An Epic Love Story

By TanithBot

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DRARRY A love story of epic proportions. Like Hermoine loves books. Like Ron loves food. Like Harry loves... More

1. Train to Hogwarts
2. Hal Portland
3. A New Side of Potter
4. Teachers Meeting
5. Inside the Rooms
6. The Report
7. Tears and Questions
8. New Friendships
10. The Isolation Ward
11. Waiting and Hoping
12. Waking up
13. The Betrayal
14. At the Request of Dumbledore
15. Good News & Bad News
16. Jacob Summers
17. The Truth of Ronald Weasley
18. Luna Knows
19. More than a Smile
20. Apologies
21. Dumbledore's Tears
22. Not a Crush
23. Something More
24. Taken
25. The Speech
26. Explanations
27. The Missing Shirt
28. Hogsmeade
29. Words
30. Worthless
31. Breathless
32. The Winnings
33. Graduation Day
34. Thank You
35. Goodbye
36. Payback
37. Epic Love

9. Stories of Love

488 22 0
By TanithBot

Draco stood in front of everyone in the same spot that Blaise had.  He asked his friend to please refill everyone's glass, and after this was done, they settled back to listen to the Slytherin.  Draco was filled with emotion.  Shame, pride, worry, regret and most of all hope.  He was a Malfoy, he had never felt these different feelings before.  He was slowly starting to question his sanity.

Clearing his throat, he knew he had to make this count.  It needed to sound sincere.  Most of his words were meant for Harry, but because he wasn't there, he had to look for the second reason for his hate.  The blood traitor Ronald Weasley, and the mudblood Hermoine Granger.  He looked at them, slowly sipping his wine.  Realizing that he couldn't refer to them like that anymore, he cleared his throat again and looked at the best friends of Harry Potter.  "Weasley, Granger.  When Blaise told me a minute ago that he was done with hate, I thought he was being a prat.  It wasn't only us who insulted you, because as much as you want to plead ignorance, you both had your fair share of throwing insults at us.  That being said, you were always goaded into it.  By me.  I will give a full account to Potter when he wakes, but all you need to know now, is that this too is my apology.  I want nothing more than to get along, finish my year, and be on my merry way".  He held out his hand to Ron, holding his breath.

Ron's mouth was open.  Not what he had been expecting or hoping for, but it was probably the best he was going to get.  From Malfoy at least.  He stood up, looking down at the hand that was being extended, and thought it's now or never.  Taking Malfoy's hand, he gripped firmly and shook.  "Thanks mate, and you're right.  You weren't the only one being a git, but we can agree to put it behind us.  For Harry.  Hermoine and I are sorry too, aren't we Moine?", he asked, still looking at Malfoy.  Hermoine stood up, and held out her hand to the Slytherin.  "Yes, of course", she stuttered.  And then she turned her attention to Pansy who was looking at all of them as if they had been cursed.

With pursed lips, she stared at Granger and nodded her head at her.  Getting a nod back, they walked up to each other and both held out their hands.  After shaking, everyone in the room let out a huge collective sigh.  As if it had been a painful experience.  Maybe it was for some of them, but at least they were taking a step in the right direction.  There was, it seemed, hope after all.  Mcgonagall knew what she was talking about. 

When the enemies had shaken hands, it was as if Hogwarts felt it.  As if a huge boulder had been lifted from the borders of the castle, and it could breathe freely again.  Luna jumped up, clapped her hands in glee, and tearfully said, "It's about time.  We should celebrate with more wine, and discuss when we can go and see Harry".  Everyone turned to look at her, and started talking at the same time.  Holding up her hands to demand silence, she corrected herself.  "All right, first wine, then discuss what is going on with him", she said.  Everyone agreed.

More wine was opened by Blaise and Draco.  They settled around the common room, some on the couches, some on the carpet.  It was a relaxed atmosphere, for which they were grateful.  They only wished that Harry was there to share it with them.  It would have brought him happiness, said Luna out loud.  Ron agreed with her, and said when he leaves the hospital wing, they will have another celebration.  A better celebration.  But for now, he was more concerned with the photos that Mcgonagall had spoken of.  Hearing this, they all went silent again. 

It was Neville who spoke first.  "The day of the war, Harry approached me in secret".  Ron looked up so fast, you could hear his neck creak.  "He was under his invisibility cloak.  He told me that Voldemort's snake, Nagini, had to be killed no matter what.  And that if he didn't make it back, there still had to be three to carry on.  Ron, Hermoine, and me. I gave him my word that I would do this for him.  Then when he turned away, I asked him if he was all right, and where he was going".  Everyone in the room was hanging onto his every word.  They were being told things that they never knew about.

"He answered that he was fine, and he was on his way to do what was expected of him.  I could hear in his voice that he was terrified.  I knew then that he was going to the forest to go and see Voldemort.  I tried to call him back, but I couldn't see him anymore.  You all know what happened after that.  I got the sword, I killed the snake.  And I would do it again in a heartbeat.  For Harry.  

The point I'm trying to make is, Harry is the only one who made me see my potential before I even saw it.  When you are born a wizard, things are expected of you.  My fear and cowardice were all I ever portrayed.  But Harry never saw that.  He only saw the brave Neville, the fearless Neville, and he helped me grow.  

When he started the DA in our fifth year, he was so patient with me for not being able to get anything right.  When he found out that I had been using my father's old wand, he calmly said 'you're not your father Nev,  you need your own wand'.  And so we went to Diagon Alley together, and I got the wand that was made for me.  And I've been thankful ever since.  He has this ability to bring out the best in people.  And for that I will love him always.  Not because he saved us, not because he died for us, but because of his unwavering faith in me.  Not something that anyone has ever shown me", he said with a sob.  Raising his glass as if in a salute to Harry, he took a sip of his wine.

There were tears flowing from the blue eyes of Luna.  She was sitting on the floor at Neville's feet, and reached around to grab his wrist.  She gave him a gentle squeeze in understanding what had been said.  "The last day here in fifth year", she started, "the day of the feast, you could see he was heartbroken.  He had just lost his godfather, Sirius.  When he came walking down the corridor, his shoulders were slumped over and there were still traces of tears in his eyes.  I cannot imagine the pain he was feeling.  But when he saw me, he put a smile on his face and asked why I looked so lost.  You see, there were students in Ravenclaw that had taken some of my stuff and hidden them away so that I couldn't pack.  Which would make me late for the train.  When I told Harry, he kept saying how sorry he was, that there were people who would do such a thing.  He even offered up going to the feast so that he could help me look for everything.  So damn selfless.  Always thinking of others, when he himself was falling apart.  I told him no, my stuff would come back to me, and then I took his hand and apologized for him losing his godfather.  He gave me a hug, and asked if I was sure he couldn't help me", she choked out a sob. 

Blaise, who was sitting next to her, started rubbing her back.  She looked at him grateful for the human contact and smiled.  "And that is why I also love him.  Like a brother.  He showed me compassion for my problem, when all I had lost were a pair of shoes, when he had lost the only other family member he had ever known.  I don't know anyone like him, the compassion he has for others is hard to describe", she finished with another sob.  She too, took her glass and raised it, and took a sip.

"Do you remember what Mcgonagall said, about him not being able to hate.  Harry sees the world in different colors?", asked Seamus.  They all looked at  him and nodded.  

"It was also in fifth year for me, when I realized that he was not your average friend.  At the end of the fourth year, we were all told that Voldemort was back.  Everyone believed him, even me and my mum.  Towards the beginning of our fifth year, there were articles about him lying, and trying to discredit the ministry.  My mum told me that how could a boy be so hell bent on lying about something so serious.  I started to think that maybe Harry was lying.  Looking for attention.  And so I was starting to hate him.  Placing my belief in the daily Prophet, I confronted him about it.  Told him that my mum didn't want me coming back to Hogwarts because of him and his lies.  I saw how everyone was starting to distance themselves from Harry, thinking that they came to the same conclusion that I had.  Only to find out that I was wrong.  When I approached him in the hall to apologize for my behavior, he just smiled at me and told me not to worry about it.  That all was forgiven and the pieces were falling into place.  Not sure what he meant by that, but at the time it made sense.  And for that, I admire him.  Forgiveness comes so easy to him, it's like he doesn't hold grudges.  Even when he should", he stated with a sigh. 

Taking a sip of his wine, he wondered how many more stories were going to come out about Harry.  Gobsmacked.  That's probably the best word to describe what everyone was feeling right now.  He could see it on their faces.  Harry was no saint, he had started and had his share of trouble, but what everyone was saying was that he was kind.  He had a kindness that wasn't normal. 

Draco was feeling shame.  He had never known any of this, and he was sure that the more he heard about the golden boy, the more he would be blown away.  He also had a story to tell, but now wasn't the time.  He would save it for another day.  His heart was warm from hearing all that he had, and silently hoped that Harry knew how his friends felt about him.

What none of them knew, was that Harry, in his unconscious state, had felt every single emotion coming from all of them.

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