I'm Home

By dianat609

1.2K 26 3

What if Topanga decided to move the Matthews family to London? What if the move made them miserable so they c... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 14

50 1 0
By dianat609

The rest of the day was absolutely perfect. I was able to go through the rest of my classes the way I had been before everything happened: talking to Maya about the homework I knew I would be helping her with, talking and snuggling up with Lucas, laughing with Smackle, Farkle, and Zay. By the time the final bell rang, I just walked out of math class with my hand tightly wrapped with Lucas', a huge smile on my face. We met up with the rest of the gang outside of the school before taking the subway over to the bakery. Once we got there, we decided to not do any homework today and just spend time together. We only had a couple of weeks left before summer, so there wasn't much homework to do anyway. We just sat in our usual spots, Farkle and Smackle at the seat in front of the window seat, me and Maya in the middle with Maya closer to the entrance, and Lucas and Zay on the loveseat next to us with Lucas closer to me. My mom and Katy were both working at the bakery, so they gave us some cookies and smoothies on the house. After a few minutes, Shawn, Dad, Auggie, and Josh showed up after leaving a baseball game.

For the next couple of hours, I was in paradise. I had my best friends, my hilarious family, and my absolutely amazing boyfriend. Because we were all enjoying each other's company, we just ordered pizza for everyone and went up to the apartment for a movie/game night. We decided to watch the live-action Aladdin. Once the movie was over and the pizza was gone, everyone started to head out, since by now it was about 9:30.

Once everyone besides my immediate family had left, I said good-night to my parents and Auggie and went to my room to get ready for bed. I changed into some black pj pants and a dark purple tank top. I was sitting at my vanity brushing through my hair and thinking about the day I'd had when I saw a familiar cowboy out my window in the reflection of my mirror. I instantly had a smile on my face and quickly went over and opened up the window. I immediately moved over to the other side of the window to give him room to come in.

"What are you doing here?"

"What? A guy can't just come over and see his beautiful girlfriend?"

"Not without a reason if he was already with her the entire day."

"Fine. You caught me."

"So? What are you doing here?"

"Well, I was just thinking that ever since everything happened with Gardner, I haven't really spent any alone time with you."

"Huh, I guess you're right. So then, what did you have in mind?"

Without saying another word, he pulled me into a kiss, but this one somehow had even more passion in it than our first makeout. There was something else behind it as well: hunger. I quickly did away with his shirt, revealing his perfectly chiseled abs. In one swift motion, he did the same with my tank top. I had to pause for a second because it was the first time he had seen me without even a bra on. The way he looked at me, kissed me, and talked to me, however, made me forget that and all I wanted to do was be as close with him as possible.

After falling back on my bed and getting rid of our shoes and pants, I started to process what the next step could possibly be. I know that I'm only 15 and he's just 16, but I was ready. I had loved him since seventh grade, and I trusted him with my life. He gave me a look as he tugged on my underwear, silently asking me if it was okay for him to take it off. I nodded, but also looked at his own underwear, signaling that it was okay as long as he did the same. After everything was off and we were both completely naked, he looked at me again, slightly panicked.

"Uh, Riley, are you sure about this? I don't want to pressure you into anything you're not ready for yet."

"Lucas, I'm sure. I love you."

"I love you too. But also, I didn't bring any, um, protection." I reached back into my nightstand and pulled out a condom from the drawer. Lucas gave me a completely surprised look.

"Maya gave me them as a kind of a joke birthday/Christmas gift since we had just gotten together."

"Of course she did."

I swear, I have never felt anything like that. At first, it was kind of painful, but after a while, when I realized that I was now the closest I could possibly be with Lucas, the pleasure completely overtook any of the pain. The whole experience was just magical. When we were done, he collapsed next to me. I glanced over and saw that it was just about 10:30. I looked over at Lucas, who once again seemed to have read my mind because he showed me the text he had just sent to his mom saying that he was just gonna crash at Zay's house because they were having a late study night. He then also sent Zay a quick text to make sure he would cover for him. Once he was done, I snuggled into him, my head laying on his bare chest as I drew circles on his abs and he played with my hair.

"I'm glad you were my first, Mad Dog."

"Same here, Princess Dancing Sunshine."

With those last few words, we drifted off into a peaceful sleep, both of us completely in love with the other.

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