Boyfriend for Christmas

By OutOfMyLimit17

3.4M 134K 17.4K

To fulfill a promise to her late father, Aubrey Lynn posts an ad to hire a fake boyfriend for Christmas. But... More

Chapter 1....
Chapter 2....
Chapter 3...
Chapter 4....
Chapter 5...
Chapter 6....
Chapter 7...
Chapter 8....
Chapter 9....
Chapter 10...
Chapter 11....
Chapter 12....
Chapter 13....
Chapter 14....
Chapter 15....
Chapter 16....
Chapter 17....
Chapter 18....
Chapter 19....
Chapter 20....
Chapter 21....
Chapter 22....
Chapter 23....
Chapter 24....
Chapter 25...
Chapter 26....
Chapter 27...
Chapter 28....
Chapter 29....
Chapter 30....
Chapter 31....
Chapter 33...
Chapter 34....
Chapter 35....
Chapter 36...
Chapter 37....
Chapter 38....
Chapter 39....
Chapter 40....
Chapter 41...

Chapter 32....

72.6K 2.9K 216
By OutOfMyLimit17

As soon as we got back to the house and warmed up, Olivia tugged me upstairs to her room to finish the photo album for Knox's Christmas present. With Christmas literally being a day away the two of us locked ourselves in the room to finish it.

It took us well over an hour to finish up because every picture I found myself staring at. Seeing Knox transform from a little baby to a lanky teenager then to an attractive 18 year old. I saw the pictures of him with his parents and the sight of them made my heartache for both him and Olivia.

Their parents looked like a perfect couple. Olivia clearly took after their mom with her blonde hair and green eyes. She was an exact replica from the pictures she showed me. And Knox looked like his father with the same dirty brown hair, wide shoulders, and even the grin his father had seemed to match Knox's.

The few pictures that did catch my attention were of Knox in his military uniform. The first few were clearly from when he enlisted at eighteen then they progressed over the years. I could literally see from the pictures as Knox grew and matured. As the years went on the look on Knox's face changed. He went from optimistic to determined to....nothing.

The last picture of him in his uniform he was standing with a group of guys out in the middle of nowhere. He stood at the center with his arms crossed over his chest and a bland look on his face. The longer I stared at that photo the more I wanted to learn why he seemed so...distant than the rest.

Even after we had finished and went back downstairs to be with the others I kept thinking about Knox's expression. But I forced the image out of my head as all of us sat in the living room, with homemade chocolate and a bunch of pastries in front of us. It may have been close to 9 o'clock at night but my mom forever the hostess always had something for everyone to eat.

I was perfectly content sitting there listening to everyone talk while I sipped my hot chocolate, finally warm after being outside for so long. I leaned against Knox while he made conversation with my mom about owning a business. The two of them going back and forth and Knox asking my mom for tips since he was still new to it all.

Across from us Olivia and Jackson were playing on their phones and occasionally showing each other something. I knew by watching them that they were already friends despite it only being a few days. I wondered if after they left if the two of them would still stay in touch. It made me feel even worse about this whole situation. In just three days Olivia and Knox would go back home and this deal would be done.

I didn't want to think about that right now. Not when things are going really well and that maybe, just maybe things between Knox and I can grow into something different. So instead of thinking about it I snuggled closer into Knox's side and enjoyed my time with my family.

* * * * * * * * * * *

The next morning I woke up a bit later than usual, exhausted. I ended up staying up late trying to finish the other present I made for Knox. After hearing Knox and my mom talk about business I knew this last present would be the best one I would give him for Christmas. So after last night all I needed was to add some last finishing details and it would be good to go.

It was well after 8:30 when I stumbled into the kitchen. I probably looked like a homeless person with my hair almost completely out of my bun and still clad in my pajamas. Knox was long gone from the bed when I woke up and I half expected to find him in the kitchen but it was only my mom.

"Morning." I yawned, heading straight for the coffee pot.

"Someone was up late last night." I glanced up to see my mom staring at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Ew mom! God no." I scrunched my face up.

"Hey I didn't say anything you went there yourself." She put her hands up. "I just saw the light under your door."

I took a seat at the bar and took a large gulp of my coffee even though it burnt my mouth. The warmth of it settled in my stomach before I spoke again.

"I was up late working on a last minute gift for Knox."

"Things seem to be going good for you guys." Mom leaned back against the counter as she watched me.

"Yeah they are." And I meant it. After last night especially.

"I know it probably doesn't mean much coming from me but...I approve of him." I knew what she meant and the thought of it made my throat close.

"It does though." I looked over at her, hoping she could see that her opinion really did matter to me.

"He seems like a really good man and someone that could fit you. Olivia and Jackson are already thick as thieves."

"Oh man those two are going to be two peas in a pod." I groaned. Jackson may be 27 but he still acts like a teenager. If he gets Olivia involved in his pranks and stuff it was not going to be fun.

After a few minutes of silence and of me drinking my coffee mom spoke again.

"We've all been so busy so I haven't asked yet but, how are things going? How is work? Leah?"

"Things have been going good." I kept my hands wrapped around my mug as I talked. "Leah is actually getting engaged tomorrow to Oliver."

"Wow that's amazing." Leah was like a second daughter to my mom. Ever since we met in college and I brought her home my mom took her in.

"Works been good. I'm actually up for a promotion in the new year so been really busy with that."

"Honey thats exciting! What's the promotion for?" I knew what I did for a living wasn't something my mom was extremely into but the fact that she wanted to know about it made me smile. I gladly told her all about it and how I'd become the boss over new interns and everything that went with it. I even voiced my concerns about not getting it seeing as three other people were being looked at as well.

But like every time I told my mom anything she made me feel instantly better about it. She spoke the words that only a mother can that gave me hope that I would be the one they picked for the promotion.

Once we done talking about work did I finally ask about Knox, slightly worried he hadn't come into the kitchen by now.

"Him and Olivia left a little bit ago but they should be back soon." She said while sliding over a blueberry muffin. My mouth instantly watered at the sight of it. I was in the middle of stuffing my mouth when my mom spoke again.

"So I got an interesting call the other day." I paused mid-bite at her words. "Dr. Forth called and said you haven't been in to see him in 7 months."

I slowly chewed what was in my mouth as my mom stood across from me waiting. Her arms were crossed and she had her serious face on. There was no way out of this conversation. I figured it would be brought up but a small part of me was hoping she'd never know.

"Why haven't you gone to see Dr. Forth." It was more of a demand than a question.

"I haven't felt like I needed to." I answered, my voice soft as I stared down at my muffin.

"You need to see him every few months Aubrey." She scolded.

"But I feel fine."

"Just because you feel it doesn't mean the inside of you is. Aubrey," The tone she used made me bring my gaze back up. "The doctors said it is mandatory. You've been lying to me." At her words I ducked my head once more.

"I didn't mean to."

"Aubrey you have to go. I will drive up and drag you there myself if I have to. I will not lose you too." The crack in her voice made me shoot up out of my seat and coming around the counter.

"Mom you are not going to lose me." I pulled her small frame into a hug. I felt her body shake with sobs that in turn made me start crying as well. We stayed like that for a good five minutes, the two of us crying yet comforting each other.

"You have to promise me you will go get check out as soon as the new year starts." She pulled away from me wiping at her face. "You will call as soon as the doctor opens." I nodded my head.

"I will. I promise."

The whole reason I've been skipping going to the doctors was fear. Fear of seeing the same doctor that helped my father. Fear of getting checked and hearing my only kidney isn't functioning anymore. Fear that I to could have cancer.

People with one kidney were at higher risk of infection and if it decided to stop working that was basically it. I knew that when I donated to my father. I knew the risks that I could have later on but that didn't matter...still doesn't matter.

But seeing the look on my mothers face as she said she didn't want to lose me to was like an knife to the heart. It was the look of despair, something I haven't seen since we found out my father needed a kidney as soon as possible. And it was a look I never want to see on her face again. So for my mom I would go to the doctors first thing.

Sooo...guys I messed up. Originally I thought I'd post the last chapters on December 24th (Christmas Eve) but apparently I suck at math more than I thought :D So instead of the last chapters being up on the 24th it will be the 20th (This upcoming Sunday!) 
I know I can't even with myself. But on the plus side you guys can read the whole book in one go sooner than you expected! :D Plus on Christmas Eve I'll be so busy that it would be hectic for me to post as well. And maybe I can update a chapter for "TB" as well in-between.
So yeah...I'm sorry guys! :D <3 <3 <3 <3

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