Look After You - Sequel One s...

By onlymine987

27.6K 910 160

The life of Louis' and his triplet alphas after they bonded. This book contains stand alone fics unless state... More

Little Space
Revelations- Part One
Revelations - Part Two
Stretched (Incest)
Accident (Marcel/Edward)(Marcel Centric)
Alpha (Edward centric)
New Story

Midnight Cravings

4.7K 132 26
By onlymine987

Louis woke up to one of the heathens inside of him jumping on his bladder. He groaned slowly sat up, cradling his stomach and pushed off the many hands on him, waddling to the bathroom.

He came back grumbling about his swollen feet, though that was to be expected as he was almost eight months pregnant and that too with triplets. After he was settled on the bed again, he pulled out his phone and started playing some games, not feeling sleepy. Just as he was about to beat his high score on Flappy Bird a sharp pain hit his stomach and he whined in pain, clutching at one of his alpha's t-shirt.

The said alpha, Harry, woke up to the distressed sound of his omega and cradled Louis in his arms, cooing softly.

"Hey, shhh, it's gonna be okay, just take deep breaths for me baby." Harry coached, his hands rubbing soothing circles on Louis' tummy.

Louis sniffled, leaning into Harry's chest, and softly whispered,"It's gone now."

Harry gently kissed Louis' forehead and said,"I'm glad baby. Are you comfortable enough? Do you need anything?"

"I want a milkshake, and a burger. No meat though." Louis said, sniffling some more.

"Of course sweetie, I'll just head out," Harry said pecking Louis' lips. He then leaned down to Louis' tummy and whispered," Be good for mama babies. Don't trouble him too much. I love you all."

He pecked Louis' tummy three times, one kiss for each baby and then sat up straight again, tenderly kissing Louis.

"I love you."

"Love you too." Harry replied, already halfway out the door." Wake up my brothers if you need anything else or call me. I'll be right back."

Louis softly smiled, waving bye to Harry before focusing on his other alphas. Marcel was curled on Louis' side, his head resting on Louis' thighs and face turned towards his swollen tummy. Edward was sleeping on the other end of the bed, though he was slowly moving towards Louis now that Harry was no longer occupying the bed.

He shook Edward, trying to wake him. Edward opened his eyes blearily, blinking them quickly in succession. He looked towards Louis, who was sitting up and pouting, his hands snugly rested on his stomach.

"What's wrong baby? Are you alright? Is something happening? Where's Harry? What-" Edward ranted, quickly sitting up.

Louis interrupted,"Everything's alright, daddy. It's just my feet hurt a lot and Harry's gone to get me some food and Marcel wome up early yesterday and was up till late so I didn't want to wake him."

Edward placed Louis' outstretched legs on his lap, saying,"Of course sweets, anything for you and my pups."

"Ours, Eddy, ours." Louis corrected.

"Mhm sure." Edward dismissed, eyeing Louis' stomach with all the love in the world.

Louis melted inside. He did everytime his alphas talked about their pups, or looked at Louis' tummy. They were always so careful, so loving, even more so than they were before.

A few minutes later, Harry came into the room witha chocolate milkshake in one hand and a bag of McDonald's in another.

He dramatically bowed and presented the food to Louis, announcing,"For you, my queen."

Louis giggled and stuck his nose up, saying,"Okay peasant, now rub my feet."

Harry snickered and jumped on the bed, giving Edward a hello kiss and unwrapping Louis' food, before giving it to him.

Louis took his burger and dunked it in the milkshake, taking a big bite and obnoxiously moaning. Harry and Edward gave each a look and rolled their eyes before continuing to massage his feet.

All of Louis' moaning woke Marcel up,  who grumbled,"Why wasn't I invited to the party?"

Even though he was joking, Louis burst into tears and started blubbering,"I-I didn't mean to daddy! Jus- Just wanted you to s-sleep because you were so tired yesterday. I'm s-sorry!"

Marcel was up in an instant and quickly tugged Louis onto his lap, crooning,"I was just joking baby. I didn't mean it. I'm so grateful for you, you're so thoughtful. Shhh, my darling, don't cry. Its okay, don't cry."

Louis leaned into Marcel's comforting warmth, he could blame all this on his hormones later. Harry and Edward were also quick to soothe Louis, petting his hair and stroking his belly.

When Louis was calm again, Harry said,"I have a surprise for you baby!"

"Really! What is it?!" Louis exclaimed, staring intently at Harry. He just winked at Louis and went out the room, coming back in with something in his hands.

"A gummy cake!"

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