An Epic Love Story

By TanithBot

15.9K 749 39

DRARRY A love story of epic proportions. Like Hermoine loves books. Like Ron loves food. Like Harry loves... More

1. Train to Hogwarts
2. Hal Portland
3. A New Side of Potter
4. Teachers Meeting
5. Inside the Rooms
6. The Report
7. Tears and Questions
8. New Friendships
9. Stories of Love
10. The Isolation Ward
11. Waiting and Hoping
13. The Betrayal
14. At the Request of Dumbledore
15. Good News & Bad News
16. Jacob Summers
17. The Truth of Ronald Weasley
18. Luna Knows
19. More than a Smile
20. Apologies
21. Dumbledore's Tears
22. Not a Crush
23. Something More
24. Taken
25. The Speech
26. Explanations
27. The Missing Shirt
28. Hogsmeade
29. Words
30. Worthless
31. Breathless
32. The Winnings
33. Graduation Day
34. Thank You
35. Goodbye
36. Payback
37. Epic Love

12. Waking up

397 18 1
By TanithBot

It had been almost two weeks since Harry had been taken to the hospital wing and placed in his own isolation ward.  Dumbledore, Snape and Mcgonagall had been there, on time every time, to check up on his status.  But they were all getting very anxious.  A week is a long time to go without food, even if you are tired, let alone ten days.  They were sure that Harry hadn't eaten anything the day he returned to Hogwarts.  They even considered waking him up, just so that he could consume something.  But something was stopping them.  They knew that Harry had to heal on his own, and if he woke with a hunger, then they would see to it that he had enough to eat.

In the great hall, at lunch time, classes were eventually over for the week.  Homework had doubled for the seventh year students who had to take their O.W.L.S, and even more so for the 8th years.  Everyone was hard at work, determined to make the best of their last year of school. Because all the 8th years sat at the same table, it was easy for them to communicate to each other how they would divide their time, and what their study schedules would be.

It was during this chatter, that the head elf of Hogwarts, Gimble, suddenly apparated into the great hall with a loud pop.  So loud that the students looked at him in amazement.  Most of them had never seen a house elf before.  And so they stared.  Standing in the passage, a slight way away from the big doors, the elf addressed the headmaster.  "Sorry for the disturbance Headmaster, but you is wanting to know when Master Harry is waking up Sir".  The silence that greeted them was deafening.  Dumbledore rose from his chair, as did Snape.

"He is awake Gimble?", asked Dumbledore.

The elf nodded, tugged at his ears and in a very excited voice said, "Yes Sir.  Just a short while ago".

"Thank you Gimble, have some food sent to Harry immediately, and tell him I will be there shortly", he said with a twinkle in his eyes.  "Yes Sir, always a pleasure for Sir", he said in a shrill voice.

The house elf apparated back to the kitchens, and Dumbledore turned to the 8th year students.  "When I have spoken to Harry, I will let you know when it is possible for visitors".  And with that, he and Snape left the dining hall.  The excitement in the hall was contagious.  Every single student started talking about how was it possible to sleep for so long, and that they couldn't wait to see him again.

Dumbledore was so happy that Harry had woken up.  But there was still the anger that had to be dealt with, and that is why he still could not allow anyone to see him.  Unless of course, Harry proved him wrong, and there was no anger left in him.  Hoping that Fawkes had done an excellent job at taking most of this emotion away from him, he and Snape proceeded to the hospital wing.  Madam Pomfrey decided to join them, as Harry was her patient, and tests had to be done, to show that he was indeed fit to leave.

When they arrived at the huge window, they could see that Harry was sitting up on his bed, with his back to them.  A very tanned, muscular, tattooed back.  They knocked quietly on his door, and waited to be granted entry.  Harry turned around at the sound, still a little disoriented, but stood up never the less to open.  He was burning to see who was on the other side.  He opened the door softly and his eyes were bright with surprise when he saw his headmaster and his potions teacher standing there.

He rushed to give his headmaster a hug, and felt such relief when he saw Dumbledore open his welcoming arms.  He hugged him tightly, and then turned to Snape.  Who was sneering at him as if to say, don't even think about it.  Harry chuckled, and offered his hand, which Snape gladly shook.  Better than being hugged by him, he supposed.  Harry had so many questions, and knew that the two men in front of him were the ones that had the answers.

"Harry, it's good to have you back.  How are you feeling?", asked Dumbledore.  

Harry wasn't sure how to take the statement.  Have me back.  Where have I been then?  He smiled at his teachers, and offered his hand in welcome.  They both entered the room, and took a seat.  Harry sat down on his bed again, and just as he was about to speak, Gimble and another house elf appeared with trays of food.  Harry was famished.  He couldn't remember when he had last eaten, and so looked at his headmaster pleadingly.  Dumbledore understood, and said that they had already eaten, to please go ahead.  Thankful for the go ahead, he started digging in.

The food was from heaven.  Roast chicken. Pork sausages. Bacon. Lamb chops. Mashed potatoes. Green Beans. Glazed carrots, and even pumpkin fritters.  For a side dish there was a salad, and for desert, treacle tart, Harry's favorite.  He served a bit of everything for himself, and started eating, waiting for someone to say something.  When it was Snape who spoke first, he was dumbfounded.

"Harry, how are you feeling?"

Harry looked at Snape, and saw worry.  Not the malice that he had seen all his years at Hogwarts, but it seemed that this man was genuinely worried about him.  And he would not insult his intelligence by being rude or sarcastic.  He would answer truthfully.  "I feel well rested, hungry as hell, a little weak, but that's from lack of food probably.  A slight headache, but other than that I feel fine.  I feel stronger almost.  Like I could run a marathon", he finished.  

"Why, what happened?", he asked with trepidation.  He looked at his teachers and saw that they had something to say to him.  He put his fork down, took a sip of juice and waited for them to talk.  Worried that he had hurt someone, he needed to know what he had done that had them on edge.  "We will talk while you eat", said Snape.  Harry frowned at the man.  Worry AND concern.  What the hell was going on.

Harry picked up his knife and fork and started eating.  It was Dumbledore who started with the story of what had happened a few days ago in the great hall during dinner, and how Harry had lost his temper at the mention of man with the name of Jacob Summers.  They took turns telling him about everything, from the moment it happened, to the moment that Gimble had told them that he had woken up.  

Harry was floored.  He didn't feel angry.  Not at the moment.  He suggested that maybe the anger only rose to the surface when he was faced with danger or betrayal or maybe it had just disappeared.  He hoped to Merlin that it had just disappeared.  But Harry wasn't so sure of that, no matter how he tried to convince himself otherwise.  And so he listened.  And then when it was their turn to ask questions, he knew he would give them.  

He had so much trust in the two men sitting before him.  If anyone ever had to ask him, who he would trust with his life, Dumbledore and Snape would be two of the four.  The other two were Ron and Hermoine.  Having eaten his fill, he placed his knife and fork on his plate, and wiped his mouth with a napkin.  Sensing that there was an empty tray, Gimble arrived again.  Thanking the elf for the delicious meal, Harry felt warmth fill him from the love that was being projected by the elf.  "Always a pleasure Master Harry", he said and left quickly.

Hearing the name Jacob Summers had brought things to the surface in Harry.  Things that he was willing to forget, and things that he wished had never happened.  But part of him knew that the headmaster deserved an explanation, while the other part knew that he didn't want to relive it.  Knowing that he didn't have a choice, he started telling the story of what happened to him after the war.

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