Always the Bestfriend Never t...

By codisugihara

10.6K 299 46

One word to describe my life? Complicated. Now you might ask, "why does she think her life is complicated?" H... More

Chapter 1: My little Five year old
Chapter 3: Jealous much?
Chapter 4: Stupid Boys
Chapter 5: WTF just happened?
Chapter 6: Dylan O' Brien's Twin?
Chapter 7: Date? Say What?
Chapter 8: Let the games begin.
Chapter 9: It worked! (short)
Chapter 1o: Changing our names and moving to Paris
Chapter 11: The Principals Office?
Chapter 12: Sex God
Chapter 13: You Changed
Chapter 14: I want you.
Chapter 15: Stupid Traps and Girl Germs
Chapter 16: Gone.
Chapter 17: Have Mercy.
Chapter 18: Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 19: Peter Pan from Neverland
Chapter 20: Bad. Nicky. Really Bad.
Chapter 21: Poor Baby
Chapter 22: I couldn't be happier
Chapter 23: Epilogue

Chapter 2: Bi-polar Birthdays

708 12 1
By codisugihara

Picture of Emmett
Enjoy :)
After I changed my clothes AGAIN, I headed downstairs to find Emmett talking on the phone. He was smirking so I automatically assumed it was another one of his booty calls. I felt a pang in my heart while thinking about it but god knows why. Em seemed to have notice me standing there and quickly said goodbye.

"Hey" I said trying to play casual

"Hey, You ready?" he asked texting on his phone

"Yup. AGAIN." I glared at him. He just chuckled and headed out the door

"So I guess we're taking my car" I said mainly to myself because Emmett was already sitting in the passenger seat. I locked my house door and checked the time because Kyle was suppose to be back around noon-ish. 10:30. Okay we have time. I got in my car to still find Emmett texting on his phone. I just rolled my eyes and started driving.

"So" Emmett drawled out

"Mhmmmm" I said not wanting to make conversation. Believe me I have no idea why I'm irritated with him now

"Is your face okay?" He asked still somewhat worried

"I guess... I don't know" I said turning on the stereo

"So. Anyways who was the unlucky person you were talking to on the phone ealier?" I asked because I did want to know why he hung up so fast.

"What? Oh yeah I was talking to Sasha..." He said smirking to himself. I was shocked to see and hear him say that.

Sasha was basically one of the many girls I despise at our highschool. Mainly because one she always finds the time to pick on me. Two she freaking stole my boyfriend (Well now Ex-Boyfriend) Aiden from me then dumped him a Day after! Sasha is your stero type Queen Bee. She's the cheer captain, and has all the boys drooling over her, oh and she's the biggest slut known to man kind. I not only despise her, I hate her.
And what sucked is that Emmett knew.

"Great." I said through gritted teeth

"What's the matter with you Nicole?" Emmett asked clearly not happy with the way I sounded

"Oh. You know nothing." I said through sarcasm trying to play it cool. I pulled into the parking lot, turned off my car and got out immediately not wanting to talk to him right now.

I got inside the shop and ordered my favorite Cotton Candy ice cream. This may have helped my mood if Emmett wasn't here texting someone I'm guessing is Sasha which made me even more pissed off. So I quickly paid for my Ice cream and walked out of the store unnoticed by Emmett. Or so I thought because I heard the door jingle and someone running behind me. Great.

"Nicole what's your problem?" Emmett asked annoyance lacing his voice.

"Are you really going to ask me what my problem is Emmett?! YOU are talking to SASHA! SASHA as in the girl who constantly bullies me! SASHA as in the girl who slept with my boyfriend just for the fun of it! That's My problem!" I yelled at him, feeling tears prickle the sides of my face

"Nicole that was a year ago you need to get over it!" He yelled. He seriously did not say that. I looked at him straight in the eyes to see not an ounce of guilt and ran to the car but not to forget to throw my ice cream at him. As soon as I got to the car, I quickly unlocked it and was about to pull out before someone whom I am no longer speaking to got in the car. So we drove in silence all the way to my house. Once we arrived I quickly got out and went to my front door.

"Nicole!" He yelled. Which I gladly ignored

"Nicole!" He yelled again but it was closer which made me realize that I forgot to lock the door. Shoot.

"Nicole Marie Harley anwer me now!" He yelled getting more irritated then before. I just went to the kitchen. And I mine he was mad because he used my full name

"NICOLE!" He yelled but by this time he was right infront of me.

"Nicole what the hell is your problem? Are you seriously mad about the sasha thing or is it because your parents aren't here?!" He yelled at me

So basically my parents are never around. Their jobs constantly have them traveling and that means neither Kyle or I ever see them. We do have a babysitter to call if I'm going to go out or anything but I basically raise Kyle by myself. Kyle is 7 years old has dark blue eyes, and like hazel brown hair. I on the other hand got the boring genes and got dark brown eyes, and Long brown hair.

But this on the other hand had NOTHING to do with my parents.

"IT'S NOT ABOUT MY FREAKING PARENTS EMMETT!" I yelled at him. He looked a little taken back but covered it up.

"Then what the hell is it!" He asked angrily

"Are you stupid Emmett?! I explained to you why I was mad and you tell me I need to get over it?! What the hell Emmett?! I was heart Broken! I Cried for months! And You freaking tell me to get over it! Some bestfriend you are?!" I yelled at him. He was quiet. Good.

"But you know what? Since you are such an awesome person for ruining my day you can just leave." I said as tears fell down my face

"I'm not leaving you alone on your birthday." He said looking at me

"I'm not alone. I have Kyle." I said reassuring myself

"Yeah cause spending your birthday with your 7 year old brother is soooo much better." He said rolling his eyes


He was going to say something but the door bell rang.

"Saved by the bell." I said rolling my eyes

I quickly walked to the door because it should be Kyle considering it was like 12 ish. I opened the door to not only find Kyle but Bailey also....WHAT?

"Nicky!" Kyle yelled running towards me and hugging me

"Hi Ky!" I said smiling at him

"How come you're cryin?" He asked confused

"Oh nothing baby its okay. How about you go unpack your bag and then I'll make you some lunch?" I asked trying to change the subject

"Okay!" He said quickly running away. I looked up to see Bailey staring at me.

"Hey Nicky!" She yelled giving me her signature bear hugs

"BAILEY I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" I said and hugged her tightly

"I know I'd miss me too if I were gone." she said smirking

"Oh my lord get over yourself" I said trying to wipe away the tears so she didn't notice like Kyle did

"Yeah yeah. Now explain, why is the birthday girl crying?" She asked looking at me

"OH! that... haha... it's nothing really." I said trying to brush it off

"Tell me or I kill you." She said glaring at me. Okay then....

"FINE!" I said. I quickly filled her in on what Emmett did and what happened. And may I add she looked mad.

"EMMETT!" she yelled pushing past me and heading straight towards the kitchen where he was

"Oh hey Bailey how ya doin?" He asked then noticed how red she was with anger. His eyes got big when he realized that all that anger was directed towards him. If I wasn't crying earlier I would've laughed.

"Oh! You know I'm doing fine. But you won't be!" She yelled then grabbed Emmett by the ear dragging him in the other room. Kyle came down the stairs shortly after.

"Hey Nicky! Can I have a peanut butter banana and honey sandwhich?" He asked excitedly but forgot one word

"Okay but whats the magic word?" I asked

"PLEASE!" He said like his life depended on it

"Okay then!" I clapped and picked him up setting him on the stool so he can eat on the island in the middle of our kitchen. I quickly made the sandwhich and realized that Bailey and Emmett are in the other room.

"Hey Ky once you're done go upstairs, Bailey's mad and when Bailey's mad we don't wanna get in the middle of that," I said warning him. His eyes widened and he quickly finsihed his sandwhich and ran upstairs. On that note I headed towards the other room to hear the last bit of Emmett and Baileys conversation.

"And again I'm asking you Emmett how could you freaking forget about what she went through because of Aiden! It's not rocket science!" She yelled at him

"I DON'T KNOW!" He said but he sounded guilty

"You just can't keep it in your pants can ya Emmett? Seriously realize who your real friends are before making a stupid booty call," She said and I heard her sigh

"Look I never meant to hurt Nicole! Sasha just called me and I agreed!" He yelled. Alright this was enough yelling.

"ENOUGH YELLING ALREADY" I kinda yelled I guess. They both looked at me and I refused to look at Emmett

"sorry" They both said in unison

"Okay." I said then continued "You" I pointed to Emmett. "Get out of my house." I said still angry at him

"Me? Hell no," He said looking at me seriously. I was so frustrated I walked up to him and slapped his face leaving a hand print. Then Turned on my heels and walked towards my room.

I tried to hold the tears in. But it didn't work. So I sobbed in my pillows so Kyle wouldn't hear. But when I heard my door click open, I froze. WHY DO I KEEP FORGETTING TO LOCK MY DOORS?! I sighed heavily in my pillows. I got up and looked at the boy standing infront of me. He looked guilty and it didn't help that he had a read handmark on his face.

"Hey... I'm sorry nicky." He said scratching the back of his neck. He was nervous. HA. I ignored him and turned around.

"Nickyyyyyyyy" *Poke "Nicky" *Poke "Nicky" *Poke "Nicky you can't ignore me forever" He sang

"UGHHHHH" I yelled and walked towards the door to only be grabbed by the waist and be engulfed in a hug, I suddenly felt every bit of anger in me dissappear. I hate that he had this kind of effect on me. UGH. I started to laugh because that he had started tickling me again.

"SEEEEEE you aren't mad!" He said giving me his million dollar smile

"Oh I'm mad it's just that you are tickling me." I said not letting him see my face. Then I felt his lips on my cheek. And it felt like a mixture of butterflies and unicorns pooping out rainbows exploded I'm my stomach. What the hell is going on with me?

"Nicky you love me too much to stay mad at me forever." He said sounding like a five year old

"I can stay mad at you when you make stupid choices." I said still a little mad

"AW COME ON!" He said then showered my face with slobbery kisses. Although it was sweet gesture it was also gross.

"OKAY! I forgive you!" I said laughing and wiping my face

"YASSSS, okay lets head downstairs! Kyle told me you made him my favorite Peanut buttter bananana and honey sandwhich and ME WANTS IT.... Please" He said smiling and rubbing his stomach

"Okay okay I'll meet you downstairs" I said and he left. This by far is the most bipolar birthday ever.

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