Bound Together

By Everyonehatesmeee__

43.9K 1K 78

Total opposites, they say that they attract the most to each other and it looks like whoever said that was ri... More

|The Beginning of the End|
|Those blue Eyes|
|Where am I|
|Safe at Last|
|Wake up|
|Its only you|
|Why me|
|Lovable Warmth|
|The two Families|
|The Laurents Family|
|From now On|
|The Talk|
|In my Arms|
|Could this be Love|
|Dear Rosalie|
|Blood in my Lungs|
|Just one Week|
|More than a Sunrise|
|The end of a Summers Day|
|The Unknown|
|When I first saw You|
|What lies Beyond Us|
|A Losing Game|
|Round Two|
|One too many at this Point|
|The Final Challenge|
|In another Lifetime|

|The calm before the Storm|

1.1K 28 1
By Everyonehatesmeee__

It was dead silent in this room full of mirrors that I was in. No noise could be heard and it seemed almost unending, I was the only one here. My reflection was everywhere as I placed my hands against one of the mirrors, I'm my reflection I noticed I wore this elegant white goddess like dress with a gold wreath around my head. But ad I examined myself the mirrors suddenly shifted and I heard footsteps coming my way, I turned around but nothing was there.

"Did you miss me."

My heart skipped a beat as I looked around me and there he was, Adrien. He stood in front of the mirror that I looked at myself in earlier. Adrien wore an all white suit with gold accents around the hems of it.

"What do you want." I asked and he smiled.

"You still don't understand do you Rosalie, my dear sweet Rosalie. You should really understand by now what I want." He replied then took a step forward, I took one back but now there were three mirrors with him in it.

"I want you and only you, I crave for you to be by my side and be only mine."

"I miss you so much, come back to me."

"I'm so sorry for how I treated you Rosalie, I just want you to understand."

"I know my actions caused you pain but we can fix that, just come back to me."

"We can be like how we once were, when we were children." As he continued to speak more Adriens disbursed into the mirrors then I could no longer see myself, only him.

His voice grew louder as he repeated those words again and again. I looked around in fear then started banging on the mirrors for an exit to this madness.

"Please let me go please I beg you." I pleaded as my eyes started to slip out tears and then my pleas were answered when the mirrors smashed. I shielded myself until I could hear nothing again, carefully I looked out and saw the room was all black.

My dress was the only light source that somehow illuminated the way. I started walking around as my heels clicked against the ground but then I saw another light source off in the distance. I started to hear laughter and giggles so I picked up my pace until I reached the light source.

A golden door stood in front of me now and the handle glimmered with an iridescent glow. I turned the handle and stepped inside the room, my eyes wandered around and I was greeted with a beautiful garden. Butterfly, bees, birds and other animals could be seen everywhere in this garden. It was stunning with its many different flowers but something caught my attention, a stone gazebo. I walked over to it and stood in the middle, It seemed like the gardens beauty had elevated at this viewpoint.

"Do you remember this place." I turned my head around quickly and was met with Adrien again.

"Maybe, what is it to you." I asked and a genuine smile played on his lips.

"It's our garden Rosalie, the garden we used to play in. The place where I met you." Adrien said and I looked at him in shock now but then I heard the sound of shoes against the cobblestone.

"Now why don't you play here sweetheart while me and your father deal with some work, okay." My eyes lead to a beautiful woman who looked like my mother almost, then in her hands she placed a little girl down. She had long curled black hair and fair skin, the little girl wore a red dress with white ruffles at the ends, cuffs and colar of her dress. She had small ruffled socks with polished black Mary Janes.

"Okay mommy." The little girl said happily and waved goodby to her mother. Then she turned around and skipped towards a small clearing in the grass. She had a little brown stuffed bunny in her hands and she soon began to play with it. My heart stopped as I saw her face, she had bright blue eyes and rose red lips. She looked like me.

"You never changed a bit Rosalie look, here comes my favorite part." Adrien said as I now held onto one of the stone pillars of the gazebo.

The little girl was suddenly hit with a ball and she stumbled back. She rubbed her face then small tears started to pour out of her eyes.

"Where did my ball go- hey did my ball land over here!" A little boy then came out of the shrubs wearing a light blue button up, some khaki shorts and polished brown loafers. The little girl then stood up and looked at the boy with a mixture of sadness and anger.

"Your ball hit me." She mumbled in between sobs then the little girl immediately grabbed her bunny and started to run away.

"Wait come back, I'm sorry I didn't think someone was here." He said as he chased after her. She didn't get far due to the boy grabbing ahold of her hand.

"Let go, I want to go back to my mommy." She cried but the little boy didn't let go, he looked at her with something now in his eyes.

"No! You can't go back to her, come on let's play together." He said then started to pull her towards the direction he came from.

"No I want to go with my mommy." She pleaded then he stopped.

"We can play whatever you like, I promise we'll have fun if you stay and play with me." The boy now held a pleading look in his eyes as a finally attempt to get the little girl to play with him. I could see it in her that she thought about it for a while until she slowly nodded.

"Great, you won't regret it. We can play house if you like and you can be the mom and I'll be the dad." He suggested and the little girl nodded as she follows him into the shrubs.

"From that moment on I saw you unlike anyone else, I saw you as the only person who could make me happy." Adrien suddenly spoke.

"So that how we met, how this all started." I replied then an immediate pain shot through my chest, it hurts so much. An almost indescribable pain filled my chest as my knees met the hard stone floor. With one hand I held onto the pillar and with the other I clung to my chest in an attempt to make the pain stop.

"Now you will know how it feels like whenever you leave me." Adriens said coldly but he also held a pained look in his eyes.

"P-please help me... it hurts." I pleaded but he only turned and walked away. The gardens bright colors had started to become darker. It looked dead, as the darkness continued the spread the garden began to crumble. Big parts of it started to fall and I looked around in fear. I tried to get up and escape but the pain only increased more, I couldn't move. I could only see this once breathtaking garden being destroyed.

The garden broke apart faster and the once stable structure of the gazebo now fell along with it. My body fell down with everything else and I couldn't do anything, I turned around and suddenly saw the bottom of this fall. Sharp rock like spikes were all on the floor as my body only came closer and closer to it.

I screamed and yelled for help but no one could save me from this fall. As the rocks grew closer I closed my eyes then felt something sharp rip right through my skin. My insides were ripped apart and my eyes shot open. The rock had empaled the mid section of my body and blood trickled down, I coughed out blood and it only pained me more with each movement I made. My body was killing me but somehow I was still alive.

Then out of nowhere I saw Adrien step in front of me, he held a grimacing look in his face.

"This is what you caused me Rosalie, this is what I felt each time you weren't by my side. Now die a painful death." He said then took out a sharp spear and-

Suddenly my eyes darted open as I now looked around, I touched my face and body rapidly checking to see if I was still in one piece. I sighed in relief as it was still alive and in tacked, it was just a dream. Noticing now I was almost drenched in my own sweat I decided to take a nice cold shower. I got up from my bed and walked over to the door on the far right, stripping from my clothes I then stepped into the shower. I washed my body with cold water, that dream was so vivid. So horrifying. Could that really be how me and Adrien met.

I looked down and stared at the diamond ring that was still stuck on my finger, it only reminded me that this nightmare still wasn't over with. Snapping out of my thoughts I stepped out of the shower, I'm  safe now right? Soon I'll be able to talk to my grandparents and they will do something about the treaty then it will be over, everything will be back to normal.

But did I want things to go back to the way they were, well of course I do but now I know the truth. Can I really go back to my secluded life and think that what's happening now is in the past.

Whatever I'll have plenty of time to think of what will happen later on but for now lets focus on the task at hand. Mission: Get the treaty abolished is on.

I walked into the closet taking some undergarments and a grey button up with a long skirt, I wore the items of clothes the looks sink the mirror. The clothes made me feel good and took my mind of the events of the nightmare once and for all. As I twirled around my eyes caught a glimpse of a small black box, so I took it down and opened it. Inside were boots with a very intricate design, they stood out from the other shoes in the closet for some strange reason. They were black ankle boots with lace trim on the sides that had roses, I slipped the shoes on praying they would fit and thank goodness they did.

I curled the ends of my hair and stood in front of the mirror again, smiling I finished my look off with some perfume. I walked out of my room and into the hallway, a maid noticed me and guided me downstairs where breakfast was being served. I walked into the dining room and greeted my mother and aunt.

"Good morning." I said and sat down in one of the chairs, I looked at them as they looked down not even giving me a glance.

"Did something happen?" I asked a bit fearful of their answer, my mom looked at me with eyes of sadness.

"Rosalie we found out where your father is." Isabella spoke and I sprung up.

"That's great, when is the soonest we can go get him." I replied, I couldn't wait to see my father.
I can be reunited with my father and finally out family will be together again.

"He's locked up with that devil family, if we go back now I don't know what they will do if we get caught. We might not get the chance of freedom again Rosalie." My mother replied and my body was filled with mixed emotions, fear and anger.

"Rosalie what we did at the Van Cartier's chateau was lucky enough, I don't want to risk you getting caught. We will have a better chance once we figure out a way to end the treaty." My mother explained but I could hear her voice filled with regret as she tried to put a brave face on.

"And how long will that take mom, dad is there in their house hoping one day he will get out. We can't waste time." I replied then sat down again.

"Rosalie listen to your mother, we can't go now alright. If we were to get caught who will set us free, we would only have a lesser of a chance to get him out and abolish the treaty." Isabella added, I staying quiet for a moment until I spoke again.

"So what do you propose we do for now." I asked then started cutting up my pancake.

"Well Im making up a plan now but I want you and Claire to go see your grandparents, if they can give us more detail about the treaty then we won't have to worry too much." My mom replied and I nodded, just be patient Rosalie soon I will be reunited with my dad.

"Let me tell the caretaker to get the horses ready, It's not too far from here so we should be good." I almost chocked on my pancake when Claire said that.

"You guys have horses?" I questioned and they nodded unfazed by my curiosity.

"We have a whole stable of horses in the back, it's normal for people to go horse back riding in Italy." My mother replied as she started writing down something.

"Oh I can't wait to show you your horse, not to brag or anything but he was my gift for your 3rd birthday." Claire added and I could already hear her sounding like her normal self. I continued eating my food as the three of us talked and laughed some more, soon my mother was happy again and the mood in the room was definitely lighter. So much so that me and aunt Clair convinced her to join us, we all went to the back part of the villa where the stables were an an entire pool and grape vine farm.

"The horse on the end is yours Rosalie I'll have Matteo saddle him up." My mother said and I nodded, looking around I saw all the different types of colored horses. Brown, blond, white, black, spotted, there were horses of every kind here.

"Here you go miss, would you like me to assist you." A man said to me, I looked to the side and saw a tall black horse. The horse looked to be a different breed from the rest, he was beautiful with it long firm legs and a well groomed mane. Yet as beautiful as the horse was it made me almost quiver in fear at how tall it was.

"Yes please, quick question is it hard to ride horses." I questioned and he laughed, if it isn't obvious it's my first time.

"Don't worry miss it's pretty easy, you will be a fast learner just you wait and see." He replied and I held my hand out slowly at the horse thinking I could warm up to it. He smelled me for a bit and soon put his whole face near me, I giggled as his soft fur tickled my ear.

"Miss Laurents are you sure she should ride Nero, his bread isn't really a beginners type." The man spoke and I was back to being scared, I looked at the horse and he neighed in response like he knew what we were saying then turned around so the saddle was in front of me.

"Im sure she will be fine Jackson seems like it already wants to leave the stable." My mother laughed as I watched her get on her light brown horse with ease followed by Claire getting on her dark brown horse with white spots, and all that was left were me and Nero.

"Alright miss, just put your foot here and haul your other leg towards the other side." The man instructed and I followed them precisely, let's just hope I don't fall. I got on Nero and soon felt well balanced.

"Pull the reigns gently for him to stop and whistle for him to go, make the reigns turn right and he will follow. Got it." He added and I nodded, the instructions were simple lets just see if it's as easy as he says it is. I let out a small whistle and Nero took us out of the stable and into the backyard in a steady gallop.

"Just follow us Rosalie and if he starts to gallop faster then just hold on tight and lean a bit forward so you don't fall alright." Claire explained then she made a clicking sound and her horse took off along with my mom's.

"Alright Rosalie just slowly follow behind them, no need to worry right." I said anxiously to myself, nice pep talk.

Nero wasted no time in taking off once I whistled, I clung onto the reigns for dear life as Nero galloped faster. The slight breeze turned into gusts of wind at how fast we were going and soon I decided to look out, I fixed my posture and felt a sudden rush of adrenaline.

The vast clear flat lands were all that I could see, the blue sky above me and the sparkling ocean to me left. This view was breathtaking and I adored being on the horse, this experience was just what I needed because I felt free. I could feel a wide smile growing in my face as I was now alongside my mom and aunt. I whistled once more and Nero went faster, in just seconds I was already used to riding and I felt no limitation to this feeling. I felt right at home, the fresh air, the clear sky, the striking blue ocean. This was where I was meant to be.

As we continued on a while another villa came into view, I held the reigns back a bit and Nero stopped on the small hill. My mother and aunt soon came by our side and stopped as well.

"He sure is a fast horse Rosalie and look we're already a two thirds of the way there." Claire spoke as she petted her horse.

"Im presuming that's their house" I added and they both nodded, the two of them smiled as they looked at the villa.

"Home sweet home." They said in unison and looked at each other then at me.

"Last one there has to eat dads cake." Claire laughed then ran off towards the house.

"Oh it is on Claire." My mother yelled and she was off too, I could just feel that they felt right at home. It was like they were kids again, teasing each other and racing.

I whistled and Nero continued riding off towards the mansion.

"Leave my daughter out of this, we no longer want anything to do with your family Gabriel." My father in law demanded as he banged his fist on the plexiglass that separated him between my father and I.

"Old friend I hate this as much as you do but you know that France needs a King and Queen, if you would just listen-"

"I refuse to listen, I will not have my only daughter marry someone by force just for the sake of this country. Why wont he marry her cousin Margret instead, she is much more sooted for the crown and has been in love with Adrien for years. Or was the supposed King just too blind to see it." My father in law interrupted my father as he spoke, I almost forgot about that clingy girl. Margret would never leave my side when Rosalie left, she could never even come near to replacing her.

"Oh Stephen, that girl will never come close to being compared to your daughter. I have been in love with Rosalie for years now, she is what is best for this country and she will be my wife wether you accept that or not." I spoke then stormed out of the interrogation room, we had been arguing with him for hours now and he still refuses to accept something. But that could wait until later, right now something important is coming up. Suddenly my assistant Michael came to my said with his clipboard in hand.

"Sir the press is here for the conference about your coronation." Michael spoke.

"Thank you for informing me Michael, take me there at once." I replied and he nodded, I walked along side him as we went down the hallway and he opened two doors. I was presented with a room filled with cameras and reporters came into my view, there was a table with plenty of microphones and a single black velvet and gold chair. Just how I liked it. I sat down in the chair and immediately was bombarded with questions.

"Are you ready to become the next King of France Sir?"

"What is your first act once you are King?"

"Are you married?"

"Are you currently seeing someone?"

"Do you already have a date picked out of the coronation?"

I gently raised my hand a bit and the reporters stopped asking questions, I pointed at one of them and he spoke.

"Mr. Van Cartier there has been an on going rumor that you are currently seeing Ms. Margaret from the Garnier family, what is your response." He questioned and all eyes were on me.

"Well I can confirm that I am not or will ever be seeing lady Margaret." I replied then pointed at another reporter.

"If not lady Margret Sir then who are you seeing, France is curious about who will be the next queen."

"And a Queen France shall have, I have been betrothed for a very long time and I believe she is perfect to be the Queen." I answered then gave my award-winning smile to the camera.

"May we have a name for this lady." One reporter asked and I nodded.

"Her name is Rosalie, she is from the Laurents family which I am well aware of that has ties with the mafia. As king I want France to be at peace and so an agreement was arranged so the mafia will be under control." I added then more questions erupted.

"Will there be a grand wedding Sir."

"Are you two in the future are planning to have kids."

"Will there be a press conference with her."

"Is there an exact date for the wedding." I raised my hand again and the room fell into silence.

"The date is set for three weeks from now, me and my beloved wife will have a press conference together shortly before the wedding. As for children I hope to have many with her and give France an Heir to the throne." I replied then stood up from my chair.

"This press conference is over until two weeks from now where my wife will join me." I explained then left the room, my assistant came to my side with a worried look on his face.

"Sir are you sure this was a wise choice to make, this will be on the front page of everything not to mention irritate the Garnier family." Michael spoke and I stopped walking.

"I am well aware of that and I could care less if that family will hate me, I need to show my wife who the man is in this relationship. Now prepare what is next on the agenda." I answered and Michael looked through his tablet and proceeded to tell me the rest of my schedule, I sighed as I knew the long and difficult day ahead of me.

Suddenly my phone began to ring, I took it out of my coat pocket and answered the unknown number.

"Hello, who is this." I asked

"Adrien I just saw what happened at your press conference. Tell me it isn't true, no woman can replace me." I massaged my temples at her annoying voice, I hated Margaret's high pitched voice. I felt like I was going to have a headache as she continued to talk about how she loves me and how she is the only woman to be by my side.

"For the last fucking time Margaret I don't want to be with you, I have been and will always be in love with your cousin Rosalie, not you. Now get that through your head and don't ever call me again I am a busy man." I scolded then ended the call, I placed my phone back in my pocket and heard it ring again. I took it out and saw it was the same number, immediately blocking the number I put my phone away again.

"Michael please write a letter to the Garnier family about their daughter who continues to pester me while I work. If they don't learn to control her then I will personally have them pay the price for wasting my time." I spoke then continued to walk towards my office, I sat down in my black leather chair and proceeded to do my paperwork.

Soon I will be able to relax in the arms of my love, I just have to be patient.

"You lost Claire now admit your defeat and accept what you bargained for." My mother exclaimed triumphantly and I laughed.

"Please dont make me eat dads cake, I can still remember the bitterness from the last time." Claire replied making my mother laugh as we got off the horses.

"Miss Mary and Miss Claire?" I heard a soft voice come from the entrance of the mansion, I looked over as I got off of Nero and saw a woman who seemed to be in her 50's wearing a victorian maid dress.

"Oh hello Edith, how long has it been since I've seen you." My mother replied as she ran over to the lady and hugged her. My aunt did the same and I stood there confused while two men came and took the horses towards the stables off in the distance.

"Miss Amelia will be so happy to know her daughters are back." Edith added and I walked towards them not knowing what to do.

"Is this who I think it is." She said and looked at me with eyes of adoration, I honestly haven't a clue of what is going on here.

"Hello my name is Rosalie." I spoke then immediately she came and gave me a hug, I looked at my mom and aunt confused as the woman let me go.

"Forgive me lady Rosalie it's just, it's been so long since I have seen you. You were so small back then and now look at you, a beautiful young lady." She replied which warmed my heart to the fullest, I love her already.

"Oh thank you so much." I added and gave her a smile.

"Come in at once, I'll inform your mother and father. Oh will you two be staying for dinner, I hope you do." She pleaded.

"How could we not Edith and please just call us by our regular names no need for the formality." Claire said and Edith nodded. She opened the grand doors and we entered the mansion, what a beautiful sight indeed. I looked everywhere in amusement as it was simply amazing, how rich is this family. I could never afford a place like this, but then again im fine with just a small house, just how I like it.

"I will go tell your mother and father at once of your arrival, please wait in the lounge for a while." Edit added as I followed my mother and aunt towards the lounge.

We made our way inside the room and sat down on the leather sofa, wow just wow. I have got to take notes on how they decorate this place. Lavishing beige with hints of brown and gold were in the room which elevated the sophisticated feeling. Soon a maid came in and greeted us then placed a tray with a tea set, she pour three cups of tea and then left.

"So Rosalie how do you like this place so far." Clair spoke as she passed me a cup of tea, I then took some sugar cubes and dropped them in.

"I love it, how much money do grandma and grandpa even make. This place looks ridiculously expensive." I replied and my mom almost chocked on her tea, she patted her chest to make the liquid go down.

"Well let's just say they have a really good business, plus they own a lot of companies." Clair explained and chuckled at my mother's action.

"Claire, Marie how dare you not visit your own mother, I have been worried sick." I look to the left and see a woman in her mid 60's with short white hair. She walked towards us with a man by her side that had neatly quaffed grey hair, he looks the same age as her but what stood out the most from the couple was that he had light green eyes, much like my mom's. The woman had dark brown ones and almost shared the same features as my aunt. Suddenly the elderly woman look at me with a kind a recognizable smile.

"Come here my dear child, your grandmother has waited for this moment for too long." She said and held out her arms for me to embrace her.

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