Make Me Golden

By aandyP

5.2K 484 940

"Even love isn't strong enough to stop someone from leaving you." - Hallie Talin "I won't leave you Hallie. N... More

00| the beginning
01| a party mishap
03| the day after
| aesthetics |
04| proud and disappointed
05| disappear
06| serve me
07| follow my command
08| what he wants
09| his kiss
10| beautiful world
11| tears falling
12| bundles of flowers
13| getting ready
14| bad date
15| sorry gift
16| knock at midnight
17| a promise
18| lasting forever
19| night terrors

02| blunders of last night

294 34 124
By aandyP


I woke up with the sun blaring in my eyes. Dark circles appeared before me as the room swayed. I rubbed my eyes and before opening them and seeing the unmoving room.

A throbbing ache could be felt near my head as if someone were hitting my head with a metal hammer. My eyes dart around the room noticing the unfamiliar surroundings. My movements halted as my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach.

What happened last night!?

I close my eyes in agony and placed the palms of my hands on either side of my head trying to regain the memories I had lost the night before unaware of the sleeping figure beside me. In a second, the memories flooded my mind rapidly.

I kept struggling in golden boy's arms trying to get him off of me. He drags me to a fancy looking car that looked like it cost more then me. With one arm he opened the door of the car and shoved me inside quite rudely may I add.

"Hey! What are you doing you weirdo? Let me go! Just cause your handsome doesn't mean I will let you take me anywhere. I am not those type of girls." He says absolutely nothing while getting in the drivers seat and begins to drive. 'What in the world was wrong with this man?'

"Excuse me mister, can you hear me?" Still no answer from golden boy.

"Hellooo!" Complete silent greeted me in return.

"If you don't answer me, then I will strip in front of you." Still no answer but I earned a dark glare from him before his eyes returned back to the road. Man I really thought that would make him say something, though he looked quite ravishing while glaring at me.

"Are you mute?" This time he grunted in response clearly annoyed with me.

"Oh, so your not mute. Let me guess your not a social guy." I heard the crickets chirping in response. "Don't worry then I will talk so you don't have to. Usually I don't talk a lot either but right now I feel different and I don't know why." I say and then let out a giggle as if I had said a funny joke.

"Alright, my favorite color is pink but not any pink. My favorite color is light pink. People never guess that my favorite color is pink because I don't own anything that is pink but don't let that fool you. My favorite pet is a panda. There so cute and fluffy. How could anyone hate them? I also love flowers. There all so simple yet extravagantly beautiful at the same time. They are truly one of life's greatest beauties. Hmmm— what else should I tell you golden boy?" I said while putting my hand in my chin.

"Oh! I love love love pasta. Pasta is the most tastiest food in the whole world. Right, when you take a bite of the pasta it feels as if one were in heaven. Like seriously who does not like pasta. Whoever doesn't like pasta should be sentenced to jail time. It's a crime to not like pasta. Pasta is just something out of this world. If you don't like pasta, then your not eating it right. Like my mother used to alway say, pasta is the solution to all sadness." The sudden thought of my late mother made a frown form on my face but I quickly shook my head and turned towards golden boy.

"Do you like pasta?" I asked.

He said nothing for a minute but I saw a small movement from his direction. He had nodded. It was a small nod but a nod none the less.

"Yay! We both like pasta. You know what that means golden boy." I wait for him to respond but surprise, surprise he didn't.

"We're soulmates golden boy!" I yelled. This time I gained a reaction out of him. He had almost swirled out of the road as his arms shifted the wheel. Just as he had lost controlled, he gained control back again but not before sending an icy glare towards me.

"Be quiet."

Two words. He only said two words. Two words that stole my breath away completely. Two words that were spoken in his deep, husky voice. Two words that shut me up immediately.

I hadn't said a single word or let out a single peep until we had reached a familiar looking building. He cut the engine before coming over to my door and picking me up bride style. I hooked my arms around his neck to steady myself in his arms and placed my head on his shoulder.

I leaned closer to him surrounding myself in the warmth he was radiating from his body. He was so hot.

He took us in the building and stepped into the elevator. Soft music played as a comfortable silent engulfed us whole. Soon he walked through a hallway and opened a door to which I presumed was his place. I peered around looking over his shoulder and was astonished at what I was seeing. It was like a tiny little home.

A loud grumbling noise tore through the deafening silence. "Ahh! What was that?" I almost jumped out of golden boy's arms frightened by the loud noise.

The grumbling noise came again but louder then last time. I began to shake and shoved my face in golden boy's neck to hide myself. "Ahh! Save me golden boy! There a monster in here!"

"It's your stomach." He blankly says.

I look up at him confused.

"The grumbling is coming from your stomach. Your hungry." My mouth opens as I realize that I was just merely hungry and that there was no monster in the room.

"Oh so there is no monster here." I ask turning my head as I look around.

He walks up to the couch and gently places me on it before turning around and going to the kitchen. He opens up the fridge to get a container out and puts the container in the microwave after taking the lid off.

I awkwardly stare at him confused not knowing what he was doing. A beep sounded as he opens the microwave and grabs the container and a spoon. He comes towards me and sticks out the container to me. It was filled with macaroni n cheese.

I peer up at him and tilt my head. Seeing my confusion he lets out a sigh and sits down next to me and shoves the container towards me once again.

"Eat. You are hungry." I froze for a moment processing what he had just said.

Seeing no movement from me he shakes his head and grabs the spoon full of macaroni and lifts it towards my mouth. I stared into his green eyes as I leaned forward and took a bite. My head falls back as I let out a moan.

"Yum. This is so good golden boy. Did you make it?" I ask curiously. He nods slightly before lifted another spoon towards my mouth. I take the bite before talking again. I knew talking with your mouth full was disgusting for many people but I could care less right know.

I squeal and start jumping on the couch while giggling. "Golden boy you are the best soulmate anyone could ever have! I officially claim you as mine." I pause and turning towards him with a serious face.

"You better not cook for any other woman beside me got it or I will- I will never forgive you. Your mine from now on you got it." I stated in a slightly raised voice to show.

Silence greeted me in return causing anger to bubble inside me. 'Why isn't he saying okay. Does he cook for other women?'.

I jump on him causing the container that was filled with macaroni n cheese to fall onto the wooden floor creating a big mess, but I didn't care about the delicious food on the floor being wasted.

"Say your mine. Say it." I yelled banging my hands on his chest furiously showing no mercy. He takes a hold of my hands and twists us around so that we were both lying on the couch with him on top of me. He places my hands on either side of my head while staring down at me with a sharp look. My chest heaved up and down as I took deep breathes trying to catch breath.

"What is wrong with you? Not only have you raised your hand against me multiple times for which I could charge you for, but you have wasted my food and made a mess of my place. Not only that but you have been speaking absolutely nonsense. Have you no respect or digni-" He paused suddenly looking at me.

Tears trailed down my cheeks hearing his words. "I'm-im sorry golden boy. I didn't me-mean to." I cried out in front of him letting my tears trickle down my cheeks one by one. I whimper as he lets go of my hands and places them on my cheek wiping the tears as they come.

"I'm- im so sorry. Please fo-forgive me." I softly say unable to stop myself from the constant whimpering. He says nothing but continues to wipe my tears away. This causes me to break down again. 'He doesn't forgive me.'

Golden boy doesn't forgive me.

Is he gonna leave me like momma did?

"Please forgive me golden boy. D-don't leave me please." I gripped his shirt tightly afraid to let go. He looked stunned at my desperation and actions.

"I... I am not leaving you, Hallie. I never will." He says staring directly in my eyes not once wavering from them.

Hearing him say those words made the worry I held disperse.

"Really?" I muttered quietly looking at him with wide eyes.

He nods before getting off of me allowing both of us to sit on the couch next to each other. I blush bright red when finally realizing the position I was in with golden boy. However, a question pops in my head when hearing my name from his mouth. I turn to him as I twiddled my fingers avoiding his gaze. "Golden boy?"

He grunted in response.

"I-um what's your name?" I stuttered before hiding my face in my hands embarrassed. I was claiming this male when I didn't even know his name.

'How stupid are you Hallie?'

'Very stupid' I could hear my conscious saying. 'Shut up conscious. You're forgetting that were that same person you idiot.'

Feeling brave enough to look at him, I peeked in between the cracks of my fingers to look at him. I wasn't surprised to see the blank look on his face. I forced a smile and let out a nervous giggle.

"You don't know my name?" I shake my head feeling more embarrassed then before as he stated the fact out loud.

"But you want me to be your soulmate." I turned bright red.

"I-well- I umm-ya." At this very moment I wanted to slap myself repeatedly or better yet make myself disappear like the cool magicians do in their acts. Could I embarrass myself anymore?

"Darius" He says after a few silent moments.

"Darius McKnight."

The name sounded very familiar to me. So familiar that I felt as if I were a complete imbecile to forget it.

'Not like you were ever smart Hallie.' I heard my conscious say once again. 'Shut up stupid conscious no one needs your stupid comments.'

"I like your name." I finally say ignoring my conscious.

Just as I was about to ask him a question a loud yawn passes my lips as I laid my head on his chest in exhaustion. Soon my eyes begin to drop as I let his warmth pull me into the darkness. I slept peacefully in his arms unaware of the havoc that was to come that following day.


This is why kids you can not drink....hehe

Okay so Ive never been drunk before [and don't plan to ever be] so don't hold me accountable to Hallie's behavior

thank you for the love and support

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