
By PurplePansy95

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Collection of Very Short Stories based on prompts that have been sent to me. Anyone is welcome to send me a p... More

What If
Demon Prince (part one)
Demon Prince (part two)
Demon Prince (part three)
Lost Memories (part one)
Lost Memories (part two)
The Bar (part one)
The Bar (part two)
The Bar (part four)
The Bar (part five)
A Kiss Upon Waking
Suspending My Disbelief-or-A Treatise on Polyamorous Relationships
Hearts Collide (part one)
Hearts Collide (part two)
Hearts Collide (part three)
Hearts Collide (part four)
Hearts Collide (part five)
Steady Hearts (part one)
Steady Hearts (part two)
Doctor Knows Best
Consequences (part one)
Consequences (part two)
Consequences (part three)
Consequences (part four)
The Favor

The Bar (part three)

361 26 2
By PurplePansy95

Tonight was a nightmare, literally Pha's worst fear coming to life before his eyes. Wayo, the person Pha both loved and hated in equal measure, stood in front of him. He'd loved him ever since they were in high school together. Wayo had been the only person in Pha's heart. Sweet, gentle, kind, funny, and so good looking. But Pha hated Wayo as well, because after they'd slept together that night three years ago, Wayo had walked away from Pha forever.


"I love you," Pha said, pressing Wayo's body back on the bed of the room he'd reserved for them. Chocolate covered strawberries and champagne were laid out for them and rose petals decorated the bed. It was his father's typical set up for his mistresses, so when Pha called to set up the room, the staff had asked if they should arrange it and Pha had immediately agreed. He'd wanted everything to be perfect for his Wayo.

The boy smiled back at Pha, his cheeks blushing an adorable pink. It only made Pha more excited. Pha had already begun kissing down the creamy white neck when he stopped a moment and whispered, "I want you, Wayo. Say I can have you and I'll never let you go."

"Are you sure, Pha?" Wayo asked breathlessly. "Your parents said they won't accept you dating a boy."

"I'm sure. I don't care what my parents want. They'll accept us in time," Pha moved to undress them both as he felt the boy under him running soft fingers through his hair. "You're mine, Wayo. I'm always going to love you."

There were no more words needed as the two boys held each other. Lips clashing, tongues tasting, bare skin touching. The only sounds needed now were their moans of pleasure and the sound of their bodies coming together.

Wayo's kisses turned passionate, demanding that Pha meet the challenge, giving and taking equally. Pha's hands were restless as he touched every part of the boy's body that he could reach. Running hands along the plains of his chest, caressing his sides until finally reaching for his plush bottom. He massaged the muscles, pulling the cheeks apart and running his fingers over the soft puckered skin in between.

Pha knew that Wayo was nervous, it was the boy's first time, so he went slow. Preparing and stretching with fingers while sucking on the boy's hard cock. Then, after Pha's patience ran out and he'd put on the condom and lube, he was inside the tight sheath, moaning as Wayo moved beneath him. Their bodies arching, coming together in a steady rhythm that built into a frenzy.

They were both desperately reaching for their release, biting, sucking, kissing, and pounding their bodies together until finally Wayo's ass tightened on Pha's erection, milky fluid flowing from both cocks. One on his own chest and the other inside a condom that was still being thrust inside the other.

The two lovers came down from their orgasms with gentle touches and kisses, still needing the feel of each other's skin. They fell asleep there for a few hours, and woke up to do it again and again, until both were satisfied but exhausted.

When they finally laid still, holding each other, Pha looked down at the beautiful boy resting in his arms and frowned. Now that the rush was over, he had to face the truth. His parents would never allow him to be with a boy. This boy had nothing. He was a high school senior. Pha was in his first year at University. Neither of them could afford to support the other. If he chose Yo, he might never achieve his dream of becoming a doctor. He had to face the fact that their relationship never had a chance.

"What's wrong, Pha?" a sleepy voice asked.

"I don't want this to be our last time together," Pha said, anger flooding him. It wasn't reasonable, but in that moment when he knew that he was going to give up the boy he loved, anger was all he could feel. Anger at a world that would make him choose: love or family. Love or your dream. And anger at himself, because he knew he wasn't strong enough to fight.

"What are you talking about?" Wayo's voice held confusion and uncertainty. He was vulnerable and that just made Pha angrier.

"You know we can't really be together, right? I mean, I'm living off my parent's money," Pha's anger made him honest. More honest than he'd ever been. "They won't keep paying for my education if I choose to be with you. And it's not like you're going to become a famous singer and suddenly be able to support us both. You're still in high school."

There was silence in the room for a moment while Wayo processed Pha's words with tears in his eyes. Pha saw the tears and hated himself. Worse, he hated Wayo for knowing what a coward he was. Sitting up, he slammed his fists into the night stand, "It was stupid to come here. Stupid to make love to you, knowing it would be the last time. Now every time I'm with someone else, I'll be thinking of you."

"Every time you're with someone else? You just said you loved me. That you'd never let me go," Wayo's voice was rising, sounding angry too, as he stepped out of the bed where he'd just lost his virginity. "Were you just lying to me so that I'd sleep with you?"

"It wasn't a lie," Pha answered, even more hurt by the condemnation in Wayo's words because he knew it was partly the truth.

"But it wasn't the whole truth either," Wayo said, staring at Pha. The pain in his eyes was obvious. "You want me, but you didn't talk to me about your doubts. You let me believe the dream was real, even when you knew it wasn't."

"What else could I do? I love you. You were meant to be mine," Pha's words were weak, his heart breaking as the anger gave way to loneliness. He was looking at his future without Wayo. He wouldn't be alone, he already knew he would eventually find a nice girl that his parents would approve. He'd smile and pretend, but when he took her to his bed, it would never be anything more than sex. And in the still of the night, when he had to live with the person he'd become, he would be empty and alone.

"You could have talked to me. You could have trusted me with your feelings," Wayo was dressed again, pulling hands through his hair to straighten it.

"Wait, Wayo," Pha said, trying to think of a way to keep the boy he loved. "It's true that I can't openly choose you, but we love each other. So why can't we just keep it quiet for now? We'll meet in secret, my parents won't have to know."

"So you want to fool your parents until you're out of school and you aren't relying on their money anymore?"

"Well, no," Pha paused, thinking. "I mean, I wouldn't want to disappoint my parents. But this is our business anyway. So we'll just keep it between us."

"Won't your parents wonder why you aren't dating anyone else? Won't they wonder why you never get married?"

"We could work that out. I mean people have all kinds of relationships now. A lot of women marry for money and don't expect to be loved. We could still be together if I married someone who wouldn't mind having separate lives ... ," Pha's voice trailed off as he saw the disgust in Wayo's eyes.

"You want me to be your mistress?" Wayo asked in disbelief. He grabbed his wallet, keys, and phone from where he'd left them and stood looking at Pha who was still naked on the bed. "Have you ever really known me at all? I would never agree to that kind of life. I want someone who will love me, openly and honestly. You don't know me well enough to really love me and I won't ever allow myself to love someone like you."

Then he was gone and Pha's loneliness began.

**End of Flashback**

Even after three years, Pha couldn't escape those words. I won't ever allow myself to love someone like you. They'd entered his heart like a knife. But Wayo had been right. Pha was still a coward. He'd had a few one night stands with boys. While he closed his eyes and fucked their bodies, he thought of his Wayo. But in the daytime, in front of his family and friends, he had a steady girlfriend.

Pring was everything that Pha's parents wanted for him. She was smart, beautiful, from a wealthy family. They'd met in the Medical Faculty just weeks after Wayo walked out of Pha's life forever. They'd gotten together before the end of the freshman year and their parents were all happily planning their marriage. Pha's future with Pring was already mapped out, and sometimes he could almost believe that he wanted it. Almost — until the day Ming brought him  face to face with a certain young singer and he knew his whole life was just a lie.

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