The baby|Alejandro Rozario

By njboys27

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When u go and tell ur boyfriend u are pregnant but breakup with him and move away. a couple years later u mov... More

Pt.1~Moving day
Pt.2~New jersy here we are
Pt.5~You ok
Pt.6~Can I
Pt.7~Your the dad
Pt.8~The park
Pt.10~I like her
Pt.11~he likes you
Pt.15~avani x mattia
Pt.16~one month later
Pt.17~Rebecca's birthday
Pt.18~ 𝙞 𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪
Pt.20~emily's birthday
Pt.21~first day of school
Pt.22~ proposal
Pt.24~ ¿baby?
Pt.25~the end
Hope yall enjoyed

Pt.14~Meet and greet

27 0 0
By njboys27

You wake up the next morning and take a shower and change into this

And than you go into Emily's room and wake her up then you touch her head and she was very hot so you went into the bathroom and found the thermometer and took her temperature and she had a fever so you took her downstairs
Yn: good morning mom
Mom: good morning
Yn: can I stay home
Mom: why
Yn: Emily has a fever
Mom: I can take care of her
Yn: I can stay home
Mom: I didn't have to go to work today I was going to go to and appointment but I can cancel and take her
Yn: are you sure
Mom: yeah
Yn: ok mom
Then you went and laid her down on the couch and you called the doctors and made and appointment Then you ate some breakfast and once you and your siblings were done your dad came and then y'all left to school
Skip to after school
The boys were at practice and y'all were sitting on the bleachers
Yn: Dixie
Avani: Dixie
Dixie: what
Yn & avanie: ooooh Dixie got a crush
Avanie: talking about crush have you talked to your brother
Yn: yeah he said he kinda likes you
Avanie: he does
Yn: yeah Dixie
Dixie: what
Yn: just go talk to him
Dixie: well some one come with me
Yn: I will wanna come avanie
Avani: sure
Then y'all walk up to Noah and Dixie starts talking to him
Dad: girls quit talking to Noah
Dixie: ok Mr.Mendez
Then y'all went back to the bleachers and talked then their practice was over so you went home and when into your house
Yn: mom how is Emily what did the doctor say
Mom: they said she has the flu
Yn: ok
Skip to 3 days later
It was Friday and Emily was better it was the day you guys were going to go to California Alejandro Alvaro and kairi slept over the girls said if you guys could pick them up and Alex was gunna meet you guys their you woke up that morning and changed into this

And you went into Emily's room and didn't see her
You walked downstairs and seen Alejandro and Emily siting on the couch and the both had gray sweatpants on and a white shirt
Yn: you guys are matching
Ale: yup
Emily: mommy
Yn: si princessa
Yn: rozario why didn't you wake me up or tell me you had her
Ale: well Mendez she is also my Child
You rolled your eyes at him
Yn: we're is my brother
Ale: in the kitchen making breakfast
Yn: ok
You walked into the kitchen
Yn: what you doing
Mattia: don't you see making breakfast
Yn: why in a mood
Mattia: because the monkey over their woke me up
Yn: oh
Yn: mattia what time are we leaving
Mattia: in an hour
Yn: ok
Then the other boys came down and after a couple minutes y'all sat down and at then did some stuff and y'all piked up the girls and your parent dropped y'all off at the airport and waited till your flight was called it was finally called after a wile
Mom: be care full guys
Yn: ok mom
Mom: I am going to miss you Emily
Emily: bye
Mattia: are you gunna miss me
Mom: no
Mattia started fake crying
Mom: yes I am mattia
Mattia: ok
Dad: bye guys
Everyone: bye
Mom: bye
Everyone: bye
Then y'all boarded the plane after an hour y'all got their and took an Uber to the hotel all the boys would be in one room and you, Emily, and the girls would be in an other room you guys just hanged out for a wile and there was a knock on the door and Rebecca went and opened it it was the boys
Mattia: hey me and the boys were wondering if you guys wanna go to dinner
Yn: sure
Avani: yeah
Dixie: ok
Reb: sure
Y'all got ready you changed Emily then y'all were off to a restaurant y'all ordered after y'all were done eating you guys went back to y'all hotel room and fell asleep
Next morning you took Emily a shower and changed her into this

You took a shower and changed into this

Avanie: awww you guys are matching
Yn: yup
Reb: are we going to the boys room
Everyone: sure
Y'all went to the boys room and entered And Emily ran to ale
And you sat next to Alex
Alex: hey babe
Yn: hey
Dixie: what do y'all wanna do
Mattia: eat because I am starving
Ale: your always hungry
Mattia: whatever monkey
Then y'all went to a restaurant y'all got there sat down and there was a waiter that came up
Waiter: what can I get you guys
Y'all order and befor y'all left ale got her snap then y'all went to the hotel and slept
The next day y'all had a meet and greet at the beach so you got up took a shower then Changed then took Emily a shower and after a couple min there was a knock on the door and it was the boys Alex gave you a kiss and y'all sat on the bed till the girls were done getting ready once they were done getting ready y'all left to the meet and greet once you guy got there there was so many people there y'all got off took picture and did tiktoks with them it was getting late so y'all went to the hotel everyone when's into your guises room *the girls room*
Kairi: we should each a movie
Everyone: yeah
Mattia: y'all wanna go get snacks
Alvaro: sure
Mattia : who want to go
Yn: I will stay here with Emily
Alejandro: I'll go
Alex: I'll stay
Kairi: I'll stay
Alvaro: I'll go
Avani: ill stay
Dixie: I'll go
Then Alejandro mattia Alvaro and Dixie left to the store and you avani Kairi and Alex stayed
Kairi: so I have heard avani that you like mattia
Avani: no
Kairi: I can tell you do
Alex: yeah I can also tell you like him
Avani: fine but don't tell him
Kai: ok
Avani: Alex don't tell him
Alex: fine
Avani: but do you guys thing he likes me back
Alex: yeah he likes you back he won't stop talking about you
Kai: yeah
Yn: oooh my brother like you
With Alejandro mattia Alvaro and Dixie
Dixie: so mattia do you like anyone
Mattia: no
Alejandro: you said no
Mattia: yeah no
Alvaro: yeah he has a crush on some one
Mattia: shut up Alvaro
Dixie: who
Alejandro: on avani
Dixie: really
Mattia: yeah
Dixie: wellllll she like you back
Mattia: she does
Dixie: yeah she has told Yn to figure out if you like her back
Mattia: really
Dixie: yup

951 words
September, 11, 2021
Rip to all those people who died today 20 years ago

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