" asked Empathy, searching Obelisk's eyes for any hint of a lie. There was none.

"I'm repaying you for taking me under your wing when you had no reason to. I'm just giving them room to fly," said Obelisk, smiling a little ruefully at the egg in Empathy's arms. "Speaking of room, I'll give you room with your egg. Can I tell Intuition what's going on?"

"Yeah," said Empathy, her voice a little distant from the hint of disbelief that was still there.

"He'll make sure that no one bothers you, at least for today. Stone is going to volunteer for a few days so that'll help too. I better get back so that they aren't overworked," said Obelisk, stepping away from Empathy with a small smile.

"Have some time to yourself. Having an egg, much less in these conditions, is tough so don't overdo it."

"Right. Thank you," said Empathy, smiling back at Obelisk for a reason more than just to return it. Other than the obvious reason of thankfulness for the promise Obelisk made, Empathy was glad to see that Obelisk was showing much more emotion than normal.

"Paying it forward, as I said," said Obelisk, nodding before turning around and walking away. "I'll check up on you tonight. See you then."

"See you then..."

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