a new life (amourshipping sto...

By sonicboom23jordan

26.4K 509 155

Ash won the kalos league months ago ash and serena wanted to start a new life together More

a new beginning
the decision
return of an old friend
introduce to an old friend
the first date
Halloween time
a little time longer in kalos
return of another old friend
arrived in alola
meeting a new friend
more new friends
first trial
first kahuna battle
alola fun time
promise made
traveling to akala Island
second grand trial
the double date
traveling to ula'ula Island
third grand trial
ula'ula fun time
traveling to poni Island
final grand trial
a Christmas to remember
necrozma attacks part 1
necrozma attacks part 2
the big wedding day
the miracle
the ketchum family -final chapter
bonus chapter- Pikachu x sylveon

break time

542 12 5
By sonicboom23jordan

Morning time Ash is the first one up. He went to the kitchen to make breakfast for Serena. After then Serena woke up and went to the kitchen and sees Ash making breakfast.

Ash: Morning beautiful

Serena: Morning sweetie

Serena kissed Ash for 10 seconds and sat at the Table.

Ash: here a go my princess

Ash placed a plate full of pancakes in a shape of an heart Serena was surprised that she came out in tears.

Serena: oh Ash thank you

Serena approach Ash with a tight hug

Ash: ahahah your welcome Serena

Ash returned the hug and then Serena kissed his cheek

Serena: i love you so much Ash

Ash: i love you so much to Serena

Serena gave Ash a kiss for 1 minute when they were done kissing they sat and ate their heart shaped pancakes.

Ash: hey Serena

Serena: yes Ash

Ash: i know that we have 2 grand trials left but i was wondering if we can take a break from it

Serena: yeah i was wondering the same thing

Ash: yeah we can just sit down watch TV and mabye i can massage you

Serena is blushing red when Ash said he can massage her.

Serena(blushing): yeah I like that Ash

Ash: i knew you would like something like this

Serena(smiled): i do

Ash got closer to Serena until she got at the end of the couch.

Ash: so what would you like to massage your back or your feet

Serena: you can massage my back but not my feet

Ash: i won't tickle your feet this time i promise

Serena: promise

Ash: promise

Serena: ok you can massage my back and my feet

Ash: ok I'll go get the massage cream

Serena: ok I'll wait for you in the bed room

Serena is waiting for Ash to get the cream while Serena is waiting for Ash Serena took off her jacket leaving her pink shirt on and then she saw Ash with the cream

Ash: ready Serena

Serena: yes I am

Serena lifted the back of her shirt and lyde down and Ash put some cream on his hands and rub them together and start to massage Serena's back.

Serena: aaahhhhh that feels really good Ash

Ash: I'm glad you like it..... I wonder if Lana would stop by to take us to our 3rd grand trial

Serena: i called her she will stop by tomorrow but for right now keep massage me

Ash: your enjoying this are you Serena

Serena(smiled): you know i am

Mean while with Kiawe and Mallow. They were walking at the beach holding hands

Mallow: Kiawe Last night was the best ever

Kiawe: i know i had fun to

Mallow hugged Kiawe

Mallow: I love you Kiawe

Kiawe: i love you to Mallow

Mallow kissed Kiawe and Kiawe carried her to her house

Mallow: thank you for carrying me home Kiawe

Kiawe: it's at least I can do for you

Mallow: awe Kiawe come here

Mallow gave Kiawe a tight hug.

Mallow: I love you Kiawe

Kiawe: i love you to Mallow

Kiawe kiss Mallow it lasted for 40 seconds

Kiawe: I'll see you tomorrow

Mallow: see you tomorrow

After Kiawe took Mallow home meanwhile with Ash and Serena hotel. Ash is still massaging Serena

Serena: mmmmm that's the spot

Ash: I'm glad you like it

Serena: very much and when your done with my back can you massage my feet

Ash: sure

Serena: but no tickling

Ash: i won't tickle your feet Serena i promise

Serena: ok

Serena put her feet on Ash's lap and he began to massage her feet.

Serena: that feels really good Ash thank you

Ash: your welcome sweetie

Serena moved closer to Ash

Ash: what is it

Serena: you know

Serena slides her hands into his shirt

Ash: let me guess make out

Serena(smiled): you guessed it now come here

Ash and Serena began to kiss the evening away. Ash is rubbing from top to bottom of her back and Serena is massaging his shoulders. Night time passes as they were in bed.

Serena: hey Ash

Ash: yeah Serena

Serena: that was so much fun

Ash: yeah it was

Serena: good night ashy i love you

Ash: i love you to Serena good night

To be continued

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