To Forever Love Him (Original...

By Original1stArcOnly

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This is the original, unedited, uncensored version of the original first arc of To Forever Love Him. This is... More

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By Original1stArcOnly


Mentions of sex. Again, not how a man should treat a woman or other man, not how BDSM should be practiced, gross descriptions, yada yada. You get the drill. I had no idea what I was writing when I wrote this XD

Wang Shuo had decided to face the facts. There was something there for Sun Hui, that much was obvious. He wasn't sure if it was attraction, care, or even something like love. He wanted to gag at these thoughts. Sun Hui was a male, and Wang Shuo didn't do "love." He couldn't understand why now. Why did he start feeling different now? Was it because he suddenly decided to challenge Wang Shuo instead of submitting to him like usual? Was that what made him look at him differently? Was his need to control again so strong, that it changed the way he felt? Maybe he even started to unknowingly admire his resistance because it was different, not like the usual easy girls. It was indeed a challenge for him, and he found it more interesting than the girls chasing him. It was hard, not easy. He actually had to try.

This realization made him feel both uneasy and more interested in the matter. Sun Hui, a boy, had succeeded into getting to him, whether it was in the way he hoped or not. He changed his life around, whether for the worse or better. He knew the boy was probably just seeking retribution, he wasn't dumb (he was after all top of his class and was trained at a young age to know these kinds of signs), but he awakened something deeper than regret. He played with the mortal devil and had to face the consequences he had coming.

He did know and understand one thing for sure: it was dangerous. He could feel it, he could sense some terrible and unexpected things happening. The worst part? Wang Shuo wasn't planning on stopping it. Dangerous as it may be, he can't help the growing excitement in the pit of his stomach. He was sure if they continued playing, all of these feelings would run wild. He had given Sun Hui a chance, but Sun Hui denied. Now, he had to deal with the future consequences. Wang Shuo wouldn't be able to stop what was going to happen.

Still, Wang Shuo couldn't have Sun Hui knowing these feelings or inner thoughts. He was afraid he would go away, even though it was his fault he started to create a monster. He also couldn't give Sun Hui the satisfaction of winning, as that would happen if he just admitted everything so openly. Winning was Wang Shuo's thunder, it was his pride. He would never admit guilt or defeat. His pride was way too strong to be ruined by that. The best thing he could do was dangle the finish line in front of Sun Hui as an illusion before stripping it away from him in the finale. Wang Shuo would always have the upper hand. He would make sure of it.

He knew Sun Hui would be tough to crack. If Wang Shuo was going to go down, he was bringing him with. It's time to start using my special ability...mind manipulation.

Wang Shuo couldn't help but laugh at his current situation. Was he really gay now, or bisexual? You could've told him a few months ago he was going to be attracted to a boy, and he would've beaten you up. All that changed just because of Sun Hui. And Wang Shuo wasn't sure if he should be mad or turned on. Turned on, that phrase was so funny. Lately, that's all he's felt when around Sun Hui. It's what made him accept so quickly, because it was something that just wouldn't go away. Sure, it was only three days, but it was a painful three days. He tried to fuck him out of his mind (yes, he did cheat and he masturbated), but he was still always unsatisfied. He knew his body didn't want them, it wanted Sun Hui. However, Wang Shuo was still having a little trouble accepting that fact and Sun Hui hated him. I need to see him, figure out his likes and dislikes. Then, I can use them against him to get what I want. It'll take awhile. Maybe by then I'll fully be decided.

He knew his father would be proud if he found out about his plan. After all, his dad had trained him at a young age to put his control in use, getting him into BDSM and the art of mind manipulation. In the end, Wang Shuo realized he practically owed his father his life. His training had got him through so much, some of which situations were actually life-threatening like the one time he was kidnapped two years ago.

Lighting a cigar, Wang Shuo alerted his bodyguard (from the first time he accidentally stalked Sun Hui) before going into the car (he didn't really need a bodyguard but his mother insisted to ease her mind). This game just got real.

While Wang Shuo stalked Sun Hui from outside, taking note of the actions he saw him do in the bedroom as well as taking some photos like he usually did with his targets, Sun Hui was looking through messages, most of which were deleted. He had hacked back into their devices, proceeding with his plan no matter how difficult it was becoming. Wang Shuo seemed to be gradually changing, and he was worried his photos would revert him back to his intolerable, angry self. No, I need psychological damage. I just need to hope he doesn't catch me. Besides, it's probably all fake, just a show. He did said he can get back at me. I need to be cautious around him from now on.

Sun Hui discovered that the messages had two different types. The first one went something like this:

Girl: Hey, what are you doing?

Wang Shuo: Just hanging out at my house, why?

Girl: You sure?

Wang Shuo: Yes. Why do I feel like I'm being interrogated like a criminal?

Girl: Because you are! Don't act like I don't know!

Wang Shuo: Don't know what? And don't you dare say something you'll regret.

Girl: Oh, please! I'm going to call the police! I only wanted sex, not a stalker! Leave me alone, you're freaking me out!

Wang Shuo: You think the police will do anything? I control the police. You wanted to have sex, I gave you sex. I had to get to you first, that's why I was analyzing you. I wanted you. You did sign up for this, it's the whole package.

Girl: What? You're an asshole! Psycho! Leave me alone, you're really scaring me!

Wang Shuo: You should be scared. I've been called worse. But now that I finally got you a few times, I'm through with you.

This number has blocked you.

Holy shit. Sun Hui didn't expect him to be so cruel. He even paid off the police? Was justice no longer available with him around? His increasing guilt faded away immediately. If there was no justice, no one had real freedom. The asshole deserves everything he's going to get.

A shudder passed through him as he read similar texts. It looked like he really did stalk him. He apparently did it to find out ways to get them. He also seemed to take control of their ordinary lives, too (except that it is normal for BDSM, but it's out of context so it would seem more vulgar). Although the texts where the ex girlfriend complained a lot was from a long time ago, back when he was fourteen. Fourteen? That's the legal age of consent. It looks like the complaining turned to clinging a few months later. He must've calmed down, though I doubt he ceased the stalking. He probably just got better at it, making sure to not get caught. Although...isn't fourteen too young to get into BDSM? Doesn't matter. At least now I know he was always controlling.

Sun Hui felt the familiar twitch. No! For the last time, I'm not gay! I hate the guy! I don't know why you like him so much, but I'm not going to succumb to your needs! Bad, penis!

The twitching finally stopped after he started thinking. It was helpful to think these thoughts to prevent him from feeling so aroused. The human body worked in mysterious ways, but the brain had the power to stop it once in awhile. He was beginning to think he was the one attracted to him, not the original. The more he blamed the original, the more he found it ridiculous. He had complete control over the body now, so it couldn't be the original.


The second type of message went like this:

Girl: Hey, Baby! Sex was good last night ;) Want to go again?

Wang Shuo: Who is this? Are you someone I recently fucked? Don't contact me ever again.

Girl: Shuo! I thought you loved me? We had a connection! Please, give me a second chance? I want you to dominate me again! Hello?

This number has blocked you.

Sun Hui couldn't help but snort. The only thing this would be useful for was a good laugh and revealing the rumors of Wang Shuo just playing around, not caring. Still, he needed all he could get. He downloaded the copy of messages into the same file as the videos and photos.

He was disrupted by a knock, and out of fear of being caught, Sun Hui instinctively slammed his laptop shut.

Sun Lin was in the doorway, scrunching up her nose in disgust. This is so disgusting! It's fit for someone like him, he deserves this piece of trash.

Sun Hui was glad she was too stuck up to notice the food he stole from the kitchen and or the laptop he had closed so suddenly.

Sun Lin had noticed that Sun Hui wasn't home until late at night. Of course, her parents didn't notice or cared. They just didn't want him ruining their solid reputation. If anything, they wished he was away more and maybe if they were daring, wished he was dead somewhere.

Sun Lin had been noticing her boyfriend's behavior and had followed him when he left so suddenly during lunch. She was shocked at what she saw, and she was going to confront Sun Hui right there and then. He's getting in her way again! He's ruining everything! She couldn't let him succeed.

"Where were you? You came home so late," she suspected he was out with her boyfriend.

Sun Hui checked the time. He got home at nine, three hours worth of work. It wasn't bad. And nine wasn't that late. He was surprised she noticed. Did this mean his parents noticed? Would they care that he went out? What am I saying? Of course not! They wouldn't care if I went out as long as I didn't ruin anything concerning them. They are huge homophobes. They definitely won't change. Wang Shuo was a semi miracle (if I did change him at all), my so called parents would be the apocalypse.

Sun Lin folded her arms, impatient. It was bad enough she was here with him. She didn't want him to waste her time like he did with her space.

"I'm surprised you noticed," he said calmly, pushing up his glasses that were falling down his nose. His calculating black eyes stared at her, making her shiver in slight apprehension. She was slightly scared, making Sun Hui smirk.

She glared at him, "Just answer the damn question. You shouldn't be so carefree! You should be trembling. Wang Shuo, what's your relationship with him? He's my boyfriend, you can't have him! I saw you two in the hallway, looking so fondly. Are you a thing? Is that why he won't let anyone beat you up?"

"Calm down. I had enough of your shit. I could only handle so much before I snapped. What do you expect? I'm not going to kill myself, I'm a fighter. And Wang Shuo? Don't make me laugh. I hate the guy's guts for making my own guts hurt. That hallway scene you claim to have seen was him beating me up. So don't worry about me getting 'special treatment.' You make rash assumptions," Sun Hui got up from his chair and relaxed in his bed comfortably. His plan was almost complete. It was getting him excited, but he needed rest. Sun Lin looked at him, searching for the truth. She seemed to accept it, nodding to herself.

Right, he did say he wanted to be the only one to hurt him because he had a "surprise." And Sun Hui would be even weirder for enjoying such cruel treatment. Everything he said made sense. She calmed down. But out of curiosity..."You didn't tell me where you were."

"I don't have to answer to you," Sun Hui's eyes drooped in sleepiness. "But if it makes you feel better, I was at the library studying for my exam tomorrow."

Sun Hui was afraid if he told the truth, she'd tell someone and he'd be forced to quit. His parents might not care about where he goes, but what he does is another matter. It could mean "ruined" for them.

Sun Lin nodded before going back. Sun Hui breathed a sigh of relief. He suddenly wished 006 was more advanced to track down people, but as of now it was a subject of the Lord God that had basically went into hibernation. He could only treat it like any other technological device until he got home. Maybe by then, they'd be upgraded to be more useful and less revolutionary willing. The familiar pain of whenever he thought about home came back.

I really do miss home.


"Sir, your parents want you back," he heard his bodyguard say. He apparently had an idea he would be here. Wang Shuo saw he was confused. "And why are you stalking this boy again? You gonna beat him up differently?"

"Not everything is your business," Wang Shuo snapped, rolling his eyes. His bodyguard was all muscle but no brain.

Besides, all he seemed to do was go on his computer and then go to sleep. If only I can access his computer...I'm sure it's too highly protected to be hacked into. Wang Shuo took one last look at the boy and one last photo, zooming in to get a better picture of him sleeping. He had seen him look like he was talking to someone before he went sleep, but he couldn't see from his angle to identify the person. It didn't look like Sun Hui was being bullied without permission from himself, so he didn't bother with who he was speaking with.

He went into his car, following his bodyguard back home.

In case people are confused, 006 is different from the other systems you probably read here on Wattpad. It all takes place in the same universe as Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil. It's a silent system that would give out tasks under the control of the Lord God, forcing Sun Hui to do them. But this is taking place when Zhou Yun Sheng disrupts that pattern. I made it seem like it affected other victims. So now, 006 is practically just an ordinary device used for hacking. It can't do a store or talk. It can do a few things more than that in certain cases, though. However, Sun Hui doesn't have spiritual energy yet. Zhou Yun Sheng had upgraded the AI to more of the kind of systems that other people use. So that's why Sun Hui said "Maybe it can be upgraded when I get home." It's a reference to that.

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