Izuku Midoriya: Ultra Instinct

By DefinitelyNotTKJ

266K 4K 4.9K

Izuku Midoriya... Some knew him as a nice boy, most knew him as a quirkless nothing living a dream-namely, Ka... More

Entrance Exam
Deku vs. Class 1-A
Declerations of War
Welcome To The Sports Festival!
Sports Festival: Cavalry Battle
Final Round.... BEGIN!!
Bakubum vs. Uraraka!
Battle of Beliefs
The Final Battle: Deku vs. Uraraka
Hatred Consumes
Gran Torino
Hero Killer
Meet The Daughter!
Final Exams
Deku vs. Class 1-A (Final Exams)
Breaking Limits
Half and Half
A Brand New Power
The Power of Ultra Instinct
Getting Back on Track!
Heading to Training Camp!
A New Technique
Training Camp Massacre
The Wrong Path
Welcome to the Prison Tournament!
Call Me Deku
Two Months
A New Symbol
Approaching The End

The New Succesor

17.2K 217 332
By DefinitelyNotTKJ

Man today was too easy! I didn't even break a sweat sure I got 130 points and I may have gotten some extra points for rescue points but still the zero pointer wasn't even a challenge! At least I saved Ochako. I thought.

I sigh as I head towards the beach where I'm meeting All Might.

Well besides the complete bore the entrance exam was, I was able to find a suitable successor in Ochako and I'm super glad it's her. My suspicions were confirmed!

As I walked towards the beach, I suddenly remember,


I facepalm myself and get ready to take flight until I hear a call from behind me.


I turn to see the new successor in the flesh.

"Hey Ochako! What's up?"

"Well I wanted to catch up with you and to say thanks for saving me. You told me you would get stronger, but I definitely didn't expect this?! You totally caught that giant robot with one arm! You didn't even look tired or strained!" She exclaims while pumping her fist into the air.

I chuckled and put my hand on the back of my head.

"Yeah well, I said I'd become strong, so I did! And I'm gonna get you strong too! You have incredible potential, and you being the new successor will only help!"

"About that. What do you mean by successor?" She asked.

"Hmmmm..... It's better if you come with me to the beach and then I'll explain." I replied.


"Cool! Get on my back." I said which received a slight blush from her.

"W-What? Why?"

I tilt my head in confusion.

"We're going to fly to the beach."

She then looked at me with wide eyes.

"You can fly??" She exclaimed.

I chuckled at this.

"I could've sworn I told you that."

"You said you could float, not fly!" She replied.

"I implied it, anyways let's go."

She then got on my back.

"You ready?" I ask.

"Y-Yeah." She replies with a blush.

I notice this and chuckle.

"Alright then, LET'S GO!!"

"Wait whaAAAAA-"

I then zoomed off into the sky and started flying to the beach with Ochako holding on for dear life.


"Relax! You'll get used to it!" I yell in the air.

After 3 minutes of flying (and eardrum shattering screaming from Ochako) we arrived at the beach. Ochako's hair is all over the place and she looks like she just got out of a tornado. I use all my strength to hold me back from laughing but little ounces of uncontrollable laughter leak out, which earns me a glare full of killer intent from Ochako. Suddenly a man in a trenchcoat walks up to us, of course it's All Might in his skinny form, but Ochako doesn't know this.

"Ah, young Midoriya! I see you brought the new successor." All Might said.

Ochako looks confused.

"Deku who's this?" She asks.

Then the skinny man turned into a (debatably drug affected) buff beast.

"A-A-ALL MIGHT!??" Ochako exclaimed in surprise.


I nod in response.


I look at Ochako who turned red at the claim, then I look back to All Might and flash a smile.

"Yep!" I say as I suddenly got smacked in the back of the head.

"What's wrong with you!? Don't lie to All Might like that!" She said while blushing.

"Hey what was that for??" I ask.

"Hmph! Don't play dumb!" She said as she turned around still blushing with her arms crossed and back facing me.

"Hey now, don't be like that! What do you want a handshake? A high five? A hug? A kiss?"

She turns even redder and then sticks her tounge out at me.

"I'm gonna hug you." I said while smirking.

"No! Stay away! Stay away!"

Not giving her a chance I immediately hug her, not letting her escape.

"I've caught you Ochako! You are now in the midst of a hug! Surrender Ochako. SURRENDER!!" I jokingly said.

At first she half-heartedly resisted, but then she decide to give in and hug me back while laughing.

"Haha, fine! I surrender."

I let go and she visibly pouts to which I chuckle at. I hear chuckles from All Might as well.


I turn to examine her for a bit, then I turn back.

"I'd say she's ready. Although she would most likely not be able to control it. So I decide that for the 4 weeks we have until UA starts, I'm gonna train her to control this power, and help her grow!"


Then All Might began telling her everything about One For All.


She looked up with determination in her eyes and it makes me smile.

"Yes! I will make you proud!" She exclaimed.


He takes a piece of hair off of his head.


She suddenly paled and I started looking like a puffy cheeked lunatic by how badly I wanted to laugh right then and there.

"What....?" She managed to say.

She then turns to me as for some sort of confirmation.

"You heard the man..... You want to be the next successor or not?" I said while still holding back my laugh.


She gulped and shakily grabbed his hair and ate it.


Suddenly his sentence gets cut off by him reverting back to his skinny form and spitting blood everywhere. Ochako screams in surprise as I couldn't contain my laughter anymore and just erupted on the floor laughing my head off. Ochako turns red in embarrassment and kicks me in the side. She however gets shocked as I'm still on the ground laughing as if nothing happened. She kicked me again only for the same thing to happen.

"W-What? But I-"

"Oh Ochako...." I said while cutting her off and standing back up. "You're simply not strong enough to be able to hurt me, yet. Starting now I'm gonna be your trainer! Just to let you know, I'm very impatient, so you're gonna be the in strongest of our first year group or you won't be! Simple as that." I said.

Ochako shudders at what I could possibly make her do and I devilishly smirk.

Week 1:

Ochako trains with One For All only to find out that she can't control it breaks a bunch of bones and so we had to call up Recovery Girl and she was clearly not happy.

Week 2:

I had Ochako do certain things to try to get her in more control, things like meditation and practicing balance.

Week 3:

Ochako learns how to control One For All to a certain percentage and part of her body. I ruthlessly make her train until she gets a higher percentage, she would drop dead in the middle of our training but I would simply give her energy and then make her do it again twice as hard.

It's now week 4 of Ochako's training and I've been pretty rough on her. I only did it because it's how I was trained so I thought it would do her some good, I told her about Kacchan and his ruthlessness so now she's more motivated than ever to help me shut him up. I've never loved her so much!

"Okay Ochako! You've mastered 20 percent of One For All! I'm not surprised, I said I was impatient and wanted to get you strong! I said proudly.

"Thank you, but it's all thanks to you! You're a really tough trainer!" She replies.

"Okay, back to business!" I said. "You're improving yes, but you have a weakness."

She looks at me confused.

"Come. I'll show you." I reply.

She got in a fighting stance while I just stood there with my hands in my pocket. She then rushed at me and let 20% of One For All go through her arm and tried to punch me. I however swiftly took out my hand to catch the powerful punch with ease, I then just as swiftly proceeded to punch her in the stomach, causing her to spit out saliva.

"The way you fight resembles a one shot, one kill type style." I explained. "What if your opponent dodges your attack? Or is simply strong enough to block it? Then you'll be finished."

She backed away from me and nodded.

"You don't want to have only one place to release your strength from. You want to be able to release powerful attacks from all your limbs. Try letting One For All course through your entire body."

She nods and begins trying my suggestion. I can see One For All coursing through her veins. Then pink electricity starts going haywire off of her.

"Good! We'll work on controlling the electricity output later. For now, come at me."

She nods and rushes at me with amazing speed. She appears in front of me and tries to land a punch. I simply catch it and she did the unexpected and swept my leg and then tried to punch me as I was gonna fall on my back. I catch the punch but I let her stay in the motion and use the momentum to turn in mid-air and send her to the ground with my foot on her back and her arm in my grasp ready to snap it at any moment.

"Owww! How did you turn in mid-air??"

I simply smirked and said, "Training. I'll teach you that later, but for now I have to say I'm impressed, this is definitely a better way to use One For All! Now you can truly make this quirk yours! Oooh, let's call this new thing: One For All: Full Cowling!"

She smiled.

"Yeah! Let's do it Deku!"

For the rest of the week we trained with full cowling to reduce the strain and make it easier to use. We also tried to increase how much she can use. She's gone up to 25% but it strains her, so she can use 20% with ease but we'll have to train some other time to get 25% down. Ochako drops to the floor in exhaustion.

"Ugh! I feel like I can't even move!" She complained.

I chuckled at this.

"Do you want me to carry you home?" I suggested.

"Could you?"

I chuckled again before picking her up so that she can rest her head on my shoulder and I lightly flew to her home.

When I got to the door and knocked, a woman appeared. She looked a lot like Ochako, only older.

"Oh? Who are you?" The Ochako look-alike said.

"Oh! You must be Ochako's mom!"

She nods and chuckles a little bit.

"Ochako huh? You must be close." She said while still chuckling.

I rub the back of my head with free hand.

"Well you know, I've been training her to get all strong for UA! She's been making excellent progress!"

Ochako's mom smiled at me.

"That's good to hear." She then notices Ochako holding onto me while I carry her. "She seems tired."

"Yeah. She worked real hard today. She asked me to carry her, so I did."

"Is she asleep?" Her mother asked.

I look down to see her eyes closed, but I can sense she's still awake. I smirk at the thought.

This is going to be good!

"It sure seems that way doesn't it?" I say while chuckling. "Anyways, I'm Izuku Midoriya! It's a pleasure to meet you!'

She lightly gasps.

"Oh. My. Gosh! I can't believe I'm finally meeting you!" She happily exclaimed.

I tilt my head in confusion.

"Ochako talks about you all the time. Ever since she was just seven years old it would be 'Deku this...' or 'Deku that...' " she explained.

I could feel Ochako's face get hotter but I smirk and ignore it.

"Oh really now? How interesting!" I said with a sly smirk.

"Come in! I should make you something! You can set Ochako down on the couch."

I nod and walk and sit on the couch. I try to take her off of me but she won't budge. She's clearly resisting. I could simply just pry her off of me, but if she wants to stay latched onto me then so be it. Suddenly a man with short blonde hair walks in and narrows his eyes as he looks at me sitting on the couch and Ochako latched onto me. I can only assume it's her dad. Then her mom walks in and giggles at the sight of Ochako latched to me.

"Honey.... Who is this boy on the couch? And why is our daughter seemingly stuck to him?" He sternly asked.

"The famous Izuku Midoriya AKA Deku." She replied with a chuckle.

His eyes widen a little.

"So your the big hero that my daughter is always talking about. I've been dying to meet you myself."

I chuckled a little.

"I'm no hero. I simply saved your daughter that day. It was the right thing to do. Besides, I don't want to be any hero, I want to be the greatest hero! A pillar of hope to all. They will see me and know that they are safe. It's always been like that for me." I said while smiling.

Her dad smirks a little.

"That's quite the ambition. What about our daughter?" He asked.

"Simple really." I replied to which they both raised an eyebrow.

"She's gonna be right there with me at the top! I'll make sure that she's one of the strongest heroes ever! I promise you that!"

They both smile.

"Well then, you have my permission to date my daughter." Ochako's dad said.

Ochako turned bright red and I smiled at this.

"Of course! I will train, protect, and love your daughter forever!" I said while flashing my million dollar smile.

I can sense Ochako's happiness and it only makes me happier.

"That's good to hear! By the way honey. I think the stoves broken, I won't be able to make noodles." Ochako's mom said.

"Don't worry Mrs. Uararka! I can heat it up for you." I said as I got up with Ochako refusing to let go of me. I went to the kitchen, saw the noodles and heated it up and came back 1-2 minutes later with ready-made noodles.

"Here it is! I made the noodles!" I said.

"Wow thank you! Is that your quirk?" Ochako's mom asked.

"It's apart of my quirk yes." I replied.

Just like that we hit it off, Ochako still pretended to sleep as an excuse to hold onto me and I really hit it off with her parents. They really seem to like me. They even offered me to stay the night since the first day is tomorrow. I accepted and I'm now bringing Ochako into her room. I turned on the lights to a pink room with a regular sized bed and a dresser next to it. I even see some papers on the ground that have drawings on them. And what do you know? I'm on one of them. I chuckled at this and sit down on her bed.

"You know I know your not really asleep right? I said while chuckling.

She raised her head off of my shoulder and gave me a smile while making herself comfortable on my lap.

"I figured, but I thought it'd be weird to "wake up" while you were hitting it off so well with my parents." She replied.

"So.... did you really mean it? She asked.

"Mean what?" I replied.

"Do you.... really love me?" She hopefully asked.

I stare right in her eyes and put my face mere inches away from her at which she blushes.

"Do you want me to spell it out or something?" I jokingly ask.

She then pushes me on the bed and pins me down.

"I believe you once said during training that I could never pin you down by the end of these four weeks." She said with a smirk. "You really shouldn't let your guard down."

I smirk at this.

"My guard is always up. I just think you want to kiss me." I replied.

She smiles and then sure enough, she kisses me. It felt weird, not like a bad weird like a "WOAH" weird. I carry myself to be confident, but in reality I never thought something like this would happen, especially with my rough childhood. Her lips tasted like strawberry mochi. I felt and un-natural surge of happiness fill me. I didn't want to end it, but I figured that maybe she wanted to stop, so I slowly pulled away only for her to immediately reconnect our lips and this time much deeper. She clearly didn't want this to end anytime soon so I just went with it. Our lips danced off of each other countless times constantly separating and reconnecting only to go deeper and deeper into the kiss each time. It was the very best moment of my life. She slowly pulled away after about 10 minutes.

"Deku?" She asked

"Yes Ochako."

"I love you."

"I know you do."

She giggles as she takes her comfortable position on top of me, gives me another kiss for about 10 seconds before she puts her head on my chest and goes to sleep.

I smile at this and kiss her forehead earning me a smile from her while she sleeps and I go to sleep as well with only one thought going through my mind:

I will murder anyone that tries to touch her!

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