Broken Souls

By Holy_Water_123

192 9 41

Rafe has not had it easy. He has tried making himself as emotionless as possible to avoid what he fears. How... More



29 1 7
By Holy_Water_123

Disclaimer: this is a slow-burn!
They have both some issues and aren't completely ready for a relationship. But Love

I'm currently leaning against the wall of my high school. I barely sleep anymore because of my nightmares. They seemed to worsen and every night I got less and less sleep.

Just to tell you I was exhausted. My wolf was restless and that was certainly not helping. Especially because I had some difficulties controlling him.

I could go run everyday and it still wouldn't back off when needed. But I didn't complain much, nature was like my second home and my wolf and I shared the same opinions most of the time.

After a much needed cigarette break I went back inside. Lunch was over and the bell went off meaning lessons were about to begin, but I couldn't find it in me to give a shit.

Everyone was walking and pushing to reach their class. After waiting against a wall till everyone was gone, I went to my locker and finally shoved my bag in it. I really despised school books.


I closed my locker and looked to my right. Bellamy, my best friend was fast walking in my direction. When he reached me he looked relieved, at this I ached an eyebrow in silent question.

"Oh thank goodness I found you. The principal wanted to see you."

This made me frown. I wasn't the perfect student, I liked to talk back and often ended up in fights with shitbag's who couldn't shut up. But this past week I had kept to myself.

"Why?" I finally asked

"I don't know man Lucas just came to me asking where you were."

I growled at that before I could stop myself and Bellamy looked amused at that. Lucas was the son of the principal and was a real asshole. The guy couldn't leave me alone, no he had to fuck with my already fucked up life. Without another word I started walking to the principal. Bellamy didn't take long to catch up with me but I didn't acknowledge him.

"I'm taking the gang to the mall this afternoon, wanna join?"

By 'gang' he meant his brothers, the family Cambell. He had 3 older brother's, two already graduated and the other was one year older but he failed his last year. Then he also had 2 younger ones, 14 and 15 years old. His parents really loved children because they adopted 2 other kids, 1 in the same year as us. That meant senior year and the other in junior year. That meant 8 boys in total, I didn't know how Mrs. Cambell coped sometimes.

They were definitely a big family. Not only that but they weren't exactly discreet or silent. Anyway, it wasn't that weird to have a big family in the supernatural.

"Nah man, I gotta go for a run."

Bellamy was about to protest but I growled before he could. It was almost his mom's birthday and all the boys wanted to go search for a present. I didn't want to stand next to them for 3 hours when I couldn't even help or understand. Gifts weren't really a thing when I was younger and it just never made sense.

After some more walking we eventually reached the office. Bellamy wanted to come inside with me but Mr. Rodriguez dismissed him with a weave of his hand.

"Have a seat young man." He said to me.

I didn't really want to sit but it's not like I had a say. His office was big, the bureau was a dark wood and the walls were painted black. The chairs were a deep red, they looked comfortable but actually weren't. I didn't say anything and just waited for him to continue.

"Alright, let's go straight to the point. I called you here because your attitude and actions are not tolerated in this establishment."

But before he could continue I interrupted him.

"I did nothing wrong this past week. If your accusing me of something I didn't do then you're a real dipshit who didn't even search but put the accusations on the first suspect. It's probably your son he can't shut up for the life of him."

I could feel my anger building up, my wolf was getting angry again and wanted to rip this man apart.

The principal shook his head slowly forcing me to stop my ranting, he then took a deep breath and continued.

"Raphaël, I don't accuse you of anything. I just called you here to inform you of the fact that if you slip up one more time, there is nothing we can do to help you. This school is well known in the Werewolf world and has a reputation to uphold. We accept only high class families and you, young man are not one of them. I only let you in here because I owed Mr. Humphrey."

He then shook his head and took a paper to scribbled something on it. I just sat there contemplated what he told me. It's true I didn't come from a good family. My parents were both poor. They made it clear to me that I was unwanted. Dad wasn't gentle to say the least and Mom was harsh with her words. It wasn't that bad compared to others but I realised not everyone had grown up as me. I didn't really blame them. They lived their life and I lived mine. It took some time to understand that tough.

My dad wasn't afraid to slap me or punch me in the gut when he was mad at me. It was just something that happened. It wasn't all the time, just when he thought I deserved it.

Not gonna lie sometimes I really did deserve it. I just wanted some attention. It was bad. After I finally went over that fase I just couldn't deal with anything anymore. My parents weren't exactly mean but they lived as if I didn't exist. I was a ghost. They worked a lot and when they had time they spend it together.  

There was also the harsh lessons I learned through life. If you get attached, then you're probably just setting yourself up for heartbreak because love is pointless. Life is pointless, relationships are pointless. I just couldn't find a reason for why I existed.

The only one who teached me things about life was my father. Just like that one time when I wanted to read a book from dad's study. He had these old books with difficult words that were too high for me to reach. Yet I still tried, dad saw how I was jumping up and down trying to reach it so he came and took the book. My little mind was already extatique that I could have it but my father set the book higher and told me "If you can grab that book you'll have deserved to read it. Don't expect or lean on others, it makes you weak, son."

It hardened me in a way. Dont show weakness. Dont ask help. Do it yourself. You're all alone, no one's here to help.

So one day, I had enough. My life was miserable and like everything in life I needed to help myself. So I took a bag, said a quick goodbye and left everything behind.

It was so freeing, running from everything. I made friends on the streets. We stole, we smoked and we lived day by day. Nights were harsh and sometimes it wasn't easy but living on the edge was beginning to be my vice.

Unfortunately it didn't last very long. Police got me but when they didn't find any missing reports for my young 15 year old self, they just put me in foster care. They couldn't really do anything else.

The first's home's were okay, but I was so mad at the world that I kept making mistakes and got trown from home to home. My case got longer and finding me a home got harder. I didn't realise that it was getting bad until it was too late.

I got stuck in an awful boys home where I gained some trauma and a scar that went from above my eyebrow trough my eye to the middle of my cheek. One of my roommates gave it to me as a gift.

Too much was too much and I ran away again. Found out I was good at that, running.

That's when a guy named Tristan pushed me against a brick wall in a little alley on a dark night. He asked what I was doing in his territory and if I was bringing trouble. I didn't understand shit so I told him I was just running from my foster home and that he needed to chill. He looked at me weirdly for a second but then it dawned on him and he released me.

That's where our amazing friendship started. But don't get me wrong, he told me I was a werewolf so like any normal person I didn't believe him at first and thought he was on drugs. 3 months later I changed in a black wolf with help of Tristan and was finally understanding what was happening but I couldn't just accept it.

My parents weren't werewolves. I also wasn't bitten so there was only one explanation to why I could change in a wolf when I wanted.

My parents weren't my real parents. To tell you I was shocked when Tristan told me.

At first I was relieved. It meant my parents weren't as shitty. But then it dawned on me, who were my real parents? I started questioning myself. Why did they abandon me? Wasn't I enough?

Anyway, I had Tristan and after he found out I didn't know shit of the supernatural he took me under his wing and we became almost like brothers. He was a also a lone wolf on the streets. Without a pack or anyone caring for him.
But I did. I did a lot.

We became a little pack of two. We lived in a little apartment that was heaven to us but we had it rough to pay the bills. So I came up with an idea. Honestly if I could go back in time and slap that idea out of my mind, I would.

But you have to understand me. I was a young wolf with zero experience. Everything came progressively so I didn't even notice I had better senses than everyone else. It was also normal to change around 16, so finding Tristan really saved me in a way. I would probably be dead or in a lab without him.

He helped me understand the werewolf world. He showed me how to control the urges and he was just so much more to me than a friend.

Basically my idea was to put our werewolf senses to better use and just like that we were way over our heads in illegal fights and shop lifting. We even joined a gang! Again that also didn't last long because Tristan died. Because of me. Because I was such a failure and attention seeker.

After that, some more bad things happened that I banned out of my mind and at 18 I was back on the streets. Mr. Humphrey found me and took me in with his pack. It was nice there, but I had no place in that pack and they didn't know how to deal with a rebellious teen so they send me here, to a boarding school for high class Werewolves.

I snapped out of my thoughts as the principal gave me a slip-up.
(Yes I know, very long thoughts but I needed to give some back story and thinking in his mind is fast okay? ksksksksksks)

"I hope you think about this, the next time you want to do something reckless."

I stood and went to my classroom, I couldn't give a shit if I was expelled. It was the 'what do I do' after I get out that stressed me. My life on the streets wasn't pretty and I wasn't sure if I could handle any more without breaking down.

- - - -

Omggg !!!!!
First chapter is finished 😏

Watcha think abt Rafe?

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