Life's Lonely Road (A Poetry...

By NickMasters1983

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Your Word!
The Town
If Words Could Kill
Underneath the Willow
Alone at Sea
Suicidal State of Mind
Battling Demons
Skeletons in the Closet
Burying the Past
Addicted and Afflicted
From Beyond the Grave
All I Have Is Time
Looking the other way
Mirror Mirror On The Wall Who Wears A Mask? ... Oh But You All!
Fighting Fear
Shaping Me
True Friends
Last Chance
Lifes Lessons
Running In Circles
Living in the Past
Lost in Old Age
Letter to Dad
My Mother, My Miracle
The Gift of Life
Natural Beauty
Raising your Heart
Always My Baby Girl
Coming Out
A Parent in Defeat
Fighting The Flame
Too Blind To See
Ransoming Myself

The War on Love Commences

45 5 1
By NickMasters1983

I'm Not ME ?!?
Well I Am, But I'm Not!

I Reflect On That For A Moment,
I Give It A Thought

I Suddenly Feel So Much Different
Then I Had Felt Just Only Moments Before

As If A Part Of Had Up And Left
And Just Walked Out The Door

What Were These Feelings I Had
And These Thoughts They Made Now Pour

Wisdom Rained Down Upon Me
And Pulled Upon The Floor

It Reflected Past, And Present
And Showed Me Whats In Store

Its Vision Was Abashing
And Shook Me To My Core

For Our Battle Of fates
Between Hell And that Above

It Aint Fueled By Flame Or Fire Or Hate
Nor A Need To Get To The Pearly Gate

Its A War Waged By Heaven And Hell
Fighting Over That Which We Call Love

For Us All The Journey Begins
The Exact Same Way

And Though Our Paths Are Different
Lifes Is Not Fair Some Might Say

Will All Be Made Again Equal
Come Reckoning Day

A Gift To A Mother
Back Inside You Go

Where YOu Decompose
And You Do It Slow

The Cycle's Complete
As You From A Womb To The Tomb

No Possessions Are Kept
Or Held On Retention

You Can Take Nothing With You
When You Begin Your Ascension

So What In Life Is Valuable
Is There anything To Mention

Do My Good Deeds Go Unnoticed
Or Does Life Then Have A Pension

Well The Only Thing You Have
To Which You Keep And Maintain Control

Has Been Previously Unseen To You
For It Is Just Your Soul

You Can't Purchase A Ticket To Heaven
Its Only The Ferrying That Charge A Toll

The Afterlife Is Eternal
It'll Be To Heaven Or Hell You'll Go

But Until God Cast His Verdict
Unto WHigh You Go You'll Never Know

For All The Decisions We Make In Life
Are Written On A Scroll

Its Not About Popularity
No One Will Take A Poll

Though What You've Done Unto Others
Is Guaranteed To Show

Its The Idea Of Judgement
That Always Keeps Us Stirring

Driven By Lust And Selfish Desires
Our Greed Can Blind Us As It Becomes Blurring

Thats what makes living
seem so alluring

which makes us push On
and keeps us enduring

Our protective nature
just to keep what we've got

Embracing death would seem
to be an afterthought

For what it promises
Remains unseen

Weather Hevean or Hell
Or the great in between

Provocations weve created
drawing off of promises and of fear

That have shaped the world
paving life's path unto here

The promise of living
beyond this life

being eternally mated
to a husband or wife

being gifted in heaven
and showered in riches

to walk streets of gold
rather than fertilizing ditches

Having Faith In GoD
And Ask his forgiveness

Just Accepting Jesus Christ
To Extol Him Religion Pitches

It has sculpted society and shaped humanity
it was drawn upon through the ages

It's preached upon and taught by most scholars,teachers. preists, and profits
it's been chronicled amongst the pages

yet it's been ridiculed and frowned upon
by non believers, witches and sages

it sparks debate faith's brought war and hate
its unto this life which it wages

Yet it invites and truly ignites
all that it inspires and to engages

freeing us from our own captivity
opening the door to our societal cages

But as we do with most everything
we try to force it upon the masses

we think that everyone should think alike
It's unity across the vastness

but its this burden placed by society
a pressure that's pressence can truly abash us

to be liked and loved despite differences
We All Want to Feel accepted

to be dear to the heart and one of the part
to be swaddled, Swooned, and protected

its our need for constant nourishment
that often leaves us feeling rejected

Its our own self imposing restraints
cast upon ourselves That weve projected

that make it appear as though we've been Left Out And Have Us Often Feeling neglected.

As cure to this we search Endlessly
for a means to rise above

it shouldn't be suprising to Us
for what we search is simply called Love

You Will Be Blinded By Greed
As Your Greed Becomes Need

It Captures Your Attention Each And Every Day
Enticing and entrancing in Each And Every Way

though if you fail in its attempt
its your heart with which you pay

we look for a partner a soon to be called mate
to raise a family before It becomes too late

so we wine and dine we go out we date
taking chances in endeavors in something often steered by fate

much like the endowment of heaven
so to is this thing called Love

They've become eternally mated
in life like a turtle doves

You invision its flavor as being devine,
with a glamor to both shimmer and shine,

it smells of flaura and fauna,
fresh lavender comes to mind

and its touch is soft as spiders silk
nothing Material Though You'll Be twined

with a voice thats soft and sweet
a call thats envokes rhythm and dancing

foolish actions are often made
for the syrens song is so entrancing

This you'll never know
until you have watcher it leave

its not until then you'll know
if its truly had ever been achieved

and if it Has and you Have failed
You'll Forever Dwell, son And Endlessly Grieve

you'll deflectively pass the blame
You'll Feel Cheated, robbed And Theived

until you get the Strength to rise again
the Courage and fortitude to belive

You Realize Your Mistakes
For Love It Has Defenses

It Will Surely Take Its Toll On You
And May Even Knock You Senseless

And Where Your Heart Was Once Free
Will Stands Erect Fortified Walls and Fences

To Sheild US From The Pain of Heartach
We Will Put Up These Defenses

So Know You Understand What We Fight For
There Are No Pretences

Thats What Love Does
IT Binds and Blinds, It Confuses and It Minces

As Is Simply Takes Control
And Knocks Out All Your Senses

The Walls will Fall
As To Will Your Fences

Your Heart Hangs From Your Sleeve
Its Left Vulnerably Unprotected,
Exposed and Completely Defenseless

It Becomes Pierced its Pours Out
Agonizing in pain you scream and you shout

You Couldn't Never Endure this Your Sure Your Left Wirh No Doubt For Everything about Life Tenses

Drownd in Pain and Sorrow
Covering You it Drenches

You Know The Time To Stand Up And Fight Is Now
That Then Is When The War On Love Commences

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