The Arranged Bride

By M__Mukhopadhyay

6.4M 79K 19.9K

"I said you won't be working anymore." She smirked, "Watch me." Saying that she turned and I watched her ti... More

Chapter- 01
Chapter - 02
Chapter - 03
Chapter - 04
Chapter - 05
Chapter - 06
Chapter - 07
Chapter - 08
Chapter - 09
Chapter - 11
Chapter - 12

Chapter - 10

148K 5.8K 1.1K
By M__Mukhopadhyay

Nick's POV

I walked upstairs and she followed me. Opening the door I went inside my room.

"Sir , we have got Mrs. Carter's luggage." A maid said.

"Keep it and leave." Sophia stood there looking around.

"We can't sleep together." My words brought her eyes back on me.

"Where should I sleep then?" I shrugged at her question.

"I don't know." I heard her chuckle or more like scoff.

"You're kidding, right?" I didn't feel like responding. I seriously hadn't thought of where she would sleep.

"Nick?" I sighed before turning around and looking at her face.

"Take the couch or something." Her lips parted in slight disbelief.

"How gentlemanly of you!" She mocked me but I was least bothered by it.

"You're welcome." I said nonchalantly.

"Jerk!" She muttered under her breath.

"Come again." She rolled her eyes at that. I was beyond pissed, not only at her but at the whole situation in hand.

Taking it as the end of the discussion, she walked to the bathroom.

I sat on the bed repeating everything in my head. After a long time , she came back in a loose tee and pyjamas. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail .

She didn't even look at me and laid down on the couch.

I waited for a few more minutes and then went to the study room to work.

Sophia's POV

When I opened my eyes I couldn't recognise the room.

"Oh God, where the hell did I- oh !" , Realisation dawned upon me. It was Nick's room.

Nick was not there in the room . Maybe he woke up early, maybe he wasn't there the whole night. Well in that case I could have taken the bed.

My back was paining due to sleeping in such an uncomfortable couch.

"I need to get myself a room." I said to myself and went to do my morning routine.

I changed into a black v neck full sleeve top and white checked skirt. Getting ready for work, I went downstairs.

He was sitting there at the table, having his breakfast.

Nick's POV

I had woken up in my study. Getting ready for work in my normal suite I went to have my breakfast.

I was munching my toast when I heard her footsteps, Sophia!

I fought the urge to turn around. When she walked past , a smell of roses hit my nostrils. She walked to the other side of the table and settled down.

She looked formal and decent in her work clothes but still managed to look hot. She definitely dressed well but I wasn't going to tell her.

The maid set a plate in front of her and she started off with her breakfast while scrolling through her phone. She didn't even look at me which really bothered me.

But why ? I was supposed to be relieved that she isn't bothering me.

She started getting up and then I realised that she was going to work.

"Do you think you are going to work Sophia ? " I liked the way her name rolled off my tongue.

Ugh.. focus

"No shit Sherlock ."  She replied while looking at her phone.

"You will resign, today." , I stated.

"Excuse me?" , She looked up and narrowed her eyes at me.

"Excused. Do as I say." I said getting up .

"In your dreams." She retorted.

"Are you challenging me ? " I asked
" I said you won't be working anymore ."

She smirked ," Watch me "

Saying that she turned and I watched her till she walked out of the door.

She left. She walked out on me!
I angrily raked my hand through my hair.

Challenging me? I will show you what I can do.

Sophia's POV

How dare he order me ? I love my job and he is no one to stop me from working.

I walked into the office . On the way to my cabin, I met Mr. Knight.

"Good morning Mr. Knight. "

"Good morning Mrs. Carter. Congratulations on your marriage but I am sorry to ask , why are you here today ? " He looked genuinely confused and I think I mirrored his expression.

"For my job?" It sounded more of a question.

"But Mr. Carter called today itself saying that you won't be working anymore."

"What !? But I didn't say anything and he doesn't get to decide for me. I think I will be continuing my job." I said

"Uhh actually Mrs. Carter , it was lovely working with you but I can't go against Mr. Carter." He looked down.

I closed my eyes to calm my anger but it wasn't helping and I knew I had to get it out. I had to confront him.

"Thank you Mr. Knight ." I said with a polite smile. He wasn't at fault and he wouldn't dare disobey that influential jerk.

I walked out of the office and called a cab.

"To the Carter Enterprises."

I was too angry to think straight. I had to speak to him and I knew this wasn't going to be easy.

I soon found myself infront of his office.
As I walked in people stopped in their tracks to look at me. They were murmuring things which I couldn't make out and didn't try hard to.

I hated this kind of attention. I made my way to his office with the help of the direction given by the receptionist.

I barged into his cabin and what I saw wasn't something I wanted to see. He was sucking the face of a blonde who was straddling his lap.

On hearing the noise they quickly parted while I stood there, refusing to look away.

"You should knock before coming in, you know." Nick stated with no sign of remorse on his face. What an arrogant creature!

"You should lock before whoring around you know." I retorted coolly.

Obviously the sight pained me and I was freaking mad at him for not respecting our vows but I wasn't going to act on it.

He looked irritated
" Why are you here ? Oh wait I guess I know why you are here." He smirked and I felt my anger resurface.

" You egoistic bastard , who the hell do you think you are , sending my resignation to my boss? " I yelled.

" Don't shout." He said with a clenched jaw.

"Ofcourse I will. Did it hurt your ego that much, huh ? Me walking out on you that you had to use your influence?" I mocked him.

"Christina, leave." He commanded . It was then I remembered that we had an audience.

The blonde closed the door behind her leaving me alone with Nick.

His jaw was clenched and he looked pretty mad. If he wasn't such a jerk , I would have found the angry Nick quite hot but I had a situation to handle.

He took long predator like steps towards me and cornered me to the wall.

"What do you think you are doing?"
Yes , I didn't shutter because I was mad as hell.

"Sophia , you shouldn't have yelled at me, let alone hurling abuses." He gritted through his teeth.

"And you should have let me be, instead of interfering in my business."

We were having an intense staring competition when Papa barged in.

"Nick , I heard Sophia's - Oh!"  he turned to look somewhere else.

I realised that we were in such a compromising position that too because of this jerk and he was smirking?

Enjoying it ? Fine by me .

I freed myself before speaking.

"Uhh Papa, you can look here. " I said while tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and acting all shy.

" Oh , no need to be shy. I am happy that you are already getting along. "

I shyly smiled before continuing.

" Uhh Papa see , Nick here isn't allowing me to continue with my job ." I whined

Papa looked at him.

" Dad , that's because it won't look good that my wife is working in another firm and besides I don't want her to work hard." He stated with a concerned expression and Papa seemed convinced as he nodded.

Nick smirked at me thinking that he won. I smirked back at him which made him confused. Little did he know that he made my work even easier.

" I understand,but how about I work in the Carter Enterprises itself ? I really love my job and working here won't be a bother to Nick's reputation, right Papa?" I asked in a sweet tone.

" Well that isn't a problem at all." , Papa acknowledged.

" See that's what I was saying you. " I said while looking at Nick. I turned towards Papa and said." Nick here, is worried about me and wants me to rest. He doesn't need to worry while I work here. "

Nick looked flabbergasted.

" Yes Nick , no need to worry. She can work here while you can always see that she doesn't overwork herself. She loves her job so let her do it . Besides our marketing department definitely needs help and she is worthy of becoming the head there." Papa said and I smiled brightly at him.

Nick gave him a tight lipped smile.

" Thank you Papa . Thank you so much." I hugged him while he hugged back.

" Anything for my daughter." , He smiled .

"I will leave you to yourselves and tonight you two are coming for dinner at our place. David and Juliana will be there as well. Nick , don't be late and Sophia please invite Ryan and Charlotte for me , will you ?" Papa asked.

" Sure . " I smiled.

Then I remembered something.
" Uhh Papa will Ethan be coming back with us today ?" I asked with hopeful eyes. I desperately wanted him back. I would have someone to talk to and I would definitely love bonding with that cute little guy.

" Yeah he will . Besides the kid already misses you and is pretty excited to meet you." He said

I nodded smiling and shortly after he left.

"So " I turned to look at Nick. " Thank you so much Nick , your fake concern really made my job easier. "

He didn't say anything , just continued glaring at me.

" No yelling , no smart comments, nothing? ...... Okay then , see you then."

I waved my hand at him and walked out of his cabin.

I was satisfied with my doing. Maybe I didn't get to continue with my previous job but I was still working and very much in my field.

I hailed a cab and returned home.

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