An Epic Love Story

By TanithBot

15.9K 749 39

DRARRY A love story of epic proportions. Like Hermoine loves books. Like Ron loves food. Like Harry loves... More

1. Train to Hogwarts
2. Hal Portland
3. A New Side of Potter
4. Teachers Meeting
5. Inside the Rooms
6. The Report
7. Tears and Questions
9. Stories of Love
10. The Isolation Ward
11. Waiting and Hoping
12. Waking up
13. The Betrayal
14. At the Request of Dumbledore
15. Good News & Bad News
16. Jacob Summers
17. The Truth of Ronald Weasley
18. Luna Knows
19. More than a Smile
20. Apologies
21. Dumbledore's Tears
22. Not a Crush
23. Something More
24. Taken
25. The Speech
26. Explanations
27. The Missing Shirt
28. Hogsmeade
29. Words
30. Worthless
31. Breathless
32. The Winnings
33. Graduation Day
34. Thank You
35. Goodbye
36. Payback
37. Epic Love

8. New Friendships

451 20 0
By TanithBot

Snape did a short diagnostic on Harry in his sleeping state.  He exited the room and whispered something to Dumbledore.  Hearing what he had feared, he nodded to Snape that he could proceed as planned.  Snape again gave a curt nod of his head, and returned to the room.  When he came through the door however to leave, Harry was behind him in midair, being levitated by magic.  His arms were down at his sides, and his head had rolled to the side.  Removing his glasses, Snape tucked them into his robes, and started walking down the stairs towards the door of the common room.

"I know you all have questions, and believe me so do we", said Dumbledore softly.  "Before I answer any of them I must ask all of you.  Did any of you contact Harry after the war?", he asked.  Looking at the students hopefully, that at least someone among them had the decency to think of him when no one else had.  To his relief, Hermoine nodded, and said she had written to Harry quite often, but had only heard back from him the once.  It was a while after the war, as she was also in mourning.  Staying with Ron and his family, she had written on request of Mrs Weasley that Harry be invited to stay for a while if he was feeling up to it.  His reply was short and sweet, and basically said that he would come when he had the chance, but he would let her know when.

After that, nothing.  Dumbledore sighed and placed his hands on her shoulders.  "Thank you Miss Granger, I'm sure Harry would have come if he had the opportunity", he said, grateful that someone had at least done what he had not.  What nobody else had.  He looked at the students standing around, and said that Professor Mcgonagall would explain a few things, if they were feeling up to it.  He didn't want to burden them with anything, but he knew the power of friendship, and Harry needed that love right now.  Even if he thought he wasn't worth it. 

They all nodded their heads, even the Slytherins in the room.  Dumbledore turned to Mcgonagall, nodded his head that she only tell them part of it.  They still didn't have all the answers, but the time would come for that soon.  Harry needed to provide them first.  Then he turned to Snape, and said "Severus, take Harry to the hospital wing, I will be there shortly". Snape again nodded, and moved quickly towards the door.  When Harry passed the students, they all couldn't help but notice the tear marks on his face.  They also saw that on the inside of his right forearm there was an exact tattoo of his wand.

Draco hitched his breath at the site of the man that was sleeping.  He looked beautiful.  Ron looked at his friend in horror.  Hermoine was silently crying.  Pansy had one hand over her mouth.  Neville looked angry. Seamus and Dean were just looking with blank faces.  Luna stepped towards Harry and took his hand in hers.  Such warmth coming from him, she raised his hand to her lips and kissed the back of it.  "Come back to us Harry", she whispered with a sob.  Then she turned around and hugged the person closest to her, which was Blaise. 

Blaise just opened his arms, and held her.  He knew that Harry and Luna's friendship was precious to the both of them, and he was happy to console her in her time of need.  She sobbed into his neck, not caring who it was, just wanting to be held, because her friend was in pain, she could feel it.  And no one had ever shown her unconditional love like Harry.  He was like a brother to her.  He placed one hand at the back of her head, whispering words of comfort.  Draco and Pansy both gave him a knowing look, which he quite snobbishly ignored.

Professor Mcgonagall coughed slightly to bring them all out their shocked states, and when they looked up, she asked them to please sit down.  She had something important to tell them. After taking a seat, Luna still being held by Blaise, they turned towards their professor. She stood in front of the fireplace, and started talking.  Wanting to hear her every word, the students were quiet, and listened with vigour.

"I told you at the feast that you would need to be united to be able to move forward.  New friendships have to be formed.  Even if it is with the person who you think is your mortal enemy.  There isn't a student here that should be considered as such.  This castle was rebuilt for love, and only love.  The hatred that has plagued these halls for too long, cannot go on.  Not I, nor any other teacher, will allow it.  Harry has been through a terrible ordeal.  He said in the hall that he almost died when he was on a mission for the ministry.  That was a lie.  The truth is that he did die, even if it only was for a few seconds.  He doesn't know it yet, but when the time is right, he will be told.  Not by you, but by the headmaster.  We have seen the pictures of what was done to him, and believe me when I say that no one, absolutely no one, should ever have to go through that kind of pain. 

Now I know that you are all worried about him.  The only thing that is keeping him from losing his mind right now, is the love he feels from all of you, and from Hogwarts.  I'm begging you, do not stop loving him.  Harry sees the world in different colors than anyone else.  He doesn't know how to hate, and the anger he displayed earlier, is still inside him.  He doesn't want to release it, because he is scared that you will fear him.  But it needs to be released.  Harry will be placed in an isolation ward to vent his anger, away from the students, and when he is healthy, he will return to classes.  I cannot say how long this will take, but if I were to guess, not long.  If he feels the love you send, there might not be a reason to be angry any more.  Do you understand?  Harry is more mature, and self confident now.  The way he spoke to the head auror was, to say the least, very intimidating.  There is nothing wrong with him mentally, but he needs rest.  I trust all of you to heed my warning, and if anything seems out of place, to please contact me, Professor Snape or the headmaster.  Immediately", she said, looking at each one of them individually.

Then she turned around and left the common room.  The students just looked at the closed door of their common room, nobody wanting to talk first.  That was when Blaise decided, fuck this, he was going to have his say, and no one would stop him.  He whispered something to Luna, and when she nodded her head, he removed his arms from around her, and stood up. He walked to the bar, and took out a glass for everyone.  Opening a bottle of white wine, which was the closest they had to champagne, he filled them all.  Carrying the glasses to all the students, not saying a word while doing so.

He raised his glass in a salute, and said what he had been dying to say for a while.  "I told Draco and Pansy just a while ago that I am done with hate.  I will not pick up where I left off at the end of last year.  I want to move forward.  So, if I have ever harmed any of you, this right here is my apology.  You don't have to accept, but at least I know I am giving it.  To new beginnings, new friendships, and new love", he said with a sob.  Seeing that all the students had stood up and raised their glasses, he had hope.  Draining his glass in one gulp, they did the same.

One by one, they all said the same thing.  When Ron held out his hand to Blaise, he was pulled into a hug, first by Blaise and then by Hermoine.  Overwhelmed by the reaction, he was crying.  He turned to Draco, who also had tears in his eyes, and encouraged him with a nod of his head, that he too should make nice.  It was much better belonging to something than not.  Draco stood up, and cleared his throat.  Immediate silence greeted them.

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