Blast: The Teenage Hero

By Redfork2000

350 33 0

Alex was just an average high school student who stumbled through life with many hardships. He frequently fin... More

1. Rise of Blast - Part 1
3. Fame and Glory
4. The Best Sleepover Ever
5. A Rocky Rivalry
6. Queen Glamour
7. Will Work For Jewels
8. Canine Catastrophe
9. The Girl Next Door
10. Hothead Havoc
11. Just Like You
12. Pair Pressure
13. Watt a Party!
14. Dress For Success
15. The Attack of the 50 Foot Teenager
16. Operation Clover

2. Rise of Blast - Part 2

36 4 0
By Redfork2000

Alice and Tommy continue riding their bikes across the streets. It's night time now, and while the streets generally have a good amount of lighting throughout the trip, Alice and Tommy soon arrive at a darker area on the outskirts of town. There aren't any street lights at all working here. The only light they have is the bit of light that the moon and stars provide.

As the two get closer to their destination, the atmosphere, the area they're traversing now, has a more gloomy and sinister feeling to it. The darker roads, the dilapidated buildings they pass, and the creepy silence only makes the situation tenser for the two of them.

Tommy starts shaking a bit in fear as the two of them get closer to their destination. "It's... r-really creepy h-here..." Tommy stutters as the two go on further. The two venture on, but things only got even more frightening. A few clouds blocked the moonlight, leaving the two with even less light than before.

However, Alice keeps leading the way, and in a matter of a couple of minutes, Alice and Tommy have arrived at something they could only describe as the most terrifying building they had ever seen before. It's a wide building, taking up a whole block. The building's walls are of a chrome color, with only a few windows here and there. There are several towers in the building, along with a tall antenna at the top end. The building's facade has a large silver "Z" on a dark blue background, and the entrance itself is designed with the shape of a skull.

The building is surrounded by a large, metallic fence that had a warning sign that read: "Warning: Trespassers Will Never Be Seen Again" with a skull and crossbones symbol. This makes both Tommy and Alice get nervous, as they realize this is truly a dangerous place to be.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Alice?" Tommy asks Alice, looking back at her.

Alice looks at the sign, and then at the intimidating building again. "Well... this is the place alright..." Alice says, avoiding the question. But should they even try to enter this place?

Meanwhile, inside the building, Dr. Zack and Alex have already arrived in the Z-Saucer, and are now walking through the hallways. Alex looks around, amazed by the cold, metallic hallways, as well as all the various machines, computers and other things he could see in the hallways.

"I've gotta say, this is a pretty impressive place you've got." Alex tells Dr. Zack with a smile as he walks along with him.

"Much appreciated." Dr. Zack replies, nodding ever so slightly. "Now follow me along, and we'll run some tests first, to figure out exactly how the accident affected your DNA structure." Dr. Zack tells Alex as he leads him into a room.

There are a few machines with flashing lights and buttons that Alex had no idea of what they are, he just looks around as he is surprised by everything here. This place has even more stuff than Alice's lab!

Meanwhile, outside the building, Alice and Tommy are about to cross the fence. It's tall, but it seems to be easy enough to climb. But before climbing, Alice uses an odd tool of hers to poke the fence.

"What are you doing?" Tommy asks Alice with a confused expression.

Alice looks back at Tommy. "This is a tool I created to detect electric charges. I want to make sure the fence isn't electrified before we start climbing it." Alice tells Tommy. "It seems like it's safe. Let's climb." Alice adds after the check. She and Tommy then climb the fence to reach the other side.

However, as soon as they put their feet on the ground on the other side of the fence, they hear a loud growling noise, as if there were dogs here. Tommy gets nervous with the growling noises. "What's that?" He asks Alice. The two of them see a dog house, and near the dog house they see a large dog, a mutated, two-headed dog, with the appearance of a black rottweiler. The dog doesn't seem happy with their arrival, as both heads are growling at the teens.

"Uh... nice doggie?" Alice says, trying to calm down the mutated dog. However, the dog is having none of it. Both heads start barking as the dog sprints towards the two frightened teenagers. This causes both of them to let out a loud yell of terror, and jump onto the fence to get back to the other side as quickly as they can. The dog reaches the fence and jumps, almost managing to bite Tommy's foot, but luckily the two teenagers escape the mutated beast unscathed.

The two teens land back on the safe side of the fence, and stop for a moment to catch their breath after that frightening experience. "Why does that dog have two heads?" Tommy asks as he catches his breath.

Alice just shakes her head. "I don't know, that old man probably ran some experiment on the dog or something." Alice replied. "Whatever the case is, we have to figure out a way to get past that beast." Alice adds.

Back inside the laboratory, Dr. Zack runs a few tests on Alex. He connects Alex to a machine to register different things, he checks Alex's heartbeat and blood pressure, and puts him on a treadmill to see how fast he can run. The treadmill reaches a speed over 100 miles per hour, and Alex still seems to be running without a problem. Dr. Zack writes down everything he's seeing as he runs more tests on Alex.

Dr. Zack puts Alex to lift barbells, which he does easily. He then takes him to a special barbell where instead of regular weights, there are two large weights that have "1 ton" written on them. Alex walks up to the barbell, and lifts it up as if it were any regular barbell, leaving Dr. Zack perplexed as he keeps writing down what he discovers.

Meanwhile, Alice tries devising a plan to get past the two-headed rottweiler. After thinking about it, she gets an idea. She looks at the building, and notices a window that's large enough that they could fit through. She then starts making plans, and once she has everything well thought out, she speaks. "Tommy, I have a plan to get past that dog!" Alice tells him with excitement.

Tommy looks at Alice, a bit worried about what could happen. "Are you sure it'll work?" Tommy asks Alice.

Alice nods. "Of course I am! Just trust me, ok?" Alice tells him. Tommy is still a bit worried about this, but decides to follow along with Alice's plan. Alice explains what the plan is, and draws some blueprints on the sidewalk with a piece of chalk.

Alex keeps on going through the tests that Dr. Zack runs on him, and sees that Dr. Zack has finished writing it down in his notebook. "So, what did you discover?" Alex asked the scientist.

"Well, it appears that you're still healthy despite the changes in your DNA. I was worried it would have unfortunate secondary effects, but everything appears to be in order." Dr. Zack explains. "The changes in your DNA have caused your body to become much stronger physically, thus explaining your super strength and super speed, as well as your endurance to physical trauma." Dr. Zack tells him.

Alex nods, that made a lot of sense. He did smash himself against a stop sign at high speeds, that would've been enough to cause serious damage, or at least break his nose, but despite the pain of the impact, he didn't break anything.

Dr. Zack continues on to explain the changes in his body that the experiment caused. "Now there's only one more thing we need to do before we're done. Come with me to the central experimentation room." Dr. Zack tells Alex as he signals him to follow him to the other room.

As soon as they arrive, Alex sees some computers and machines, and a large metallic bed. "What's that for?" Alex asks Dr. Zack.

"It's for the final test. Just lay down on that bed for a moment and I'll get everything ready." Dr. Zack tells Alex. Alex shrugs and does as he is told.

However, as he lies down, the bed immediately releases some metallic belts to strap his arms, legs, and waist to the bed. "Uh... is that supposed to happen?" Alex asks Dr. Zack as the old man types on the computer.

"Yes, it's supposed to happen. That way you cannot escape." Dr. Zack tells him nonchalantly.

Alex's eyes open wide as he hears that. "What do you mean so I can't escape!?" Alex asks him with a hint of fear in his voice.

Dr. Zack lets out a slight chuckle as he looks at Alex. "Well, I wasn't intending for you to receive these superpowers, but now that you have them, I might as well take advantage of it." Dr. Zack says as some robotic arms with syringes stretch towards Alex.

"What are you going to do to me!?" Alex asks in terror, as he tries to struggle to escape the bed, but alas, the belts are too strong for him to break through.

Dr. Zack chuckles a bit again in his low-pitched voice. "Well, I'm going to use these chemicals to gain absolute control of you. You will no longer be a useless average teenager, you will be my ultimate weapon!" Dr. Zack announces out loud, clearly excited about the idea.

However, Alex isn't thrilled by this at all. "You're crazy! Let me out of here!" Alex says as he continues to struggle, but to no avail. Dr. Zack just lets out an evil laughter as he types on the computer to begin the process.

Meanwhile, outside, Alice's plan is ready. With the help of Tommy, she has built a grappling hook. After testing it to make sure it works, Alice and Tommy climb to the top of the tree, and then Alice tosses the grappling hook towards a tree near the window, managing to get the grappling hook to stick onto a branch of the other tree. After pulling the rope to make sure the hook is hooked onto the branch, she ties the other end to the trunk of the tree they're currently on. The result is a tense rope that stretches about twelve feet above the ground, and gives them a safe pass to the other tree, from which they can easily reach the window.

"Ok, here goes nothing." Alice says as she tries to cross. Instead of standing, she decides it's best to crawl across the rope, using her hands to grab onto the rope tightly.

Tommy follows her, looking below at how far they are from the ground, and gets even more nervous. He sees the two-headed rottweiler barking at them from below, jumping in an attempt to bite them. This gets him even more nervous, causing him to make the rope shake.

This gets Alice very nervous. "Tommy, stop shaking!" Alice tells him, before noticing that Tommy is looking down. "Tommy, don't look down!" She tells him, which only makes him look down again.

"Don't say that, it only makes me want to look down!" Tommy yells back fearfully.

The whole situation is making Alice extremely nervous. She herself can feel the adrenaline running through her body. Her heart is beating like crazy, her limbs are feeling cold and shaky, and she can't seem to calm down. "Tommy, just keep moving! The sooner we get to the window, the sooner we'll be out of here!" Alice yells back at him.

Tommy himself is even more frightened than Alice is. Looking down makes him feel like he's going to fall. He gets dizzy just by looking at how far they are from the ground, and seeing the mutated dog barking and jumping at them only gets him even more nervous. He feels dizzy, he feels nauseous, he feels his heart pounding like it wants to break out of his chest, he feels shaky and cold, he feels like he wants to cry.

The two of them crawl their way to the other tree, with the two-headed beast still barking and growling at them. Once they reach the other tree, the two of them stop for a moment to calm down. The adrenaline is still running through their bodies, they were both cold and shaky after that frightening experience. Tommy feels like he's going to throw up right then and there. Alice feels her heart racing and butterflies in her stomach.

Alice looks at the window, and tries to open it, but she can't. She sighs as the window refuses to open, and decides there's only one other way. She unties the hook from the rope, and then uses the hook to break the window. She then signals Tommy to follow her.

However, breaking the window makes enough noise to let Dr. Zack know that something is going on. In the other room, Dr. Zack stops typing as he hears the sound of glass breaking. "What was that?" he asks no one in particular, before accessing his security cameras from the computer he's using. There, he can see Alice and Tommy sneaking into his laboratory. Dr. Zack lets out an annoyed growl as he realizes that these two teens have broken into his laboratory.

"What are those two children doing here!?" Dr. Zack yells out loud, enough for Alex to hear it.

"Wait a moment, Tommy and Alice are here!?" Alex replies, eyes widened.

Dr. Zack frowns as he presses some keys on his keyboard. "Well, they are, but they won't be anymore." Dr. Zack says as he types some commands on his computer.

This worries Alex. "You'd better not do anything to Tommy!" Alex warns Dr. Zack as he struggles to free himself.

Dr. Zack just glances back at Alex, not taking him seriously. "What are you going to do about it? You can't even break free from there." Dr. Zack tells him as he finishes typing some commands. "Besides, I won't do anything to them, I'll just send someone to do it for me." Dr. Zack replies with a slight chuckle. Alex growls enraged as he glares at Dr. Zack, and continues to struggle, but to no avail.

Meanwhile, Alice and Tommy are running through the rooms of the lab, with Alice leading the way, hoping to find Alex. As they run along, they end up in a large, square room with a few tables full of beakers with chemicals and large books, as well as large bookcases with books as well. Alice tries to open the next door, but it's locked.

"Rats, the door is locked." Alice says as she looks around. Have they arrived at a dead end?

Suddenly, Tommy notices some green, gooey liquid starting to ooze into the room from an air vent in the room. "Uh... Alice? What's that?" Tommy asks Alice, poking her on the shoulder.

Alice turns to look at the air vent, and notices the green liquid oozing into the room, landing on the floor forming a huge green puddle. "I-I don't know..." Alice replies. Whatever that was, Alice had a bad feeling about it.

Once the green liquid had stopped pouring in from the vent, the two teens watched terrified as the green puddle started to move, morphing itself into a large, ten feet tall, large blob of green mass. Then, it appeared to open a huge, glowing yellow eye near the top of the blob. The large mass appeared to be alive!

Tommy let out a loud yell of terror as he stepped back as much as he could. Alice stepped back as well, her heart pounding in her chest like she had just ran a marathon. The disturbing green blob moved closer towards them, leaving a trail of green goo on the floor as if it were some sort of slug.

The blob kept coming closer, and there was no clue what it could do to them, but judging by the hostile nature of this place, this monstrous being probably wasn't friendly either. Alice and Tommy moved away from the blob, and ran towards the door they came from, but to their dismay, it was locked now as well. They were trapped with the green blob now!

Dr. Zack watched all of this happen from his computer screen, and let out a slight chuckle as he watched the two poor teens in absolute horror as they kept themselves away from the green, gooey being. The shapeless blob wasn't very fast, so they could stay away from it by running around the room, but they would soon grow tired of running.

Meanwhile, Alex kept struggling to break free, but alas, the situation seemed hopeless. The metallic belts that fastened him into place just wouldn't snap, no matter how much force he used. Alex sighed. How had he ended up in this situation? What had appeared to be the greatest day ever had turned out to be the last one he would live, at least as far as he was concerned.

Dr. Zack smirked as he watched the two teenagers running for their lives as the green blob chased them around the room. He then looked back at Alex. "Well, that should deal with those two kids. Now let's go back to where we were, shall we?" He told Alex as he prepared to inject the teenager with the chemical that would give him absolute control over Alex's mind.

Alice and Tommy were still running away from the green blob monster, but then Tommy slipped and fell, thanks to the floor being covered in trails of green slime. He then yells as the green gooey monster comes closer to him. Alice looks back, and realizes what has happened. She looks around, and out of pure instinct, grabs the books on the table and starts throwing them at the monster, hoping it will do something to it.

However, instead of hitting the monster, the books just go straight into the monster's slimy body, floating inside the slightly transparent green goo as if they were inside gelatin. The monster stopped for a moment as it absorbed the books into its body, but soon continued moving towards Tommy. The brief moment it stopped was barely enough for Tommy to get up and run away from the monster.

Tommy grabbed the chemicals. "Throw him these!" Tommy says as he prepares to throw chemicals at the monster.

Alice grabs his hand and stops him. "No, don't, we don't know what kind of chemical reaction that could cause!" Alice tells Tommy.

Tommy looks at Alice. "But what if it makes the monster explode?" Tommy asks her.

Alice looks at him. "That could be very dangerous if we're in the room with it." Alice tells him. The monster comes closer, forcing the two of them to run away again.

Tommy then looked at the air vent the monster came in from. "What if we go in there?" Tommy says, pointing at the air vent.

Alice just facepalms. "That's a terrible idea, Tommy. I doubt it'll be able to stand our weight. Do you know how thin the metal in those things are?" Alice tells him.

The two keep running from the blob monster, while Tommy sighs. "Come on, I've seen people do it in movies all the time." Tommy replies, causing Alice to shake her head.

"Do you really believe everything is like in the movies?" Alice asks Tommy with an annoyed tone.

As the two keep running from the monster, they try hiding behind a bookcase, but the green monster starts surrounding the bookcase, and it seems like it's going to absorb the whole thing. The two teens yell and run away.

However, in their sprint to get away from the monster, Tommy bumps into one of the tables and knocks over one of the beakers, causing its contents to pour onto the table. In just a few seconds, the glowing orange substance literally burns through the table, leaving a large hole in the table, and the orange substance falls onto the floor.

"What is that thing!?" Tommy cries, freaked out by the substance.

"It seems to be a very strong acid, it's corrosive enough to disintegrate whatever it touches very quickly." Alice replies. In saying this, Alice gets an idea. "That's it!" She exclaims, and grabs a beaker full of the same substance. Tommy watches puzzled, wondering what she plans to do.

"Tommy, distract that monster, I'm going to get us out of here!" Alice tells him. Tommy looks at the huge green slimy gelatinous monster coming at him, and Alice runs towards the closest door. Tommy starts shaking in fear, but he has to distract the monster while Alice does her part.

Tommy sticks his tongue out at the monster, and puts his thumbs in his ears to make a mocking gesture at the monster, before running away. The monster chases after Tommy, and the boy yells out loud as he runs away from the beast.

Meanwhile, Alice pours the content of the beaker onto the door, and waits anxiously, hoping the acid will burn a hole through the door to allow them to go through. She turns her head to see Tommy running away from the monster in fear, and then she turns back to the door, fidgeting impatiently as she waits for the acid to do its thing.

It works! Alice sees the acid burn a hole through the door, but it's not large enough for them to go through, at least not yet. Alice looks back, and sees Tommy is getting cornered by the slimy monster. She has to go in to help him. Alice runs over to a bookcase about twenty feet away from the monster.

"Hey, jelly brain!" Alice yells at the monster, before tossing a book at the monster. The book just goes straight into the monster's body, but it was enough to get its attention. "Run Tommy!" Alice cries as the monster comes towards her, giving Tommy a chance to escape. Once Tommy is far away enough from the monster, Alice runs towards the door. "Follow me!" She tells Tommy as he goes for the door.

Alice and Tommy run towards the door, seeing the hole get bigger. They can't run through it though, it's a hole in the middle of the door that's about a meter in diameter. "We're going to have to jump through!" Alice tells Tommy, as the both approach the door. The monster is still after them, but hasn't reached them yet.

Alice tosses herself forward towards the door, and manages to get through the hole, landing on her stomach on the floor of the next room. Tommy does the same, and lands right on top of Alice. "Oof!" Alice lets out as Tommy lands right on top of her.

"Oops, sorry Alice." Tommy says as he gets off of Alice.

However, as the two of them look back, they see the gelatinous monster goes through the hole. Despite being much bigger than the hole, it has no trouble in molding itself to fit through the hole to follow them. Once they realize they haven't lost the creature yet, both teenagers start screaming, get up and start running again.

Dr. Zack watches the whole thing from his computer screen, frowning and shaking his fist in the air as he sees the two teens get out of the room he had trapped them in. "Well, it doesn't matter if those pests got out. It's too late!" Dr. Zack says, as he prepares to inject Alex with the chemical.

However, before he can do that, the door is slammed wide open, as Alice and Tommy break into the room, yelling as the gelatin monster is still after them. "What in the world?!" Dr. Zack yells as he sees the two teens run into the room. The needle is getting closer and closer to Alex, but quickly reading the situation, Tommy grabs one of the computers and tosses it at the robotic arm holding the needle, breaking it with the impact.

"Oh come on!" Dr. Zack yells, as he also sees his slimy creation chase after the two teens.

Alex smiles in relief as he sees them come in. "Tommy, Alice, you guys are here!" He says, trying again to free himself, but still unable to.

"Get lost, you pests! I'm in the middle of something important!" Dr. Zack tells the two of them.

Alice looks at Alex, who is lying down, held in place by the metallic belts. "Tommy, we've got to find out how to free Alex. After that everything should be easier." Alice says as they both run through the room, the gelatin monster comes behind them.

Dr. Zack growls in frustration as he sees the two teenagers running around making a mess in his lab as they search for a way to free Alex. "Stop it already!" Dr. Zack yells at them.

The monster keeps chasing after them, but Tommy stops by the metallic bed, seeing it has some buttons on the bottom. "maybe one of these is the right button!" Tommy says.

Dr. Zack groans, and runs out of his place to get Tommy. "Don't touch that, you moron!" Dr. Zack yells as he runs to stop Tommy.

However Alice sees the slime monster running towards her, and she takes another turn, whistling to get the monster to follow her. The monster runs towards her, without realizing Dr. Zack is about to cross roads with him. Dr. Zack does notice though, and stops as he sees the slimy monster coming his way. "No! Stop, you brainless pile of jelly!" Dr. Zack cries, but he doesn't get out of the way fast enough, and the gelatinous monster runs into him, absorbing the man into the body of the beast. Dr. Zack frowns as he floats inside the gelatinous monster, like a piece of fruit inside a bowl of gelatin.

"Don't worry Alex, I'm gonna get you out of there!" Tommy says, as he presses one of the buttons. The button causes the metallic bed to fold, smashing Alex inside it.

"Ouch!" Alex cries as he's crushed by the bed.

"Oops, sorry!" Tommy said, as he pressed the button again to return the bed to normal.

"Be careful, Tommy!" Alex tells his friend with an angry stare.

Tommy nods, and presses another button, this time causing the metallic bed to move up, until Alex is crushed against the ceiling.

"Aah!" Alex cries as he is crushed once again.

"No no no! Come back!" Tommy cries as he presses the button again to bring the metallic bed back down again.

Alex just stares at Tommy again, this time saying nothing. Tommy starts panicking, as he presses a third button hoping this one frees Alex, and in effect, it does! The metallic belts that were holding Alex's limbs immobilized are opened, allowing Alex to get off the metallic bed. Tommy smiles as he sees his friend is now free. "Alex, you're free!" Tommy says, jumping with excitement.

"Yeah, I am. Thanks Tommy!" Alex says, giving his friend a high five.

"Ahem?" Alice says, looking at Alex with an annoyed expression, arms crossed and tapping her foot.

Alex sighs. "Ok... thank you too, Alice..." Alex says to her.

Alex sees the monster coming closer, but it stops abruptly. Apparently it finally realized that it accidentally absorbed its creator, and frees the scientist by splitting itself into two halves, letting the man free. He's still covered in green goo, and growls as he tries to clean himself. "You brainless blob!" He yells at the green monster. He then looks at Alice, Tommy, and Alex who is now free.

"That was cool and all, but we've got to go now." Alex says, as he grabs Alice's arm with his right hand, and Tommy's arm with his left hand, and starts running to the door to escape. However, before he can escape, Dr. Zack pulls a lever, causing the door to be closed shut with steel.

"No way!" Alex yells as he's unable to stop himself before smashing his face into the steel door. Being pulled by Alex at high speed, Alice and Tommy end up crashing into the door as well.

"Nice job, Alex." Alice says in a sarcastic tone.

Dr. Zack looks at the three of them. "You thought you'd escape that easily?" He asks the three teenagers. "No one breaks into my lab and escapes alive!" Dr. Zack tells them. "Didn't you see the sign on my fence?" Dr. Zack asks.

Alex pulls his face off of the steel door, and tries punching a hole in it with his super strength, but instead of breaking the steel, he just hurts his own hand. "Ouch!" Alex cries, grabbing his hand in pain.

Alice looks at him. "Really?" Alice asks him, staring at Alex with an unamused expression.

Alex looks at her. "What? I thought it would work!" Alex replies.

Dr. Zack then presses a button, causing a large trapdoor in the floor to open, and then a platform emerges from the hole, with a large, futuristic looking machine standing on the platform. The machine is about twelve feet high, painted in silver with blue stripes, and stands on four metallic legs. It has two guns at the front of the machine, as well as a large glass window in the center. Dr. Zack runs into the machine, and starts operating it, his face being visible through the window.

"It's over now, you pests!" Dr. Zack tells the three of them as the machine starts walking towards them.

"What is that?!" Alice exclaims as she sees the machine.

"The Z-Gunner is the pinnacle of land-based combat vehicles!" Dr. Zack exclaims. The Z-Gunner shoots plasma bolts at the three teenagers from its guns. Alex grabs Alice and Tommy, and pulls them out of the way, barely avoiding the plasma bolts.

"You can run, but you can't escape!" Dr. Zack tells Alex as he pilots the Z-Gunner to chase after Alex, Alice and Tommy. The Z-Gunner moves fairly slow, but the plasma bolts it shoots move very quickly, and when they crash into a wall or the floor, they leave a black burn mark.

After putting Alice and Tommy to safety behind a table, Alex flies out of the hiding place to confront Dr. Zack in his Z-Gunner. "I don't need to run, when I can fly!" Alex says as he hovers in place. However, the Z-Gunner shoots more plasma bolts at Alex. Alex flies out of the way, barely dodging the plasma bolts that are shot at him. "Whoa!" Alex cries as he tries to dodge the incoming plasma bolts.

Dr. Zack presses a button, and the Z-Gunner reveals a missile launcher on its back. Alex gasps as he sees the missile launcher. Dr. Zack grins with malice as he presses a button, causing the Z-Gunner to shoot a homing missile at Alex. Alex tries to fly out of the way, but the missile simply follows Alex, slowly closing in on him. Alex panics, and flies through some of the furniture in the room. The missile crashes into one of the tables, and explodes, destroying the table entirely. Alex flies away from the explosion, and his jaw drops as he sees the amount of damage that missile causes.

Dr. Zack growls, and shoots another homing missile at Alex. Alex panics as he tries desperately to fly away from the missile. He flies between two bookcases, and the missile crashes into one of them, destroying the two bookcases with the explosion. Flaming pieces of the bookcases fly in every direction from the explosion. By now Alex is truly afraid. If he isn't careful, he could get killed with the next missile.

Alice watches Alex as he escapes from the two missiles, and gets an idea. "Alex, I know how you can destroy that machine!" Alice yells at him. Dr. Zack stares angrily at Alice, and starts shooting plasma bolts at the table she and Tommy are hiding behind. Alice lets out a high-pitched scream as she and Tommy escape before the table is broken apart by the plasma bolts.

Tommy runs to the right, and tosses himself behind a thick bookcase to hide. Alice runs to the left, and heads towards Alex. "Alex, the missiles follow you! You just have to lure one of them into that man's mech, and he'll blow up like a bomb!" Alice tells Alex. Alex nods and gives her a thumbs up, before flying back towards the Z-Gunner.

Alex stops right where Dr. Zack can see him. "Hey, old man, your stupid missiles can't catch me! I'm too fast!" Alex taunts, sticking out his tongue at Dr. Zack. This infuriates the doctor, and he presses a button to shoot another homing missile at Alex. Alex flies around the Z-Gunner with the missile behind him. Alex then goes up, and then swoops down, taking a sharp turn around the Z-Gunner. Dr. Zack sees the missile coming his way, and gasps.

The missile crashes into the Z-Gunner, unleashing a huge explosion. The room is filled with smoke, and flaming pieces of metal fly in every direction. As the smoke clears, the three teenagers see Dr. Zack sitting in the middle of a pile of metal scraps.

Alex sighs in relief as he sees that the machine is down. Alice smiles as she sees the plan has been successful. Dr. Zack groans in frustration as his machine has been destroyed. "You pest!" Dr. Zack yells at Alex.

"Phew, that was so close!" Alex said, landing on his feet. His heart was still racing from the adrenaline that had been coursing through his body.

"Don't think you've won just yet! You have no way to get out of here!" Dr. Zack tells Alex!

However Tommy, who happens to be hiding next to the lever Dr. Zack used to close the door shut, pulls the lever back up, causing the door to open again. "Hey, check this out!" He exclaims as he sees he's opened the door.

"That's our call. We're outta here!" Alex says as he grabs Alice and Tommy again, and exits the lab again at full speed. Dr. Zack tries to run after them, but he trips and falls onto the floor, groaning in frustration.

Alex keeps pulling Alice and Tommy along with him as he makes his escape from Dr. Zack's base. Racing through the rooms, Alex comes across the window Alice and Tommy came in through, and decides to take that route. He grabs Alice and Tommy in his arms, and flies out the window carrying both of them along with him. The two-headed dog barks at them from below, but Alex is flying way too high for the dog to reach.

"Wow, we're flying!" Tommy says, amazed to be so high. "This is so cool!" He adds. Alex smiles as he carries the two of them all the way back to Alice's house.

Alice doesn't say anything. She looks at Blast for a moment as he carries them back. Maybe she did judge him a bit too harshly. He may be better than she gave him credit for. Besides, right now he looked like a true hero, carrying her and Tommy back home.

After a flight across town, Alex arrives at Alice's house, and places Tommy and Alice safely on the ground. Tommy jumps with excitement. "That was the most amazing thing ever!" Tommy yells full of enthusiasm. "Wasn't that cool, Alice?" He asks her.

"Yeah..." Alice says, but then she blushes and clears her throat. "Yeah, I guess it wasn't too bad." She says.

"That was amazing Alex! It was almost like you were a real superhero, like those in the comic books!" Tommy tells his friend.

Alex smiles at this comparison. "Yeah, it does kinda feel like that." Alex replies. "I really saved the day, didn't I?" Alex adds, puffing up his chest a bit.

Alice sighs in annoyance. "Sure, Mr. Super. If we hadn't arrived, who knows what would've happened to you!" Alice exclaims, crossing her arms.

Alex turns his head downwards a bit, scratching the back of his head with his hand. "I guess you do have a point. Thank you for the save, guys." Alex admits. He then turns to Alice. "It was nice of you to come, ok?" Alex tells her.

Alice looks at him. "Well, I had to. You might be a headache to deal with, but you're still a part of the team." She tells Alex.

Alex grins slightly. "Yeah, about that... I know I've been a bit annoying to work with." Alex admits, but Alice just looks at him.

"A bit?" She asks.

Alex sighs. "Fine, really annoying!" He admits. "I'm sorry, ok? I'll try to be a bit more cooperative from now on." Alex tells Alice.

Alice shows a small smile on her face, still having her arms crossed. "Thank you. I'll try to tone down a bit on my bossy behavior as well." Alice replies.

Tommy smiles wide as he sees the two of them finally starting to get along. "See, I knew it wouldn't be so bad!" Tommy says to the two of them. "You know, I think we make a great team!" Tommy exclaims, as he pulls the two of them closer for a group hug. Tommy hugs both of them, but both Alex and Alice are uncomfortable with being that close to each other.

"Yeah... I guess." Alex says.

"Alright, that's enough, Tommy." Alice says. Tommy lets them go, and keeps smiling.

"Oh boy Alex, if you're really a superhero now, are you going to have a superhero name?" Tommy asks him. Alice rolls her eyes at the idea, but Alex draws a smirk on his face.

"How about Blast?" Alex suggests.

Tommy jumps in excitement. "That sounds cool!" He replies.

Alice sighs. "Blast? Really? Is that the best you could come up with?" She asks, not very impressed.

Alex chuckles. "Believe me, you'll get used to it." He replies.

Alice rolls her eyes again. "Whatever you say. It's getting late though, so why don't you two go back home now? We'll meet again tomorrow to keep working on the science project." Alice suggests.

Alex and Tommy both nod. "I guess we can agree on that." Alex replies.

Tommy smiles. "Well, good night!" Tommy says, as he heads back home.

Alex smiles, and starts flying. "Yeah, see you tomorrow." He says, before flying away back to his house.

Alice watches them leave, and her frown turns into a smile. "Those two really are something." Alice says to herself. She then turns around and heads back into her house.

Meanwhile, back in Dr. Zack's base, the scientist is groaning as he sees the destruction caused in his lab by the fight against Alex and his friends. "You may have won this round, you pest, but the battle has just begun. Nothing and no one will get in the way of my goal. Even if things didn't turn out quite as I expected, this is nothing but a minor setback. I will prevail, it's just a matter of time." Dr. Zack says. "It's just a matter of time." He repeats, before looking out the window, and looking at the stars.

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