Solamente: The Associate Has...

By Xenoglossia

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Sly. Cunning. Alluring. Dangerous. His name has reached the ears of even the most powerful men and women of N... More

INTRODUCTION: What Is Omegaverse?
Glossary of Mafia-Related Terminology
Mafia Ranking System and the 13 Crime Families (Omegaverse AU)
CHAPTER 1-1: A Congregation of Wolves
CHAPTER 1-2: A Congregation of Wolves
CHAPTER 2-1: The Lone Wolf's Woes
CHAPTER 2-2: The Lone Wolf's Woes
CHAPTER 2-3: The Lone Wolf's Woes
CHAPTER 2-4: The Lone Wolf's Woes

CHAPTER 3-1: Things You Can't Find

119 5 1
By Xenoglossia


Meanings of words/phrases with a (*) can be found in the Glossary of Mafia-Related Terminology.

Chapter 3-1's Umore are:

When Sunny Gets Blue by McCoy Tyner

Things I Thought Were Mine by Alfie Templeman

Calling The Shots by Jamie B.

Link to the Spotify playlist:


Even among the mafia, Alessio De Laurentiis is known to be an earnest and steadfast man. Yet this man, who remains to be one of the most promising Alphas in the Cosa Nostra, prefers to disconnect himself from others.

Alessio is no social recluse, but he is not a people person, either. The young Capo Bastone* is making every effort to distance himself from those who have nothing to do with the family. Yet he is, for the most part, a surprisingly well-liked man.

It could probably be the man's quietness or his mild-mannered demeanor, or that gentle yet commanding tone that prompts others to act. Or perhaps it was the pleasantness that exuded about him. Most mafioso exuded an air of modesty in dress and manner of speaking but many of them bore rugged faces as unforgiving as stone. Alessio was on a different page on the same book.

But Alessio, much like most mafioso in his generation, is more reasonable, calm, and clear-sighted than his predecessors. He is fine-looking in a raffish and seedy kind of way; with a strange veneer of softness that never fails to make heads turn. Yet there is a subtle flame behind his calm face - one that keeps people on their toes.

But being well-liked is the least of Alessio's concerns. Over the years, the man has become a leader in the making - singular in his focus and assertive in his goals. His sternness can be seen in the way he pushes boundaries, in his own endurance, in his work ethics. And while he's not interested in perfection, his standards are on a level of their own.

The demands Alessio had placed on himself are quite extreme. While he was completely unhinged and rebellious in his younger years, he was now as strict and unforgiving as he could be, especially to those who abuse his generosity. He had high expectations toward people he works with, often making him a difficult – if not impossible – person to work with.

He has certainly roughened within the years, even more so when Don Filipo De Laurentiis, Alessio's father and the current Boss, had become ill. As the firstborn son and an Alpha, Alessio was next in line to become the family's patriarch.

And so, he had to grow up fast, and all that growing up involved putting aside all the lofty ideals he had in the past, all his personal dreams and ambitions... everything he held dear in his heart.

All for the sake of the borgata.

It had become Alessio's sole responsibility as Capo Bastone to represent the family in the Commission* and in social gatherings. And as the newest – and perhaps the last – borgata to have been recognized as part of the Italian American mafia, Alessio had to put up a strong front for people he wanted to impress.

So far, however, all he had done was to distance himself from other borgate and focus on expanding the De Laurentiis' power and influence in the most legitimate way possible. All of that has done wonders for the family to avoid making needless enemies.

Now, most of the problems lay on his wife's side of the family. And Valentina, Alessio's wife and the Marquesa crime family's Boss, isn't someone people should take lightly. The family's prominence, combined with its current Boss' uncompromising attitude, has earned it a great many enemies – both in and outside of the Cosa Nostra.

Alessio may be trying his best to preserve his family, but over the years, he realized he may have forced himself to swallow more than he really wanted...


A man like Alessio De Laurentiis is normally not frazzled by large social gatherings. He could manage a few hi's and hello's; could probably even stay longer to share a drink or two with the people he grew up with. But Don Flavio Rossi's party was a different matter altogether.

Being at the event felt a lot like walking on eggshells, and for many different reasons.

For one, Valentina and the Marquesa crime family had been in a long-standing feud with the Rossis. Being the husband of a Donna and the Capo Bastone of his own borgata, Alessio found himself caught in the middle of a political crossfire.

The young De Laurentiis found himself enduring hours of Don Rossi's incessant, egregious ranting about how the Marquesas are 'greedy, land-grabbing savages who kill people for the sake of money and power'. But of course, he knew better than to answer back and argue against the Boss of the oldest – and perhaps the most highly influential – crime family in all of America.

And so, Alessio let the subject alone until it inevitably went out of the picture. It was always a case of turning the other cheek, even if it meant listening to a man hurling insults at one's own wife – the lesser of two evils...

And then, there was another pressing matter at hand.

Empty threats and insults be damned. Alessio's thoughts kept wandering back to that moment he nearly had Giovanni Mancuso within arm's reach. He may not have seen the man's face but he was quick to recognize his scent. A scent that assaulted his senses, one he thought he would never smell again.

And now, it evoked memories of the past...

Gianni's long absence from Alessio's life had certainly lulled his senses. But now, much like the first time they met, the Lone Wolf is about to rile him up once more, ready to tear down his defenses.

It surprised Alessio how the Omega still had that effect on him. One that's impossible to ignore, even after all these years of distance and estrangement. It's oddly frightening because no matter how much he resisted, Gianni was still a force to be reckoned with.

Powerful. Irresistible. Painfully elusive.

Their past was exactly what had brought them to where they are now. Their past had kept Alessio awake at night with memories of heated passion and the constant gnawing guilt that chewed at the edge of his conscience. Their past took up most of the emotional highlights in his life, and Alessio was never afraid to admit that.

For many years, Alessio was torn between throwing away memories of Gianni and the desire to keep finding and running after him. And now, just when he thought choosing the former had long been overdue, the man's reappearance in his life came down upon him like a storm.

Giovanni Mancuso. His pride. His weakness. A ticking time bomb.

"Oh, for Christ's sake, I'm running my mouth again, aren't I? I must've bored you out of your wits!" Don Flavio Rossi's voice broke Alessio's train of thought as he patted him on the shoulder. "I expected Valentina to be the one to end the feud her grandparents had started but as expected of a Marquesa, they just get more stubborn and less likable with each passing generation."

Alessio blinked, forcing thoughts out of his head. He took a sip of his champagne and cracked a smile.

"Val is strong and capable. She only wants what's best for the family - as any matriarch should," he explained to Don Flavio. "My wife is already finding ways to make amends and resolve the conflict, in a way that would benefit both parties – which I am sure isn't the easiest thing to do given the circumstance."

The Don smiled and nodded in silent agreement.

"Seriously, though. I've had my eyes on that piece of land for almost a decade now. How could Valentina think it would be put to good use by the Salvaticis? Porca miseria! They'd just turn the whole place into another one of their unsightly apartment buildings!"

Alessio chuckled dryly. "It seems like a good spot for residential housing, though. I'm sure the Salvaticis have good plans in place for it." And then, he gave the Don a probing look. "If you had it, what are you planning to do with it?"

Don Flavio poured himself another shot of whiskey and drank it down. The burning sensation hit the bottom of his stomach, making him cough harshly.

"Well," he started, clearing his throat as he set the empty glass back down on the table, "I can't tell you for sure how much land we own in Greenwich, but I would guess somewhere around a couple thousand acres. And Alessio, we're not planning to do anything with it unless we get that adjacent piece of land which, unfortunately, is under your wife's name." He shook his head slightly and sighed. "And then, I'm considering selling it at some point in the future. My consigliere set me on a three-year plan, with a ten-year maximum. Do you understand what he means by that?"

"Yes, I believe so," replied Alessio, nodding. "You don't sell the property unless you've owned it for at least three years, and then you schedule to move it before the end of the ten-year ownership. Yes, I like the idea, but only if you can afford to sit on the property for that long a time."

"Well, here's the thing, lad. If your wife continues to be hard-headed, then I'll give the Salvaticis a run for their money and build an amusement park or casino next to their godforsaken apartments. Drive all their tenants away and put them out of business until they put the property back on the market."

Just then, Don Flavio paused and looked into Alessio's eyes with a steady, intense gaze. He went on, his voice more solemn this time. "On the other hand, if you manage to convince Valentina to sell the land to me..."

After a moment, Alessio was aware his mouth was hanging open, and he bit his lip. "Don Flavio... I don't think there's anything I can do at this point. Val had already sealed the deal with Luca."

"But did he sign the deed of sale?" the Don contended. "Otherwise, it's only lip service."

Alessio leaned back in his chair and took a deep breath. "I see you've done your research."

The Don smirked. "Naturally. I've had my eyes on that land for years, and I'm determined to not see it go to a complete waste. And I will have it. It will be mine."

Alessio regarded the other with a pensive gaze. At this point, he knew just how badly the Don wanted to get a hold of the property.

Don Flavio met Alessio's gaze. "You look like you want to say something, lad. Say it," he urged.

"It's all well and good. But the way I see it, it's just a small portion of land that won't have much effect on the overall value of your property."

Once again, the Don poured himself a glass of whiskey - perhaps a bit too much for his own good now. Yet somehow, it had made the man more coherent. More level-headed than when he was sober.

"Regarding my consigliere's three-year ownership plan, we are planning to sell to private individuals or companies at any time. You know how Greenwich is a magnet for wealthy Wall Street buyers, yes? I've been looking to sell my properties to folks who can give me the best price possible. And with your wife's land, I could sell an entire town with the best view of the coastline." He shifted in his seat before downing his whiskey. "But Alessio, we're very cautious about whom we sell our properties to. And we never sell to brokers. I'm sure you understand why."

Alessio tilted his head in agreement.

"My point is that we don't think of ourselves as land buyers. We don't just buy a property. We buy profit. That's the keyword here, lad. We only buy what's profitable - what we feel will increase in value over time. And your wife's land is part and parcel of it."

"Don Flavio, I..." Alessio's voice trailed off as he swallowed hard, struggling to find the right words to say. "This is a well-thought-out and carefully planned goal you have, but... I'm just not sure how I could help. Val is my wife but I've no say in matters related to her borgata. These are two different things."

Don Flavio laughed softly as he placed a firm hand on Alessio's shoulder.

"And this, my dear lad, is why it's always complicated for two borgate to marry into each other. Merda, it's even riskier than death itself."

Alessio took a slow sip from his champagne and thoughtfully placed the glass on the table.

Nothing could be further from the truth, he told himself.

In the end, all he could manage to say was, "We're doing our best to work things out."

"As we should," said the Don, patting the young De Laurentiis on the shoulder before leaning his elbows on the table. "Without our family, we are nothing. You hear me, lad? Nothing. There's only so much we can do for the people we love."

Again, Alessio nodded in tacit agreement.

After a minute of tense silence, Don Flavio spoke again. "Listen, lad. I'm not going to try and talk you into forcing Valentina to sell the land to me," he said in a crisp, business-like manner. "But you're the best prospect I have right now, and so I want to make a fair deal with you."

Alessio figured he would never get out of the conversation unless the man gets a solid answer from him.

But before he could say anything, Don Flavio said, "I heard you've started an open-pit gold mine and mill project in Virginia. A bold and ambitious venture, if I say so myself."

Alessio's hand stilled for a moment, his expression wary as he stared at his fingers gripping the glass, which still had a little champagne in it.

Don Flavio could tell by the other's expression that he had his full attention. "I have a mine over at Fairfax County that's been lying inactive for quite some time now. I've been thinking about pulling out my men and selling the property as an industrial site – heavy equipment and machinery included."

Alessio had known since a long time ago that the Rossis have procured large chunks of their wealth and assets through gold mining in Virginia and Montana in the early '80s. Over the years, however, the family ventured into gambling and weapons dealing, found it to be more lucrative and less laborious, and have since closed most of their mines in said states.

But Alessio had seen hidden – perhaps unrecognized – potential in those unused assets. Something he could work to his advantage.

And the Don, ever a good player in the game, just knows how to put Alessio in a tight spot. He knew, just like everyone else, that a man like Flavio Rossi has the brain for big deals - and certainly has the money for them.

Alessio straightened and smiled, but his expression remained guarded. "I see... So you're going to make an offer I won't be able to resist."

The Don smiled furtively and nodded. "That's right. I'm glad we're finally on the same page here, lad. Now if you think you can manage to put that Greenwich property under my name, then the mining project in Virginia is yours for the taking. I believe you're capable of turning that property into something more usable and profitable. Yes... it'll rake in more money for your family in the long run."

Maintaining a sober expression, Alessio stared at the Don for a moment, then dropped his gaze thoughtfully. He turned his attention to the glass in his hand, emptied the remnants of his champagne, then wiped his mouth with a linen napkin.

"I need some time to think things through, Don Flavio. To find a good plan," responded Alessio.

"Sì, certo!" the Don replied with a triumphant smile, before standing up and reaching across the table to shake Alessio's hand. "If it means closing this deal, then you can have all the time you need, lad."

Alessio let out a sharp breath as he slowly stood up in his seat.

Well, you leave me with no choice here.

With a reassuring nod, he shook the hand Don Flavio had offered, indicating that the conversation was over.

The Don's face relaxed as he fixed his tie and straightened his suit jacket.

"So much for business talk! We had better get back to the ballroom before Stellan starts looking for us," he said jovially as he started to walk out of the banquet hall to join the crowd that had already gathered in the ballroom, singing and dancing to a live band playing jazz music. Alessio followed closely behind.

When they reached the dance floor, Don Flavio turned to his companion. "Do you know how to dance, lad?"

Alessio shook his head and chuckled nervously. "I dance with two left legs."

The Don laughed at his remark. "Oh, you poor soul! Valentina's such a great dancer. You could learn a thing or two from her." He lifted his head and scanned the room to find familiar faces. And then, he smiled up, his hand gesturing to some people behind Alessio. "Well, I suppose your pals over there can accompany you while I chat with the other guests."

Alessio looked over his shoulder and glanced back at the two people walking languidly toward them. They were his old-time friends, Donna Margareta Lagorio and Don Julian Esposito, waving at him with wobbly, drunken smiles.

"Alessio, thank you for coming to my party. I do wish you'd stay longer and enjoy the festivities," remarked Don Flavio as he leaned in to exchange cheek kisses with the young De Laurentiis.

Alessio turned back to the Don and gave a weary smile. He was too tired to think of a reason to refuse and too tired to explain if he had one.

"Of course. Buon compleanno, Don Flavio," he said.

He watched as his host retreated to one corner of the ballroom and joined his husband, Stellan, who was engaged in a conversation with a group of well-dressed men and women.


"Well, well, well. Look who's finally decided to grace us with his exalted presence!" Margareta Lagorio gushed as she strode toward Alessio, heels clicking as she went. She gave him a tight embrace and kissed him on both cheeks.

"Bello, you're getting more handsome with age. I missed seeing your face." The Donna studied Alessio's face with a sugary smile. "When was the last time we've seen each other, huh? Come stai?"

"Ah, Margie. You look like trouble," Alessio jested as he kissed the Donna on the cheek. "I'm good, I'm good. And you?"

"Never been better!" Donna Margareta replied as she patted the other's cheek. "Even more so now that I've seen your face. How's Val doing? And your Papa?"

"Val's doing fine. Just arrived in town from Beijing a couple of days ago and still jet-lagged. Papa, on the other hand, well..."Alessio's smile slowly faded, replaced by a somber look. "He's managed to control his weight but he just couldn't stop smoking and hasn't controlled his sugar level. The doctor believes he has end-stage renal failure now, due to diabetes. After next week's surgery, I've arranged for him to start hemodialysis."

"Some folks in therapy wonder why things aren't getting better for them." Don Julian appeared behind Donna Margareta's shoulder. Wearing a solemn expression, he continued, "Then it's gonna' be too late before they realize they're doing the same old shit that got them into trouble in the first place."

"Oh, Julian, don't you think it's too early to let the alcohol do the talking?" Alessio chortled as he came around Donna Margareta and gave Don Julian a familiar hug. "You better tell that to the old man. You're his godson and he's always had a soft spot for you. I'm sure he'll listen to you." He kissed the Don on both cheeks. "I take it you're doing well these days?"

"You're not doing too bad yourself!" Stepping back from Alessio, Don Julian grinned at him, looked him up and down, and smiled approvingly. "Look at you. Still as dashing as ever. I wish marriage has that effect on me, too."

"Ha. You shouldn't let your husband hear you say that, else you'll be sleeping outside tonight," Alessio quipped, and the three of them laughed.

Both the Don and Donna seated themselves at an empty table on the far side of the ballroom, away from the dance floor and from prying eyes. Meanwhile, Alessio remained standing as his friends marveled at his appearance.

As a waiter passed by with a tray of champagne, Donna Margareta grabbed three flutes and handed one to each of them.

Looking up at Alessio, she raised her glass and said, "Cent'anni! To you, your Papa, and to our families."

Alessio answered with a warm and grateful smile. He raised his glass. "To a hundred years."

They clinked glasses before he tipped his own to drink.

"Come and sit down before you attract everyone's attention." Don Julian gestured for Alessio to sit down, and he did so, opposite the two Bosses.

"I was supposed to be mad at you for not getting in touch with us for so long. I mean, how can you even endure not talking to us, your old friends? But you know I can't stay mad at you too long." Donna Margareta leaned across the table, grinning as she winked at Alessio. " I kind of understand why Val would want to keep you for herself. You look positively glowing!"

Alessio rolled his eyes teasingly. "You flatter me too much, Margie. Now I feel like you're making fun of me. Even Julian thinks so."

"Psh," Don Julian scoffed. "How are you still not used to her? Always gushing over the good-looking ones and spilling compliments until they feel uncomfortable and liable to walk away. She's like that with Gianni too, you know."

Alessio flinched at the mention of his name.

"He left not too long before you arrived. Too bad you guys missed each other," Donna Margareta lamented as she sipped her champagne slowly.

Alessio tried to still his racing heart. Trying to appear unaffected by Giovanni Mancuso's presence - or the lack thereof - was a pretense the Capo Bastone had mastered long ago. But now, knowing the man might be much nearer than he could've ever imagined, it was a little harder to appear indifferent.

Gingerly, Alessio looked from across the room, at his escort, Firenze Altieri. She was standing in the doorway, cigarette in one hand, chatting with two of the Rossi capo.

But the consigliere had quickly met Alessio's narrow-eyed gaze. As she did, a swift frown appeared on her face. They shared a brief look before Alessio turned back to Donna Margareta.

He pressed the champagne flute against his lips. "I haven't seen Giovanni in a while. How's he doing?" he asked, trying his best to sound nonchalant.

Donna Margareta shrugged her shoulders. "While we're here inheriting our parents' mess, our lovely friend is getting richer cleaning up other people's trash," she replied, in jest. "Apparently, Flavio was his latest client. Got rid of an eyesore for him just a few days ago. Director Something-or-Other..."

Alessio took a sip of his drink then set it down on the table. "The one all over the news? Deputy Director Harper?" he clarified, his voice incredulous, as though he simply couldn't believe what he'd just heard.

Donna Margareta nodded wordlessly.

"Yes, that one. God rest his soul," Don Julian seconded, in a hushed tone.

"So it was him..." Alessio dropped his gaze contemplatively. "Does he often take up such... risky tasks?"

Don Julian narrowed his eyes and exchanged a tense glance with Donna Margareta. "I didn't actually think you'd been living under a rock, Al. Not until today." He turned to look at the Capo Bastone. "Gianni's been accepting clips* for a while now. The guy's a goombah and seems to be enjoying it."

Alessio looked back and forth between the two Bosses, torn between confused and disappointed. "A while? How long, exactly? Do you two often commission him?"

"N-Not really, no," Don Julian replied evasively. He stole quick, uneasy glances at Donna Margareta. "It - It was only recently that I got a hold of Gianni again. It's not everyday we get to get rid of high-profile assholes, after all," he explained, trying to make the mood as light as possible. "But the Rossis are regular clients, I believe. So is Margie."

The Donna recoiled and gave him a wide-eyed glare.

"Is that true, Margie?" Alessio gave her a stern look.

The Donna hesitated a moment, and then nodded. "Well... yes," she replied, averting her eyes from the other's piercing gaze. "Flavio recommended him to me. I mean, how can you not ask for help from one of the most sought-after associates in the city? And how can you not know about Gi's whereabouts, anyway? Aren't you two best friends? You guys were practically inseparable."

"He has lots of friends." Alessio breathed out a heavy sigh. "And knowing how clueless I am about all this, I'm obviously not one of them."

The Capo Bastone, however, didn't sound angry. Rather, he sounded hurt. Disappointed.

Don Julian rubbed his chin thoughtfully and with brow furrowed. "Still doesn't explain the reason why in god's name Valentina had let such a valuable asset out of her hands. If it were me, I'd ask the man to become capo - even my consigliere. As long as he's competent and trustworthy, then I won't give a damn even if he's Omega."

News spread like wildfire among the Cosa Nostra, and many of the old-timers are aware Giovanni Mancuso is Omega and had once been part of the Marquesa crime family. Outside his former borgata, however, it remains a mystery how the man had managed to get out of it unscathed.

But while many were vigilant and expected him to be cutting deals with federal prosecutors after leaving the mafia, the Lone Wolf had instead lingered in the city and rose to become a prominent associate - highly favored and sought after by many crime families.

Yet for reasons unknown, the Lone Wolf had since avoided doing business with both the Marquesa and De Laurentiis families...

Alessio put his hands on his forehead, trying to force his mind to absorb everything. "It's... It's complicated." While he spoke, he rubbed his temples. "Things happen. Sometimes, they don't go the way you want them to. It's... It's like that with Gianni, you know?"

The Donna glanced uneasily from Don Julian and to Alessio. The Capo Bastone's words were anything but enlightening.

"Bello, it's been years," she said with a sad tone. "Whatever it was that's happened in the past, it's probably time to just, you know, forgive and forget..."

"Oh, Margie, I wish it were that simple."Alessio gave a hollow laugh. "Gianni doesn't want to have anything to do with me and Val anymore. That much I know. And I can't blame him. Seriously, I can't blame him. But... there are some things I need to know. Things that had been troubling me for a long time." He looked from Donna Margareta to Don Julian, then breathed out a sigh. "It's important for me that I get in touch with Gianni."


For Alessio, the mere mention of Gianni's name brought back memories of that fateful day five years ago. That was the last time he had seen Gianni, and the last time he believed he ever would.

He remembered Gianni's face, how he cried and begged him with his swollen, bloodshot eyes; how he had unraveled before him, weak and utterly defenseless. He had never seen the man so desperate and vulnerable before. How he'd cried his heart out like there was no tomorrow...

Alessio never wanted to see him like that ever again. He constantly blamed himself for causing the other so much pain.

But before he could ask for forgiveness, Gianni decided to walk out of his life forever...

It was a bitter parting that left a lot of questions and loose ends. And now, more than ever, Alessio was determined to find some closure.

Donna Margareta reached across the table and patted Alessio's hand. "Bello, why don't you go pay him a visit?" she suggested. "I'm sure it will be fine..."

Alessio wore an inscrutable expression as he stared up at the Donna. "Visit, you say... Seems like an easy thing to do, huh." He laughed humorlessly and shook his head slightly. "I'm quite sure I'm the last person he'd want to see."

At this, Donna Margareta realized the rift between Alessio and Gianni was far deeper than she'd imagined. She cast an inquiring glance at Don Julian, then turned back to Alessio with a furtive sigh.

"Gianni, he's... he has a flat in Lower Manhattan. I heard he often stays there," she revealed.

At this, the Capo Bastone's face lit up with renewed hope.

"You know I could give you his address," the Donna offered.

Alessio leaned forward in his seat, toward Donna Margareta. "Would you mind telling me, Margie? Perhaps Gianni would -"

"Oh, what's this about Gianni?" A voice cut through their conversation. Alessio turned around to see Firenze standing behind him, like a ghost that appeared out of thin air.

The consigliere gave him an incisive look before smiling up at the two Bosses. "Sorry, I overheard you just now," she said contritely. "But am I right to think it's the Giovanni Mancuso you're talking about? I haven't seen him for such a long time. I would love to pay him a visit. We have a lot of catching up to do." She turned toward Alessio and smiled wryly. "Isn't that right, Signore?"

Alessio gripped his glass tightly, but tried to keep his expression neutral.

Donna Margareta regarded the consigliere with an intense, unsmiling expression. "How's it going, Firenze?" she said woodenly, trying to keep her face straight after having been rudely interrupted.

"I'm perfectly fine, Signora," Firenze replied curtly. She spared no time for niceties and got straight to the point. "Would you mind if I asked for Gianni's address? I couldn't think of a better time to pay the man a visit."

The Donna shifted her gaze back to Alessio, who wore a morose expression.

"Actually, I do mind, Firenze," said Donna Margareta, "I'd prefer it if I give the details to Alessio himself."

"Oh," the consigliere said, feigning disappointment. "Of course, I'm completely fine with that, Signora. But you see, Don Flavio would much prefer if I keep tabs on potential partners and associates. Mr. De Laurentiis is aware of this, too. It's what I'm here for, after all." She cast another knowing glance at Alessio, as though seeking confirmation of her statement.

The Capo Bastone merely crossed his arms and continued to gaze at her sullenly.

"Either way, I would like to have Gianni's address," Firenze said, unrelenting and unfazed.

Donna Margareta turned to Alessio. "Al?"

Alessio shifted in his seat as he heaved a deep, audible breath, then gestured with his index finger. "Fine. Go ahead and give her the address, Margie," he agreed resignedly.

Smiling, Firenze walked over to the Donna, and was soon typing the address into her phone as the Donna relayed it.

"Lovely," the consigliere said graciously as she straightened up and placed her phone back in her purse. "Grazie, Signora. I'm sure Don Filipo will consider commissioning Gianni soon."

"I highly doubt it," Alessio said sourly as he downed the rest of his champagne and slammed it on the table.

Firenze looked at him briefly, her upper lip curling in a sneer that irked the other even more. "Well, let's see about that. Now, if you'll excuse me..." She bowed her head to the Bosses and turned away before Alessio could say anything more.

"I would've cut out my consigliere's tongue if he butted into our conversation like that," Don Julian said when Firenze was finally out of earshot.

"She's an absolute wretch, that woman," the Donna added. "How can your Papa endure her?"

Alessio wiped his mouth with the end of a linen napkin and tossed it on the table. "They're birds of a feather." He then pushed his chair away from the table and slowly stood up. "They're both intolerable."

Now, the Capo Bastone was more than ready to cut his night short.


9 PM.

Alessio and Firenze both shuffled into the back of the limousine. Sol, the young chauffeur, started the vehicle and exited the Rossi estate as soon as the doors closed.

Yet the hour-long drive back to Stamford was filled with a tense silence between the Capo Bastone and the consigliere. Firenze chanced brief glances at her companion and for the first time started feeling very uncomfortable with the other's icy demeanor.

Fifteen minutes passed and she finally spoke up. "You can't give me the silent treatment right now."

Alessio didn't respond, nor did he give any indication that he even heard the consigliere, as he continued to stare out the window. Firenze frowned, half-regretting that she'd started with a passive-aggressive remark.

"Alright, I get it. I really can't blame you for feeling this way," she said in a much softer tone. "But you can't keep treating me like I'm the villain here. You're being unfair."

Alessio remained silent for a few moments, but finally spoke when the tense silence became too much to bear. Still looking disdained, he turned to the consigliere and said, "You insulted me back there. I know you're a mouthy woman, but you're in no position to barge into our conversation like that. You're lucky I was with two of the most lenient people I know. If it were someone like Christoph Napoleoni, you could've lost a hand right there and then."

Firenze swallowed hard, trying not to choke on her own nerves. "Then... I apologize. It was never my intention to demean you," she said quietly. "It was only because the Donna had what I needed, so -"

"I'll forget the insult if you give me Gianni's address," Alessio said, cutting off the other. "And it'd do you well not to let the old man know about this. Nothing good will ever come from him knowing that he's back."

It was Firenze's turn to look out the window. She let out a low grunt before saying, "What do you mean he's back? He never left the city, to begin with."

The Capo Bastone stared at her wide-eyed, shocked by what he was hearing.

"You knew it the whole time and didn't even care to tell me?" He clenched his jaw, lips curled with contempt. "You lying, conniving wretch. You really have no respect for me, do you? What else are you keeping from me, Firenze?"

The consigliere ran a hand through her hair then, pursing her lips, turned to Alessio and shot him an almost apologetic look. "It's not my intention to keep things from you, Signore. But if you think otherwise, then perhaps it's because things would've been better off with you not knowing."

"Vaffanculo!" Alessio cursed. "Who are you to decide that for me? I ought to have you hanged right now!"

Firenze matched his stare, unfazed and unmoved by his threat. "Now you're being childish." Her lips compressed. "You're being manipulative and petty. Again."

Alessio scoffed. "That's rich, coming from you."

"Forget it. I can't talk to you when you're like this."

"Never mind you being scheming. Just give me Gianni's address and stop testing my patience."

"No." Firenze sat motionless, still challenging the other with her eyes. "You must understand, Signore, that as consigliere, I always intend to follow my better judgment. Whatever I do, I do for the sake of the family."

The look of distress she'd come to recognize came into the man's eyes as he turned to look at her once more.

"God... you're so insufferable," Alessio muttered under his breath. He stared out the window once more, shoulders slumped.

Firenze watched his crestfallen face in the reflection of the window. And then, with a soft sigh, she leaned back in the seat and crossed her arms against her chest.

"There's always a side to people we'll never know, Signore," she said after a moment. "I may not know everything that's happened in the past between you and Gianni, but... perhaps it's better to leave things as they are now."

"You said so yourself. You don't know everything that's happened between us," Alessio argued, his voice shaky. "I need to hear Gianni's side of things. What's wrong with that? You know how long I've waited for this opportunity."

The consigliere could see the desperation in the man's eyes, could almost smell the scent of it.

In that instant, she had recognized Alessio De Laurentiis' fragility, and she knows that the right thing to do now is to speak the truth.

"Don't you understand why it took you this long to find him - and on a mere coincidence at that? Don't you think it would've been easy this whole time?" She paused dramatically before continuing. "It's because he doesn't want you to find him. What's more difficult than someone who's deliberately evading you, Signore? He's making it impossible for you to find him. I know we almost never agreed on anything, but I'm pretty sure we're on the same page on this one."

Alessio breathed carefully, struggling to analyze the emotions seeping through him.

Hurt. Because Firenze's words stung. Her truth burned. Admiration. Because she's always had the courage to stand her ground. Yet through it all, the lick of resentment. The urge to find reassurance for himself. To once more get a glimpse of Gianni's face.

And the word always hovered. Desire.

Alessio covered half his face with his hand, exasperated now. "You know how much this has been tormenting me. Five years, Firenze. Five fucking years. I should at least know where he is or if he's okay. I need answers."

"You already had your answer the moment he showed up at the

Alessio sensed Firenze was fishing, but he refused to take the bait. He rode the line between desperation and exhaustion now, but just didn't have the energy left to continue tossing barbs back and forth. He knew the woman was only trying to help, even if it wasn't helping at all.

Once again, the Capo Bastone dissolved into quiet contempt, and another heavy silence settled over the interior of the car.

To an extent, Firenze understood why the man was so desperate in his search for Giovanni Mancuso - a desperation that tumbled down the emotional walls he'd built around himself. But the last thing she needed to do was to give him false comfort.

Firenze Altieri never offered reassurance to anybody. And she was especially hard on Alessio, who is soon to take over the family and its businesses. But her offers of intent would always be straightforward. They may not always be pure, but it would always be for the welfare of the De Laurentiises. Yet with Alessio, she was in constant danger of overstepping these boundaries.

Frustrated, the consigliere closed her eyes and rubbed her temples, trying to find some way to ease the tension.

After a while, she broke the silence. "Alright. I won't tell the Don. For now," she said sternly. "And you need to do your best with the mining project. Until then, I'll... I'll consider letting you go see Gianni."

Alessio lifted his head, his eyes meeting the other's. Eventually, his expression softened.

"I know you hate me. Don't worry, I hate you too. Especially when you're like this. Always so impulsive and temperamental. But..." Firenze paused and breathed a sigh. "I'm not as cruel as you think. I can't stand seeing you like this, Signore. I know you've suffered a lot over the years, but you need to be stronger than this. Besides... Gianni was a good friend to me too, you know? And he's not the type to just leave without a good reason."


"As the underboss, you can't afford to become overly attached and emotional about such a thing," the consigliere said firmly. "One day, you'll take your father's place and become the family patriarch. That much you can't avoid. So now, all I ask is that you do your part if you really want to see Gianni. And once you get your answers, you need to put an end to this."

"I'm not sure, but..." Alessio dropped his gaze briefly, then clasped his hands together. ".... Alright. I will. I'll do my best." He looked up at the other once more, and smiled weakly. "Gracie, Firenze."

The consigliere gave him a haughty smirk. "Don't thank me just yet. You go and do your part of the deal about the mining project and we'll see about Gianni."

Alessio nodded. "I'll do it either way. Don Flavio's given me an offer that's hard to refuse. Something that'll greatly benefit the mining project in Virginia," he announced. "But first, I'll have to discuss the matter with Val."

While listening to Alessio, Firenze pulled her phone out of her purse and checked the display.

Three missed calls and a text message sent only five minutes ago. All from Valentina. She clicked on the text and frowned.

"Signore, I'm sorry to interrupt, but have you checked your phone? Donna Valentina said she's been trying to reach you on your phone," she said, turning to Alessio.

"I haven't turned it on since this morning. What does she want?" Alessio pulled out his phone from his jacket's inner pocket, and switched it on. "Tell her we're already on our way back."

"You'd better tell her yourself. She said for you to call her right away. Please talk to her. Like a proper husband."

There it was again. That heavy, unpleasant feeling on Alessio's chest. That thing he feels when he's weighed down by duties, obligations, and responsibilities. Sometimes, it's almost unbearable. Yet it's something he has to deal with every day.

Alessio stared blankly ahead, phone in hand.

"Yes... like a proper husband," he said, echoing the consigliere's words in a voice tinged with melancholy.




Sorry for the delayed updates, y'all. The power of procrastination is strong, especially during the holiday season. Lol help.

Anyway, couple weeks from now, I'll get back to drawing. And with that, I'm considering making proper book covers for 'Solamente' and 'The Season of Camellias' (for Tapas). I'm also gonna' work on character design and profiles for the MCs so I guess that's something my readers should look forward to, as well.

That's all for now! Feel free to leave comments and feedback. And don't forget to vote. Thanks for reading as always, and stay safe! See you in the next update! 😘  

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