No Longer Broken

By CrumbledFlower

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Read all of the description please. Mainly the warning at the bottom <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> I wal... More

Trigger Warning
Intro: Ella Layloni
Intro: Justice Crombin
Intro: Family and Friends
Meeting Justice Crombin (Chapter 1)
First period (Chapter 2)
After school (Chapter3)
Suprise Suprise(part 1)(Chapter 4)
Suprise Suprise (part 2)(Chapter 5)
Round Two at School (Chapter 6)
Dinner Time (chapter 7)
Dance? (Chapter 8)
Threats (chapter 9)
"PLEASE" they all begged (chapter 10)
Company (chapter 12)
Going Home (chapter 13)
Getting her back. (chapter 14)
The News (chapter 15)
Sleep Over! (chapter 16)
Revenge (chapter 17)
Sadly Familiar (chapter 18)
Expressing (chapter 19)
Graduation Day (chapter 20)
Holidays (chapter 21)
Wedding Day (chapter 22)
The end? (chapter 23)
Not a chapter

The Truth (chapter 11)

97 4 1
By CrumbledFlower

(The boys above)

Justice's POV:

Tori and I were on our way to the hospital to go see Loni when my phone started to ring.

"Tori can you answer that for me" I asked


"Hello?" She said into the phone

"Hey who is this?" The person on the phone asked

"Torissa Jacobs. Who is this?"

"It's Ty. Yo boys he got a girl with him" he yelled the last part to the boys who I assume are in the background.

Tori put the phone on speaker.

"Hey dip shit. Shut the fuck up." I said to the phone.

"Aww come on bro. You haven't answered your phone all day and it's like you're avoiding us. You missed your first practice in 3 years."

"FUCK" I yelled.

"Hey boys this is Torissa again, Same one who destroyed your balls some time ago. Anyway Justice and I are busy so byeee" she said

She hung up the phone but you could hear the boys screaming 'what the hell' before the call disconnected.

"What was that for" I asked

"I know Lon more than anyone else"

"Okay and" I asked again still confused.

"Her whole life, she has been trying to keep the abuse secret. Though it may be over, do you really think that she has changed her mind."

"Oh" I said speechless to be honest

"And I know it hurt her so much to have the people that were supposed to love her, hurt her more than anything but it's just- I dont know. I dont understand why she wouldn't let me help her. Like I knew she had said that Joe would just bring me in and do it to me to but-"

Tori started ranting but I wanted to help her calm down so I interrupted her before anything out of hand started.

"Wait you call your dad Joe?" I asked

"Yeah. Well when im not around him at least. I cant see him as a dad or father when I know he is hitting the only sibling who ever loved me for me."

"Wait did your siblings miss treat you to?" I asked

"No they spoiled me."

"I'm confused" I said.

"I dont want to be spoiled. I wanted to get my drivers permit but everyone insisted that Loni had to take me everywhere I wanted to go. Even if she was doing something then she had to stop and take me."


"If I wanted something and would ask my mom or dad or siblings, they would tell me to get Loni to get it and pay for it. But she didn't have a job or get an allowance like all the kids got. I would always give her 3/4 of mine since she had to take me everywhere. Even if she was just tortured and her wounds were fresh and still bleeding, Joe would tell her to suck it up and deal with the pain and take me where I wanted. When there were times like that, she would sit in the passenger seat and I would drive to the dance studio."

"The studio Mr Smith owns?" I asked.

"Yeah but we call him Sir" she replied

"Same. I think everyone does now that I think about it. Anyways you were saying?"

"I would ask her to call Sir while I drove to the studio as quick as I could. She wouldn't even say anything but he always showed up at the studio before us with all the proper cleaning supplies out. He would help me bandage her after she showered in the studio's changing room."

"Wow. I never knew he would something like that. Does Ty or Mrs.Smith know about Loni's torture." I asked.

I was terrified thinking that one of my best friends knew about everything before me and yet didn't stop me from bullying Loni. It made me sick to think one of my friends could be so cruel as to know about her pain and just add to it.

"No. We made sure the Sir would never say anything to them or anyone else. All Mrs. Smith knows is that her husband is helping a friend in need of some assistance and nothing more." She answered

"wow" I said thankful that at least some people were helping Loni.


We got to the hospital about 15 minutes later. The car ride was silent and kind of awkward but not to bad.

We asked the nurse at the front desk where we could find Loni and she told the directions.

"Go up to the 5th floor and the nurse at the first desk you can help you." The nurse said while running her hand down my arm.

"And if you ever need anything from me then just come down and get my number" she added seductively.

"Thank you but my friend here needs to go see his girlfriend" Tori said saving me from the horrible nurse.

"No need to be a bitch about it. She might not even make it. I heard there was to much damage done inside her body" the nurse replied rudely.

"WHAT?!" I yelled turning some heads our way.

I grabbed Torissa's hand and ran to the elevators. When they didn't open fast enough I just ran to the stairs leaving Tori there with a shocked expression.

"Justice stop! She's gonna be okay!" I heard her yell but I was way to distracted to pay attention to her.

I had to see Loni. I had to. She had to be okay. She had to make it.

The feelings I were feeling were wierd. The girl that I once could care less about was in a horrible situation and I was ready to kill for her.

I was at the third floor when a doctor came around the corner. He looked at me then ran after me up the stairs.

"Son wait! Stop running!"

I couldn't stop running. I couldn't. I didn't know why and I tried to stop but my legs were in control.

I heard the doctor page someone and the next thing I know, there are to male doctors in front of me. They grabbed my arms and stopped me from going any further.

The doctor from behind me finally caught up.

I felt something wet fall down my cheek. I was crying.

I was crying because I couldn't do anything to help the girl a floor above me. A girl I didn't know very well. A girl I used to hurt everyday. Why am I crying over someone I barely know.

I felt my body go numb and I fell to the floor. Lucky I was in a corner and could hide myself from more people seeing me.

I pulled my knees into my chest and wrapped my arms around them. I put my head on my knees and let the tears flow.

The two doctors that stopped me got paged and left leaving me alone with the original doctor that was chasing me up the stairs.

I heard him thank the doctors as they left but I couldn't care.

The doctor sat next to me and just let me cry.

I felt myself start to have a panic attack. It felt like the walls collapsed on top of me. I couldn't breath or speak.

I thought my lungs were going to collapse but I felt the doctor change my seating position.

My elbows were on my knees and my head was in-between my knees with my hands interlaced against the back of it.

After about a minute, I felt myself calm down.

"What's your name son?" The nurse asked me.

"Justice Crombin" I replied

"Crombin Co kid?"

I nodded my head at his question.

"Alright, I'm gonna page one of our pediatricians over then call your mother okay?"

I nodded my head again and the next thing I knew, an older woman about 50 came into the room and sat next to me.

"What's going on?" She asked

Without think I just leaned against her shoulder and cried more. I just needed a hug. I needed comfort and hope. I needed to know the my Ella Layloni was upstairs feeling okay.


20 minutes later and I was still crying.

My mother came from the elevators and the pediatrician got up and left after my mother thanked her for her assistance.

"What happened baby? Why are you sitting in a corner in a staircase of a hospital?" My mother asked.

After calming down after a minute or so I replied to my mother,

"It's all my fault mom. If I hadn't kept her at the studio then she wouldn't have been punished."

"I messed with her and bullied her but all I wanted was her to feel something and show emotion. I was just a stupid dick who did the wrong thing" I added, a few tears still falling down my cheeks.

I was about to tell my mom everything that's happened when my dad and sister came into the staircase.

I put Athena on my hip and we walked to Ella Layloni's room.

My father asked if I wanted them to go into the room with me. I told them that I want to see if Loni was awake and if she would be okay with it.

I put Athena down and walked in the room.

I saw Ella Layloni laying on the bed covered in bandages. Almost her entire body was wrapped. Her face, neck and shoulders were bare skin as well as her feet, hands, elbows and knees. She was banged so that she could move around but still be taken care of.

I heart hurt and I felt another tear fall as I looked at the beautiful girl laying in front of me.

I saw Torissa talking to Loni.

Loni looked lost. Her face showed no emotion again and it hurt me knowing that a few hours ago we were smiling at each other while kissing.

She was looking at a spot on the wall, not taking her eyes off it till she heard me close the door. She looked at me and I felt my heart break even more.

She smiled and I felt a little bit better.

"Hey" she said softly.

"Hi" I said freeing the tear in my eye.

Tori left the room and I heard her say hello to my parents before walking away

"My parents are here. They want to know why I was crying in the corner of a staircase on the floor below us" I said while chuckling, trying to make the room more at ease.

"Why were your crying?" She asked

"I was scared. A nurse on the first floor said you might not make it due to damage done on the inside of your body." I replied.

"I'm sorry" she said while looking down at her feet

"You don't need to apologize Loni" I said

"Are you okay?" I asked after a couple seconds of silence.

"I cant have kids. Apparently after all the years of rape, my ovaries were damaged. There is a vary rare chance I can have children and they asked if I wanted to just get my ovaries removed but I said no. I don't want to give up even the tiniest chance"

A few more tears fell down from my eyes as I heard what she said. Most women wanted nothing more than to take care of child and because of Joe, that may have been taken away from Loni.

"I'm so sorry Loni"

"It's okay. I just have to hope that when the time comes, the heavens will bless me with a child from that tiny chance."

I walked over to her and kissed her lips gently.

"That time will come baby. I promise. And if anything, I will help you adopt or foster or do anything else you want" I said while leaning my forehead against her's being as soft as I could so I don't hurt her.

"Wow Justice, its been one day and you're already talking about children with me. I must be irresistible to you" she said.

"Sure babe sure"

We both chuckled and I kissed her again.

"Let your parents in. We will tell them everything if it will make you feel better" she said

"Are you sure?" I asked

She nodded her head I went to the door.

I let my parents in and sat next to Loni on her much bigger than normal hospital bed. It was practically a California king bed.

"You get benefits when you're mother is Katherine Jacobs" she said in sign language smiling.

I forgot that my parents think she's mute. I mastered sign language over the week and without thinking I just spoke out loud,

"I swear you can read my mind" I said while leaning down to kiss her.

She bit her lip and I growled a little bit, completely forgetting that my parents and 8 year old innocent sister is in the room.

My dad cleared his throat and I quickly leaned away from Loni's face.

"Aww are you to dating? Are you gonna get married and have millions of babies with each other?" Athena asked

'Shit' I thought. Why did she have to bring up children.

I thought Loni would be sad but instead she just smiled genuinely at Athena.

"Maybe. But that means your brother has to stay with me for a while." She said out loud.

Everyone in the room looked shocked except Athena. Of course Athena already knew that Loni actually did talk so she wouldn't be surprised. Im smart.

"Shit" Loni said after realizing what she just did.

Luckily Tori walked in and saw the shock on my both my parent's faces.

"I think I should take Athena while you guys have a grown up talk. We are gonna be in the cafeteria if you need us." Tori said.

"Lon you need anything?" She added

Loni nodded her head no.

"Alright. Text me when you want us to come up and ill bring your favorite icecream." She said before leaving the room with Athena.

After a few minutes, my parents were staring at us with shock in their eyes.

"You talk?" My dad asked.


Loni's POV:

I nodded my head yes at Mr. Crombin's question.

"Joe forced me to be mute when out in public around him or my siblings. I was allowed to talk at home but only if I was spoken to." I said.

I felt Justice tense up. I knew he was ready to kill Joe. He would do it in a heart beat, anyone could tell. I grabbed his hand and interlaced our fingers.

He held my hand and smiled at me.

"Wait Joe? As in Joe Wright? Step-father to the Jacobs children?"

"He isn't our step father. He's only dating my mother but now I think they are over. Although he is the biological father of my younger siblings." I said.

"Wait you're a Jacobs?" Mrs. Crombin asked.

"Yes Ma'am. Allow me to properly introduce myself. My name is not Elizabeth as that is the name I use when in public around Joe." I started to say.

"My name is Ella Layloni, Fourth born child of the jacobs family. Im 18 years old and a senior at West Springs High."

"It's a pleasure to officially meet you Ella Layloni." Mrs.Crombin said

"Please call me Layloni." I said while smiling.


Justice and I did our best to explain everything that has happened both between us at school and the studio, and between me and my family at school and at home.

I even told them about my mother and her part in the abuse, but I told them that she had stopped and did her best to make it stop.

It took about 45 minutes because of all the questions the Crombins had.

"Wow. Layloni I am so sorry you had to go through all that. And the abuse started when?"

"When I was about 6 or 7. I wasn't raped till I was 15 but the abuse started before that." I replied

"Wow. Again I am so sorry for everything at home, and for what this dipshit did" she said while smacking Justice on the back of the head.

"Ow mom, what the fuck?" Justice said.

"You deserve it" Mrs.Crombin and I said at the same time.

All four of us laughed but stopped after Mr. Crombin's phone rang.

"Excuse me please." He said while leaving the room.

Just as he left, Tori came in with Athena and a big bowl of icecream. It had my 3 favorite flavors in the bowl, Mint Chip, Cookie dough, and cookies and cream. They weren't mixed but they were all just put on sections of the bowl.

"Do mommy and daddy know your secret about mute stuff now?" Athena asked while Justice sat her on the foot of my bed.

"Yeah they do"

"Are you and Justice dating?" She asked.

I looked up at Justice then at my folded hands.

"I wish" I mumbled as quietly as a I could.

"Your wish is my command" he whispered so only I could hear.

I felt heat go to my cheeks and I knew I was blushing.

He kissed my cheek and put a spoon of icecream in my mouth.

"We better cool those cheeks down, don't you think?" He asked while feeding me another spoon.

Tori walked over and covered Athena's eyes as well as her own eyes.

Mr. Crombin walked back into the room to see us all laughing and having fun. Justice was feeding me icecream while Athena sat on Tori's lap on the foot of my bed. Mrs. Crombin was talking to a nurse outside to figure out how long I should have to stay in bed and the hospital.

I looked up and saw Mr. Crombin smiling.

"What is it dad?" Justice asked.

"Nothing. You and Layloni remind me of your mother and I when we first fell in love." He said.

I coughed and almost choked on my icecream.

"I'm sorry what now?" I asked.

"I was her bully when we were seniors. I had stopped because I just got bored. I went to apologize to her and then we eventually started dating. When she was pregnant with Justice, she was in bed most of the time because of how dangerous the pregnancy was. I would feed her all the time and we would laugh and play while eating. Kinda like what you two are doing" he answered

"Oooohhh" Tori and Athena said at the same time.

Tori's phone luckily saved us from the weird situation. It started ringing and she answered the phone. While talking to whoever it was, Mrs. Crombin came back in. We were all quiet as Tori spoke to the person on the other side of the phone.

"Thank you. I will leave in a couple minutes to go get her..... Im at the hospital with my sister..... yes of course. Thank you." She said

"That was the station. Mom is done being questioned and is free to go. She wasn't fined or anything because she changed her behavior about the abuse and was brought into it as well." Tori added.

"We can go get her and bring her here" Mr.Crombin said.

"I want to go" Athena said

"Is it alright if I tag along as well?" Tori asked

"Of course. Layloni, Justice it will just be you two. Call us if you need anything." Mr. Crombin said.

"Oh and the doctor said you should bed rest for a 2 to 4 days then start walking around and everything. You should be released after about 7 to 9 days." Mrs. Crombin added.

"Okay. Thank you so much for your help" I said.

"Of course" they said at the same time. We all laughed at their cute moment while Mrs. Crombin blushed.

After they left, Justice helped me move to the right edge of the bed and help me stand to go to the bathroom. We called a nurse to tell them I was going to the bathroom and they just said to call if we need any help.

It took about 4 minutes to get to the bathroom. Not because it was far away. It was only about 7-10 feet away. It just really hurt. Luckily I didn't have surgery, but alot of cuts were stitched.

By alot I mean 19 cuts. Some deep and some not as much. The cuts were scattered all over my body. That and the multiple bruises didn't make life much better either. Almost my entire body was rurple and brown.

We got to the bathroom and I grabbed on to the pole next to the toilet.

"Are you sure you want me to help you Loni. It means I'll see your lady parts" Justice asked.

I could here the hesitancy in his voice but also the respect. He didn't want to do it unless I was comfortable with it.

"I'm sure. I'd rather you then a random stranger." I replied.

He held my gown up with one hand while using his other one to help hold me up. He pulled my hospital underwear down went back to helping me stand.

After doing my business and screaming a couple times during because of the pain, my hands were washed and Justice helped me lay down on the right edge of the bed.

He layed down next to me and I leaned my head against his shoulder.

"What's wrong Angel?" He asked.

"It just hurts. And im kind of embarrassed." I replied

"What why?"

"Well the first time you saw me naked was while I was being raped and then you just saw my lady parts again while I did my business. Its not exactly how I imagined you seeing my body for the first time."

"I'm sorry Loni. I didn't think about how that could affect you." He said.

"It's okay. Im just glad you're here and not someone else." I said while holding his hand again.

He turned on the TV and Onward came on. After a couple minutes I fell asleep on his shoulder.



Hey sorry that took so long. Its kind of a longer chapter and I didn't realize how much I was writing and what time it is.

It's 1:40 am here and I have errands to do tomorrow morning so I'm stopping for the night. Ill try and update tomorrow.

Also for those who do read my book, thank you so much.

Have a good night or morning wherever you are 😘

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