No Longer Broken

By CrumbledFlower

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Read all of the description please. Mainly the warning at the bottom <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> I wal... More

Trigger Warning
Intro: Ella Layloni
Intro: Justice Crombin
Intro: Family and Friends
Meeting Justice Crombin (Chapter 1)
First period (Chapter 2)
After school (Chapter3)
Suprise Suprise(part 1)(Chapter 4)
Suprise Suprise (part 2)(Chapter 5)
Round Two at School (Chapter 6)
Dinner Time (chapter 7)
Dance? (Chapter 8)
Threats (chapter 9)
The Truth (chapter 11)
Company (chapter 12)
Going Home (chapter 13)
Getting her back. (chapter 14)
The News (chapter 15)
Sleep Over! (chapter 16)
Revenge (chapter 17)
Sadly Familiar (chapter 18)
Expressing (chapter 19)
Graduation Day (chapter 20)
Holidays (chapter 21)
Wedding Day (chapter 22)
The end? (chapter 23)
Not a chapter

"PLEASE" they all begged (chapter 10)

89 3 1
By CrumbledFlower

Justice's POV

After Sir had left, loni and I stayed at the studio a little longer.

I looked at my phone.

"Shit! Loni we have to go!"

"Wait what? Why?" She asked

"It's 7 o'clock love" I chuckled

"Shit! What are you doing still standing?! Go!" She said grabbing her stuff.

She locked up the studio then walked to her car.

"Justice where is your car" she asked

My eyes widened then softened.

"Oh right. I didnt want you to know I followed you so, I kinda... maybe... parked a block away"

She chuckled then smiled at me.

I slowly walked closer to her, our gazes never leaving each other's.

I gently grabbed her elbows and rubbed her arms with my thumbs.

Hold shit! What's happening? Why is my heart beating so quickly. My heart has never beaten this quickly when around her. Well except when I kissed her. HOLY FUCK I KISSED HER?!

My thoughts were interrupted when I pressed my lips against her's. I didnt even know I was doing it till our lips touched.

While we kissed, I grabbed her phone from her back pocket. I don't think she realized 'cause she didn't stop me.

We pulled away from each other. Both of us trying to catch our breath.

"You know today has been quite eventful. Some could say we are living the lives of characters in a romance book" I said

"Yeah. I have to go though" she said

"Bye" she said softly

"Bye" I replied quickly putting her phone in my pocket so she wouldn't see it.


I got into my car and put her phone on the passenger seat.

I started the car and started going home.

I called my dad telling him I might be home a little later and that I had to drop notes off to a student who was absent today. After we hung up I noticed my grip on the steering wheel was so tight my knuckles were white.

What the hell is happening to me. Why did I feel so...connected with her.
It's like every piece of my body was put together perfectly with her's.

We were.... no longer broken.


After about 20 minutes I got to Loni's house. I had to stop to get an extra charger for her phone since it was dead and mine was to. I had figured that I stole it and I might as well charge as an im sorry before giving it back to her.

I walked up a beautiful path to the front door of the house I believed was Ella Layloni's. (See Loni's house bellow)

I have to admit this is a beautiful house. Don't get me wrong my house is amazing but this is just... wow.
(See Justice's house below)

I knocked on the front door and saw Ivana dressed in bright pink booty shorts and super tight neon pink sports bra. Ew

"Justy poo you came for me" she exclaimed while hugging me tightly

"Uh no actually im here for Ella Layloni. She left her phone in our class together. I came to return it" I said while pushing her off me

"Oh well Justy poo, I hate to tell you but this Ella Layloni girl doesn't live here" she said fake pouting

"Give it up Ivan he knows about the slut being our sister" said chase who was now standing behind her.

"Ugh fine" she said

"Give me her phone. We will give it to her" Chase said. I was hesitant but I gave him the phone trying to make it seem like I dont know about her scars.

"Wait here Justy poo. I have a suprise for you. It will only take a couple minutes to get it." Ivana said making me sit on their couch

They both left me and I just waited for about 5 minutes till I got up and looked around.

I saw a sign that said 'The Royals Cabins' I figured that was were everyone slept.

Every door in the house was open except the front door and another one in the corner.

I walked into the room in the corner quietly, hoping know one would see me from inside or outside the room.

I looked up and saw every person in the jacobs family except Torissa and her mother.

Joe was raping Lonj while her sibling hit, slapped, kicked, cut or whipped her. Each sibling doing at least one if those.

I quietly ran out the door and into the Royal Cabin hallway. I saw a room that had Torissa's bame on it and just barged in.

I saw Torissa cleaning rope burns on her mother's wrists.

"What the fuck dipshit!? Don't you know how to knock!? Especially in a stranger's house!?" Torissa yelled at me.

"Were ending this" I said ready to kill someone.

"Grab your phone and start recording Torissa. Mrs. Jacobs, keep attending to your wounds." I commanded.

Torissa didn't hesitate. She grabbed her phone and we both headed to the room Loni was in.

"Call me Tori" she said then started recording.

I opened the door loudly and everyone froze. I looked at Loni just sitting there tied up in the middle of the room naked.

I felt sad and angry.

I pulled out my phone and called the cops while Tori filmed everything. She was so sweet, she tried to avoid Ella Layloni's private parts.

Joe tried knocking the phone out of hand but then realized I was calling 911. Everyone froze and Tori filmed them, including me, while trying to untie Ella Layloni.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"I'd like to report severe domestic violence"

"Alright and what's the address?"

I answered the rest of the lady's questions.

"Alright son we are sending people right now. There will be 3 police cars and an ambulance."

I thanked the lady then heard the call hang up.

"You little bitch! You're gonna ruin us!" Joe yelled.

I'm perfectly fine with that.

After staring down Joe for a couple minutes, Tori had untied the ropes and we could hear the sirens getting closer.

"PLEASE" they all begged. "We will be over if we get caught." Said Maybelle.

"Like I give a damn" I said.

Tori gave me her phone, still recording everything, and grabbed a blanket from the living room across the hall.

She came back and took the phone while giving me the giant blanket.

I gently wrapped the blanket around Loni and picked her up bridal style.

She had passed out from blood loss. It pained me to see so many deep cuts on her body.

The authorities pulled up the driveway and someone started yelling orders out.

I yelled and a police officer came into the room.

I walked outside to the ambulance carrying Loni in my arms.

I was told to put her on the gurney as gently as I could.

"She's naked under the blanket. She also has fresh wounds so please be careful." I said, worry oozing out of my voice.

The EMTs nodded then put Ella Layloni in the ambulance. They said to send someone over to the hospital as soon as everything here is done.

After they left, I turned around to see Ivana, Anna, Maybelle, Isabella, Jaycee, Chase and Joe. All of them were in handcuffs and being put into the 3 cop cars.

"Tori!" I yelled as she walked out.

"What?" She asked clearly not in a good mood. I dont blame her. Im not either.

"2 things. First, I'm sorry. For everything. For being rude to you and Loni. Second, I want to come with me to the hospital later."

"I forgive you. Loni told me what happened today at the studio and with Sir. Also, I would love to go to the hospital, but we have to get my mother after she finishes getting questioned at the station" she said.



After being questioned and giving the police the video from Tori's phone, we got in my car and headed to the hospital.



Happy late Thanksgiving guys! Here our some jokes and stuff!

Have a nice night or morning wherever you are!😘

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