Darkest Hero

By Bfghunter2

222K 5.2K 3.5K

What happens when Izuku took Bakugo's advice and took a swan dive off the roof? As they say suicide is a sin... More

Chapter 2: Hotel panic attacks
chapter 3: Puzzles and Uncles
chapter 4: The Box opens
chapter 5: The puzzle's trap
chapter 6: philisophical debate
chapter 7: interrogation
First impressions and reserection
exams and deals
Entrance exam test
Pink demon and pizza
Medical Ward and Fathers
Police and Death
Breakfast and a Head
meetings and family.
Quirk Exam
Exam Resaults and reveal
Medical Problems
prelude to destruction
Boom goes the Building
Meeting of the classes
dinner and a geust
Dorms Night
Less Bombs Hopefully part 1
Less bombs hopefully part 2
A Spark
The Press
Omake 1 and vote
Heroic Names
The Press
Before the curtain falls
The USJ part 1
The USJ Part 2
The USJ part 3
I hate Sand
Omake 2 and note
The Fight
Bad Words
S'mores and Texts
Calls and Mineta's Fright
Teleporting Bread
Class Meeting
Mei's Experiment
Meddle not with Nezu
Sports festival part 1
sports festival part 2
Sports Festival part 3
sports festival part 4
sin incarnate part 1
sin incarnate part 2
Omake 3
Fight Like Hell part 1
Fight Like Hell part 2
Fight Like Hell part 3
Along came the Spider
A tear in space
End of an Icon
Aftermath and Hype
Making History
Making history part 2
drink work don't and
omake 4

Darkest hero

25.5K 377 117
By Bfghunter2

Chapter 1: Welcome to hell.

Izuku Midoriya wasn't adverage. He was worthless, a complete deku according to society. In a world where 80% of the population had super powers the 20% without quickly became the discriminated minority. This was a harsh fact that izuku had learnt from a young age after being diagnosed as quirkless. Since that day his life had taken a steep dive. He lost his friends, he was constantly bullied, his father left and now his own mother, the woman he looked upto the most had died, leaving him alone in the world.

He sighed grimly as he looked up at the clear skies above him before looking down at the alleyway bellow him. "Geuss a swan dive off the roof is on the plans. Bakugo was right." The teen sighed as he took off his shoes and tied the laces together before pulling out his notebook and writing a brief message. With a resigned and tired sigh he tossed his shoes at a power line where they wrapped around the wires.

A loud explosion rattled the air and his bones as he stared down at the pavement bellow. With a shallow breath he lept, the pavement rushing to meet him. A sharp intense pain and crack was felt before everything flashed with static and darkness.

With a gasp he sprung up in a dumpster of all things.

"Couldn't even die right. Deku indeed." Izuku sighed to himself as he climbed out of the dumpster only to realise a few things had changed. First being his skin was now a pail bluish white and his uniform now had shredded cuffs. The next was there was no sky, only a rocky red ceiling high above that was partly shrouded with a red mist.

"Where am I?" Izuku asked himself as he took note of the buildings around him which looked like something from a 20th century rock band cover mixed with American arcitecture.

"Hey, you okay there you're bleeding?" A woman's voice asked. Jumping slightly and spinning on the spot izuku came face to face with a white skinned blonde with rosy red cheeks, yellow eyes, black lips and in a red and black hotel bell hop uniform with black high heal shoes. Embroidered across the left pocket of the uniform was the name Happy Hotel. Her smile looked slightly strained as if something had her freaked out or she just saw her parents naked, yeah, that bad.

"Eh?" Izuku muttered as he brought his hand to his head and felt something sticky there, pulling his hand back revealed partially dried blood stuck to his fingers.

"You must of gotten caught up in the purge, come on, lets get you fixed up. I'm Charlie by the way, what's your name?" The girl gave a grin filled with sharp fangs for teeth but the nervousness never really left her eyes.

"Izuku Midoriya, nice to meet you." The greenette replied as he allowed himself to be dragged along by the now definately less worried Charlie. "Um, where are we exactly?"

"Hell where else silly?" Charlie giggled slightly making Izuku stumble and nearly drag the blonde with him. " You okay?"

"H-hell?! I'm in hell?!" Izuku panicked, eyes wide in shock.

"Ah, new arrival then." Charlie nodded with a sympathetic smile. "It takes getting used to, well apparently, I was born here so just heresay and rumors. So, what did you do to end up here?"

"I, I guess it's because I'm quirkless." Izuku sighed in resignation. "I guess Bakugo was right, quirkless freaks don't go to heaven."

"Wait, quirkless? That's not a reason to end up here." Charlie stated with a confused frown. "Look lets get you back to the hotel, it's safer than out here." She stated as she eyed the currently empty street. "While I believe in redemption there are some not so nice folks around here."

"Like me." A zombified looking, green haired man coughed violently on a cigarette as he slinked out of a alleyway, several random creatures behind him. "Well well well, looks like it's my quirkless bastard of a son." He spat.

"D-dad?!" Izuku squeaked in shock.

"What you do, steal from an old lady?" The man snorted as flames flickered around his mouth.

"Oh no, this is bad, this is bad." Izuku panicked as he pulled Charlie away from his diseases father.

"So, what was it?" The man scoffed. "Whatever, still gonna charcoal your ass you freak."

"Is that so." Charlie growled as she stopped forward. "You'd attack your own son?!"

"He's quirkless." The man spat.

"You are sick." Charlie snarled as her eyes turned red, her nails lengthened into claws and a pair of horns grew from her head. " He is lost and confused and you want to kill him?!"

"Uh, l-look w-we were just joking." One of the creatures, the one that looked like a skinny humanoid frog, stuttered in panic. "S-sorry for t-the trouble your majesty."

"Tch whatever." Izuku's father spat before storming off with false brovado, obviously unwilling to get into a fight with someone much more powerful than himself.

"U-um what was all that?" Izuku asked in shock.

"The hotel is just down the street, it'll be safer there, it's almost 5 anyway and that's when they start trying to purge everyone." Charlie explained once her features returned to normal. " Now come on, we should be able to get you all settled in quickly enough."

"Thanks." Izuku gave a strained smile as once more Charlie dragged him down the street. While this was happening his mind was racing a million miles an hour, screaming that he should of just stayed in the dumpster.

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