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drive-thru !

drive-thru !

drive-thru !

═ ∘♡∘ ═

"━━𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄, 𝐘𝐎𝐔'𝐑𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐄 𝐓𝐎 DRIVE RIGHT NOW." Tsuyu yelled through the phone. I just smiled and kept driving the car I bought yesterday. "Tsuyu it's okay...." I said in an unsure matter, but not worried about what would happen to me.

"Y/n, I swear... if you don't come back to the dorms, you're grounded." She demanded, as I could hear the seriousness in her voice. Tsuyu was like a big sister to me and I loved her, but I really want to get my McDonalds first...

"But whyyy." I whined, steering the wheel to go to the left, to make a turn. "BECAUSE 1. IT'S RAINING!!" "And..." "AND SECOND YOU CRASHED YOUR LAST CAR-LIKE ABOUT 2 WEEKS AGO, WHAT!? AND YOU GOT YOUR LICENSE TAKEN AWAY!!!" Tsuyu continued to yell at me, hurting my ears.

"Dear I'm sorry but I really want to get McDonalds because I'm hungry, Pedro take the wheel." I talked to her, while I looked at my butler who was scrolling on his phone.

"What why, you can drive your car by yourself idiota." Pedro, my butler, rolled his eyes putting his phone down. "Hurry Pedro I gotta get something from the back." "Y ahora qué? Girl, si no sacas tu perezoso culo de aquí. (Translate : And now that? Girl, if you don't get your lazy ass out of here) You can still drive and get that thing from the back at the same time." Pedro mumbled in Spanish.

I glared at him, as he knows damn well that I'm the one in charge here.

Pedro sighed and shoved me out of the driver's seat. "The driver seat is for adults not little kids like you." Pedro smirked at me. I gave him a glare and moved to the back seat of my car. "Yeah, at least I'm not a 50-year-old man who still has to live in their boss's house." I snickered at his ignorance. "I'm 24 asshole." He steered the wheel to the right causing me to lose my balance.

"Damn you don't look 24." I sit upright, trying to sit right and get my balance back. "I hate you." I heard Pedro mutter. "I know you love me." I smiled and looked down at my lap where my phone was at.

'Is Tsuyu still there?' I thought looking down at my phone which was in my hand.

'NO SHE HUNG UP, SHE DIDN'T' I stared at my phone in horror. 'I was talking to her but she hung up, that's great' I sulked in defeat.

Pedro seemed to noticed my mood changed and he got a water bottle from beside him and threw it at me. "Get your sadist ass over here, I'm not gonna let my boss be in this mood forever." He sneered from the rear-view mirror. I let out a small sighed and I went to the front seat.

"We're almost there, just have to-." But before Pedro would say anything I grabbed the collar or his suit and pushed him back to the shotgun seat.

"Wha- WHAT ARE YOU DOING??!" Pedro froze and looked at me with confusion. "I'm driving didn't you say you wanted to drive?" "Yeah well, I don't want to anymore, I remembered how bad you are at driving!" I looked at him with a maniac look, which made him nervous. "It's not like I'll kill you." I waved my hands and put both of my hands on the steering wheel.

"Put your seatbelt on!!"

I pushed the accelerator pedal down which made the speed of the car to increase. "WHAT THE FUCK, THIS ISN'T FAST AND FURIOUS, SLOW DOWN!!" He yelled at me checking the speed of the car. I ignored him and continued driving.

'She really needs to get help. We're gonna end up at the hospital.' Pedro thought, sweat dropping.

Again... before Pedro can talk the got cutoff by my phone. "DING! DING! BITCH LOOK AT YOUR PHONE! " The ringtone said with mickey mouses voice, repeating it until we answered it. Pedro looked at me disappointed at the fact he knew I would have something like this. "Can you answer Pedro" "Fine if only you will buy be some food too" He got my phone from the back seat and looked on the screen to see who it was. 'Maybe its Tsuyu again' I thought keeping my eyes on the road.

"Uh- it's this person name 'Deez Nutz' do you want me to still answer?" Pedro mentally deadpan. "Oh! Yeah thats Kaminari, what does he want." I snatched my phone from Pedro's hands, as he let out a small 'rude' from his mouth. " I clicked on my phone so I could answer the call and pressed the speaker.

"Ẁ͋͝h̿͐͝a̚̕͠t́̔͝ t́̾͘h̐͊̓ë́̐̕ h̿̚͝e̐͆̒l͛̓͋l̓̽͐ d̀̈́͐ò͌̀ y̿̈́̕ò̓u̐̚ w͑̈́͝a̽̾͘n͑̾͘t͒̔͝ y̓̐͐ó̈́͋u͐̈́" I said in a deep voice, hoping I can frighten Kaminari. "Is this Bob? If it is then heyy bob buddy! I haven't spoken to you in a long time!" Kaminari said from the other side of phone. "Who the fuck is Bob?!" Pedro whispered. "I don't know, probably bob from discount furniture or something?" I said back to him.

"Kaminari its me, what happend, this better be an emergency." I clicked my tongue. "Well..... Tsuyu said you were gonna buy McDonald's so I was wondering... can you buy me-" "NO" "BUT WHY NOT! I MEAN YOUR RICH SO YOU CAN SPARE SOME MONEY FOR ME!" I can hear Kaminari whine.

"I'm only going to buy you McDonald's only if you pay me back. In my head you need to pay me back" Also in my head, money = happiness like hotel = trivago.

"FUCK YOU , FINE! BUY ME THE MC'ALL MIGHT MEAL AND THE MC'MIRUKO MEAL, AND I'LL PAY YOU BACK!" I heard Kaminari yell, and lowered my phone volume. "That will be 10000000000 dollars, pay up bitch." I laughed.

"What- IT DOESN'T COST THAT MUCH!" "Yeah, yeah, I gotta hang up" "WAIT BUT-" Before Kaminari could finish his sentence, Pedro already hanged up on him. "Thats what you get for cutting me off." He said to my phone screen which had a end call with 'Deez Nutz' on my screen.

"That was rude." I snickered giving him a side eye. "Well it wasn't-"

"BEEEEEPPPPP!!!! " A car honked at us, letting me focus on the rode more. "WHY AM I GETTING CUT OFF SO MANY TIMES?!" Pedro yelled with frustration.

"SORRY!!." I yelled out the window. "It's because you have bad luck, and we're here!" I gave a sharp left turn making Pedro loose his balanced like how I did. "Finally"

I droved up to the drive thru and opened my window more for I can speak to that talking box. "This McDonald's looks more cleaner than the McDonald's we usually go too." Pedro observed the whole building. "Too bad that the McDonald's we usually go to got bankrupt."

"You could of saved that McDonald's" "We aren't that RICH" "You ARE, pendeja," Pedro smacked my head making me grumble. "If only I was Light Yagami then I would have the power to destroy you," I mumbled. "But you're not HAH."

"Okay move idiot," I got my phone from his hand. "This phone is for queens only." I said fixing my imaginary crown. "Yeah a queen of Malditos idiotas." Pedro grumbled under his breath.

"Remember who saved your ass." I sweetly smiled at him. 'Oh shit I'm fucked,' Pedro thought. "It's not my fault that my little sis thought the fucking crayon was weed."

"Oh I love your sister," I made my car to go to McDonald's drivethru. "I hope their open from all this raining," Pedro said looking out the window. "Oh course stupid, look at the cars parked in the parking lot." "Oh I didn't see that, maybe I'm more fucked up than I thought."

I got ready to speak.

"Hello? Can I get some-" But before I could finish I heard yelling some from the speaking box. "HI!WELCOME TO FUCKING MCDONALD'S, HOW MAY I TAKE YOUR SHITTY ORDER." The yelling almost broke my ears.

"Get ready to give this McDonald's a bad review." Pedro shaked his head besides me. "Wait, that yelling sound familiar, don't you think?" I looked at him, wondering if he thought of something. "No I'm not smart remember."

"Oh shit I forgot."

"HEY LADY YOU THERE?." The talking box said again.


There was a big silence for about 5 minutes.

"Oh shit we got him boys." I said to no one but Pedro who didn't even looked like he cared. "Can we order our food." Pedro interrupted the silence. The talking box isn't talking so why is it called a talking box?! "Hello earth to the person who was ordering our food, you there?" I speaked up.

We both heard a small cough come from the talking box. "What would you like ma'am." The same voice said but it didn't shout. Me and Pedro both looked at each other in surprise. "Can I get 2 large fries and 100 chicken nuggets, plus the Mc'All Might meal and the Mc'Miruko!" I said and Pedro looked like I was crazy.

The person who was ordering us started to choke on something. "Damn choke on that daddy." I teased making Pedro hit me again on the head, HARD. "What the fuck is wrong with you," Pedro whispered. "Honestly I don't know, I was probably dropped as a baby."

"GOD LADY, WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU WANTING TO GET ALL THOSE CHICKEN NUGGETS." The same boy yelled making me and Pedro jump. "IM GOING TO FEED MY CHICKENS AND SOME HUNGRY TEENAGERS." I yelled back making Pedro jump the second time.


'It feels so good to be rich, sometimes I forget I'm rich.' I thought. "Your not actually going to sue this place right?" Pedro asked. "Of course not, who's going to make my McDonald's now?" Pedro just facepalmed. "Also I don't even have chickens"

"It's going to be $203.5 ma'am." A new voice said from the talking box.


"Where the angry guy at?" Pedro said reading my mind. "Oh he had to go calm down for a second but if you can come inside the store so it could be faster to give you your 100 chicken nuggets and your 2 large fries with the pro hero meals." The voice said most likely being a girl. "Okayyyy but I'm going to pay in the drive thru still," I started to drive my car into the window shit where you pay. 'Wow I don't even know the names of this thing, what's school suppose to even teach me? '

Like I said in the past, school is useless.

The window shit thingy opened and revealed a lady in the McDonald's uniform. "That's going to be $203.5." The lady said. "Pedro get me my wallet!" I snapped my fingers. Pedro looked in the back if he could see anything. "Ah found it." He got my small suitcase, and opened it revealing thousand of dollars, making the lady be shocked.

'No wonder, it make sense cause this women has a Tesla.' The lady thought. I carefully took out like $300 and gave it to the lady. Pedro closed my suitcase and threw it in the back with no hesitation. "You guy can have the change." I sweetly smiled. "Okay..Okay, just come inside and we will give you the food." We both nodded and drove my car in the parking lot.

"I drove up to the parking lot and sighed. I parked my car by some other cars with dents and scraps on them. 'Oh wow, do people not take care of their care.' I said to Pedro. "No they don't." He glared at me, knowing I also don't take care of my cars.

We both got our rain coats from the back seat and put them on with our rain boots too. Of course we don't want to get yet.

Pedro handed me an umbrella and we went out my car. "I'm going to speak to the manager of that boy who was yelling at me, I want to see if its actually the person I thought it was." I said with a smirk, sprinting to get into the McDonalds.

Pedro rolled his eyes just thinking this day can end. "Okay, hurry up and move along." He opened the door for me and I skipped inside, while Pedro came after me. "Wow it's dirtier that I thought." I looked around the place while everyone were staring at us, eating peacefully. Like yeah, people would stare at two people who were wearing something that was a little overboard for the rain.

"Come on we got to see if they have out food ready." Pedro got my collar and dragged me to the counter. "I don't think so.."

"It's your time to shine, go and talk to the manager." He whispered, pushing me closer to the counter. "Uhh..." The workers stared at me getting ready for me to say something. "May I speak to your manager, I'm trying to find something out."

The front lady just looked at us like we're a joke until the same lady that we gave our money to in the drive thru came to her and whispered something.

'Why are they whispering.' I thought. 'I don't know.' Pedro read my mind cause it's his quirk reading minds. The lady who thought we were a joke eyes widen and fear came to her eyes. 'Damn real change of mood.' I thought. 'I know like the hell?!' Pedro said in my mind. "Y-Yeah we w-will go get the m-manager for you." Both of the ladies stuttered, going away.

"Oh wait my quirk is to read minds bruh, but they think we're part of the mafia." Pedro exclaimed. "Oh shit isn't that bad or something cause my parents said something about the mafia to me but I didn't listen." "I don't think so."

"WHO THE HELL WANT TO TALK TO ME." a voice came behind us. The person was clearly stomping making Pedro and me freeze. "It's a fucking Titan homie." I whispered to Pedro as we both didn't want to turn around. "Fuck it." Pedro turned me around with him as we both met with a tall figure. Still short I guess...

The people in McDonald's just watched the scene unfold. The workers were too scared to even say anything to the three of us, look at each other in confusion.

The "manager" had spiky blond hair making me smirk. "Shit." I heard the person curse. My smirk got bigger. "Damn you were right" Pedro said beside me.

"I'm always right remember." I laughed.

"𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨, 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐚 𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞." 𝐈 𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐝, 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐌𝐜𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐝❜𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦.


Okay so like it's not much
I didn't change it much as it was originally made


this is pedro

that's how he looks like
he's half hispanic and japanese

but the character is rei sakuma of anyone was wondering

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