The King Emperor's Belonging...

By lazyshrimp11

53.2K 1.6K 191

◇ It is a AkaKuro Story ◇ 《 Akashi Seijuro x Kuroko Tetsuya》 It is the Boy who wants To Live.. And a King Wh... More

Hope You Enjoy Reading!!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38 { Final Chapter }

Chapter 30

815 26 0
By lazyshrimp11

---No One's Pov--

"Please!! SOMEONE HELP US!!!" One man, ran to the Rakuzan Kingdom and one of the Knights notice.."What's wrong!" He shouted.. the man was begging and crying to save them.

"Let's tell to the Miracle's!!" The knight's shouted.  They all nodded, and goes to the castle.."Kise Sama!!" They saw one knight..while Kise was on a good mood. "What is it??" Kise said in a sweat.. his eye's widened of a man bleeding like hell. "What Happened!!" Kise shouted in furious. Kise held the man in his arms.

"I-it's--...their coming..Please! Save us!" The man pleaded, he was begging. "Midorimacchi!!!!" He shouted then Midorina fastly goes to Kise. "What happened Kise Nanodayo!" He asked.."I Don't know! His begging me to help his village but I don't know were!"

"Let's tell the other's and highness!"


Kuroko and Akashi are eating some dessert at the garden, it was gonna be dawn. "Your highness, here some dessert" Moimoi put some dessert's on the table. "Thank you, Moimoi san" she smiled at Kuroko. Inside she was worried.

"Tetsuya" the Emperor called the bluenette.."Hm?" Kuroko was eating vanilla pudding, he admit that it's delicious. "Is it delicious?" Akashi did not eat, but a smile on his lips while watching the bluenette. "It is, I liked it" Kuroko smiled warmly that make Akashi smiled back. He was lucky that he has this bluenette.

"That's great, you like vanilla very much, do you??" Akashi asked with a chuckle making the bluenette nodded. "I liked vanilla, why do you asked?" Kuroko asked back. "Oh nothing. The sunset seemed beautiful isn't it?" Akashi looked at it. Kuroko replied "It is, it's just like your eye's, the sunset" Kuroko stated which make Akashi happy to hear those words came from the bluenette.

"Tetsuya, do you love watching the Sunset? Do you like that sunset very much often?" Akashi asked Kuroko..It was silence a little, Kuroko knows what he meant, he replied with a smile..

"Yes, I love watching it because it's beautiful..I liked the sunset..and I love it very much"

With that warm reply, Akashi's eye's widened Kuroko's warm reply. It was silence take over them.."Then that means You love to watch my Eye's?" Akashi smirk, Kuroko calm himself..and answered the Emperor "Well, I like the sunset then that mean's I like your eye's, it's heterochromatic" with that reply, Akashi smiled again.

"You really are different than I expect, Tetsuya" Akashi stated which make Kuroko stunned.."Different? What do you mean different?" He asked two questions to the Emperor.."Nothing Tetsuya" Akashi crossed his arms. "Why don't you eat some dessert?" Kuroko asked.."I'm full" Akashi replied with a chuckle. "Full? But it's dawn, you haven't eaten mostly you just eat on a lunch earlier" Kuroko sweatdrop.

"Are you worried about Me?"

Akashi stated a serious question and put his elbow at the table, and rest his cheek on his one palm, while looking at the bluenette with a smirk in his lips.

Kuroko was silence for a moment in that question. But since Akashi asked that question..

"Yes, I am"

Kuroko said in a honest tone that make Akashi stunned, the bluenette was serious as well. Akashi chuckle at the bluenette.. "You are really straightforward, Tetsuya" Akashi genuinely spoke with a smirk. "Straightforward?" The bluenette asked that make Akashi nodded his head.  Kuroko was gonna spoke..

But Midorima shouted..

"Your Highness!!" Midorima shouted..Akashi fastly stand up.. Kuroko was still eating looking at them. "What is it Shintarou? It seems it's a big Problem." Akashi stated.."Yes, Your Highness-ssu!!" While Kise was serious as well, Akashi saw a man, was carried in Kise's back.

"Who is that?" Akashi asked.."It's from the small village Your Highness, It seems it's being attack" Midorima stated. "Your Highness, some letter will--" Kise was cut off, all of them, when Kuroko cough..

Their eye's widened of what they saw..

Kuroko cough many blood.."What's..wrong" Kuroko stated slowly.."Tetsuya!" Akashi fastly goes to Kuroko, that Kuroko's eye's get blurred and fainted in Akashi's arms. "K-Kurokocchi!!/Kuroko!" Midorima and Kise shouted.

Akashi fastly carry Kuroko in bridal. "Let's heal Tetsuya first, Shintarou and Ryouta bring him into a safest place in Rakuzan." Akashi spoke commadly that they both bow, "Yes, Your Highness". "Explain me later, of what happened and for now, Let's heal Tetsuya first" They both nodded again.


Akashi bring Kuroko in his room, while Midorima followed. Midorima fastly grab a handkerchief, he wipes the blood. "It seemed Kuroko's disease is more higher than it expected your highness and I think I know now" Midorima stated.

"What do you know about his disease Shintarou?" Akashi asked.. "It's about his Heart.. or Lung's that it's the problem.." Midorima stated and Akashi was stunned.."Heart..and..Lungs will Tetsuya be alright?!" Akashi stated a little shout. "I-....Yes, Your Highness, we will do out best, but now Kuroko need's to rest.."

Midorima bowed and goes out to the room.

Akashi looked at his bluenette, he can't stop himself for worryness..the Emperor cover's the bluenette with blanket.


Midorima goes to the library to solve Kuroko's sickness. That it was about the heart and lung's, part of Kuroko's body, he grabs a book and opens it. Every book he studied and studied, he didn't stop. Since he already saw Kuroko from the beginning, but he regret of being too late to know about Kuroko's disease.

That's why he didn't stop until it was Night time.


A man gave the letter to Kise, Kagami and Kise looked at it that their eye's widened.."Kagamicchi.. I..know this place" Kise slowly spoke. "Where?" Kagami asked curiously, that Kise's face was full of worriedness..he know someone who lived their, it was Tokino san.

Kise and Kagami fastly goes to the Emperor's room.."Come In" before they knock, Akashi spoke. They opened the door, that it was Kuroko who was still sleeping..he woke up a bit.."Tetsuya..?" Akashi fastly help Kuroko to sat up.."I-I'm sorry for--" Kuroko was cut off by a hug of Akashi.."Don't keep secrets from me again..Tetsuya. I hate seeing you in pain, my heart hurts When I see you in pain.."

Kuroko's eye's widened when Akashi said that infront of him. "Your Highness.. I know where they attack.." Kise spoke.. in a sad tone, his eye's covering with his bangs. "Where??" Akashi asked and fastly opened the letter.. it was silence when he saw. Kagami who was worried at his friend and yet curious.

Kuroko saw the letter... he was stunned.."C-Can I see..the letter.." he shutter..Akashi was gonna spoke..but he was cut off by Kuroko's plead. "Please.." Akashi bit his lip a little and showed it to Kuroko..his eye's widened.."Let's go their..Now..I want to Visit and to Know if Tokino san is alive.." he whisper.

"But Kurokocchi you can't come with your condition!" Kise spoke loudly.."His correct Tetsuya--"

"Please just let Me! I-I want to know w-what happened to Him!" Kuroko pleaded again, clenching to Akashi..The Emperor could not say 'No' to this bluenette. The bluenette wants to cry but still, he wanted to see. He know Tokino was like a father to him. 'I want to see him...'

Akashi sigh..and nodded. "Let's go Ryouta, Taiga, tell the other's, call Atsushi to come" Kise nodded.


They used the horses to ride. Murasakibara asked Kise.. "You know this.." he was cut off when they arrived..Kuroko's eye's widened, Murasakibara and Kise was shock as well of what they was a full disaster. "What..happened here..?" Murasakibara stated.

Akashi hummed..he remember's the man's words that someone attack this small village. So many people died..even childrens. Kuroko fastly goes down the horse.."Tetsuya where are you going? You can't--" Akashi was cut off.."Akashi Kun please help me find him" Kuroko spoke and clenched to the Emperor. "Ryouta, Atsushi, find Tokino, call us if you find him"

"Who's Tokino?.." the lazy Giant asked and Kise know's it. "Just follow me, Murasakibaracchi" Kise smiled, they all split up, but Akashi stayed on Kuroko. He goes down from his horse and hold the leash so it won't get away. Kuroko start's to find it, it was foggy..and a disaster.

Kise and Murasakibara tried to find Tokino San, but when Kise find it...he was stunned..his eye's widened, he wanted to cry. "I.....I FOUND HIM!!" Kise shouted that Kuroko and Akashi goes to the Blonde hair..even Murasakibara's eye's widened of what they did to the old man. But for Kuroko, he was like a father.

The bluenette's.. eye's widened...and spoke in a whisper....


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