Introduction of the Retsuko's...

By Alemagine

76 0 1

Retsuko and Haida start a new day. But after a little accident, they will see the Retsuko's grandmother... wh... More

Episode Idea: "What If" the Retsuko's grandmother is introduce?

76 0 1
By Alemagine

(Soft Music City)

For the episode, Retsuko and Haida walk and speak normally in Tokyo but by accident Haida slip and fall and Retsuko take his hand and she ask if he's ok. Haida blushes when he sees Retsuko help him to stand up (classic) but answer it's ok.

In this moment, a voice will ask to Retsuko if she can present to her his charming boyfriend. Retsuko turn red and asks who has said that, if her mother is hide here for watching if she had a boyfriend (she imagined her mother hide in a box like in Metal Gear Solid).

(Haida feel his heart speed up and simulate a heart attack.)

But this voice answer that she's not her mother but her grandmother. When she appears, she's got eyes closed, but she's smiles (the grandmother says "Hi Retsuko!"), and Haida yell by surprise "The Retsuko's grandmother?!"


(Aggretsuko- OST 1)

Retsuko, Haida, and her grandmother are in a diner and the grandmother of Retsuko take news of her granddaughter (Retsuko have no problem to answer). Retsuko asks to her granddaughter what she does in Tokyo and the grandmother answer she's bored alone by her husband is in a nursing home because of his memory problems.

(Sad Music)

Retsuko say to her grandmother she's sorry for her (Haida say the same thing) but the grandmother answer they don't have to be sorry because it is a part of the life.

Retsuko become sad and Haida tries to comfort here. The grandmother continues by telling her than she is lucky to have a boyfriend who take care of her and who has ready to save her of people who want to hurt her. Retsuko say she's right but she says with confusing scream "Boyfriend ?!"

(End of the sad music)

(Haida turn red and quickly moved away from Retsuko and try to say it's a mistake and move during some minutes to the toilet).

(Aggretsuko- OST 4)

When Haida come back to the toilet and sit with Retsuko and her grandmother, the grandmother asks (always with her happy face) to Retsuko and Haida how long they've been together, if her daughter knows for their relationships, how they met... Retsuko will answer with a little embarrassment that Haida is just a friend, not more. Haida say to still the same thing but he is more embarrassed than Retsuko (in his head, Retsuko say to Haida to continue to answer like her) and the grandmother had watching that, stop to smile, and dress up suddenly. The grandmother says to Retsuko and Haida to stop joking with her (menacing shadow who afraid them).

(End of the music- oppressing music)

Retsuko ask to her grandmother what she had said but the grandmother answer than the sweap drops and the little red face to Haida betray him (Retsuko turn to Haida and say to intern to Haida to resist because she test him). Haida answer to the grandmother she said wrong, because she's a good friend (In this moment, Retsuko say in intern to Haida "Good job!") but Haida continues by answering her that he takes care of her many times, and he will be always present for here (In this moment, Retsuko scream in intern to Haida to don't say things like that because she will continue to think things between of these).

(End of the oppressing music- Happy Music)

The grandmother take notice of the Haida's words and rebecome happy and say to Haida than he is a good boyfriend, and she looks forward to seeing him married to her granddaughter (Haida and Retsuko confusing scream).

(Wedding Music)

Retsuko take many moves in front of her grandmother (Haida is down after that) and tries to say to her to stop to imagine things between them. The grandmother laughs back than she will stop to joke because his friend is like dead intern. Retsuko turn in the direction of Haida who whisper "Me...married...Retsuko" before to slap him many times (Retsuko says to his grandmother during his slaps than Haida is very funny when he drinks).

(Divine Music in Buddha style)

The grandmother says to Retsuko than people reveals his true face when they are drunks (The Granddaughter had a Buddha appearance when she says that). Retsuko says to his grandmother than she knew Haida had feelings for her, he had said many times his feelings for her, and... (she blushes more and more, and say to intern in his head: "damn, shut up!"). The granddaughter says she didn't need to say so many details (Retsuko scream in intern "Why I become so stupid now?!) but now she said that (Retsuko please in his head: "No, no, no, don't interpret like that my words!")...

(The Divine music stop) she will be enjoyed pass times with her granddaughter (happy face of the granddaughter) and ask to Retsuko why she stop to move for 1 hour (Retsuko like a statue).

(Aggretsuko- OST 10)

Tomorrow, Fenneco asks to Retsuko why her face is blocked and Haida move slowly and whisper "Retsuko...Me...Married..." Retsuko don't move anything and Fenneco repeat her question, and Retsuko reacts quickly than she's OK, there are nothing between Haida and her, and says to stop anything (Retsuko laugh a little with a little red face). Fenneco answers she had didn't say that but says to her she was very strange since yesterday. Retsuko reassure her and answer she didn't sleep well.

Fenneco asks she is sure about that and if she has didn't a feeling for Haida (Fenneco say in laugh than Haida will be very happy if he hear that). Retsuko blushes and say that absolutely wrong. Fenneco asks to Retsuko what's the problem finally. Retsuko answer she says that she and Haida have met her grandmother yesterday but when she has seen her, she had speedy thinking that Haida was his boyfriend and after eat in a dinner, she had literally speaks of wedding (Retsuko stammer when she said that).

(Wedding music)

Fenneco imagine in his head the wedding of Retsuko and Haida who said "Yes" (in front of their families, friends, and the company) and kissing.

Fenneco say with a dreaming/happy face she had always dreaming to be their maid of honor. Retsuko say to Fenneco that's not funny and she don't help her (Retsuko had an embarrassing/angry face).

(End of the Wedding music- Aggretsuko- OST 1)

So, Fenneco asks what she can do for her because she don't see how she can help her. Retsuko says she need her help for says finally to her grandmother for... (Retsuko stop to speak clearly because too embarrassing). Fenneco says he exists one solution (Retsuko thanks Fenneco, and she imagined her like a god and Retsuko pray to her): "Say to your grandmother than you are with Haida". Fenneco continue to explain the plan but Retsuko smile with a mix confusing/embarrassing face (the speech to Fenneco during the explain is low for Retsuko).

(Return to Retsuko who pray "God Fenneco", but "God Fenneco" breaks up and dress up in a devil appearance [and has a metal version of the Fenneco's laugh] and Retsuko scream and run away)

(Aggretsuko- OST 5)

Retsuko push a confusing scream and asks to Fenneco if she has become crazy because she don't want to confirm to her grandmother a mistake who she had seen to his eyes (Retsuko shakes the head of Fenneco). Fenneco asks to Retsuko to stop to shake her and to hear her. Fenneco become "Detective Fenneco" and explain to Retsuko why she has chosen this plan. Fenneco says people become obstinate with the time, if they see a failure moment in people, they will always be focalized to this point is a part of this people, so if this people says for the pleasure what this old people had seen, they will stop to watching this and they let their. Fenneco asks to Retsuko if she had understood. Retsuko says yes with a confusing face but asks for Haida's opinion. They heard laugh in this moment and the grandmother speaks to him.

(End of the OST 5- Stressful music)

Fenneco asks to Retsuko if she has heard her. Retsuko (with a nervous/confusing face) says "Yes" by the head. Fenneco asks if this old woman with Haida her grandmother is, Retsuko say with a "boring/fake happy face" that's the case. Fenneco hit the shoulder of Retsuko and says to go see her grandmother. Retsuko blushes and says Haida don't know the situation. Fenneco answer that's too late but he can improvise (Retsuko imagine Haida improvise and think it will be worse). Retsuko move slowly (with a stressful/embarrassing face) and Fenneco encourage her. Retsuko turns his head and see her grandmother (always with a happy face) who salute her and asks to Retsuko why she blushes (the Retsuko's heart is accelerating more and more). The grandmother come to Retsuko and said to her she had difficult to search her office, she was lost because of his vision, but she had seen Haida who has driven her to his office. Retsuko thinks: "Haida, you idiot!" "Why are you help my grandmother to seeing my office? She had no right to rest in the company!" and Haida says to Retsuko that her grandmother is very funny, she had spoken funny things of her when she was young (he thinks "Help me Retsuko!"). Retsuko become more stressed and says to her grandmother: "Grandma, I need to be honest with you...for Haida and" (she blushes, Fenneco doing "Yes Move" with his arms, Haida blushes a little when he see Retsuko named him with an embarrassing face as he know what Retsuko try to say to him) but Retsuko continue: "not obliged to see photos of her when she has cutting his hairs for doing like mum!".

(Come back of the OST 5)

The grandmother says to Haida she was bald for 1 month. Haida try do not laugh (he thinks: "Resist! Don't laugh of Retsuko!").

Fenneco watching the scene (see Retsuko wasn't doing like she has suggested. Retsuko asks [with an embarrassing face] to her grandmother why she is here and why she shows photos to Haida. The grandmother answers she wanted shows cute photos of her when she was young to his good friend. Haida says to Retsuko he has tried but her grandmother is hard to pull off) and say to Retsuko to confess to her grandmother that Haida is his boyfriend (but she said that exactly in THE moment when nobody speaks, and a little too strong).

*start of the metal song of Retsuko: everybody in the service stop their activities after heard what Fenneco had say (they are shocked, and whisper things like: "what she say?", "Retsuko and Haida are really...?", "what's going on ?" "the rumors were right?" ...), Fenneco tries to stop what she has doing and says (with a nervous face) to everybody "I laughed!" "That's a joke!" but it was too late. The grandmother asks to Retsuko (Retsuko didn't react) if her friend say right. Haida stop to react and doing a "fake heart attack" with a red face. Retsuko doing a confusing/embarrassing face, turn his head to Fenneco (Fenneco is scared and said to her she's sorry, she has not anticipated that people stop to speaks just for this moment), the service who asks to Retsuko if it's serious between her and Haida, to her grandmother (who asks why she didn't answer her), and to Haida who is evacuated by his colleagues (they think Haida obviously don't knew that ). Retsuko, angry of this situation, watch finally Fenneco, become aggressive and screams with death metal song intensifies.

(The songs in the Serie are in Japanese, so it's a translation in English of what can be the music)









(No Music)

Retsuko exit of the service (we don't see the eyes of Retsuko, but she does a boring/disappointing face), let Fenneco very shocked who said "Retsuko?". Director Tom say to Retsuko he has not idea of what's going on, but she has didn't finish his hours and she should come back. But Retsuko didn't come back and answer that's not his problem (the coldness of the answer fear Tom) and exit of the company.

(Aggretsuko- OST 6)

In the afternoon, she is in his house and hear noises to his door. She opens the door and she see Fenneco who apologies for earlier, and she asks to Retsuko if she can do anything to apologize for earlier because her grandmother will coming and Haida... Retsuko (with a cold/sick face) interrupt her and says to Fenneco to stop to talks. Fenneco answer to her (with an embarrassing face) she wanted help her for their plan. Retsuko asks: "Our plan, or your plan?" and Fenneco doing a shocked face. Retsuko continue and says that she hasn't the right to control his feels and for consequence, says to the company that she is with Haida. Fenneco says she is sorry. Retsuko asks to Fenneco for what she apologies: for his lie or for put her in a bad situation with Haida and her grandmother. Fenneco didn't answer. Retsuko says finally to Fenneco she can do one thing: let her alone and Retsuko close the door. Fenneco has a mix shocked/sad face, watching the door, asks to herself what she has doing and she's leaving. (End of the OST 6)

(Night Sounds Calms)

Later again, Haida and the grandmother coming back to the Retsuko's house, but they see she's not here. Haida recall to the grandmother he and Retsuko are not... (too embarrassing for continue to speak). The grandmother says the truth was coming earlier, and that's not the moment for that, she says to Haida to call Retsuko. Haida takes his phone but gotten in his voicemail. The grandmother asks if he has an idea of where Retsuko can go. Haida answer that's one place, the karaoke (the place where Retsuko can clear his head). The grandmother asks with surprise: "The karaoke? And for what?". Haida answer she will be seeing that later and they going to their destination.

(Tokyo Night Sounds with many peoples + Soft Night Music)

Not so long of the karaoke, they see Fenneco drunk in a bar. Haida asks to Fenneco what she's doing here and says to stop to drink. Fenneco answer she's fine (but she vomits after say that. Haida says it's dirty and she's certainly not fine) and says to let her because she will be caused other problems if she come with these. Haida help Fenneco to stand up and asks some napkins to the employees. The grandmother says she had medication and water if she wants. Fenneco thanks the grandmother and cry immediately.

(Aggretsuko- OST 7)

The grandmother asks why she is crying. Fenneco confess she wanted helping Retsuko earlier, but she worsens the situation and now, she doesn't want to see her anymore. The grandmother asks why she wanted help Retsuko. Fenneco confess she had a plan for helping Retsuko to her (the grandmother): doing say to Retsuko she's with Haida for keep away from her. Haida asks why she has doing that because she was not concerned. Fenneco says she wanted help Retsuko and him.

The grandmother says (with a boring face) she is disappointed from Retsuko and Fenneco but she can understand for her granddaughter because she know she can be handful, but for Fenneco, she cannot do anything for that, but the best solution is to come back to Retsuko because she doesn't like this situation too, she knows Retsuko don't let his friends behind. The grandmother says to Haida who wash the ground and asks if he can confirm he's not with her granddaughter. Haida blushes and confirm he is still single because he loves one people. The grandmother smiles and says "It's Retsuko, right?" (Haida blushes) and says she had seen he has a strange attitude in the dinner and he's shyer when Retsuko is with him. Haida confess (with an embarrassing face) she's right, he always loves Retsuko in the last 5 years now, he has tries 2 times to have his opinion for him but that was fail and fail, like he know in intern Retsuko never want be with him. The grandmother put a hand in a Haida's shoulder and asks to him if Retsuko has says a real answer to him for his feelings for him. Haida stop to wash the ground and thinks she's not said wrong. The grandmother says to Haida he's a good boy, he helps her every day, he even saved her life: it's impossible for Retsuko to don't like him. Haida lifts his head to the grandmother (with the light of the bar, he sees her like Buddha). She continues and says she has talks with Retsuko when he was going in the toilet in the dinner: she says "Haida is a very good friend. Nobody is like him in the company like in the life. I can't explain, but he is special for me. I think I will never forgive to me if I don't say to me a real answer for his feelings for me (she said that with a dreaming/happy face)".

(Aggretsuko- OST 3)

Haida stand up and asks to the grandmother if it's true or she tries to say Retsuko has some feelings for him (embarrassing/confusing face of Haida). The grandmother answers only his husband have memory's problem in his family, not her, and she will be very happy to have him like step-grandson. The heart of Haida never beat so fast and run immediately to the karaoke. Fenneco says to the grandmother she's very effective for motivate people to come back go ahead. The grandmother answers it's a part of her job to "voice of reason", and now, they just have to follow him. Fenneco asks if for his problem, it will be fine for her. The grandmother answers it's going to be fine (positive face of the grandmother) and exit of the bar (the grandmother paid the drinks of Fenneco and asks how she has drink 15 bottles just for herself. Fenneco answer with an embarrassing face she has think it was only 5).

(Aggretsuko- OST 8)

In the same moment, Retsuko is in the karaoke but she didn't sing anything (like she's waiting for someone). Retsuko thinks to his rude words to Fenneco and call for have another beer. The beer coming, and in the moment of Retsuko will drink this, a hand takes the beer and put this in the table. Retsuko ask (with a confusing face) who is here (turn his head to the right and the left) but see the beer is again in the table. She thinks it's an illusion because she's drunken and when she wanted takes the beer, the bottle moves away, and a voice says to stop to drink right now. Retsuko looks up and says "Haida?". Haida says they need to talk right here, right now. Retsuko asks (with a surprising face) what's going on. And Haida describes his discussion with her grandmother and Fenneco.

Retsuko become embarrass after that but says to Haida she's drunken so she can't explain in good conditions what she had said last night. Haida take the beer of Retsuko, and drink. Retsuko asks (with a confusing face) what he's doing and Haida answers he wants to be in the same level of Retsuko when she will say her opinions for his feelings and he order other beers. Retsuko says (with an embarrassing/confusing face) he's not obligated to doing that because tomorrow, he will have nobody remembers to... Haida interrupt her and say he don't want cheat with her because she's drunken and him not (drink 2 beers). Retsuko asks why he speaks to cheat because it's only her who should answer for his feelings. Haida answer (continue to drink a beer when he speaks) he doesn't want to break his image of "very good friend" for her. Retsuko (become angry) asks who speaks of his image of "very good friend", because he is more of that for her. Haida says he has confessed his feelings 2 times, so she is more than a simple friend because he loves her. Retsuko scream with a metal voice: "I LOVE YOU TOO!!!!" (his voice "destroys" the karaoke and every glass in proximity). An embarrassing silence come between Retsuko and Haida. Haida asks to Retsuko: " me? Retsuko?" and Retsuko answers: "Yes...I think I have said that". Retsuko and Haida blushes and Retsuko (embarrassing face) asks if they have other beers for forget this moment. Haida answers they have again some beers. And Retsuko say it's perfect and now, they need to forget this moment. Haida says he approved that, and the two characters drinks the beers.

Fenneco and the grandmother begin to the karaoke. The grandmother says it will be a long time she wasn't going to a karaoke. Fenneco says it's here where Retsuko releases all her negative emotions with a death metal song. Suddenly they hear "I LOVE YOU TOO!!!!!" and the grandmother asks if it's her granddaughter who scream and says how "I love you too" it's a negative thing. Fenneco says it's Retsuko and the "I love you too" is certainly address to Hai... She thinks suddenly (with a confusing face) Haida was coming to the karaoke before these for search Retsuko. The grandmother says it's very surprising for her granddaughter to sing this music style and Fenneco says it's more surprising to her friend for use karaoke for declare his feelings and she says to go immediately in the room of Retsuko. The grandmother (with an embarrassing face) says to the reception room where is Retsuko. But he answers he can't hear because of the death metal voice of now who have in the room 4. The grandmother (with an surprising face) says it's the first time of his shy granddaughter make deaf peoples but Fenneco says they have in room 4 and arrived to the door of his room, they hear Haida try to sing with death metal voice and Retsuko who laugh for his disastrous performance and they knock on the doors.

(Aggretsuko- OST 2)

Haida asks to Retsuko if she wants whisky the next time for forgets. Retsuko answers he needs to forget too. Haida says he hear knock but Retsuko says it's his turn. Haida asks she is sure because it was ever her before. Retsuko answer he has ever taken his turn before. Haida says she said wrong but Retsuko answer it's the case. They say yes/no/yes/no/yes/no and Haida slip on a beer and he accidentally fall on Retsuko (not so long of a "kiss accident") and they blush when they are watching them. They hear suddenly "What have you doing and how many beers have you drinking?". They become embarrass and when they turn around, they see the grandmother and Fenneco (With embarrassing face, Retsuko says "Grandma?!" and Haida says "Fenneco?!"). Haida and Retsuko move away and say it's an accident: Haida has slip on a beer and he has falls on Retsuko. The grandmother asks if the "I love you too" was an accident too because peoples are become deaf now (Retsuko blushes). Retsuko (with an embarrassing/confusing) says she's sorry for the deaf peoples. The grandmother asks what the case of the "I love you too?". Retsuko didn't answer but Haida says they are drunken, and they said strange things when they drunken (Retsuko doing a confusing face). The grandmother (embarrassing face) says to Haida she has granted her blessing yes, but he wasn't obligated to doing things with her granddaughter in a karaoke. Haida blushes and said it was not the case.

(Sad music)

Retsuko watch Fenneco who has shy in the discussion. Fenneco asks to Retsuko if she is really unforgivable for earlier, Retsuko didn't answer. Fenneco says she (Fenneco) was stupid with her, and she promised to stop to don't come in his relationships in the future because it's not his problems. Retsuko say "Fenneco..." Fenneco become sad and says she has no right to interfere in the affairs of others and next time she will stop to talks to everywhere if it's the best solution to be good with her.

Retsuko says: "Fenneco, you..." but Fenneco answers she don't need to be excused so easily because she will create many problems for the others and for her best friend (Fenneco cry). The grandmother reassure her and Retsuko says to Fenneco she don't need to be excuse because she (Retsuko) is the problem: she says she don't wanted assume feelings for his best friend and she made her feel guilty her best friend (Retsuko doing a huge in cry and says to Fenneco she will be always his friend because she don't want let her suffer by his fault). Haida reassure the Retsuko and Fenneco and says they can always sing one sing it they want.

(Death Metal Music) Retsuko and Fenneco are looking (fire in their eyes who cry), take micros and sing with death metal sound. Haida and the grandmother are impressive by their performance. The grandmother says they must return in homes because it's ever 4:00 a.m. and they work in somes hours (confusing face of Retsuko/Fenneco/Haida).

(Aggretsuko- OST 11)

In 10:00, Tom asks to Retsuko if she had excuse for yesterday. Retsuko answer with a boring voice "Yes." (very tired) but she says she has a headache. Tom says so his sanction is to finish recording the accounting records of yesterday, of today, and of Fenneco who is absent. Retsuko look at the piles and say (with an embarrassing face) it will be very hard to finish before the night.

(Aggretsuko- OST 12)

During the lunch time, Retsuko sees Haida. The 2 characters remembers suddenly of yesterday and say (with embarrassing/blushing face) if their okay. Haida answers he is tired and a bad headache. Retsuko say the same. They eat in exterior for change, seat on a bench, and don't speak because it's too embarrassing for the one like the other.

Haida says how many times her grandmother rest. Retsuko answers she will still somes times and actually, she is with his mother. Haida says to Retsuko her mother will be very surprised of what's going on yesterday (they laugh, and Retsuko think [with an embarrassing face] in intern her mother will hear explains). Retsuko asks to Haida why Fenneco is not here. Haida answer she is sick, and she has a stomachache because of the drinks who has she taken. Retsuko (with a confusing face) says they have taken literally 35 beers and others drinks but they come works. Haida says he was idiot last night, but Retsuko take his arm and put his head in the arm of Haida and says (with a dreaming/happy face): "We were idiots yesterday". Haida blushes but put his arm too in the head of Retsuko and says with a smile: "Yes, we were idiots" and they watch the city for conclude the episode.

Why this episode?

-For introduce other member of the family of Retsuko (only her mother is known).

The grandmother will be the rule of the grandmother who imagine his children/grandchildren in couple.

She will be very important for the relationship Retsuko/Haida because she will represent the fan who wants to put Retsuko with Haida because of the last attempts of Haida to conquer the heart of Retsuko.

The grandmother will unlock the situation because she's going to question of the feelings of her granddaughter for Haida.

So, his rule doesn't stop here because she will be helping the problems of the Retsuko's friends too. She's going to ask a question that Haida has never search in his fails: "Did Retsuko has say to you a real answer for her feelings for you?"

She will say to the spectator Retsuko is not insensitive to the goodness, presence, sincerity of Haida. The spectator knows that but when Retsuko confess to her grandmother Haida is special for her, the idea to see Retsuko with Haida like boyfriend can be reality with the time.

-For have an answer to the questions of the feelings of Retsuko for Haida.

Retsuko and Haida together is a dream for many fans. We know since a long time Haida loves Retsuko, but people never know if it's the case of Retsuko to Haida too.

The first time, Retsuko had just broken up with Resasuke and says to Haida it was not the good time for her to have him like new boyfriend.

The second time, Retsuko almost got killed by the big fan and was mentally broken for give his opinion for her feelings for Haida.

With this episode, the question of the feelings of Retsuko for Haida will be one of the most important points of the episode. The grandmother, Fenneco, and Retsuko & Haida themselves will recall this point for begin to a conclusion: "I LOVE YOU TOOO!!!!"

The choice to the karaoke for the answer of Retsuko is logic because the karaoke is the preferred location of Retsuko to release all his emotions (and therefore his feelings).

This episode will be a cannon for the relationship Retsuko & Haida, but beware: they will not be in couple immediately after this episode (they were drunken, it will be very strange if Retsuko start a new love relationship like that). So, the spectator knows one thing very important: Retsuko loves Haida too.

The next episodes after this will be very decisive for their future (Did Retsuko give finally a chance to Haida? Or finally she will continue to see if she can find a better man than Haida?)

-For develop Fenneco who is an important factor for the relationship between Retsuko and Haida.

Fenneco is a main character who had never big problems with everybody.

Her part was limited to accompany Retsuko and/or Haida. Which means that it often passes into the background in reverse to her friends.

In this episode, we can see a Fenneco who wants help Retsuko to her bad situation, but this time, she's going to so screw to the point where Retsuko turn his back to her.

Fenneco will be desperate, thinking she made the irreparable: she never felt so bad in the Serie.

In this episode, his friendship with Retsuko will grow out of it (with her screw, she rushed the events with Retsuko and Haida. Retsuko apologizes her for that).

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