Izuku Midoriya: Ultra Instinct

By DefinitelyNotTKJ

255K 3.9K 4.8K

Izuku Midoriya... Some knew him as a nice boy, most knew him as a quirkless nothing living a dream-namely, Ka... More

Entrance Exam
The New Succesor
Deku vs. Class 1-A
Declerations of War
Welcome To The Sports Festival!
Sports Festival: Cavalry Battle
Final Round.... BEGIN!!
Bakubum vs. Uraraka!
Battle of Beliefs
The Final Battle: Deku vs. Uraraka
Hatred Consumes
Gran Torino
Hero Killer
Meet The Daughter!
Final Exams
Deku vs. Class 1-A (Final Exams)
Breaking Limits
Half and Half
A Brand New Power
The Power of Ultra Instinct
Getting Back on Track!
Heading to Training Camp!
A New Technique
Training Camp Massacre
The Wrong Path
Welcome to the Prison Tournament!
Call Me Deku
Two Months
A New Symbol


36.4K 333 798
By DefinitelyNotTKJ

Izuku POV

Hiya! I'm Izuku Midoriya and I'm gonna tell you about how I became a hero!

~11 years ago, Doctor's Office~

"Sorry kid. I'm afraid it's not gonna happen." The doctor said.

"W-What?" My mom replied.

I didn't say anything, I was just in shock, the bangs of my black hair with green highlights hanging over my head.

"I'm afraid the kid's not gonna get a quirk." He continued.

"Oh goodness..." My mom said with tears seeping out of her green eyes.

"I'm afraid you can't-"

"Be a hero...." I finally replied, bangs still seeping over my face.

"What?" He replied confused. My mother looked at me as well.

"You were going to say that I can't be a hero right? That's what's wrong with the world."

They both looked at me with shocked faces. After all, I was four years old and talking about the problems of the world.

"80%. 80% of this world has been born with a gift. How they use it can make a hero or a villian. But, what about the rest of the world? What if they want to become heroes more than anything? Yet are being held back by the philosophy that you need a quirk to become a hero. That's why... No matter what you or anyone else says..."

I looked up with determination in my eyes.

"I will become a hero! Become a pillar of hope to everyone! They will know my name and know they are safe! I will become the next symbol of Peace!"

They looked at me dumbfounded. But I never wavered. I meant every word. Soon, the doctor smiled along with my mother.

"That's my boy!" My mother said happily while she hugged me.

"If anyone can do it. It's you, kid." The doctor said.

~The next day~


I was sent tumbling to the ground by my best friend, Katsuki Bakugo, AKA Kacchan.

"K-Kacchan? Why?" I ask as I try to get up. I'm hit with another explosion sending me right to the poles of the swing set of the playground we're at.


"You're worthless, Deku!" He continued. "You'll never amount to anything except my footstool on my path to success."

I couldn't even hear him because I was fading in and out of consciousness. My mind was going blank, I couldn't figure out how to move. Suddenly, I remembered everything from the previous day, finding out I was quirkless, giving the speech to the doctor and my mom, my mom being so happy with me, and getting me ready to start training. I remembered it all, in that moment. I felt hotter and hotter and I could feel and sense everything from miles around. I could feel my unkempt hair rising and most of all.... My body was moving on it's own.


He suddenly stopped.

"I.... don't care anymore!" I continued. "Whether you like it or not! I'm gonna be the greatest hero ever!!!"

I rushed at blinding speeds that I couldn't keep up with, mostly because I wasn't the one moving. It was my body, like it had a mind of its own. I punched Kacchan so hard in the gut that he was instantly knocked out. All you could see, was a blue purple and white combination of heat shaping around my body's like an aura, yet it was all heat. My eyes were.... silver? And my hair was standing up, waving in the aura. And then... everything went black.

~2 days later~

I find myself waking up in a hospital with something grabbing my small and soft hand. It was my mom.

How long have I been out. I wondered.

Suddenly, the doctor walks in.

"Oh, so your awake. That's good to hear! You're mother has been worried sick about you."

I turn to see the woman with long black hair and dark brown eyes. Possibly in her mid twenties.

"W-Where am I? What happened?"

"You're in the hospital sweetie." She replied. "Someone found you unconscious on the playground and immediately brought you here, your skin felt so hot, like you stayed out in the sun too much. You had severe burns everywhere, and your body seemed to be in a lot of pain and you were so exhausted, and your arm was broken."

My eyes widened at that statement.

"If I'm being honest, it's a miracle a little boy like you was able to pull through such devastating injuries."

Did all that really happen? Was it Kacchan? No. Couldn't be. Then... What?

I suddenly gasped.

Could it be?

I was broken out of my thought process when my mother stirred awake and immediately crushed me.


My mom kept rambling about how she was worried and she was glad I was okay. But I wasn't really listening. I was, one: trying to breathe. Two: trying to figure out what actually happened to me.


The car ride home was pretty uneventful. I was so deep in thought that I didn't bother to say anything, then I realized that I should probably tell my mom about it.

"Mom." I said.

"Yes Izuku." She replied.

"I... I think I got a quirk."

My mother was completely shocked, she didn't say anything for a good minute.

"W-What? B-B-But how?"

"I don't know mom. But I can remember the feeling. I felt hot, like really hot, and I couldn't figure out how to move and I could feel and sense things for miles. What's crazy is that my body wouldn't move for one second, but started moving the next, I couldn't even stop it. It was like.... it was just my instincts.

I told my mom this and she seemed surprised. She was happy as well. When we got home, we discussed what to do and decide that I should try and get a better understanding of this quirk before we reveal it.

~3 years later~

Most seven-year olds live life as best as they can. Try to have fun, use there quirks. Watch All Might. You know what I do at seven, I train. Not too much, considering my age. But I train enough that I can get a real sweat out of it. Ever since that day I unlocked my quirk. I would train to try and figure it out. However it's extremely difficult to enter the state and even stay in it for that matter. It requires a clear mind so the body can move on it's own. And well.... my personality doesn't mix very well with that. As of right now, I can only use it for about 30 seconds before I'm spent. However, I found out that my quirk relies on instincts. So that's how I trained, I trained so that my instincts would react to movement, so I could be fast enough and strong enough. Without having to rely on my quirk. At least until I was able to control it. Turns out, the human body is capable of much more when you use your instincts. I've become super strong and super fast, especially for a seven year old. I still am not fast enough to react instantaneously, but that's not the point. That's technically not possible, at least without my quirk. The point is to be able to react on instinct, to sense danger and have the speed, power, and agility to counter. That's my goal, my quirk is my ace up my sleeve. After all, the possibilities are endless with a quirk like mine. I've decide to keep my strength and training under wraps. Kacchan still bullies me and beats me up along with his lackey's mostly because he doesn't remember the day I mopped the floor with him. However, I just use it as endurance training. To make my body stronger to withstand the heat that my quirk emits, so I can better control and release it on command there's a lot to do and I'm gonna shoot for the moon!

I'm currently walking home from school, after another beating, but it doesn't hurt as much, which means it's working. I notice a girl, about my age walking on the sidewalk across from me. She has brown bob cut hair. Looks like she has a permanent blush on her cheeks. She's got positivity all around her. Normally I'd be a blushing stuttering mess just by looking at her. But with a quirk like mine, you tend to adapt. I've become a lot more carefree and confident, it assists me in using my quirk since my mind is separated from my body. I smiled and turned to follow her. Maybe I can introduce myself. As I get to her place I see something horrible. She was on the ground with some visible bruises and three boys were surrounding her. There weren't many people around to see this. She looked scared, and the other 3 we're at least 2 years older than her.

"P-P-Please! Stop! I'm sorry. I didn't meant to bump into you. Please! Don't hurt me anymore." The girl pleaded.

"Oh? Is that supposed to do something?" One said.

"Yeah you bumped into him! Now you gotta pay." Another said.

"That's right boys!" The other (I assume the one bumped into) said. "Let's get her!"

Suddenly they all rushed to her and we're about to beat her up. She was crying and screaming for help, but there was no one around. The positivity I felt completely vanished. And she was about to be at those jerk's mercy. They all lunged forward and punched.... the ground. The girl that was once on the ground was completely gone, like she vanished.

"It's not very nice to hit girls y'know." I saved her at the last second and am know carrying her bridal style. While looking with a seemingly emotionless face. In reality I was trying to seem cool.

The girl opened her eyes and looked up at her savior. A seemingly plain faced boy with unruly green hair and freckles, she seemed a bit mesmerized. Then she got a faint blush.

"*Sigh* What to do, what to do? I've got a pretty girl in my arms and three losers that tried to hurt her. Quite the predicament, I'd say."

Her blush became more and more visible.

P-P-Pretty? She thought.

"H-How did you do that?" Jerk number 1 said.

"How? That's of no concern to you. After all, you'll be knocked out in the next 10 seconds."

"Oh yeah?!" Jerk number 2 replied while charging at me.

"Let's get him!" Jerk number 3 said and they all began charging me.

I looked down to the girl and she was just staring at me. Not even caring about the people that were charging at me. I smiled at her at which she started blushing.

"Do you trust me?" I ask with a smile. She nodded.

"Good." I replied. "Everything is going to be okay! You want to know why?"

I turn my head and see them right in front of me. Jerk number 1 threw a punch, but I gracefully sidestepped, while using one arm to use his momentum and slammed him to the ground. Knocking him out. Jerk number 2 thought he could sneak attack me and punch me in the back of my head, but I simply tilted my head to the right, used my free hand and flipped him over my shoulder. Jerk number 3 tried a final attack but I held the girl closer and backflipped in place and landed with a stomp to his back, slamming him into the ground. He was done. Of course, I made sure to hold back, so they wouldn't be too injured. I look at the girl and smile. Now she's just looking at me with a shocked face, while still blushing.

"....Because I am here."

I set her down and she seems slightly disappointed, not extremely disappointed, but enough for it to be noticable. I smiled at this, as she tried to speak.

"Who.... Who are you?" She managed to ask.

"Me.... I'm just a guy coming to save someone in need. That's what I believe is a hero." I gestured my thumb to myself. "And you're looking at the future number 1."

She started smiling while still blushing.

"T-Thank you so much for saving me! You're really cool! And super fast and strong too!"

She suddenly rushed and hugged me really tightly. I started furiously blushing, my personality may have changed, but not fully, push the right buttons and I become the same blushing stuttering mess I've always been.

"N-No Problem!"

She reluctantly released, much to my disappointment.

"I'm Ochako Uraraka! So, what's your quirk? You must have one super cool one if you did all that. My quirk is zero gravity, anything I touch becomes weightless. I'm still trying to control it though."

"Quirk? I didn't use a quirk." I replied.

She looked at me dumbfounded.

"You didn't use a quirk?" She asked, still not believing her ears.

I nodded and turned to face the other way, in a sort of dramatic manner to further my point.

"Despite what the world claims. You don't need a quirk to become powerful. My quirk explained that more to me. My goal is to become the next symbol of peace. Someone who can bring hope to the whole world, whether you're quirkless or not. I will be their guide. I've explained my goal to others and they all laughed. I've been bullied for years now, beaten up, torn apart, like clockwork."

Her eyes widened.

"But I still fight on. So that I will prove to everyone that I can do it."

"I-I believe in you!" She shouted. "I believe that you can become the next symbol of peace, even without a quirk."

"Thank you. You're my first supporter, also my first save. I'll always remember you." I said while she blushed. "The next time you see me. I'll be even stronger, and I'll be number one, don't forget it. My name.... is Izuku Midoriya."

I turn to face her.

"....But you can call me Deku." I said as I walked off and left her to think of what happened. I heard a faint squeal from behind me and I smiled.


I'm on my way home, still thinking about Uraraka and how cool I sounded talking to her. When suddenly a muscular figure jumped in front of me.


I look up to see the one and only All Might!

"Woah! It's All Might!" I exclaimed.

"Suddenly, he reverted to some skinny weird looking dude.


"I assure you I'm not a fake."

He told me everything. His injury, his time limit, and his quirk.

"I ran out of time when I saw that little girl get picked on. I knew I wasn't in my muscle form but I at least wanted to do something. That's when I saw you. What you did to those 3, how you saved that girl, and your motives to become a hero. I don't think I can find a more worthy successor. So, will you allow me to train you so you can inherit my quirk? One For All."

I thought long and hard about it before I made my decision.

"No." I replied.

"I knew you'd- wait what??"

"As much as I'd love to have your quirk. I feel that I need training with my own before I do something like that. Besides, there might be another person to give it to."


"Yeah. It's a long shot, but I can sense that they are perfect for your quirk. However, if you're offering, I want to ask if you can train me. And when the time comes, I'll train the new successor myself."

He seemed to be pondering what to do before he replied.

"Alright! I'll take you up on it!"

From that day on, I trained harder and harder, every single day. I dropped from school to home school so I can train harder. I needed no distractions, I made sure that my intellect grew instead of decrease. And to be completely honest. I can't believe I'm still alive. I nearly died 148 different times! In the first month! Apparently age didn't matter much to All might, or at least Gran Torino. He was... ruthless. Some other of All Might's friends helped in my training. And I made excellent progress. I found out that my quirk not only emits heat, but energy as well. I can manipulate this energy to float and even fly. I can use energy attacks as well and even use my heat as a base as well. I soon figured out a weakness to my quirk. My strength is cut down immensely because my body is too focused on moving that I have to think in order to attack which weakens my quirk rather than strengthen it. So we trained and even harder to counteract this. We eventually found a whole new level of my quirk. But it was even harder to handle than the previous level. I think Gran Torino got even angrier at me because my training to achieve this new level made my other training seem like child's play.

After 7 long years of training. I've finally mastered my quirk. Now all that's left is to become even stronger without it, much like I did when I saved Uraraka. There's 10 months before the UA exams. So I decided to build up my strength by cleaning the Dogabah Municipal Beach. It was kind of difficult at first, but remembering Gran Torino and Midnight's "lessons" I quickly got motivated and cleaned it up in 5 months. The rest of the time I decided to test my limits and go past them, to make sure I was extra ready to take UA by storm! I even got some ideas for ultimate moves for the future. Oh! I forgot to give a full rundown on my quirk. At first I was gonna call it 'Instincts' but I decided since I wanted to make it to UA and work harder than anyone and go.... Plus Ultra. I decide to give it the name:

Ultra Instinct

Allows the user to move and fight without thinking. Can be used to sense others energy and can even adapt to other's body heat if dna is burned by the heat of the quirk. Emits energy and heat that can be used in a variety of ways.

Level 1: Instincts

Essentially just an enhanced version of the body. Anyone can learn it, however, the quirk 'Ultra Instinct' makes the user faster and it is also more effective, other than if you didn't have the quirk. The body's senses, abilities, and instincts go through the roof. If fine-tuned enough whether you have a quirk or not doesn't matter. You're able to use energy in this state, and can even control your body heat, but you can't emit it. (This only applies to if you have the quirk)

Level 2: Ultra Instinct Omen

This is where the instantaneous movements come in. It's so fast that 'Instincts' seem like turtle movements in comparison. However, this level cuts your strength immensely so it's probably best when your facing multiple enemies or you can't fight back. Sensing abilities are greatly improved, so you can sense others for miles.You can use and emit your heat and manipulate it any way you choose.

Level 3: Ultra Instinct

This is where you can actually move and fight without thinking. The full force of your attacks can be unleashed without trouble. Much like level 2 you'll be able to use energy and heat. Although, they are much more powerful in this state. Sensing abilities are at its strongest and the possibilities are almost endless. Strength isn't even a question at this point. It's technically not possible to measure the amount of strength and speed you have. Only a well trained body can even begin to withstand this power

So much that I had to do to finally get to this level. But it was all worth it, it improved my personality and thanks to some "advice" I can definitely manipulate people easily, I carry myself as lazy, carefree, arrogant, and overconfident type of guy. That is all just a mask, it's used to try and rile up my enemies or get them to underestimate me. Only a select few know my true nature. It feels so good to finally have control over my quirk. Next stop: UA! I can't wait to shove my growth in Kacchan's face!!

Soooo! New story! I've been thinking of creating this for a while now. And to be honest I just really wanted to post it and see if you like it. This is my version of Deku, although it may just be me just trying to put my personality in Deku, but who knows? I hope I can get the next chapter out soon!

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