Count on Me Inuyasha

By lghigurashi

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Naraku is back and ready for revenge after three long years of Kagome being back in the feudal era. Will Inuy... More

Chapter 1: Again
Chapter 2: Collapsed
Chapter 3: Meidō Zangetsuha
Chapter 4: The Battle Begins
Chapter 5: Flesh
Chapter 7: Human
Chapter 8: Absorbed
Chapter 9: Returned
Chapter 10: Portal
Chapter 11: Blood
Chapter 12: Demon
Chapter 13: Get Away
Chapter 14: Webs
Chapter 15: End

Chapter 6: Fake

1.5K 53 21
By lghigurashi

Miroku POV


Just when I saw Sango's head cover up in the pulsing flesh, a beam of light passed between us melting the flesh around our bodies.

"Sango, Miroku!" Kagome shouted, "Are you two alright?"

Sango's body fell to the ground, like it was too late.

I ran to Sango and held her in my arms, she felt cold.

I put my fingertips on her neck, feeling a small thump.

She's alive.

I picked her up and laid her on Kirara's back.

Her eyes were closed shut and relaxed, while her hair flowed along Kirara's furry back.

"Kirara, take care of her," I asked calmly.

That's when I see Kagome running towards us with Shippo on her shoulder.


Kagome POV


"Is Sango know?" I stuttered.

"Yea she's alive just, unconscious," Miroku replied.

"Thank goodness!" I said.

"How did you do that Kagome?" Miroku asked me.

"Yea, I thought we had a plan to build an arrow?" Shippo questioned.

"To be honest, I have no idea..." I mumbled.

I don't know exactly how I did it. If I remember, I got really angry and then everything went blank.

I can't believe I even did that, or what I did...

My hands feel really tingly and a little like they're about to fall off.

"I feel dizzy..." I stuttered.


Inuyasha POV


Damn! What the hell is going on down there? I look over my shoulder to see everyone is alright, so if they are alright...why the hell aren't they helping me?!

"Hey!" I yelled at them.

Miroku and Kagome look at me, finally realizing how much pain I'm in.

Suddenly, Naraku slams me to the ground. My arm that he hit before was starting to sting and burn, like it was on fire.

"Inuyasha!" Miroku called my name, as I turn to answer him, Kagome was on the ground, struggling to stand.

"Kagome!" I yelled running towards her, until I see Naraku's tail coming close behind me.

"Lay off...bastard!" I exclaimed, while kicking his tail back.

I took Kagome in my one good arm and held her,

"Are you gonna be okay?"

"I-I just feel a little weird, that's all," she said,

"But Inuyasha...your arm?!"

"It does look pretty bad," Shippo added.

"Tch! It's just a scratch!" I said.

"Since that arm is injured Inuyasha, you might not be able to use your sword," Miroku said quietly.

I looked at the deep gash and blinked. Miroku might right. Tetsaiga is only at half it's power now, not to mention the new moon, unless it won't do anything. I don't really know if the moon's power will affect me tonight, since I'm in hell.

I look at my Tetsaiga and back at Kagome,

"Kagome, use the sheath of the Tetsaiga to protect yourself and the others, I'll defeat Naraku!"

"Are you stupid?! We should help you!" Shippo yelled at me.

"Listen here worm, I'll-"

"Inuyasha behind you!" Miroku yelled.

"Huh?" I said confused.

Naraku was charging toward me with his mouth wide open.

Kirara picked me up in time to avoid his jaws and landed me back down.

"Here just take it!" I said aggravated.

I handed the sheath to Kagome and pulled Tetsaiga out.

"You wanna fight Naraku?! Then let's fight!" I screamed at him.

Naraku didn't come towards me, he just stood there with his hands clasped together.

"C'mon! What are you waiting for!"

He paused and swished his tail in the air, sending giant thorns rushing at me.

I dodged and wanted to try a Meidō Zangetsuha on him, but before I could, Naraku used the tip of his tail and plunged in my stomach, almost completely through.

"D-damn..." I muttered aloud.


Shippo POV


With Sango unconscious, Miroku powerless, Kagome with no weapon, and me being too weak, we can't help Inuyasha. The only one out of all of us who actually can could be Kirara.

"Kirara!" I called.

She came walking up to me, looking me dead in the eye.

"Can you help Inuyasha? You're the only one who can!" I told her.

Kirara gently set Sango down on the ground beside us and flew up to help that idiot Inuyasha.

Kagome held up Tetsaiga's sheath and stabbed it into the ground.

A beautiful and powerful shield rose around us in a blue aura.

That is when I felt a slight pinch on my cheek, I hesitated and slapped it, then something fell off.

"Myoga?" Miroku questioned.

"Long time no see everybody," Myoga spoke.

Kagome POV


I can't believe it! Why in the world is Myoga here?

"Can you tell us why you're here?" Miroku asked.

"I've been on Kirara's back this whole time!" Myoga said bravely as he looked at her battling with Inuyasha.

" ran to safety behind the barrier like usual, huh?" I asked sarcastically.

"W-what no!" Myoga responded.

We all looked at him, not surprised.

"A-anyway!" Myoga added changing the subject,

"I think I might know a way to beat Naraku for good."

"Really?! Tell us!" Shippo shouted.

"Alright Alright!" he looked at me, "Kagome, you and Master Inuyasha need to add the power of the Meidō Zangetsuha and the sacred arrow together. However, you also need to destroy the copied jewel," Myoga explained.

"Wait! It's not the real thing? That's what Naraku told us," Shippo said.

"Pardon?" Myoga questioned.

I explained,

"Naraku said that the shikon jewel was sent to hell like he was, and that he gathered the pieces over the past three years!"

"That is incorrect! The jewel was obliterated after you left, at least that's what Master Inuyasha said, which means, that jewel over there is nothing but a fake! Look at it closer Kagome," Myoga said.

"You're right!" I shouted.

I looked at it closer and just realized, the jewel wasn't glowing! And now that I think about it, I couldn't even sense it when he appeared on Earth.

So it really is a fake!

"So he was played?" Miroku asked.

"I have a theory, that Naraku created the jewel himself," Myoga answered.

"How could he possibly do that?" Shippo asked in confusion.


Inuyasha POV


Damn, I can't keep this up forever! I'm starting to feel tired and the sheath can't protect Kagome and the others forever.

I gotta figure out his weak point.

Wait! Maybe the shikon jewel, at least that's how it was last time.

I lifted Tetsaiga and ran with all my might heading towards the shikon jewel that was floating in the air.

"Take this Naraku!" I yelled.

I gripped Tetsaiga tighter,

"Wind Scar!" I shouted.

The swirls of wind hit the jewel directly.

I got him!


Tetsaiga's wind disappeared!

How am I suppose to defeat this guy! Wait a minute...Miroku was right, I only used one arm, so it's only half the power.

That's when I bounced off his tail and ran to Kagome and the others.

"Myoga?!" I questioned.

"Well Master Inuyasha! It's been so long!" Myoga said.

"Inuyasha! That jewel is a fake!" Kagome told me.

"W-what?! Damn him!" I snarled.

"I need some arrows, and you need your other arm to heal," Kagome said in a soft voice.

"This thing won't heal in time," I responded.

Looks like we're stuck for awhile.


Kagome POV


I took a mini first aid kit out of my old, yellow backpack that Sango brought with her and the others. I took out some gauges while Naraku was hitting against the barrier, wrapping it around Inuyasha's hurt arm.

He kept nudging his arm away little by little.

"I'm sorry it stings," I said trying to be compassionate.

I look over my shoulder seeing Kirara enter the barrier with scratches and bruises all over her body.

All of them are so weak, this wouldn't have happened if...

"This is all my fault..." I whispered looking at how injured everyone was.

I felt tears streaming down my cheeks, I covered my eyes with my hands.

"I'm so sorry!" I screamed crying.

Everyone looked at me with confusion on their faces.

"None of this is your fault," Miroku said.

"Yea, why are ya blaming yourself?" Inuyasha asked a little upset.

"All of you are getting hurt," I cried.

"D-don't cry Kagome," Inuyasha spoke grabbing my hand.

I rose my head with my face drenched in tears.

I took a glance at Miroku and the others. They all look so hurt and yet, they don't blame me?

They're just, they're just, so amazing and strong.

Sango was laying on Miroku's lap looking sick and Shippo against Kirara.

I wiped my face and blinked softly.

That's when I put a serious expression and looked at everyone,

"Guys I promise, I'll stop being weak, I will be strong like all of you!" I proclaimed.


Inuyasha POV


I stood there analyzing Kagome's facial expression, she wasn't angry, she was furious.

I grinned widely at her with hope building up inside me. Now that I think about it, she hasn't grown weaker like Naraku says, she's gotten stronger without her noticing.

I held her hand tighter and looked at everyone.

"I know we will win this," I spoke aloud.

"Guys!" Miroku said in excitement.

"It's Sango, she's waking up!"

I look over towards him and see Sango open her eyes.

"Sango!" Kagome smiled.

I walked over to her with Kagome.

"Well look who's awake," I sighed.

"What's happening?" she questioned us.

That's when I heard a crack.

"Master Inuyasha!" Myoga yelled.

"What is it?" I asked.

He bounced on Kirara's back and kept jumping in place,

"The sheath!"

As we all looked at the sheath, we could see it was starting to break.

"Oh no!" Kagome frowned.

"Damn it all!" I said frustrated.

Naraku was still hitting at the barrier and wouldn't stop.

"Shippo, can you do me a favor?" Kagome looked at Shippo.

Shippo rose to his feet and nodded.

"Can you get me the bandages, I need to patch up Sango some more."

Miroku held her up with his strength, still a little weak from regaining his wind tunnel.


Kagome POV


We can't keep doing this. We need more allies, more people to help us beat Naraku, it's too much for just the seven of us.

"Kagome!!" Shippo yelled my name.

We all like looked at him in confusion.

"What's wrong?" Miroku asked.

Shippo rummaged through my back pack and pulled out these chopsticks.

"What the hell are we suppose to do with those?!" Inuyasha asked.

"Oh!" I yelled.

The Tetsaiga's sheath formed another crack.

"Maybe, we can build some arrows, using the supplies in my bag!"

I said, finally getting Shippo's idea.

He had a twinkle in his eye and I could tell he felt smart.

We kept rummaging through my bag while Myoga and Inuyasha kept an eye on the sheath. If the sheath busts, we are all dead!

"Let's see here...." I looked inside every pocket and find tiny blades.

"Yes! This will work!" I smiled.

"Guys the gonna smash apart, hurry!" Inuyasha called.

I blinked as I used some string to tie the blades to the sticks. Now I only get two shots.

Its my time to shine now!

Sango POV


I slowly laid up from Miroku's lap, seeing he had his hand on mine.

"Inuyasha, the sheath! It's about to-" Kagome shouted until interrupted by the barrier falling apart.

The sheath was in half on the ground, now completely useless.

"Guys!" I yelled!

Naraku stared at us, opening his jaw and ready to consume us.

I am too weak to fight right now, so I can't use Hirakotsu to keep Naraku away.

"It's time to die!" Naraku spat, rushing towards us.

Inuyasha rose up his Tetsaiga with his good arm.

"I'll slice that ugly face open!" Inuyasha said boldly.

"Move half breed! Give me the life of the priestess!" Naraku snapped, closing in.

"You won't get her until my life ends!" Inuyasha screamed back.

I reached for my Hirakotsu and leaned against Kirara, throwing my weapon towards his head.

The Hirakotsu glowed in red and black, as it swirled in the air towards Naraku.

Naraku stuck out his hand and clawed it away, sending it to smack on the floor.

"D-damn..." Sango puffed.

Inuyasha lifted up his sword again

"Meidō Zangetsuha!" he shouted.

Inuyasha sliced Naraku's body with his blade swiftly.

Naraku paused and didn't move, he froze in mid-air right in front of us.


Kagome POV


We all stood there looking at Naraku frozen in place.

"Inuyasha, did you kill him?" I asked him.

"To be honest, I don't know what the hell is going on," Inuyasha said scratching his head.

Shippo pulled on my kimono,

"So, we can leave then?"

I looked at my little fox friend, then at the others.

"I don't know why, but I feel like this isn't over yet," Miroku sighed.

"How do you know?" Shippo questioned.

"My wind tunnel is still on my hand," Miroku said pointing at his palm.

"Then why the hell won't he move?" Inuyasha said, poking him with his blade.

"Well what now?" Sango asked,

"Should we try to break it, or leave it the way it is?"

Miroku went over to Naraku and analyzed him.


Miroku POV


I tapped it and closed my eyes to think.

Naraku's body seemed to be turning clear.

"Wait, there's something moving around inside his body," I spoke.

We looked closer and see a dark aura moving inside him.

"Wait, is he...molting?!" Sango asked, able to stand better.

"Aw damn it! That's sick!" Inuyasha yelled.

"Ew! I thought he couldn't do that!" Shippo squealed.

"Yes it is truly revolting..." I said feeling like I should throw up.

"Molting takes about 5-8 days right?" Sango asked.

"Yes. But why would he start to do so now?" I questioned.

"Well what should we do with it?" Kagome asked me.

"I'm not sure, the real question is, how should we act of this?"

"I say we kill him while he is vulnerable," Inuyasha proclaimed.

"He does have a point Miroku," Shippo stated.

"Alright then!" Inuyasha yelled.

He banged his Tetsaiga against the shell, trying to break through.

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