Forget-Me-Not → Regulus Black

By novaturient_hiraeth

743K 23.2K 11.4K

Aurelia Livierre was many things. To Remus Lupin, she was a sister. Aurelia was the first one to find out abo... More

Swearwolf and Greasy Pelican Nose
Flaxen and Lily-Flower
I'm Fine
Scars and Secrets
Disownment and Defeat
Study Sessions
Apologies and Butterbeer
The Spring Season
Sybill and Sprout
Why So Serious?
Curiosity Kills the Cat
Filthy Little Mudblood
Slytherin Prince
Letters and Chocolate
Dead Serious
Regulus Arcturus Black
Boo, you whorecrux
Alas, earwax
Lockhart and Everhart
Beaming and Dreaming
Keep Calm and Quidditch On
Saltwater Breeze
But My Cheeri Owls
Aware Wolf
Gnarly Knarls
Halloween Spirit
'Tis The Season
Quoth The Raven "Nevermore"
Lovebirds and Love Notes
Demented Like A Dementor
O.W.L. Exams
The Greatest Honor
Elvendork! It's unisex!
The Dark Mark
Railview Hotel
Unexpected Surprise
The Uncovered Truth of Clement Livierre
I Could've Dropped My Croissant
The Wise Words of Dumbledore
The Death of Ophelia
Aguamenti for that Incendio
Death Eater Academy and Pigfarts
The Beloved Burrito
Interests and Lemon Drops
Severus Snape is in Dire Need of Some Shampoo
How could it possibly get worse... I spoke too soon
Dinner Invitation and Attendance
Past Recollections and Ghost Conversations
The Room of Requirement
Subdolous Snivellus
Broken Charm and A Little Lad Who Loves Berries and Cream
The DADA Club
An encounter with a merman
First Meeting Disaster

The Grey Lady's Story

7.1K 245 72
By novaturient_hiraeth

Aurelia ran to the fifth floor, climbing the spiral staircase leading to the Ravenclaw common room. There was a bronze, eagle knocker on a plain expanse of aged wood. Aurelia knocked on it, and at once the eagle opened its beak, and a soft, musical voice said, "My life can be measured in hours, I serve by being devoured. Thin, I am quick. Fat, I am slow. The wind is my foe. What am I?"

'Something that can be measured in hours.' A flame, maybe?

'Thin, I am quick. Fat, I am slow. The wind is my foe. What am I?' 

"A candle," Aurelia replied.

"Well reasoned."

The door swung open, allowing Aurelia to enter the round common room. Luckily it was deserted — the rest of the Ravenclaws were probably in their classes; Aurelia had forgotten the time and hadn't bothered going. She made her way to the small niche opposite the door where there was a blue velvet armchair next to a white marble statue that led to the dormitories above. She took out the book that Peter had given her, her mind immediately engrossed in the story.

"I've heard you've been in the Hospital Wing. Is that why you're not in class?"

Aurelia jumped at the sound of the voice, slamming her book shut as a sudden reaction. The Grey Lady was floating airily a few inches off the ground, fixing her with a stare with her piercing dark eyes.

"That would be it," Aurelia said nervously.

The ghost gave a sharp nod of her head, her eyes involuntarily drifting off to the marble statue of the austere-looking lady that was Rowena Ravenclaw.

Curious, Aurelia stood up and went over, climbing the plinth to examine the statue. She seemed to look at Aurelia with a quizzical half smile. On top of her head was a beautiful tiara that had words etched on it. "'Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure,'" Aurelia read aloud.

She traced the words with her index finger, and to her surprise the Grey Lady made no comment on it as she usually would. She simply remained staring at the statue — more notably the tiara which lay on top of Rowena Ravenclaw's head.

"Where is the diadem?" Aurelia asked innocently. Ravenclaw's ghost made a small noise at her words but otherwise remained quiet. "Where did it go? And who, who took it? It's been missing for years, hasn't it?"

"It isn't any of your concern," the Grey Lady dismissed. She faced Aurelia once more, "That's enough questions from you—"


"—now it's time to ask some of my own."

Aurelia gave her a confused look, "Go ahead, I guess."

"Mr. Black. Do you spend time with him often?"

"You mean Sirius? Yeah, is that a problem?"

"No," stated the ghost, rolling her eyes, "Regulus. Do you spend time with him?"

Aurelia let out an awkward cough. "No, not anymore."


"Why is it 'good'?"

"Because," started the ghost, "Slytherins are nothing but trouble. It's best to stay clear of them."

"There are plenty of other students that are best friends with Slytherins. How about you tell that to them. Besides, not all Slytherins are bad." Her mind instantly went to Mulciber, who was probably in the middle of stuffing his mouth with donuts in the Great Hall. What evil person would have the nerve to eat donuts?

"Aurelia, of course I know not all Slytherins are bad. However, Regulus Black is another story. He can be flattering at times — charming even, so much so he can use it to his advantage. Is that right?"

No, thought Aurelia, Regulus didn't seem the kind of person to use his charm to get things. Her mind went to the time when he find out about her dad.

"You're dad's a Muggle, and that's a big enough reason as it is. You could me muggleborn for all I know."

"He isn't evil, if that's what you're suggesting," Aurelia said. "It's not like he's a Death Eater." She began to second-guess herself. He isn't, right?

"Well the Slytherin house ghost being the Bloody Baron certainly doesn't help."

"What about the Bloody Baron?" Aurelia didn't mind him too much; he helped get rid of Peeves plenty of times.

"How do you think I died?" She asked the question calmly, but she continued to scrutinize Aurelia with such an intense gaze that she gulped nervously. 

The Bloody Baron. Aurelia meant to say it out loud but her mouth remained firmly shut. Sensing this the ghost nodded. "Hot-tempered and jealous, he stabbed me. Overcome with remorse he used the same weapon and killed himself." She gave a bitter laugh. "That's why he wears those chains — as he should."

"Oh..." Aurelia paused. "You don't think Regulus would stab me, do you?"

"Physically? No." She removed her cloak so that Aurelia could see a dark wound on her white chest. "Metaphorically is a whole different story."

Aurelia stood there for a few seconds, pondering what she had just said. "Why are you telling me this?" she asked at last.

But the Grey Lady was already gone.

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