Boyfriend for Christmas

By OutOfMyLimit17

3.4M 134K 17.4K

To fulfill a promise to her late father, Aubrey Lynn posts an ad to hire a fake boyfriend for Christmas. But... More

Chapter 1....
Chapter 2....
Chapter 3...
Chapter 4....
Chapter 5...
Chapter 6....
Chapter 7...
Chapter 8....
Chapter 9....
Chapter 10...
Chapter 11....
Chapter 12....
Chapter 13....
Chapter 14....
Chapter 15....
Chapter 16....
Chapter 17....
Chapter 18....
Chapter 19....
Chapter 20....
Chapter 21....
Chapter 22....
Chapter 23....
Chapter 24....
Chapter 25...
Chapter 26....
Chapter 27...
Chapter 28....
Chapter 29....
Chapter 30....
Chapter 31....
Chapter 32....
Chapter 33...
Chapter 34....
Chapter 35....
Chapter 36...
Chapter 38....
Chapter 39....
Chapter 40....
Chapter 41...

Chapter 37....

77.7K 3.3K 649
By OutOfMyLimit17

"Kids! Time to get up! Lucas, Annie and the girls will be here in just a minute!"

The sound of my mom's voice came through the door making me groan. I snuggled deeper into the warm body that I was pressed against.

"You all better be down here in 5 minutes!"

"Go away." I muttered. The body I was laying on moved as they chuckled making my head move along with it. "Stoppp. I'm trying to sleep." I whined.

"You really aren't a morning person."

"No, now shush." With my eyes closed I brought arm up and moved it in the general direction of Knox's voice.

Everything was quiet for a moment as I tried to go back to sleep but as soon as I started to drift off another knock sounded at the door.

"Aubrey get up." She knew me well enough that I would go back to sleep. "Aubrey!"

"Fine! We're coming." I shouted back.

"You do know its Christmas right? You shouldn't be grumpy."

"Yeah, yeah put a sock in it." I grumbled as I slowly untangled myself from him. I didn't have it in me to be embarrassed for practically laying on top of him. I stumbled out of bed and went straight for the bathroom.

Splashing water on my face I stared at my reflection as I thought back on what happened last night. A lot happened...a lot. I had no plans on breaking down in front of Knox and I was without a doubt extremely embarrassed that I basically got snot all over him. But the fact that he didn't care and said the things he did...I had no words. When I think he couldn't surprise me anymore he does.

Thinking back on the way he shared personal things with me, how he held me, hell even the way he told me how it was last night; I felt the feelings inside of me shift. I knew for a fact I felt something towards Knox. Maybe it was just a crush and everything going on right now was just heightening it but it was a feeling I have never felt before. Not with any of my past boyfriends.

With that came nerves. Nerves that maybe what I was starting to feel was only one-sided. That like every relationship I've ever had I'll mess this one up to. So many things kept popping up in my head. But now was definitely not the time for it. I didn't need to stress about any of that today. No, today was Christmas and that meant pushing aside all the fears, the questions, and everything else off to the side.

With that thought in mind I put it all to the back of my mind. Time to go celebrate Christmas with my family.

Once the two of us were ready we made our way downstairs. We were still clad in our PJ's just like every Christmas morning. Seeing that my two nieces weren't here yet I followed the scent of freshly brewed coffee in the kitchen.

Walking in I found Jackson, Olivia and my Mom already there drinking coffee. Seeing that the clock only read 7:15 in the morning I made a beeline for the coffee pot.

"It should be against the law to be up this early." Jackson mumbled where he sat at the bar. I seconded that by raising my coffee mug. I made both Knox and I a cup before settling on a stool next to Olivia.

"Merry Christmas." She chirped grinning widely at me and her brother. Out of all of us she looked the most excited to be up this early.

"Merry Christmas." I smiled back, her mood a little contagious.

"Where's my 'Merry Christmas'?" Jackson asked from the other side of me. With one hand I reached over and smacked the back of his head. "That's not Christmas-y at all. Mom! Aubrey smacked me."

"You probably deserved it." She said not even turning around. I stuck my tongue out childishly.

Before he could say anything in return the sound of the front door opening followed by yelling echoed into the kitchen.

Here we go.

Not even three seconds later two balls of Christmas energy burst through the kitchen.

"Santa came!" Both girls yelled running around. I grinned at how excited they were. It was always fun being little and believing in Santa. Where you'd try and stay up late on Christmas Eve to 'catch Santa' only to pass out. Then getting up super early because you just can't wait.

A moment later Lucas and Annie came into the kitchen both looking as tired as the rest of us. I had a feeling the girls had been up awhile.

"Here I'll get you guys some coffee then we can open presents." They both graciously took a cup from my mom.

"Pwesents." The girls chanted loudly.

"Okay, okay we can go open them." My mom gave in which made the girls take off to the living room. The rest of us adults slowly followed after, not as enthused.

We all silently claimed spots around the living room. Knox and I settled side by side in the smaller love seat with Olivia at our feet. While the rest of us went to bed my mom must have taken some more presents out and filled the stockings.

With the help of Sophie and Charlotte, the three of them handed out the stockings to everyone first. My mom must have found some older stockings to give to Olivia and Knox as they got one of their own.

Everyone dug in and pulled out what they got. We all mostly got the same thing; gum, chocolate, toothbrushes which my mom loved to give every year, then everyone got one thing different.

Sophie and Charlotte could barely wait for the actual presents so not much time were spent on the stockings. Because the girls were going to get more presents than the rest of us my mom gave them one first to open. Watching their faces as they shredded the wrapping paper was the best part.

Once the girls had opened a few and were playing with them the rest of us were handed one. As everyone started opening their gifts the excitement of Christmas grew. Seeing everyones faces as their opened their presents reminded me of why this was my favorite holiday.

And when my mom opened her gift I gave her, a hand drawn picture of her and my dad on their anniversary last year, and I saw the look on her face Knox's word rung through my head once more. Distancing myself from my family was not what I needed. It was not what they needed either.

Yeah it hurt being here without my dad, especially on Christmas. But sitting here right now with my family I felt my dad. Just because he wasn't really here didn't mean anything. That thought alone seemed to lift a weight off of my shoulders

As my mom watched us all open presents, her eyes glistening while she held her wedding ring to her chest, I suddenly understood what my dad meant when he told me to keep my mom happy. Having us all around made her happy. Seeing us bicker, laugh, helping her cook, made her happy. It wasn't to make me bring someone home to fake a relationship to make her happy. Although I was sure that helped as well. As long as I was happy so was my mom.

When I handed over the presents I got Knox and Olivia I felt no regret in meeting them. None at all. Yes it wasn't a well thought plan finding a guy to fake date and bring home but it in the end it brought me Knox and Olivia.

The surprised look on her face when I handed her two presents made me smile. Just because it was a last minute thing didn't mean I wasn't going to get her anything.

"This is beautiful." She gushed as she pulled out the scarf. She wrapped it around her neck and shot me wide grin. "Thank you I love it." When she went to open the other one I watched with excitement. I know she'll love these the most.

The moment she saw them she let out a little squeal.

"Cookbooks!" She pulled out the three older cookbooks I found at the farmers market the other day.

"They are all baking ones. I thought you'd like to be able to bake some more at home." I explained. My mom leaned over as Olivia held them out.

"Wow where did you get these?" Mom asked.

"A lady at the farmers market was selling them. She made me promise that they will be put to good use."

"I will!" Olivia hugged them to her chest. "Thank you."

"Hope to be eating some of those baked goods soon." She nodded already leafing through one of them.

Next was Knox's turn. He opened Olivia's first as well as the few presents my mom, and brothers somehow managed to get on such short notice. Finally it was my turn. I sat up a bit straighter as he slowly unwrapped it.

I worried my bottom lip between my teeth as I waited. I just hoped he liked it. When he pulled out the photo album Olivia and I made I held my breath. His face showed nothing as he slowly leafed through it. When he came across a picture of him and his parents I saw his finger linger on it. Finally he looked up at me.

"This is amazing." He said, his voice once again thick. "How did you..."

"Olivia helped me." Knox looked at his sister and leaned over to squeeze his shoulder.

"Thank you." His eyes met mine. No words were needed. Just that one look I knew the gift meant more than he could say. I reached out and grabbed his hand. He laced our fingers and rubbed his thumb across my knuckles.

After a moment I looked away, my cheeks feeling warm. Looking around I met my moms gaze. She was looking at the two of us with a soft look. The look on her face let me know she knew about their parents, Olivia probably having told her.

"Your turn." A tug at my hand made me look away from my mom.

"Me?" I had already opened all my gifts.

"Here." Reaching behind his back, Knox pulled out a small box. My eyes widened not expecting him to actually give me anything.

"You didn't have to."

"Open it." I unlaced our fingers and gently took the box from him. Everyone else around us were busy doing their own thing. Jackson was looking over the stuff he got, Lucas and Annie were watching the girls play with their stuff, and Olivia and my mom were pouring over the cookbooks. Which left Knox and I in our own little bubble.

I slowly unwrapped the paper and when I saw it was jewelry box my breathing hitched. My fingers shook slightly as I opened it. The sight inside instantly made tears spring to my eyes. Laying inside was a gorgeous silver locket necklace. It was open to show the picture inside....a picture of me and my dad.

"I got the picture from your mom and Olivia helped me pick it out." Knox rubbed the back of his neck.

"I-it's perfect." Once more tears were threatening to spill. It was by far the most thoughtful gift I have ever received. Knox went out of his way to get a picture from my mom and then went out to find the locket. "Thank you."

My body leaned forward on its own. I was inches away from Knox's lips when I looked into his eyes for permission. He didn't say a word as he leaned the rest of the way and pressed his lips against mine.

I think we both put everything into that kiss. Letting each other know how much we both loved our gifts.

While the kiss was short it was perfect. My lips tingled when I pulled away and a wide grin was taking over my face. Looking around I found no one was even watching us. Deciding right now was the best time I stood up.

"Come with me." I pulled a very confused Knox up and had him follow me.

"Where are we doing?" He questioned as I lead him back upstairs.

"I have one more present to give you." I said over my shoulder. A look passed over his face and he raised his eyebrow. I immediately knew what he was thinking. "No not that you perv."

"Not my fault when you kiss me and then randomly take me to your room." He defended himself. I shook my head and didn't say anything but I could feel his eyes on my ass as we went up the stairs.

When we reached my room I didn't bother closing the door. I left Knox standing there as I went over to my laptop.

"Come take a seat." I sat down on my bed and patted the spot beside me. While he took a seat I booted up my computer.

"What's this?"

"Well the other day you were asking about what I do and if websites really work for business, and it got me thinking." I trailed off as I went to the file that was labeled 'Knox'. "Here."

I clicked it on it and placed my laptop on his lap. What I had done popped up on the screen. The name of Knox's family hardware store, Mickelson's', came onto the screen in big letters.

"Its your own website." I moved my finger to the touch pad to scroll. "It has everything about your store. People can search up items you have in store and in stock. They can either order online or know to come in. Olivia told me you guys also mix paint so I made a section for people to look at colors or request certain ones so its quicker and easier." I rattled off, showing him what I had done. It still needed a few tweaks here and there but it was basically done. Once I was done showing it what the site entailed I sat back. He still had yet to say anything.

I fiddled with my hands as I waited impatiently. When a good minute passed and he hadn't said a word I got nervous.

"Did I overstep? Oh god I did." I rambled as he didn't say a word. He hated it. I should have asked him if it was okay or that he wanted one. It's his business and I just did something he probably didn't want. "I'm sorry you don't need to use the website. I can easily take it down since it isn't live yet. Here let me-" I reached for the laptop. My fingers grazed the top before it was jerked away.

"Aubrey." I was embarrassed. Why did I think he would want a website.

"Its fine. I'll take it down." I reached for the laptop but it was once again jerked away.

"Aubrey." A hand grabbed mine. I finally brought my eyes up. "You made me a website." It wasn't a question. "You really made an entire website for my families business."

" you like it?" I asked, my voice soft.

"I thought the photo album was perfect but this...Aubrey thank you." I perked up at his words. "You really went out of your way to build an entire website for me. How long did this take?" There was awe in his voice as he spoke.

"A day or so." I shrugged.

"That's why you were up so late the other night working." I nodded. "This is the perfect Christmas present Aubrey."


"Yeah. I've been looking for a way to grow the business but never knew how. This...this site will be really helpful." At his words I grinned.

"It will! It makes things easy and accessible. You may have to look into shipping things if that part takes off or I can just get rid of that all together. This is a rough draft so we can change whatever you want. Then when your ready we can get it live." My voice changed into my work one as I spoke. Realizing what I was doing I trailed off, my cheeks turning red.

"You are cute when you talk about work." Again my cheeks turned redder at his words.

"Sorry once I start I can just keep going."

"Thank you," Knox held up the laptop. "for this. You don't know how helpful this will be."

"Of course."

"How much do I-" I instantly cut him off.

"Nothing. This is a gift." I stated firmly. If he even thought about paying me I would put my foot down. That was not happening.

He just nodded as his lips twitched. The two of us sat there on my bed grinning at each other like two dorks.

"We should probably head back down before they wonder where we've gone." I finally said.

"Yeah before your brothers think we are doing something." I scrunched my nose up at that. "They already gave me the talk." He said while standing up.

"The talk?" Oh god no.

"The 'no touching my sister while under my moms roof' talk." I felt my stomach drop. "And the 'don't touch my sister in general' talk too."

"Oh god." I put my head into my hands. Of course they would. Any excuse to embarrass me I swear.

"Don't worry it wasn't that bad." Knox laughed.

"Still embarrassing." I pulled my hands away from my cheeks to send him a look. "Those two live to embarrass me."

"They were right to warn me." I tilted my head to the side in question. "There are quite a few things I'd like to do in this room." Knox lowered his voice and his eyes raked up and down my body. I instantly got what he meant and a wave of heat went right through me.

With a smirk Knox turned on his heel and left the room. I stared after him still trying to process his words. That little bastard.

Knox is so freaking sweet! Getting Aubrey a necklace with a picture of her dad and her....ugh I'm crying again!! 

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