With You Everywhere

By DanielaDenyerM

570 1 0

After Mt Weather, Clarke can't forgive herself for what she did and all she wants to do is leave. Leave camp... More

I Can't Let You Bear It On Your Own
Strange Reactions
Survival Comes First
Pain in the Soul
Heavy Lies The Crown
Bearers Of A Beacon Of Hope
Pain In Its Purest Form
Mixed Feelings
Undefeated fighter

Many Ways To Love

49 1 0
By DanielaDenyerM

After some months went by, Aryana became closer to Bellamy and Clarke and treated them as if they were her true parents. They had also come to love her as a daughter, but they were scared to fail her and disappoint the high standards that she seemed to have on life. Aryana thought that everyone outside Azgeda was good, and that life was beautiful and amazing for everybody who wasn't from the cruel Ice Nation.

Bellamy and Clarke had talked about it some weeks after they met her and they had decided not to tell her about everything they had done; nothing would be said about the mountain men, or about the bomb that killed all those grounders in the drop ship camp, or about the men, women, and children that Finn had killed before he himself was executed. None of their mistakes would be mentioned. 

But something they had also agreed upon was that as much as they could come to love Aryana, they wouldn't let her in on any of Sky-kru's secrets. As good and pure as she seemed, she herself told them that she was trained to be an Azgeda spy and spies happened to make amazing actors and actresses as well. For all they knew, Aryana could be tricking them into letting her know all the weaknesses of Sky-kru and maybe even Lexa's weaknesses to take her throne away from her. 

(Clarke POV)

As we walked through the forest to see if there was any food we could hunt for, I walked faster and reached Bellamy, leaving Aryana behind. 

"Bell, hey!"

"Umm.. hey Clarke. Everything alright?" He sensed that she was acting weird, as if something was off and she didn't know how to explain it.

"Yeah, yeah, sure" No, everything was not alright! She had been falling for Bellamy, even more lately. He owned her heart, and no matter what she did to convinced herself of anything else, deep down, she knew it was true. But he didn't care. He probably had already forgotten what happened the night before they left camp. That seemed so far away, but to her, the memory was still fresh in her mind. She remembered everything; the scent of his skin, the feeling when he kissed her, the pull she felt towards him, as if close, wasn't close enough. She needed him. She needed him in the same way she needed air to breath. And she wanted him. But he clearly didn't want her that way "I was just thinking, we haven't talked much since we found Aryana. She's amazing and I love being around her, but I don't think she's helping us with the distancing we needed from the problems and I also feel like because of her I haven't listened to you. How are you feeling? Are you still okay with being as far from Octavia?" She had to get her mind off the future she wanted with him, because clearly it was only a one-sided wish. So the best thing she could do was worry about him. It was all she knew to do.

"You're right, and I can't help but notice that she's... well she seems different from who she tells us she is. I have caught her eavesdropping on some of our conversations, though I did notice always before we started any touchy subjects, so she probably hasn't heard anything that we don't want her to. But... we have to find a way to get her safe. Indra would know what to do... maybe we could..." He turned to make sure she was not listening, but she was right behind them, her eyes wide open, filled with fear.

"Your going to sell me to Trikru?! They will kill me! I trusted you and this is what you'll do? I really thought you would help and protect me. I had heard so much about you, and I admired you guys. But you're no different from the people in Azgeda. If I wanted to be sold away to another clan, I wouldn't have ran away." An just like that, she took off running.

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