How many mates?

By Thunderthighz2005

83.6K 2.1K 592

When you grow up your parents, friends and even school teach you about soulmates and the moon goddess and how... More

Chapter 1 - The new kids
Chapter 2 - Permanent reminders
Chapter 3 - School trip
Chapter 4 - What the fuck happened?
Chapter 5 - Spending time with my mates (The Avengers)
Chapter 6 - Spending time with my mates (Henry, Charlotte and Jasper)
Chapter 7 - Spending time with my mates (The Cullens and Jacob)
Chapter 8 - Spending time with my mates (DC superheroes)
Chapter 9 - Spending time with my mates (Teen wolf)
Chapter 10 - Spending time with my mates (13Rw)
Chapter 11 - Singing and school time
Chapter 12 - And it continues
Chapter 13 - Confrontations
Chapter 14 - Talk to them
Author's note
Chapter 15 - Today's the day pt. 1
Chapter 16 - Today's the day Pt.2
Chapter 17 - Relaxing
Chapter 18 - Last day
Chapter 20 - She's awake
Chapter 21 - Thinking
Chapter 22 - The talk about Hunter
Chapter 23 - Mum? Dad?
Chapter 24 - Awkward Dinner
Chapter 25 - Who's Hydra?
Chapter 26 - The truth
Chapter 27 - Let them go
Chapter 28 - What did you do?
New book
New book
Announcement and new book
Chapter 29 - She's gone
Chapter 30 - 1/2 of the Avengers
Chapter 31 - We found her

Chapter 19 - School time

1K 35 13
By Thunderthighz2005

Kel's pov

My alarm went off at 7:00 am and I quickly turned it off so it didn't wake up Rosalie and Jacob. I got out of bed and grabbed my clothes and crept to the shower. I slowly shut the door behind me and got in the shower. I showered myself with lemon soap and washed my hair with lemon shampoo and conditioner. Then I turned off the shower and got out. I dried myself and got dressed.

I slicked my hair back into a nice ponytail. I looked towards my bed and Jacob and Rosalie weren't there, so I am assuming they went downstairs. I am not going to lie, I will admit, I am afraid to go to school, I know I will have some of my mates with me but I don't have them every class I'm in. Also what if I lose control again? What if no one stops me? No one can know that I lost complete control of my body that day at school.

I walked out my room and to the elevator. I pushed the button to go to the lounge. I watched as the doors closed and waited till I arrived. I arrived there at the lounge finally and I saw everyone together in the lounge sat amongst themselves spread out on the couches. 

Clint saw me and said "Morning princess" excitedly.

I looked at them all and said "Morning" not bothering to give any of them hugs or kisses and walked to the kitchen to make myself a coffee.

My coffee was done after five minutes and I sat on one of the chairs and scrolled through my phone. I had bags under my eyes because I slept like four hours last night. I couldn't sleep, I'm so worried about school and losing control. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice all my mates walk in the kitchen and a pair of arms snaked around my waist that belonged to Harley. I also didn't notice Loki stood right in front of me.

"My queen are you quite alright? You look a bit pale and you look exhausted." Loki said

"I'm quite alright, my king but thank you." I replied tiredly.

"Kel tell us the truth, something is bugging you" Steve said sternly

"Nothing is bugging me, I promise" I said and smiled

"Yes there is. We felt it through our soulmarks, please tell us" Esme said

"We felt you worry and fear and anxiety and stress so please tell us" Billy said

"Please don't shut us out" Jessica said. 

"We are you mates and we care about you" Allison said

"So please tell us" Charlotte said.

"There's nothing bugging me I promise." I said and turned to look at them all.

"Please Kelani tell us, we are worried about you" Bucky said

"For the last time I'm fine." I said

Clint's pov

All of us were sat in the lounge waiting for Kelani to come down. We heard the elevator doors open and hoped it was Kelani. It was only Rosalie and Jacob.

"Morning" I said and smiled.

"Morning" They replied and went to snuggle with their mates.

"Where's Kelani?" Tony asked.

"She's getting a shower and getting ready" Rosalie said

"And then she'll be down" Jacob said

"Guys can any one else feel Kel's emotions?" Zach said

"Yeah I can feel her anxiety" Jasper (Hale) said

"I can feel her fear" Wanda said

"I can feel her stress" Zach said

"I can feel her worry" Peter (Parker) said

"I think we can all feel her emotions" Carlisle said

"Why is she feeling like this?" Diana said

"We'll ask her when she comes down" Alice said

We were all just talking among ourselves until we heard the elevator doors open. 

"Morning" I said excitedly.

Kel looked at us all and said morning then walked into the kitchen.

"Why isn't she saying good morning to us all like usual?" Edward asked

"I don't know Edward" Natasha said

"Let's all go see her." Stephen said.

We all walked to the kitchen. We saw Kelani on her phone.

"Morning Kelani" I said and she didn't respond.

We all looked at each other.

"Kelani" Justin said

"Kel" Shuri said

"Babygirl" Stiles said

Harley snaked her arms around Kelani and Loki stood in front of her.

"My queen are you quite alright? You look a bit pale and you look exhausted." Loki said

Loki's pov

I stood in front of our queen. 

"My queen are you quite alright? You look a bit pale and you look exhausted." I said.

"I'm quite alright, my king but thank you." She replied tiredly.

"Kel tell us the truth, something is bugging you" Steve said sternly

"Nothing is bugging me, I promise" She said and smiled

"Yes there is. We felt it through our soulmarks, please tell us" Esme said

"We felt you worry and fear and anxiety and stress so please tell us" Billy said

"Please don't shut us out" Jessica said.

"We are you mates and we care about you" Allison said

"So please tell us" Charlotte said.

"There's nothing bugging me I promise." She said and turned to look at them all.

"Please Kelani tell us, we are worried about you" Bucky said

"For the last time I'm fine." She said

"At least have some breakfast your ready for school" Henry said

"I am fine thank you vey much Henry" She said

"My queen you have to eat" I said

"We'll prepare you a feast my queen" Thor said

"There's no need, I am leaving for school soon Thor but thank you." She said

"I got it. It's school your worried and scared about." Peter Parker said 

She stayed silent and continued sipping her coffee.

"It is isn't it?" Clay said

"No it's not" She said bitterly

"It is my queen we can feel your lies through our soulmark." I said

"Tell us the truth you'll be fine. Is it about school?" Alex asked me.

"Well would you look at the time? I am going to be late for school. Don't want to be late.  I should go." Kel said

"You don't start till 9:00 it's only 7:30 Kelani so stay" Bruce (Banner) said

"Nope bye see you later" Kel said grabbed her bag and ran out the door.

"Make sure you guys keep an eye on her" Stephen said.

"Just stay with her for as much as you can for the day, keep her safe, we don't want another repeat of what happened at school last time" Wanda said. 

"We will. I See you later, love you all." Peter said and kissed all his mates and I.

Kelani's pov

"Tell us the truth you'll be fine. Is it about school?" Alex asked me.

"Well would you look at the time? I am going to be late for school. Don't want to be late. I should go." I said

"You don't start till 9:00 it's only 7:30 Kelani so stay" Bruce (Banner) said

"Nope bye see you later" I said grabbed my bag and ran out the door.

I put my and out and jumped into a taxi. 

"Where to ma'am?" The taxi driver said

"Croton high please" I said

"Right away" He said and started to drive.

Ten minutes later we arrived and I payed the taxi driver and got out. It was only 8:00 and I didn't start till 9:00, so I had an hour to do anything. I went behind the back of the building, the longest way so I could pass some time. I saw this boy smoking. I walked up to him.

"Can you share your cigarette? I am really stressed and need to let some steam out." I said and he passed it to me.

"My name is Hunter" He said

"Kelani" I said

"Never seen you around before" I said

"That's cause I'm new" He said

I passed the cigarette back to him.

"Thanks" I said

"No problem" He responded.

"Could you show me around the school later?" He said

"Sure. Do you have anymore cigarettes? I may need one later." I said 

"No only heroin needles" He said

"I'll take some" I said

He gave me six.

"Do you want me to pay you?" I said

"You can pay me by giving me a tour later" He said

I smiled and said alright.

It was already 9:00 as the bell went off. We started to walk to the entrance and I saw my mates and best friends at the door with their arms crossed. I could see my mates scowling at Hunter and I heard a few of them growl at him while my bestfriends glared at him.

"Who are they?" Hunter said

"My bestfriends and some of my mates" I said

"Anyways ready for that tour?" I said.

"Let's go." Hunter said

"Right this is our cafeteria where we eat at lunch" I said

"Oh wow it's so big and nice" Hunter said

"How's the food here?" He said

I just looked at him. 

"Right got you not good." He said as we laughed.

An hour later we were done.

"And here we are back at reception" I said

"What lesson is it?" Hunter asked

"4th lunch is after. What do you have and with who?" I asked.

"Mr Kendall and English" Hunter said

"Great, I have that class a well" I said and dragged him to English.

"Why are you two so late?" Mr Kendall asked as we walked in.

"This is Hunter sir, he's a new student" I said

"Very well then. Hunter there is a spare seat next to Kelani sit next to her." Mr Kendall said.

I looked over to see Zach, Jessica and Justin glaring and growling at Hunter. I blew them a kiss and mouthed I loved them. They smiled at me then went back to glaring at Hunter.

My phone pinged and I checked to see who it was. It was Jessica and it said your sitting with us at lunch right? I looked up to see Justin, Zach and Jessica looking at me hopefully and I nodded. They smiled. Then all of a sudden my phone pinged again.

"Come to the girls bathroom right now or we'll kill your precious mate Charlotte."

"Who is this?" I texted back

"Just come to the bathroom and don't bring anyone with you"

"No leave me alone." I said

"Come right now or we'll kill Charlotte"

"Okay, okay, I'm coming. Don't hurt her please. I'll be right there" I said

"Mr Kendall can I please go to the bathroom?" I asked

"If you must go on then." He said.

"Where you going?" Hunter said and grabbed my arm

"Bathroom, I'll be back" I said

I heard my mates growl when he grabbed me.

I walked over to my mates and they rubbed my arm and kissed me. 

"I'm going to the bathroom, there's only five minutes of the lesson left, if I am not back take my bag to the table for me please" I said

"Of course we will, see you in a minute" Zach said

"Love you" Justin said

"I love you all too" I said and grabbed their faces and kissed them all.

"Kelani this is an English lesson not a make out session, go to the bathroom instead of kissing your mates" Mr Kendall said.

I blushed furiously and walked out seeing Jessica wink at me and Zach and Justin with cocky grins on their faces. I walked to the girls bathroom. 

"Well well well looks like you finally decided to show up" 

"Oh shit" I said

I went to walk out the door but someone locked it and put the keys in their pocket. 

"Oh shit indeed" They said as they walked closer to me.

Jessica's pov

The bell rung and I went over to our princess's desk to grab her bag. I saw the new boy going through it. 

"What do you think your doing going through my mates bag?" I said angrily

"I was just putting her stuff in there for her" He said

"Thanks it's alright but I'll do it, she's my mate" I said madly. 

"It's ok, I'll take it to her" He said and smirked

"Give it here" I shouted.

Justin and Zach ran over and said "What's going on?"

"He was looking through Kel's bag and he wants to give it to her even though I said I would." I said

"I wasn't looking through it, I was putting her stuff away." He said

"Are you trying to say our mates is lying?" Zach seethed

"No but-

Justin cut him off "Good now give us the bag and stay away from us and our mate Kelani" He said.

"But she's mine. My friend." He argued

Zach pushed him against the wall and said "Say that again. Say she is yours and I will beat you, she is ours, our mate not yours"

"Zach let's go" I said and pulled him away leaving to go to the cafeteria.

"I don't trust him one bit" I said

"Neither do I" Zach said

"We'll tell the others later and at lunch but not Kelani yet. And get Tony to do background check on him" Justin said

We walked to the cafeteria and found our table with everyone there. Everyone meaning: Clay, Alex, Henry, Jasper, Charlotte, Chris, Ariana, Shawn, Camila, Peter, MJ and Ned. The only person missing now was Kelani. We went and sat at the table. We said hi to our other mates Clay and Alex and hello to everyone else.

"Where's Kelani?" Camila asked

"She's gone to the bathroom, she'll be here in a minute" Zach said

"What's going on?" Alex said

"What do you mean? Nothing is going on." Zach said

"I can feel you lying through the soulmark why are you three so tense?" Clay said

We told them all about Hunter.

"Hmm that is strange. What are you going to do about it?" Ariana said

"Get Tony to a background check on this Hunter" I said

"Are you going to tell Kelani?" Chris said

"Not until we know more." I said

"Good idea" Shawn said

Charlotte, Henry and Jasper all sat jaws clenched and fists tight.

"No one is going to take her from all of us" Henry said

"No one" Jasper said

"She is all of ours" Charlotte said

"We have to keep an eye on her just until we know more" Peter said

"We will to won't we Ned?" MJ said

"For sure" Ned said.

"If I were you guys, I wouldn't turn around" Camila said

"Why?" I said

"Just don't." Shawn said

All of us turned around. All of Kelani's mates growled including I.

Zach snapped the lunch tray in half.

"Uh oh" Ariana said

Kelani's pov

"Well well well looks like you finally decided to show up"

"Oh shit" I said

I went to walk out the door but someone locked it and put the keys in their pocket.

"Oh shit indeed" They said as they walked closer to me.

I gulped. 

"Please don't hurt me or my mates. What do you want from me?" I said

"Please don't hurt me or my mates. What do you want from me?" Sydney and Britney mocked me.

"What we want is for you to stay away from the new kid Hunter and to stay away from your mates" Emilia said

"I can't they are my mates" I said trying to calm down before my mates find out I am scared and what is really happening.

"You got us kicked out of school for a while. I think it's time for revenge. What you think Chad?" Emilia asked

"I like that idea very much" He said and smirked

"Hold her down" Britney said

"Gladly" Chad said

They something in my mouth and duck taped it so no one could hear me scream. They took turns burning my skin and punching me and slapping me and beating me up. I screamed in agony and pain. 

They left scars ad bruises littered up my skin and my body. I cried for them to let me go as I screamed in anguish. They just laughed  and continued. They continued marking my skin and cutting into me letting me bleed out. Then the bell rung. 

"Your lucky bitch. Remember to stay away from the new kids including your mates and Hunter or we will be back" Britney laughed.

"You deserved it" Chad laughed. 

I watched them leave while I lay on the floor in pain. I slowly got up and used my magic to heal some of my bruises and put a cover up. That's it, I have to tell my mates tonight about them. Enough is enough. I fixed myself up, wiped my tears and put on a fake smile. I walked outside and bumped into someone. I looked up and saw Hunter. He helped me out.

"Oh sorry I didn't see you there." He said

"It's my fault" I said

"No it's not don't worry about it anyway. Your mates took your bag into the cafeteria for you. But anyway I was just looking for you to ask if I could sit with you because I don't know anyone." Hunter said.

"Oh sure definitely." I said

We walked into the canteen and entered. But Hunter whispered in my ear "Pretend your hugging me." 

"Why?" I said

"Because your heroin needles I gave you were left at the top of your bag so I am going to slip them into your pocket without looking suspicious" Hunter said

"Oh thank you so much okay" I said.

I put my arms around his neck and he pulled them out of his pocket and quickly put them into mine and then hugged me back. Then I heard nine various growls. I looked over and saw all my mates jaws clenched and fists tightened glaring at Hunter. Then Zach snapped the lunch tray. Everyone in the canteen stopped what they were doing and looked at my table then me.

Zach stormed over and started punching the shit out of Hunter and Hunter fought back. Some other people came and helped Hunter fight off my mates. Then Clay, Alex, Justin and Peter all got involved and Jessica and Camila, Shawn, Chris and Ariana.

Mr Kendall came in and screamed and shouted "You 12 principals office now"

No one moved.

"Now" He screamed we all got up grabbed our stuff and made our way there.

"Who started this fight?" Principal Johnson said.

"Zach did sir, he hit me because I was hugging Kelani" Hunter said.

"Why Zach?" Principal Johnson said

"Because she's our mate and best friend and none of us trust him and we got jealous and protective" Zach replied.

"That's hardly any reason. I have decided your all excluded for two weeks." Principal Johnson said.

Everyone's voice overlapped each other shouting how it wasn't fair and the principal screamed at us "All of you go home now"

We all left the office and everyone glared at Hunter. I tried to go to Hunter but my best friends held me back and my mates growled. I'm sorry, I mouthed he just smiled at me and walked off. I saw my wound was getting worse and it started bleeding a little bit. I will fix it later.

We walked back to the tower in silence and arrived twenty minutes later all got in the elevator and arrived at the lounge. Everyone else was already there. They looked at us all.

"Oh why are you guys all back so early?" Tony said

"We are all excluded for two weeks" I said

"Oh God what happened?" Stephen said

Shawn and I spent the next hour explaining to everyone what happened.

"Well that's not good but I do agree this Hunter should stay away from you. He sounds like bad news and you are ours so he better stay away" T'challa said

"I agree" Sam said

"Guys," I whispered

I fell forwards and held on to the sofa but they were all shouting at each other.

"Guys" I screamed this time

"I don't feel so good" I whispered and fell backwards. I lifted my hand up to see it covered in blood from my wounds.

"Kelani" Bruce (Wayne) screamed

"What happened?" Harley said

"Bruce get her to med bay right now" Nick said

They rushed me up there and ripped my shirt and saw some of my wounds. 

"Kelani take your glammer down right now, we need to see where your injured" Scott (Lang) said.

I did.

"Oh Kelani" Allison said

"It's ok, I'm alright, I just feel a bit tired" I said.

"No you stay awake" Rhodes said

"Don't you dare fall asleep" Jackson said

"Come on vinccessa stay awake for a little longer" Wanda said

"I'm so tired" I said and closed my eyes. 

The last thing I heard was my mates and friends telling me to stay awake. 

Hunters pov

I was in the loft awaiting for them to arrive. I got a phone call. I picked up.

"Hello?" I said

"Did you complete phase one?"

"Yes, I did, I am friends with Kelani now" I said

"Good job. Did you give her the needles?" 

"Yes, I did." I said

"She'll be ours soon and we will make her the most dangerous weapon to come. She'll be home where she belongs and then she'll forget all about her mates."

"Her mates almost ruined the plan today, they got in the way" I said

"Well make sure they don't" 

"I won't" I said

"Right we'll deliver you the goods now, your brother is coming to drop them off. Check in with us soon to give us an update. Goodbye Hunter."

They hung up.

"Miss me little brother?" 

I turned around.

"Of course I did" I said

"She'll be ours in no time and she'll be back home where she belongs. Isn't that right little brother? 

"Yes Tory she will be ours soon and restored back home with her parents back at the base where she will become the worlds most dangerous weapon." I said

A/N - Sorry for all the pov switches. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I hope you all had a nice Christmas.

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