Dakini's Hope

By WolfinH

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I sense his hands move up to my blindfold and I quickly grab his wrists. "Don't...." I whisper. "You won't li... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 14

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By WolfinH

We race through the trees as fast as we can; Ryan's pack giving it their all to catch us. I'm in hot water now and, because of the bridge, I bet Chase is in for it too - since I accidentally humiliated them in front of the Omega of all wolves. They don't want to give the impression that they are weak after all; especially not Ryan in front of the rest of his pack. I lead the way towards my house, which actually backs out onto the woods. My mum bought a small section of the woods for my 16th birthday as a special present for my new pets. Yes, Pippin is a good dog and she will attack anyone that threatens me but there's no harm in having back up, is there?

Just as we get about half a mile from my house, the adrenaline wears off and my leg almost instantly collapses from underneath me as I put my weight on it. I put my hands out as I hit the ground to stop myself from giving myself another head wound. Chase immediately skids to a halt and comes back for me and helps me up. I know I can't get up; but I'm gonna need to try for this to work. But Chase can't stay here - they'll hurt him if he stays.

"Chase, you gotta get out of here!" I partially yell at him due to the pain as he helps me to my feet.

"No, no way!" He replies, his voice offering no argument. "I'm not gonna leave you here to get hurt by those thugs."

We both look around as a twig snaps and one of the pack members yells "They're over here!" We don't have the time to be arguing. I need to convince him to go on without me. I know what Chase will do if he stays and his body, like my own, won't be able to take it without him getting seriously hurt or without him ending up in hospital.

Or worse.

"I won't get hurt. But you need to go." I snarl to cut him off as he goes to protest and he immediately shuts up surprisingly. "Keep running straight; my house is just up ahead. When you get within bolting distance of the door, let out a distress howl; then get inside as fast as you can." I command, turning him so that's he's facing the direction of my house and give him a rough shove from behind to send him on his way.

"What about you?" He asks as he runs a few paces, then hesitates to turn and face me.

"I'll be fine. Go! Now!" I say. Chase hesitates for a second longer, then turns his back on me and runs as fast as he can for my place. I know he will push himself as hard as he can to get to my place and give the howl for my sake; that's the only reason he's left me here after all.

I limp after him as fast as I can; even though I know it's not gonna do much good. I stumble forward over a rock sticking out of the floor almost instantly as I try to go after him and I don't bother picking myself back up. I can smell the scent of blood radiating from my leg and I know that Ryan's pack and my pets will be able to smell it for miles. I flip myself onto my back, my wolf ears and tail making another appearance as I wait for the pack to appear. If this goes wrong, at least Chase is safe and won't be able to be touched by Ryan's pack.

Just as Chase gives out the howl, Ryan's pack appears and they slow to a trot, then a walk as they spot me lying in the dirt. Ryan wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and then smiles at me. "Where's the Omega? Abandoned you, did he?" He asks as he strides towards me. I don't give a response and this results in him planting his foot in the middle of my chest and pushing me hard into the ground.

They haven't come. Maybe it only works if I howl.

"No one here to save you now." laughs Ryan, suddenly punching me in the face so hard it makes blood explode from my nose. His knee comes crashing down on my chest and I swear he's trying to squash all the air out of me; or perhaps even suffocate me to the point where I faint.

I let out a loud cry of pain, louder than necessary and howl out my distress. The pack laughs and they close in, changing into wolf form as they do so. They're gonna make me suffer badly unless my pack shows up in this moment, right now. I can only hope Chase has the sense to stay by the house; despite me being in distress. My pack may mistake him for a threat and I don't want them to hurt him.

Two of Ryan's pack leap at me; one grabs me by my arm and shakes it around like a rabbit, the other grabs my leg by the wound and digs their fangs as deep as they will go into the wound. I scream out in pain involuntarily and I try to push him off my leg with my other foot; which only succeeds to rip the wound open even more. I can't help but scream in agony

Suddenly, the wolf biting my leg is bowled aside; as are the other wolf and Ryan. Ryan's pack turns their attention from me, snarling and baring their teeth to face their attackers. I push myself up onto my side as I am approached by a wolf-like canine; not one of Ryan's but one of my own. My pack of high-content wolf dogs has finally come to my aid - just like I thought they would.

One sniff of my leg and my Beta immediately heads for the wolf that injured me, not giving the pack member a chance to avoid them.

How dare you hurt my Alpha! she snarls in his face as she pins him down. Get them! She growls to the others.

The rest of the pack follows her command; three are left standing in front of me to protect me. Ryan and those that weren't changed into wolves have now been forced to and they are fighting a fight that they can't win. No one can win against a pack of angry wolf-dogs - not even teenage werewolf jocks.

I look over my shoulder as I hear more paw-steps heading my way and I see a dark grey wolf come over the rise; his teeth bared at Ryan and ears flat to his head. His blue eyed gaze looks for me and finally finds me, lying in the dirt. He starts to come towards me and, instantly, one of the wolf-dogs that is guarding me turns and charges at him; letting out blood-thirsty snarls.

Don't you dare attack our Alpha, outsider! he snarls.

Nehali - no! I bark warningly. Nehali skids to a halt. Keeping his ears back, lips peeled up and fur bristling,he stands stock still and staring at the stranger; waiting for my command. He's no threat - he's my friend. Let him pass!

Nehali relaxes and re-takes his position in the line as I scramble on my two hands and foot to get to Chase. He swiftly changes to human form as I make my way towards him and he holds me up as I reach him. He was glowing white like the other werewolves, so I knew who he was the moment he came over the rise.

"I saw a pack of...those wolves heading...your way." He pants as he hugs me where I crouch. "I thought they were... going to hurt you... too."

"No, they wouldn't. I'm their Alpha; they wouldn't try to kill me." I reply, gritting my teeth as I try to get up. He gently helps me to my foot and I get up just in time to see Ryan's pack racing back into the woods with ten angry wolf-dogs on their tails.

That's enough! Let them go! I call. Chase looks at me in bewilderment as he props me up and I tilt my head. Does he not know how to talk to wild wolves? My pack comes back to me and my Beta walks up to my side. Chase moves to block me from them and the Beta lets out a small snarl.

"It's all right. That's my Beta, Fly. " I explain, gently pushing him back to stand at my side. I turn to Fly. Thanks for the assist, Fly. I doubt I would be here breathing right now if it weren't for you.

Fly dips her head. You're my Alpha - it's my duty to protect you from scum like those humans-wolves. She turns her head and growls in the direction Ryan had fled. They won't hurt you again on our territory if they know what's good for them.

She turns her head back to Chase and narrows her eyes. Speaking of humans-wolves, who is this male? Fly partially growls as she nods her head at him.

His name is Chase - he's a friend of the pack. You or any of the others are not allowed to attack him unless I say so, got it? I say, letting a snarl enter my voice as a warning to show I'm serious.

Fly dips her head and the rest of the pack follows suit. Yes, Alpha. They say in unison.

Good. Now go - you are all dismissed. I say. The pack runs off almost immediately; leaving a bewildered Chase and me alone.

I suddenly feel very, very tired and my only good leg collapses out from underneath me. Chase moves with the movement of me nearly falling and tries to help me stand again, but I don't have the energy as I sit in the dirt; on the verge of fainting once more.

"Dakini? Dakini - hey!" calls Chase softly, using his chest to keep my head from flopping over. I can faintly hear his heartbeat, and my vision responds by changing back to normal. "Don't collapse on me again. Hang in there."

"My...my place..." I manage to croak out. I try to stand but my legs won't cooperate. "W..we need...t...to..."

Chase scoops his arm under my legs, while using the other to hold my front end up. I weakly wrap my arms around his neck as I realise what he's doing. I don't bother finishing my sentence because I can't.

"I know, I know. Hold on. Stay with me." He murmurs as he turns and sprints for my house. I can't tell if my vision is blurry from exhaustion, blood loss or how fast Chase is running.

Within minutes, he comes to a halt on my back deck. He gently rests me against the wall and I point wearily to the small pocket on my backpack, where my key is. I barely have the strength to move, so speaking is out of the question - plus I get the feeling Chase would only tell me to save my strength...what's left of it anyway. I forgot I hadn't told him that my key was in my backpack when I told him to run. He returns to my side with the key and he puts it in the lock, quickly getting it open within seconds. He grabs my backpack and, like I weigh nothing, scoops me up in his arms once more. I don't have the energy to lift my hands to wrap them around his neck, but I trust that he's not going to drop me.

As soon as Chase sets foot in the door, Pippin comes rushing towards him - barking furiously and letting out angry snarls once she catches whiff of my blood-scent.

"P...pippin ...No. A-Amigo...C-chase es amigo..." I say to her, but my voice is so raspy that it comes out more like a whisper. Pippin stands down and let's Chase pass as he makes for the living room. I've placed one of my hands on my wound as hard as I can, but I'm so exhausted that it's not enough to stop the blood flow.

He gently lays me on my back on the sofa and presses one of his hands where my wound is; applying the pressure that I cannot. "Keep fighting, Dakini...Stay awake...Stay with me.." He mutters. "I'm not letting you die like this..."

He removes his hand from mine, which is pressed hard into the wound now, and heads for the cupboard underneath the sink. I haven't told him where our first aid kit is, but I'm guessing the scent of antiseptic must be strong; I can't tell because I'm so tired. Good thing we restocked during the week...

Then, as he comes back the hallway door opens. And Mum stands in the doorway, with her pistol raised to shoot Chase straight in the chest.

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