Popular (MCYT Skephalo Fanfic...

By ThatAmazingSis

198K 7.2K 14.5K

Skeppy and BadBoyHalo are YouTube enemies. Each of them wishes they could top the other when it comes to bein... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Ten
Chapter Five
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Six
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Seven
Chapter 14
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Nine
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
(A/n: my crown)
(A/n: If this book is a manga...)

Chapter Eight

6K 232 721
By ThatAmazingSis

(A/n: For story purposes, in the present time which is 2020, Skeppy is 23 years old and Bad is 24 so they're just one year apart. Everyone else's ages are the original.)


Seventeen years ago, 2003.

The seven year old Darryl was on the couch, playing Pokemon Ruby in his Game Boy Advance.

"Darryl! Come out!" His mother called for him. Darryl noticed and went out through their house's front door, bringing the GBA with him.

There was a large moving truck just in front of the house next to theirs.

Darryl's parents were talking to another adult couple, before his mother noticed Darryl come out and she smiled at her little boy and said, "Come say hello to our new neighbors."

"Hi..." Darryl said shyly, eyeing his GBA.

"Hello there, Darryl." "It's nice to meet you, Darryl." The woman and the man of the other couple smiles genuinely at him accordingly.

"Uh-huh..." Darryl mumbled while fiddling with his GBA. He then aimlessly walked to the front step of his family's house.

Darryl's parents awkwardly apologizes to the other couple for Darryl's poor manners but they let it slide.

Darryl sat down on the steps and focused on his Pokemon battle, in which he is winning.

Meanwhile, at the house of the new neighbors, out came a little boy who seems to be almost the same age as Darryl.

He walked towards the two adult couple talking, and stopped just a few feet away from them when he spotted Darryl playing a GBA on his house's front step.

He walks over to him and sat right next to Darryl, peeking over at what Darryl is playing.

"Oh! It's Pokemon!" The little boy exclaims happily.

Darryl looked over at him, just noticing him at that moment.

"You know it?" Darryl asks, surprised.

"Of course, everyone does!" The boy grins. "Can I play with you?"

"Sure!" Darryl accepts.

The boy ran back inside his house, and went back to Darryl with another GBA in his hand.

They played together for an hour, trading, battling, and having fun overall.

"Your Pokemon is really strong! And so cool!" The boy compliments Darryl.

"Thank you." Darryl said awkwardly.

Then they realize, they haven't introduced themselves.

"I'm Darryl, what's your name?" Darryl introduces himself.

The boy smiled and introduced himself as well, "My name's Zak."


They were like best friends.

Inseparable best friends who never left each other's side.

Turns out Zak was just a year younger than Darryl but it didn't really matter to them.

They had a happy childhood because they had each other.

Two years later, YouTube was created.

It amazed the boys, and they decided to make their very own YouTube collaboration channel.

Although, all they ever did was just comedy skits and short videos that doesn't go any longer than three minutes.

But a lot of people saw it anyways, and it was very amusing and entertaining.

Zak and Darryl also went to the same school. A lot of kids knew them from their YouTube videos and few were even made their friends or acquaintances.

But nobody could ever replace the friendship Zak and Darryl has.

But most friendships tend to break, and might not ever be recovered.

Six years later, Darryl is fifteen years old and Zak is fourteen. Zak was supposed to be in Ninth Grade but he was able to skip a grade, and so now he and Darryl are both in Tenth Grade together. It is the year 2011.

It's currently early December, and Zak and Darryl, along with the rest of their classmates and teachers were excited for Christmas.

During classes, Zak and Darryl are sitting right next to each other, and passing down notes.

They were talking about what sort of comedy video they should do as a Christmas special.

They had a really good idea, but they need the necessary items.

After classes, they went to the mall, bought the things, and went to Darryl's house to film it. They don't have any homework so they can do whatever they want for the rest of the day.

They did rock-paper-scissors on who will be the one performing and the one who will hold the camera.

Zak cheered when Darryl lost so he had to be the one who will be performing.

Darryl put on a Santa suit that they bought from the mall.

They set up a camera to face directly at the fireplace, which is currently not letting out any fire. Both Zak and Darryl placed brown pillows in the fireplace in the stead of firewood.

Zak grabbed another camera, and the two went outside.

"I don't know, Zak, this seems dangerous." Darryl said nervously.

"It'll be fine, Darry! All you have to do is get inside the chimney, fall in, land on your face, then the camera I left inside should film you and it'll be a comedy!" Zak insists.

"That still sounds dangerous! Like what if I break my nose?! Or my skull?!" Darryl exclaims.

"Hence the pillows, Darry!" Zak said.

Darryl sighed, "Okay fine, let's just get this over with."

Zak and Darryl climbed onto the roof of the house using a ladder they borrowed from Darryl's father.

Zak held the camera and aimed it at Darryl who is standing next to the chimney, and calls out, "Lights, camera, action!"

Darryl walks up to the chimney, and pushes himself in.

However, as he was doing so, the hem of his pants got caught onto something, so when Darryl fell, his pants were removed and Darryl was only wearing his boxers.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" Darryl screamed as he fell into the chimney and landed safely on the pillows.

"O-OH MY GOD!!" Zak covers his mouth to prevent from laughing at what just happened.

Darryl didn't notice he wasn't wearing pants until a few seconds later. Darryl turned bright red and he got out of the chimney and tried to cover his boxers with his hands.

Zak couldn't help but he ended up bursting out laughing, and Darryl was embarrassed.

"ZAK, DON'T UPLOAD THAT!!" Darryl screams.

Zak was too busy laughing that he had tears coming out of his eyes.

"Zak, I swear, if you upload that...!" Darryl shouts.

"Okay, okay, I won't!" Zak giggled.

The next day, Zak uploaded the video.

"Oh. My. Goodness." Darryl cringed when he saw their channel's most recent upload.

Darryl and Zak met up outside Darryl's house, as usual when they are going to walk together to school.

Darryl marched angrily over at Zak. "ZAK!!"

Zak sees Darryl and nervously smiled, "Oh, hey, Darry..."

"WHY DID YOU UPLOAD IT!?" Darryl screams.


"EVERYONE'S GONNA- OH MY GOODNESS!!" Darryl's face turned red with embarrassment.

"It'll be fine!" Zak insists. "Everyone will just laugh it off like usual."

Darryl sighed, "Fine..."

Everyone's just gonna laugh it off as usual, huh...?

Well, it was more than that. For the next few days, Darryl was constantly teased and made fun of.

His classmates, who were making fun of him and bullying him, called him "No-pants-man" because of the video.

Darryl was suffering from the laughs and the insults and the name-calling.

Zak was unaware of this.

Darryl told himself everyday, "They'll get over it."

But weeks passed. Months, even. Darryl's twitter and the comment section of the video were spammed with "no-pants-man" over and over, and it drove Darryl crazy and it annoyed him.

Darryl had the worst Christmas ever, thanks to that.

On the day before their moving-up ceremony, which is a weekend, Darryl called Zak and told him that they needed to talk directly in Darryl's house.

Zak went over there and knocked on the door. Darryl's mother opened the door and lets him in.

Zak went into Darryl's room, and saw him there, "Darry, why did you call me here?"

Darryl yelled at him, "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!"

Zak was confused and responded immediately, "WHAT?! WHAT IS ALL MY FAULT?!"

Darryl complained, "Everyday, ever since you uploaded that stupid Christmas video, everyone's been laughing at me!"

Zak said, "That's because they loved the video and how you performed in it!"

Darryl yelled, "NO IT WASN'T! They were laughing at me and making fun of me! All our classmates had been bullying me and calling me names and beating me up, and it's all because you uploaded that stupid video!"

Zak retorts, "It was supposed to be plain comedy, I didn't think that would happen!"

Darryl sneered, "It's still your fault! If only you hadn't uploaded that video, my Christmas wouldn't have been ruined!"

Zak is having mixed emotions right now. Angry, guilty, furious, confused.

Zak yelled, "Well, whatever! The joke will die down soon! And besides, there's no way I would've predicted what would happen!"

Darryl complained, "I told myself over and over again that the joke would die soon too, but it went on for months! MONTHS, ZAK!! YOU KNOW MUCH I LIED AWAKE AT NIGHT, WITH MY PHONE MAKING STUPID NOTIFICATION NOISES, SPAMMING THE NO-PANTS-MAN OVER AND OVER AGAIN, EVERY NIGHT?!"



Their fight went on for hours, Darryl's parents could hear them yelling at each other, and are concerned, but they thought it would be rude if they interfered.

Finally, at the end of the afternoon, Zak grumbled, "Whatever, if you're gonna blame everything on me, we might as well stop being friends."

Darryl was surprised. But he was furious and said, "Fine! I hope I never see you again!"

Zak yelled, "I hope I never see YOU again!"


Zak marched out of the room, slamming the door behind him. He left Darryl's house and went back to his own.

Darryl lied down on bed, being in a bad mood and didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment.

But within a few minutes, he started crying on his bed.

He just screwed up, losing his best friend.

Meanwhile, Zak turned his computer on, and deleted their collaboration channel, including every video they did. He broke all contact with Darryl, deleting his contact from his phone and blocking him in many other apps.

A week after their moving-up ceremony, Zak and his family moved out of town. Zak was serious when he said he didn't want to see Darryl again, and asked his parents if they could move somewhere else and they said yes.

When Darryl heard the news, he cried himself to sleep, regretting that he yelled at Zak and fought with him, and blaming all his problems on Zak.

"It's all my fault..." Darryl whimpered.


Two years later, at 2013.

Darryl had moved on from Zak. The joke had finally been lost in time. And Darryl had started his own YouTube channel, and gave a name for himself. BadBoyHalo.

He also runs a Minecraft server called MunchyMC.

Meanwhile, Zak had also become a YouTuber named Skeppy.

One day, Skeppy was bored so he decided to look for good and entertaining Minecraft videos that he could watch.

Then he came across one that caught his eye. Bad's channel.

Skeppy opened a random video of his.

When Bad does his intro, Skeppy thought his voice was familiar.

After a few minutes, it clicked. BadBoyHalo is his ex-friend, Darryl.

Skeppy grinned as he went to the comment section, and spammed "No-pants-man".

Meanwhile, Bad was just scrolling through notifications, and Skeppy's spams caught his eye.

"What? Who is this?" Bad wondered. He clicked on the channel's profile.

He clicks on a random video of Skeppy's, hoping to hear his voice and to try and recall who it is.

When Skeppy does his intro, Bad immediately knew who it was. His ex-friend Zak.

This is how the two best friends ended up being enemies.


(A/n: This is so long, sorry)

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