My Heart | Book 4 of My Bodyg...

By WhiteWolfKiwi

403 59 466

As Jaskier and Geralt spend their final few days together and get ready for their da- dinner, emotions come o... More

Chapter 1 | The Stairway
Chapter 2 | Lemongrass (18+)
Chapter 3 | Sex Education
Chapter 4 | Jask
Chapter 5 | Orange
Chapter 6 | Laundry
Chapter 7 | Balls
Chapter 8 |Connor
Chapter 9 | Dreams
Chapter 10 | Mornings
Chapter 11 | Unspoken
Chapter 12 | Vesemirs Truth
Chapter 13 | Freak
Chapter 14 | Walls (18+)
Chapter 15 | Early
Chapter 16 | Flop
Chapter 17 | Children
Chapter 18 | Potions
Chapter 19 | The Night We Met
Chapter 20 | The Poet With Amber Eyes
Chapter 21 | A Comfortable Date
Chapter 22 | Kiss Me
Chapter 24 | Bleeding Goodbyes
Chapter 25 | Farewell My Heart
Book 5 Teaser

Chapter 23 | Caught Kissing

13 3 31
By WhiteWolfKiwi

Geralt POV

Geralt didn't try to move away from the hand that was wiping at his tears. He was, to his own surprise most of all, not ashamed of them. So Dandelion noticing and acknowledging the wetness didn't cause Geralt any grief. If anything, he found himself leaning into the man's hand a little, the touch of it familiar and comforting.

He'd be losing it soon anyway, he might as well enjoy it while it was still here. That's what he told himself.

Nor did Geralt mind Dandelion kissing away the tears under his eyes. He remembered what the man had said, about that area being reserved for only a special few. It was a display of trust and closeness for Geralt to allow him to do so.

When he was kissed properly, Geralt made not one single sound of protest. He kissed Jaskier all the harder for it, trying to pour his apology and what love he did feel for the man in the gesture. The love between friends. He was careful to keep the spark of whatever else he might feel well away from the kiss.

After a moment more of their embrace, Geralt gently broke off and away. Most of that had to do with the video that had been playing the song they'd danced to ending. An ad had started abruptly and cut through the room's atmosphere.

Julian POV

Dandelion looked to Geralt after he pulled away, gods he felt the feelings that Geralt poured into that and it was a lot. He felt drunk on it still. Only when the ad had made its appearance and filled the room, did he snap out of his drunken state and he walked towards it, blinking a few times to rid of his own tears in his eyes. He smiled a bit, blush raging a cross his cheeks as he made his way, reaching his hand out for the phone. He paused it, going to the home then turned it off before walking back to Geralt. He thought about giving the man his phone back but when he looked to him, seeing how Geralts lips were slightly pinkened from their small kiss, how his cheeks were rather wet, how his eyes were damp and dancing in the moonlight. Jaskier walked over to the man, placing the phone back on the bit of furniture that it was on and headed straight for Geralt. He raised his hands, sliding them to cup Geralts jaw tenderly and launched his mouth at the other man's, he was careful to kiss him with tenderness and love as well as with meaning. His left hand moved to roam down, going to the man's waist as he kissed him passionately.

Hell, he wanted to be picked up and given everything by Geralt right now, just so the man knew how much he loved him. He smiled against the man's lips, pressing his hips slightly into the other man's so he knew exactly what he was getting to. He wanted to drink in Geralt all night long, not that that would be happening with how they have their version of intimate times. Unless Geralt wanted to go further, he would not pry.

Geralt POV

Geralt waited patiently, taking a step to follow Dandelion. He watched as the man fiddled with his phone and got it turned off.

Curiously enough, it was Jaskier who approached him. Geralt hadn't been expecting Dandelion to stick around for all that long after the dance ended, but to be honest, he had been expecting Irys or Jask to make an appearance, given the nature of what had just occurred. When he was kissed again, however, Geralt understood.

Geralt wrapped his arms around Jaskier's lower back and held the man against him, giving as good as he was getting. Minus the love, however. That was unneeded here. Jaskier carried enough for both of them.

The hips pressed against his were read as both a warning and a promise. It wasn't a warning Geralt feared, however. He cared about and for Jaskier for more reasons than just the sex, but that wasn't a point that was discouraging him, exactly. Geralt slid his hands down from Jaskier's back to the man's lips, fingers trailing lightly over the fabric of his shirt as they went, dipping perhaps just a little lower than was decent.

Julian POV

Jaskier grinned into the kiss like a madman as he felt how Geralt was prying at his shirt and gods above, the teasing was making everything just more intense. He wasn't hard, not yet. Only semi right now as he did only just initiate what they were doing. He wound his hand around Geralts jaw to his hair and instantly went for the leather chord, ridding of it from Geralts hair slowly and threw it on the direction of the couch which thankfully was now not too far away. It landed in the middle cushion with a soft thud. That was probably where most of their clothing was going anyways.

Jaksier gave a small smirk into the kiss as he trailed his other hand around Geralts abdomen then to his pants, fiddling with the belt and undoing it with one hand rather too well. Dandelion gave him a hand with that part he had to admit.

He undid the man's pants instantly, not really going to do anything else just yet. So his hand trailed bakc up to the buttons of Geralts vest, undoing each one far too slowly for either of them really. But it was slow, tedious, and he loved it because he loved when Geralt lost control and needed him.

Geralt POV

Two could play that game, Geralt thought. Two could fucking play that game. He smirked into the kiss himself. One hand moved up to Jaskier's hair, tugging his head back and breaking their liplock so that the man's throat was exposed. Geralt pressed his mouth along the exposed column of Jaskier's throat, leaving sharp, short nips that he was careful not to make too hard. It wouldn't do to hurt the man or to draw blood.

His hair was now brushing against Jaskier's collarbone and chest, since it was free of its confines. As the hand at his vest worked, Geralt brought his free hand up to Jaskier's own shirt. He worked a little quicker, but it was methodical and efficient, rather than desperate. He could hold out this round. Jaskier wouldn't drive him mad that easily.

Geralt truly didn't mind being pushed to that brink, though. He trusted Jaskier. He trusted himself, too, trusted himself not to hurt the man and to listen if he said stop, even if his conscious mind wasn't all the way there.

He got the last button on Jaskier's shirt open before his own vest was off, and shoved the shirt off the man's shoulders. It didn't slide to the floor, but it have Geralt a new range of skin on which to leave marks. He began littering them along Jaskier's shoulder, trailing a line down from his neck.

Julian POV

Jaskier grinned as he felt Geralt return allt hat he gave and damn well more. His tie loosened itself as Geralt ripped down his damn shirt and started to attack his neck and fuck, he was in heaven. His hand managed to finally finish the vest and he slid his hand up to the top of Geralts buttons as well, instantly trying to work their way along them but he was still one step behind Geralt. Expecially in this game because hell he makes him weak and wanting.

Jaskier finally reached the bottom of the shirt, tugging it out from inside of Geralts pants and slid his hand up the man's bare abdomen. He let out a string of moans front he pleasure, so caught up in Geralt right now that anything the man did was found to make him moan out and stop thinking. Jaskier gave another moan as he felt how Geralt was attacking all over his throat, he bared his neck even more to the man even though he was at his shoulder. His hand threaded into Geralts hair as he leaned into the mans kisses, a shudder going down his spine at the hot lips on his own cool skin.

Geralt POV

Geralt allowed his tongue to join the game as Jaskier was working in his shirt. He pressed the flat of it against the man's shoulder and kept his lips there as well. His eyes fluttered closed and he fought to keep them open. It was heady, being here, surrounded by and engulfed in Jaskier's scent and taste. He moved back to the crook of the man's neck, noting with pleasure that Jaskier had bared his throat all the more.

A low growl escaped him as he felt rather than heard the man moan. The hand in his hair tugged another sound out of him, this one softer. Geralt left another mark at the joint of Jaskier's neck and shoulder, then trailed kisses up to the man's mouth, which he then captured with his own.

As he kissed the man, more firery than usual, both of Geralt's hands moved down to the man's waist. He slid his tongue neatly between Jaskier's lips as he tugged his shirt out from his trousers. As he explored Jaskier's mouth with his tongue, his hands undid and loosened the man's belt, then slid beneath his waistband.

A cloud passing over the moon reminded him sharply of what they were doing, and Geralt abruptly broke off the kiss. His hands stayed where they were though. "Window," he said. "We're too visible right now."

Julian POV

Jaskier bit his own bottom lip as Geralt was busy working away at his throat, nipping and marking him up as his. Which god knows, it was not wrong. The low growl in response to his own moan made a pulse of warmth head towards what was still concealed by clothing. His hand was moving as slow as Geralts trail of kisses felt against his skin, up to over where his heart was. He could feel it under the man's skin, beating away. And christ, he knew it was Geralt that had him trapped more so than the other way around.

Their lips finally met, making Jaskier give a silent sigh in want and temptation. He was well aware of what Geralts hands had done, what they were doing. Fucking hell they were so big on his body that he practically ate him up if he held Jaskier by his waistline. Not quite enough to wrap around his hands and fingertips be touching, he'd need another hand that was for sue but Jaskier knew his body's curves, he knew his waist was a main attraction when he was Dandelion.

Lips ripping off of his own stopped his thoughts. Usually he'd doubt, be worries but something bout the two of them right now screamed that they were alright, more than alright, and were here for each other in everything that they needed.

He looked to Geralt, awaiting the explination which soon followed and his eyes moved to the window. He was still as Geralt was, unmoving from his position, and he was so very tempted to say something- "Then let them see, let them know." slipped out past his lips before he could stop himself.

Fuck, that was too romantic to say. Realising his mistake he swallowed and looked down, unspoken apology linguring in the air as he let his hand start to slip from over the man's heart slightly. His grip in Geralts hair had loosened as well. The man free to move away easily if he wanted to. He knew he had probably crossed whatever invisible line they had.

Geralt POV

Geralt made a small amused "hm" at the words, but he wasn't convinced. He felt his Jaskier's grip on him had loosened and frowned. Geralt removed his hands quickly from the man's waistband and brought them up to his chin. He tilted Jaskier's head back up so that he could kiss him again, softer this time, then let go and stepped away entirely.

Geralt stride over to the window and made quick work of pulling the curtains closed. They slid easily along on their rod, only limited by where he was standing and how much he tugged.

Then he turned back to Jaskier and the table. The man still looked so warm, and tempting, but they couldn't leave their abandoned bowls out all night. Geralt shot Jaskier and apologetic look then began to get those put away. The chopsticks went in the sink, to be dealt with later.

Then, after what was actually only a couple of minutes but felt like eternity, he found himself back in Jaskier's arms. It was a good deal dimmer now, with the moonlight cut off for the most part. But there was enough light creeping in for Geralt to still see, and hopefully enough for Jaskier.

He looped his arms around the man's waist again, one hand grabbing the opposite wrist, and stayed there, looking down at Jaskier.

Julian POV

Jaskier had to try everything right now not to feel as if he had just killed the mood and everything. Then he felt Geralts hands come off of him, it was expected. What he didn't expect was a pair of lips bakc on his which made his eyes close and instantly kiss back, chasing the man as he pulled back slightly before he opened his eyes once again to see the man walking towards the curtains.

Jaskier stayed where he was, watching the man. He was shirt open and half off, caught on his forearms of the sleeves. His belt and pants were undone, he was semi hard and he was watching Geralt who pretty much well looked the same. And he was not even hiding the fact he was. Watching the man. He watched as Geralt threw him an apologetic look and that's how he knew he had not fucked up, he just had to close the curtains and by the looks of it, put the food away as well.

He could only slightly see, but he could still see at least. Outlines of objects and damn, how could he miss those eyes? He let Geralt grab him as he wished because hell, bhebjad no control when it came to this man. He smirked the tiniest bit before he leaned in, breath as one and lips just about touching. His eyes flickered from the man's lips to his eyes and arched his back into the place Geralt had it. His free hand busying itself with placing over Geralts heart, then slowly sliding it down, fingertips slipping under the man's elastic waistband.

He pressed into Geralt, thigh against the man's crotch. He wasn't going to rut into the man, hell, not yet at least. But fuck he couldn't help but he out a light moan at the feeling of Geralts thigh pressed up against him as well. He looked to Geralts eyes, barely able to see them but they seemed to almost gloe in the dark because of their bright colour, then finally connected their lips into a slow kiss, tongue ijnstantly skipping into Geralts mouth as he kissed him slow, lovingly and be damned, he was kissing him with love.

Geralt POV

Geralt kept a wolfish expression on his face as Jaskier's hands swarmed back over him. He bit the inside of his cheek to keep any traitorous noises from spilling out as he was pressed against the other man's thigh, courtesy of their legs being slotted together. Usually, Geralt was a quiet lover. With Jaskier that was proving nigh impossible. Something about the man made it difficult not to want to make sure he knew the effect he was having, to make sure he felt appreciated.

Jaskier's lips were gorgeous in the dim lighting. The blue was deeper with the lack of light, the outside edges of his iris blending easily into the whites of his eyes. Geralt could get lost in the man's eyes, cliche as it sounded. Hell, he would have, if not for the mouth on his.

He made a small sound when he was kissed, parting his lips easily in order to provide Jaskier with access to his mouth. He echoed the man's pace, lazily winding his tongue around Jaskier's. One hand came up to rest on the side of the man's head, holding them together more in concept than with force. If Jaskier wanted to get away, there was little stopping him. Even the arm that Geralt had wrapped around the man was loose enough that it was easily escapable.

Julian POV

Jaskier moaned into Geralts mouth at ever small damn thing that he had done and was still doing to him. He pressed his hips forwards and gods above, he would never admit it, but he started to rut against the man's leg for some form of damn friction. He wasn't fully to his extent but he would be after doing this. His finger lazily tugged on Geralts white strange of hair, not too hard of course, he wanted to entise not to make the man withdraw from him. He trapped Geralts tongue in his own mouth for a moment, not much trapping going on really if he were honest. The man was showing quite a lot of interest in him right now and hell, this was the most loving or compassionate any of their scenes had really been.

They'd had quick little hand jobs and blow jobs before but this? He felt like he knew where it was going and hell, even though he wanted it so damn badly, he had to make sure Geralt did to.

He pulled his head beck slowly away from Geralt, his hips not stopping as he looked up to the man with eyes, ready to be glaring lust off of them but it was a swirl of love and lust in them. He stared at his lover for a moment, taking in his features and continuing in his actions before he finally spoke up, voice husky and wanting.

"What do you want?" he asked him, knowing already the silent question that was asked in that. Would he take him to bed properly? Jaskier looked to the man's eyes with his own and raised a eyebrow to him, awaiting a response, tugging on the man's hair with a little smirk while watching Geralts face.

His lips were now definately plump and rosied, much like how his own probably looked. Lord knows the mandarin tasting lipstick had gone by now. Replaced by only the evidence of what they were doing.

Geralt POV

Geralt lowered one hand to Jaskier's hips to still him, giving a soft hum as he thought. After a minute or two, he looked back at the man, tilting his head down ever so slightly to account for the height difference. His other hand trailed carefully, spider-like even, over Jaskier's wrist. "What do you want?" He said carefully. Geralt wasn't a fool. Tonight felt different. More concrete and yet still in a dream-like haze. There was no safe ground here, no steady place to stand unless they moved backwards.

And gods, Geralt didn't want to move backwards.

So he stood there, letting Jaskier wind a finger through his hair. Geralt watched the shift of shadows and faint like over the man's face, his expression easy to track. Geralt had limits. Some of those limits he would allow to be pushed. But there were some he would not cross. So Jaskier could ask, could suggest. Geralt was under no obligation to comply.

He'd also asked the man what he wanted, not what he needed. The answer would be a little less messy that way, whatever it turned out to be. They could, if necessary, pass this off as a friendly thing, or something that had occurred in the heat of the moment. Nothing had to linger.

Even saying it in his thoughts felt like a lie, though, and Geralt knew it.

Julian POV

Jaskier watched the man, seeing how his own features were also being studied by him. He stared into his eyes, slightly shocked as he was asked that question. Geralt was no fool, he knows exactly what he was asking, so why was the man asking him? Either way, he would comply by replying to the man.

"You." was all he said, it was all he really had to say. The man knew Jaskier would do anything for him, with him, around him, everything and anything. He loved the man, if he could make love to him and show him just how much he did love him, then he would given the option. However, it had to be fully consented to, else Jaksier would decline.

"You already know what I want, what I need. So why do you ask me?" he asked the man as he leaned in closer to Geralt, this time applying slight pressure to Geralts crotch with a raised eyebrow. It was a fair question, and he asked it. It was linguring in the air, may as well pull it down and be direct.

Geralt POV

Geralt's brows furrowed lightly. He let go of Jaskier, fingers sliding down and off the man, clearly reluctant to leave. But he needed both of them to focus. Geralt carefully took half a step back, not leaving fully and ending the conversation, but putting enough distance between them that they might be able to focus without trying to devour each other.

"I'm not fucking you out of pity," he said bluntly, arms coming up to cross over his chest. It wasn't out of pity, he didn't know why he had said that. The move was familiar, the position more so. It was also loose enough that it looked more intimidating than defensive. Geralt wasn't trying to scare Jaskier. The position was just comfort.

He'd been in this situation. He'd been in this same goddamn situation too many times. Walking away was the only safe option. Walking away and cutting his losses, letting himself deal with future Jaskier's sorrow and concern, but not the man's guilt.

Geralt gave a slight shake of his head. This has nothing to do with the man being his client. That was a lie. It had everything to do with that. But it wasn't that Jaskier was a client, he didn't care. It was that the man was a client, and clients had forced him into this situation before and-

And he couldn't. He would not go back to that. If his hands were clenched into fists and shoved out of sight, they'd be shaking. Hell, they were shaking, he just couldn't see them and was therefore ignoring it all. Hopefully Jaskier wouldn't notice, either. That wasn't going to happen, though, Geralt unfortunately knew that man. Fortunately. Unfortunately? He wasn't sure.

Julian POV

Jaskier looked to Geralt, trying his best not to drown as the man pulled back and away from him. Probably to try think. Geralt, Jaskier had noticed, never really got used to having to make decisions for himself from his heart rather from his head.

Jaskier watched as the man processed something, and he looked down, noticing the man's hands were shaking. He wasn't fucking him out of pity? That was the weirdest thing to sy because there was no pity here and Jaskier would not want anything of the like to happen.

"I don't want you to. I want to make love to you, not fuck you as a starter. And secondly, there is no pity here. Thirdly, if you don't want it, just say so and we won't. I'm not going to try convince you, you can make decisions for yourself." he said softly and he didn't even realise but he was half way through taking a step towards Geralt. So he finished it, now being in front of the man and gently took Geralts hands in his own, cradelling them softly together and using his thumb to try to soothe the shaking.

Was he nervous, was he remembering something, was he scared? "Are you scared? If you are, it's okay. We don't have to do anything, you know how I am about consent." he said softly.

"Say stop and we stop." he said softly as he looked to Geralts hands. "We stop all of it, else it will hurt too much." he added on befor ehe looked up to Geralt, eyes pouring out the remains of list, but love and hope were damn well shining in them.

Geralt POV

Geralt clenched his jaw and slowly unclenched his hands. He freed them carefully from Jaskier's grasp and slid them up to the man's biceps, holding on and keeping Jaskier near. His forehead pressed against his friend's, lips pressed into a tight line.

"Don't," he said softly, eyes closed out of fear of having to see Jaskier's. "Please. I-" he choked off, unable to finish. This wasn't how the story went. It couldn't be. Even if it was Jaskier, when had the choice ever been his own? The answer was never, so why should it be any different now?

He didn't know how to explain. Wanted to explain. Wanted Jaskier to know. Wanted that burden lifted. He'd just been burying it all and forcing himself to regret it but evidently, that method had failed. His mind had failed him, and that caused a tremour to go through him, the kind that might accompany a sob. But his eyes were dry.

Geralt took a moment and tried to collect himself, focusing on Jaskier's breathing and grounding himself that way. He slumped against the man, arms looping around him out of instinct. Geralt still held up most of his own weight, but a noticeable amount of it had been transferred over to Jaskier.

He mouthed an apology into the hair on the side of the man's head, not having any proper way to say it.

Julian POV

Jaskier watched Geralts face for a moment, feeling how Geralt was loosening his hand from his own and his heart threatened to stop and his stomach to drop. Had they truly come to the end of it all?

Then he felt his biceps being touched, the man had not go but was instead sliding his hands. His forehead softly made contact with Geralts, at first it was light. Geralt told him don't. But don't to what? Don't stop? Don't make him choose something? What was he not doing? He could feel the way Geralts body was rattling over itself though and this, this he could help with. This he understood.

He embraced Geralt as he seemed to of taken him into his arms. He wrapped his own strongly around the man and let the man lean on him. "I've got you darling." he said softly as he held the man, letting Geralt become vaunrable. He's never seen the man this exposed before. This raw. What the hell was he to do? He moved his head back slowly, moving it to the side as well in order for the man to guide his head down to his shoulder. He smiled softly as he felt the apology dripping form the man's lips and he shook his head a little bit, turning his head to softly press his lips to Geralts temple. "Do not apologise, not like this." he said quietly, barely even a whisper due to being so close to the man.

"We don't have to do anything. We can just go to bed as normal, sleep for a while, if that's what you want to do." he spoke, getting the impression Geralt didn't want him. At least not in that way. Or in any way really. Jaksier had been forcing his love upon the other man, he had been the whole time and even though it was addicting and he couldn't stop, he would if he had to. He was quiet for now, breathing slowly and allowing Geralt to feel his breath, pressing another soft kiss to Geralts temple.

Geralt POV

Geralt gave a small shake of his head, not able to do much more without retreating from the comfortable perch he had with his head on Jaskier's shoulder. "Stay," he whispered, voice hoarse despite a lack of a reason to be. He closed his eyes, unsure when they had opened, and swallowed.

"It's not that I don't want to, love," he whispered, slipping into the pet name. It was easier. Distinguished the man he knew from countless, faceless clients. He never called them anything endearing. Sometimes it was their last name. Sometimes it was 'sir,' 'ma'am,' or a gender-neutral formal address. Never 'love.'

"This isn't because of you." Geralt shook again. His walls were finally crumbling, the cracks that Jaskier had made on the first day catching up to him. They didn't fall all of the way. But a section collapsed and the pressure in his throat eased. He could talk, though each word felt like he was choked on thorns.

"You're a client." His voice was hardly there, a breath of warm hair beside Jaskier's ear. "Clients have- forced me into this situation before. They blur, including you, Jaskier." He almost slipped and called the man only Jask. The nickname was quickly amended, the final syllable being tacked onto the end.

This wasn't some big deal. Jaskier had dealt with far, far worse. Geralt could have tried to get himself out of the embrace of those clients, the one who saw him as little more than a tool, if that. He tried to avoid them when he could, but they were everywhere. And at some point, he needed to take the contracts and do his job in order for him and Ciri to eat.

It still hurt, though, despite whatever misgivings he might have. He still felt the phantoms of their touch on his skin, and without repairing it, he had been pressing himself closer against Jaskier.

Julian POV

Jaskier was silent, listening to every word that left the man's lips so that he could process what Geralt was saying to him. There was the nickname again, love. It made him smile and dispute the moment, he couldn't help but a light warmth spread over his cheeks. He raised a eyebrow though as the man kept talking, he didn't expect Geralt to talk any more than he already had. But he listened, listened to everything.

Slowly his hand went to the small of Geralts back, the other to the mans hair. This time it wasn't from trying to tug his hair, but rather to crafel the man into him, steal away the worries and melt them all away. He allowed a moment of silence before he pressed a little into the bakc of Geralt, pressing him into him for a comfort more than anything.

"I will never force you to do anything with me, darling. But if you need to, more if you want to, we can take it slow and see where it goes. If you say stop, we stop. Or we don't do it at all if you would rather that." he spoke before he lowered his voice slightly, he was slipping into someone else. He couldn't tell if it was Irys or Jask but it was one of them. His voice softened a little bit.

"Let me love you, and kiss where they kissed, touch where they touched and replace all of their uses of you with loving ones." he spoke, more so offering than demanding at all. He just wanted the man to feel and be loved right now. That much, he could do.

Geralt POV

Geralt leaned willingly into Jaskier's touch in his hair, allowing his head to be cradled. He knew. He knew, logically, that Jaskier would never harm him. He knew that the man would never force him into something he wasn't comfortable with. What had happened with Julian had been a misunderstanding that had turned sour. But overall, it had strengthened things between him and Jaskier. It had made them realise that they wouldn't manage or survive this week without communicating. Communicating well, and often, and truthfully.

So when he made an affirmative sound to Jaskier's offer, he meant it. "Alright," he agreed soft. "But first." Geralt kissed the man gently and sweetly, pouring his gratitude and his trust into it. When he drew back, his eyes were open and he was smiling softly. Maybe Jaskier would see. Maybe he wouldn't. Geralt wore the smile nonetheless.

Then he moved his hands down to Jaskier's thighs and hoisted the man up. Once Jaskier was secure, Geralt carried him easily over to the bedroom. His footsteps were light and sure, if a touch inpatient. He shut the door behind him with his foot and carried Jaskier over to the bed.

Geralt gently deposited the man onto the surface and crawled to whoever over him, legs boxing in Jaskier's own. He gave a crooked half-smile down at his friend.

Julian POV

Jask looked to Geralt, seeing as he had decided to agree with that and Lord, he was grateful that Geralt actually wanted to do this. And he was acting in something he himself wanted. A swell of pride in his chest at Geralts actions. Then he smiled as he felt Geralts tender kiss on his lips, returning it all the same with softness. When the man pulled back he looked to him. Eyes fluttering open as he locked onto Geralts with a grin, noting Geralts smirk.

Then in the blink of an eye, he was hoisted up by Geralt which made him giggle. Jask grinned to Geralt, the cta who got the cream was an understatement. Then he went ahead and was laid onto the bed, in which he felt the softness on it behind him and he looked to Geralt, watching him as he crawled up over the top of him. He raised his hands, sliding them under Geralts unbuttoned shirt and slid his fingertips up to the man's neck and wrapped his arms around him, kissing him instantly with a small groan out the back of his throat.

It certainly wasn't the only groan of the night, for either of them. They tossed in the bedsheets, Jask muttering a few sweet nothings as they pushed each other past their limits. When they finished, it didn't take long for Jask to fall asleep at the side of Geralt, his heart still pounding hard and cheeks flushed. Thankfully, they cleaned up what was left before all he remembered was his head hitting Geralts chest and rolling to cuddle into the mans side, blinking with his eyes not opening again as he fell asleep.

Now, he was still snuggled securely into Geralts side, face smooshed quite happily into Geralt, make up a mess and definately smudged around the eyes with the eyeshadow, his liner half off and he looked like he had just gone through the damn well works. His eyes were still closed, breathing even as he dremt of the cost, the waves being heard and the salt was smelt. They'd get there one day.

Geralt POV

Geralt woke up early the next morning, aching in a pleasant way. There was a body curled up next to him rather than on top of him. Geralt frowned for a minute, then through the morning grogginess, the events of the previous night returned to him. That explained the smell of spend in the air, anyway. And the soreness in his arse. It had been worth it, more than.

He was curled protectively around Jaskier, despite them facing each other. The man was adorable asleep. He usually was, but it was even more so today. Geralt allowed himself the simple enjoyment of a small smile, watching the beginning days of light from the sunrise play in Jaskier's hair. It was as messy as what Geralt could see of the man's makeup, but that didn't take away from his admiration of the man. If anything, it only added to it.

It said that the man beside him was Jaskier, and that was enough. Geralt curled a little more tightly around the man and closed his eyes again. He pressed his nose into Jaskier's hair, inhaling his scent. Beside his normal one clung the salty smell of sweat, which was to be expected.

Geralt wasn't actively aware of falling asleep, but he knew logically that at some point, it must have happened. One moment, he was growing weary again and was smelling sweat and buttercups, and the next he was buried in warm, sweet darkness.

He saw the coast again. The dream he had shared with Jaskier. Only this time, it was the cabin that was featured, not the shoreline itself. There was a rainstorm going, winds howling and a fine rain falling. There was a back deck on the side of the house that was towards the cliff. The half of the deck nearest to the house had a covering over it, blocking out the rain. Geralt sat on a bench there, watching the clouds over the sea.

Jaskier exited their cottage after a minute, coming over to sit down beside Geralt. Their hands found each other, fingers weaving together in a familiar dance that they both loved. A kiss, or perhaps Three, were shared.

Geralt closed his eyes and rested his head against Jaskier's, the light part of the rain hitting his front. He found himself smiling a little.

He woke again in the bedroom of his apartment perhaps forty minutes later, opening his eyes partway to the sight of Jaskier sleeping. Geralt gave a lazy smile. I love him, was his only coherent thought before he fell asleep again, content.

Julian POV

Jaskier dreamed, happily and with his face soft. His lips were prted, slightly dry now that they weren't plumped up from kisses galore. His eyes were shut, messy hair and he slowly started to wake up. The first thing he felt was warmth next to him, curled into him as much as he was to the warmth. The sheets were at his hips, chest exposed to the cool air and considering he was on his side, so was his back being exposed to the air. He felt a chill run down his spine. At this, his eyes opened slowly. He could hear Geralts breath next to him, see him with his eyes closed, just as naked as he was apart from the sheet which concealed them.

He let a lazy grin come over his lips as he remembered last night's activities, it explained why his core, arms and thighs ached, but most of all his ass. He would rather it be Geralt than anyone else for the reason of his ass throbbing though. He raised a hand, moving it to Geralts rogue hair, making sure not to touch the skin on his cheek just yet before he moved it off of Geralts face and tucked it behind his ear.

Then he let his cold fingertips lightly touch Geralts cheek and follow along his cheekbone with a soft smile, now out of his sleepy haze. He stared at Geralt, taking in each of his features, just like the first time he had ever done so. He looked so beautiful, scalptured, angel like almost. He gave a slightly wider smile, corner of his lips turning upwards as he looked to Geralt, admiring him.

Geralt POV

When Geralt woke slowly and peacefully for the third time, he found brilliant blue eyes staring back at him. There were cold fingers along his cheekbone, and he was being observed. Taken in. Admired.

Geralt slowly stretched out his legs, the movement of the sheet against him a reminder of his nudity. He brought his top hand up to Jaskier's own face, resting the back of his hand against the man's cheek. Sleep was tugging at his eyes again, wanting him to return to that soft pull. He resisted, wanting instead to stay here, gazing into Jaskier's eyes.

Last night had been real. It hadn't been a dream. Geralt was... glad, to say the least. For several reasons. The fact that if it had been then his mind could conjure wet dreams that vivid was one of them, though not the one he focused on.

The man in his arms was real and there beside him. A smile tugged gently at Geralt's lips, and he let it. The expression spread slowly over his face, touching his eyes the most.

"How are you?" Said in a low voice, rumbly thanks to having just woken up. It was a lousy way to break the warm peace that had settled between them, but Geralt did legitimately want to know. Also, he knew from experience that ignoring last night would only cause complications. His face twitched a little with the effort of not breaking into a wider grin at the memory of it all. Why it made him so joyful, he couldn't have said. But it did.

Julian POV

Jaskier blinked slowly and when he reopened them, he found sleepy golden ones in front of him staring back at him. His grin grew wider instantly as he noticed Geralts face changing to soften, the hand in which as on his cheek, he nuzzle dinto softly and kissed his palm.

"Well, due to having had a dick up my ass, a little sore." he said with a light chuckle before he looked back to the man, this time more serious as he gave him a soft smile, eyes sparkling up at him.

"I'm alright, more than alright actually." he said softly before he added on in a quieter voice. "How could I not be with you next to me?" he said softly before he opened up his hand wider, gently slipping his fingers so his first and second finger had parted for Geralts ear to go between and softly cupped the man's face, using his thumb to lightly brush over his cheekbones.

" More importantly, how are you?" he asked softly as he raised his eyebrow to Geralt a little bit. He was more worried if. The man beside him was thinking he was still in a dream or knew it was real life because he was half waiting to be thrown out the bed from last night.

Geralt POV

Geralt snorted, but there was no anger or malice behind it. "Your ass isn't the only one sore, songbird," he grumbled good-naturedly.

Jaskier looked a little nervous, though. Just a little, as if it were lingering behind his eyes and in his minds, instead of on his features. Geralt shrugged ad best he could while lying down. "Mn, good," he murmured more seriously. He opened his eyes again, soaking up the sight in front of him.

Jaskier, nude, bathed in the sunlight from the window near the bed. Geralt dragged the man in for a soft kiss, then released him. His hand still stayed on Jaskier's face, though.

He'd heard the soft words that Jaskier had said aloud, and they had touched his cold heart. The man felt safe around Geralt, was Geralt's read on it all. He felt warm. Loved. Cared for. Geralt had provided all of that. His reputation and his bloody deeds did not deter Jaskier. Somehow.

He knew why, but he preferred not to think about that. It could wait until after the sun had shifted and Ciri was home. For now, the morning was theirs.

Julian POV

Jaskier watched Geralt then his worry melted away at the honest words that Geralt was alright. That was all he needed. He was just glad the man was okay and not regretting last night or anything. So, Jaskier took a small leap of faith and decided to wiggle in a little bit closer, allowing their legs to intertwine more than happily as he snuggled forwards, wrapping his arm between Geralts arm and waist as he pressed up against him, mainly for the warmth or so he told himself, and nuzzled his head into the mans neck, nose picking up on every bit of Geralts scent as he inhaled. God's above, the man smelt deliciously like home.

He held his breath for a moment before he exhaled, letting out a content and happy sigh against the man's neck, eyes threatening to close but he kept them open. "What time is it?" he muttered lazily against Geralts neck. "What time does Ciri come home?" he asked his second question, chuckling a little bit and he pecked at one of Geralts love bites just below his jaw.

"I didn't do a very good job of being descrete." he muttered. Bhe remembered sucking against Geralts neck and biting him, Geralt had pay back later on so he couldn't complain all too much. But the man definately has bruises over him from Jaskiers mouth, and his hands. His fingers trailed to Geralts back, wondering if the scratched were still on him or not. If they were, the touch would be gentle either way. He wanted to make sure not to hurt his lover.

Geralt POV

"She's supposed to be here at nine," Geralt said, eyes falling half shut again. He craned his neck to catch a glimpse of the clock. "It's seven forty-five." In other words, way too fucking early to be getting up just yet. Geralt was usually quite fond of mornings and of getting up early, so that he could he awake and productive before the rest of the world even got started. But most of his mornings didn't start like this, with a warm, sleepy Jaskier when Geralt felt around the same way.

He couldn't bring himself to care about being marked right now. What was more important was holding onto Jaskier. There were scratches down his back, yes, but they were no more than small welts or redeemed skin. Jaskier's fingers did not hurt.

Geralt found himself smiling easily at the man again, then he frowned. "That was your first time, wasn't it." It wasn't a question. Geralt already knew the answer. He had nothing against sleeping with virgins, so long as everyone knew what they were walking into. He'd just all of a sudden remembered.

Julian POV

Jaskier gave a small nod to Geralt and snuggled into him even more, basking in the man's warmth and embrace and Lord, it was beautifully comfortable right here. If he closed his eyes, he could imagine them already at the coast for how warm he felt on the inside right now. Seven thirty, so they still had a hour and a half. Good, he could bask up Geralt in that amount of time. He knew nothing would ever be enough, but it would do for now. He let his eyes and forehead rest on the man's throat, smiling softly to himself until he heard Geralt speak up again. He felt a warm blush come up to his cheeks as he moved back form where he was tucked into the mans neck and looked to him for a moment before he nodded.

"Yeah it was, can definately cross that one off the list." he said with a light chuckle. He smiled softly to Geralt, raising a eyebrow to him. "Was I... Was it okay? I mean I just kinda assumed because well, you know, if it was that bad then you wouldn't of..." he trailed off before he glanced down to gesture to Geralts lower half but his eyes caught on his abdomen and he couldn't help but ravish the man's abdomen with his eyes for a moment.

" You are damn stunning. " he blurted out, eyes going back to Geralt as he blushed deeper. God's, he wasn't making an idiot of himself was he?

Geralt POV

"It was fine," Geralt said softly, choosing to ignore the compliment for now. That was an understatement. "Well. You did well." He meant it. That was far from the worst sex that he had had. For what it had lacked, it made up for in emotion.

He trailed his fingertips along Jaskier's cheeks now to feel the flushed skin. It was slightly warmer, and it fascinated him. Geralt was incapable of blushing, or if he wasn't, he was as good as. So the phenomenon was curious to him. And apparently, in Jaskier's case, attractive.

"Hm," he replied softly. He gave the man a small smile, watching his eyes. "Jaskier. I enjoyed it." He let his own eyes slide closed again. They had time, and he was still tired. He was still listening, though. If his... his what? If Jaskier spoke again and wanted an answer, Geralt would reply. But for now, he allowed himself to linger on that hazy edge of dreams and consciousness, where time went both too quick and too slow.

He moved his legs again, hooking one over Jaskier's to pull the one the man had closer. Geralt let his hand lie flat against Jaskier's face, palm pressed against his cheek.

Julian POV

Jaskier blushed as he watched Geralts face, his lashes were longer than he realised, he noted. He stared back to the man. Melting into a puddle under his touch. Lord he was beautiful and gentle, so gentle with him as always.

He watched as the man's eyes closed, leaning into the touch of the palm on his cheek and the leg that was pulling him closer to him. He leaned in, kissing his lovers chin softly with the brush of his lips and a slight press before he curled up into the man, holding him tightly as he found his own eyes were closing. He snuggled into Geralt with his arm slung over his waist and wrapped up his back that he lightly ran his fingers back and forth accross.

"I love you." he spoke softly to Geralt, not sure if he even was awake to hear it or not. His fingers continued to dance along the back of Geralt, dodging the places where he continuously scratched down on beforehand. Of course, they were healed up a little bit already but still. He was surprised he still had bruises and bite over himself, and whatever else there was. But then again, he stopped moving, when he moves is when he heals. London would be soon, in 24 hours or so really, maybe a bit longer. Knowing his father, theyd send him there in the morning.

"I love you." he repeated a little softer as he leaned into Geralt, nuzzling into the mans neck. Jask gave a small sigh as he gave Geralts neck a small peck of a kiss onto his throat. He didn't want to disturb that man, wake him. But he did want to just love the man.

Geralt POV

Geralt was hovering in the warm, hazy state of early, easy sleep. He let the corners of his lips curl up a little at Jaskier's words. He let himself press a little closer to Jaskier.

His eyes fluttered open slowly as Jaskier repeated himself. Geralt felt words bubble up in his throat, then frowned, trying to catch up. The words stayed there on his tongue, fuzzy mind not yet comprehending why he needed to not say them back. But he knew that he shouldn't be saying them.

Then it clicked. Right. He'd woken up again and thought that he was in love with Jaskier.

Geralt shook his head slightly, a pained smile touched his face. He wasn't in love. It wasn't real. It wasn't safe. His heart was broken and frozen, and locked away. Jaskier didn't need to know that Geralt had through he felt something, even if he had only through it for a couple of hours.

He'd woken up in the sun and been entranced by Jaskier's beauty and mind. That was it. Not love. Not like that.

Julian POV

Jask kept his eyes closed, he didn't expect a reply and if he did then it would be that he couldn't love him bakc and their usual type of tango they do around each other when it came to the heart. And yet, he could still feel the cool metal of the ring he gave Geralt in his left ring finger against his skin.

He smiled softly, eyes closing as he basked in the warmth of Geralt and just soaked up the moment that they had left. This was probably the first and last time he would be able to relax like this with Geralt. Did Ciri know he was leaving tomorrow morning? The thought dawned on him if he had told her.

He said a week but a week can go by either super fast or super slow at times. He was going to miss Geralt and Ciri and Roach when in London. Avocado will as well, expecially from all the attention and from having a sisterly figure around.

Jask tried to not think about it too much right now, going back to London, and once he wished the thoughts away it worked and they drifted away like a distant memory.

Then he opened his eyes. He wasn't sure when he fell asleep again, it was dreamless. But he knew as soon as h e opened up his eyes, they closed once again while he was drowning in Geralts scent.

Geralt POV

Geralt kept his eyes closed, but stayed awake for some time. Jaskier was warm against him. At some point, the man must have dropped off, given the subtle shifts in his breathing and heart rate. Geralt stayed awake a little longer, just holding the man. Jaskier felt right in his arms, like he had been destined to be there all along.

At some point, Geralt dropped off too. When, he couldn't have said.

Ciri POV

It was 8.52 when Ciri, Yennefer, and Triss arrived back at the apartment. 8.57 when they had climbed the stairs and walked down the hall to where Ciri and her dad lived. The two were probably up, or at least, her dad would be. She'd barely known him to sleep in past six, and besides, he was expecting her to be home around now. He would have gotten up.

Yennefer had given her a knowing smirk when she had voiced that thought in the car, though. Ciri had frowned and said that she didn't understand, to which Triss had said to not worry about it.

Ciri wasn't pushing it, though. Even Geralt deserved a day off here and there. Actually, scratch that. It was especially Geralt, not even. Her dad was going to work himself to death one day.

Yennefer unlocked the apartment and stepped inside, a light frown touching her features. Ciri squeezed past her to drop her backpack off in her room. Her shoes went by the front door. There was no sign of Geralt or of Jaskier, but their shoes and keys were still here, plus her dad's hair tie. So they probably weren't far.

"Ciri," Yennefer called softly. Ciri willingly went over and hugged her tightly, then did the same to Triss.

"We'll see you soon," the auburn-haired woman told her. "And," she promised seriously, lowering her voice as she held Ciri tightly by the shoulders, "if your dad gets in a bad way after or on Sunday, don't hesitate to call us. He would never hurt you, but he might not be in the right mindset to look after you." Ciri gave a tiny nod, now more than a little alarmed. It was no secret, how Jaskier and her dad looked at each other, but surely Geralt still had his emotions and reactions under control, right? She'd only ever even heard him raise his voice once or twice.

So she nodded and forced a smile when Triss gave her a tight one. Yennefer have Roach and Avocado a couple of pats, then kissed her daughter's forehead.

Then the two women were gone, and Ciri was left alone in the apartment.

The door to her dad's room was still closed, she realised after a couple of minutes of standing there and trying not to cry. The tears wanted to escape, both for Jaskier and for her dad, and maybe a tiny bit for herself, but she wouldn't let them. She refused.

Ciri cautiously made her way over to the bedroom door, keeping her steps as quiet as she could, just like her dad had taught her. Then she placed a hand on the knob and hesitated. Geralt had taught her to always open doors quickly and fully, so that whoever was inside got no warning. The one exception was in some cases with crowds, since there was a risk of hitting someone.

But there was also a good chance that her dad and Jaskier were just asleep, so opening the door quietly would be the way to go. She would make sure it creaked, though, she decided. That was a signal between her and Geralt. He'd know it was her, if he woke.

She opened the door enough to squeeze her body in and oh. OH. That was why Yen had been wearing that smirk. Geralt and Jaskier were all but entwined, a sheet thankfully covering their lower halves. Neither were looking at her. Geralt was lying half on top of Jaskier, and she was pretty sure they were kissing. Ciri froze, one hand still on the knob, unsure of what to do.

Julian POV

Jask eventually woke up, a grin on his lips as he looked to Geralt with sleepy eyes. He leaned in, kissing him softly as he did wake up. He was still half asleep but fuck it, he wanted to kiss Geralt then he damn well would. He thought he may have woken him up from it, but he swore he heard something, he ignored it being too transfixed on his lover but unfortunately oxygen did exist.

He moved his head back from Geralt with a sleepy grin, a flash of something differant in the background made him look over towards the door and is face went bright pink in a blush as he looked to Ciri.

"Ciri- hi." he said a little dumbly as he patted Geralts back twice to make him a little more aware of the fact that someone else was here. He blushed the deepest he ever had as he looked to Geralt and then back to Ciri.

"Sorry dear heart, we'll be out in a minute just um.." he said trailing off. What the fuck was he supposed to say to this?

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