C岽忈磤岽勈淪谈蕼岽徥弌谈 ( rewrite On Ano...

By SimplyLev

81.3K 1.5K 347

crossover of knb and hq. hinata x everyone, hinata x gom and alot more crossovers. one word to discribe this... More

Basketball team (edited)
hinata's background
chapter 2
not a chapter
chapter 3
not a chapter, again
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
happy new year!
chapter 12
you guys decide
published it

chapter 9

3.5K 94 19
By SimplyLev


So every teams got there, except date tech.

The teams are:
-aoba johsai


so just the usuall.

kuroo and Daishō Suguru are Bickering at eachother.

【Daishō Suguru the captain of nohebi】

ushijima telling oikawa the 'you should have come to shiratorizawa.

kenma playing animal crossing.

yaku chasing lev cause he keeps on pestering him.

asahi is um.... a his being a Negative Goatee

nishinoya, tanaka, and taketora yamamoto are being a simp for kiyoko.

the lazy one's are being lazy.

sakusa being a germaphobe.

hoshiumi and atsumu keep bikering at eachother, osamu and suna is enjoying the fight, kita and sachiro are done with this.

the karasuno did not notice where was hinata.

and soon the date tech we're there.

then Oiwake Takurō the coach of date tech spoke up "so, who's the one that owns a motorcicle, the bodyguard said that he has never seen it before, it looks quite expensive and some people I think might steal it any time now"

'wait motorcicle, hinata/shrimp/boke/baby' tought by the karasuno.

*sigh "where.the.hell is that shrimp" said tsukishima who was finding hinata.

"boke.hinata.boke" said kageyama.

"sho-chan" said yamaguchi.

"karasuno seems to be worried of the owner of the motorcycle" said Futakuchi Kenji the captain of date tech (actually I think there are two captains on date tech because of Moniwa Kaname i'm confuse) "huh aone" added futakuchi.

"excuse me are you lookong for Shōyō Hinata" said aone.

kageyama looked up "y-yes, how do you know him" said kageyama.

"well i've known him since he was in middle school we met in one of our games, and if your wondering where sho-kun is look up" said aone and pointed at the basketball hoop (yes their on a basketball gym).

everyones eyes widdens as they saw hinata at the basketball hoop 'how the hell' thought litteraly everyone exept for aone.

hinata is wearing an ear pods and reading a book.

"hm, why does it seems so quiet" said hinata and took of his ear pods and then puts a book mark on what he is reading "hey erm- guys what's up" added hinata.

"BOKE.GET.DOWN.HERE.NOW" said kageyama.

"epp" said hinata and hinata's eyes landed on aone hinata jumped down and quietly landed "AONE SAVE ME FROM THAT GUY" screamed hinata and aone quickly lifted him and put him in his back as a piggy back ride.

"please stop this right now his motorcycle might be stolen" said aone and put hinata down.

"wait, motorcycle shit my baby" said hinata and he ran to where his motorcycle is (yes he caursed).

"HE CAURSED" yelled the karasuno members.

"and also/ HE CAN TALK " yelled everone.

20 minutes have passed since hinata left and the karasuno was getting worried and as the other karasuno members was about to leave hinata was there riding his motorcycle and had a blood on his fist.

"Hm, where should I park this" said hinata "hey guys" added hinata.

"H-hinata is that blood on your fist" said asahi.

"COOL!" Yelled nishinoya.
"WOAH THAT WOULD BE GRATE" yelled tanaka.

"Well, um I'll explain later after I park this motorcycle" said hinata.

"Ok then" said yamaguchi.

They got back to where they we're, and a few minutes later hinata successfully hid his motorcycle and washed his hands and got back through the gym.

"So mind explning the blood on your fist earlier" said daichi.

"Wait, WHAT" said kenma.

"Calm down ken-ken it's not a big deal" said hinata.

"You had a blood in your fist and your saying it's not a big deal" said kenma.

"Hehehe, um yes" said hinata as he scratched the back of his head.

"Did sho-kun got into another fight" said aone.

"Oh, a fight well that's- Wait a fight" said suga.

"Shh, quite down suga-san they might hear you" said hinata.

"YOU EXPECT ME TO CALM DOWN AFTER YOU GOT INTO A FIGHT" yelled suga almost the entire gym heard it.

" DID SOMEONE SAY FIGHT" yelled bokuto.

"Wow a chibi got into a fight" said kuroo and oikawa.

"Nani wo a red head got into a fight" said Satori Tendō.

and soon after everyone in the gym started to talk about it, then hinata had a tick mark on his head showing that he was angry.

"ALL.OF.YOU.SHUT THE F*CK UP I CAN'T EXPLAIN HOW THE HELL DID I GET INTO A F*KING FIGHT FOR ASAHIS SAKE" yelled hinata everyone was quite *sigh "finally I can explain" added hinata.

Flash back


As I was waking through where my baby could be I saw it was right there and then as I was walking there I saw three boys forcing a girl to come with them.

That was one of the things I hate.

And then there was two other motorcycle parked right beside my motorcycle.

"Hey why don't you vome with us those three bikes/motorcycles belong to us" said the boy who was right infront of the girl.

"Right why won't you come with us and we will have a good time" said the guy on the right.

"P-please I need to go" said the girl.

"Don't you want to have a good time" said the guy on the left.

I hate the way that they we're treating the girl and most of all I hate it when people touches my stuff and claim it as they own it.

I touched the left guy's shoulder and said "the girl said to leave her alone didn't she" I said.

"And who the hell are you supposed to be, a pipsqueak looking shorts stack" said the left guy.

I punched him because I mostly hate it when someone calls me a short.

The two others got my attention and the girl got away.

"Shit, this is all your fault" said the boy on the middle.

*sigh "I don't have time for this" I said in a bored tone "well then let's see what you got" I added.

"Heh, this pipsqueak really think that he can beat us" said the guy on the right "well then let's get started shall we" said the one on the left as he was cracking his fist.

They didn't even last 3 minutes, the guard didn't even care cause he knew who hinata was and he knew how much he hates seeing someone owning his things, so for his this was just a giant lion fight three bunnies.

"Nee, that was all of you got didn't even try" I said in a bored tone as I grabbed the guy on the ground I then puched him and two of his teeth fell of and I got blood on my fist.

"This should remind you DON'T.EVER.TOUCH.MY.STUFF.WITH OUT.TELLING.ME" I said and I let go "hey mr. guard it's been awhile" I said and waved at him.

"Strong as ever kiddo" said the guard "Don't worry I'll just bring them to the clinic" the gaurd added.

"Well then I'm counting on you and by the way one of the guys might have a broken arm" I said *sigh "anyways I'll take care of this you should go now" said the guard "hai hai" I said.

End of flash


"Don't believe that happened" said tsukishima and everyone agreed with him.

"Hey I didn't say for all you to believe me now did I" hinata said "wait don't you think the coaches should be done by now" said Hinata.

"Yeah where are they" said kita.

The coaches finally came back.

"Ok everyone one from today to Sunday we won't do anything because we all want you to know each other most likely the karasuno" said the shiratorizawa coach.

"Doubting us" hinta said "because I can brake you jaw right here right now" hinata added.

"Like I'd like to see you try" said Tanji.

"Well th-" hinata was cut off because someone entered the gym.

"Hey kiddo I've got the boys on the clinic and the nurse said the the other boys arm was broken" said the gaurd "and also I reported it to the principle and he said he wants to talk to you later" added the gaurd and left.

"YAY! I get to meet mr. Principle again" hinata said and the karasuno members got their sun glasses out and kenma and aone was used to this.

"Wait that means it really happened" said tanaka and nishinoya "bro that's so cool" said nishinoya.

"No way I don't believe it" said atsumu.

That was all I still need to finish some modules.

-your's truly is out, yeet

-words 1448

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