The Odd One Out: YEAR TWO...

بواسطة dracos-apple-16

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I suck at writing summaries I apologise in advance. Based off the movies not books! Y/N is a Weasley, and a t... المزيد

Cast list
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9

Chapter 8

331 19 11
بواسطة dracos-apple-16

She had the black diary clutch to her chest. "Ginny, please don't be dead!" Harry said panic stricken. "Wake up wake up!" I pushed her hair out of her face and brought my ear to her lips. I could hear her faint breathing but it was getting slower.

"She won't wake." A teenaged boy emerged from the shadows, he was wearing the Slytherin uniform but it was strange because I have never seen him in the common room let alone the school.

Harry snapped his head up, but I kept my eyes trained on Ginny which were brimmed with warm tears and I tried not to let them fall. I racked my brain for any spells that might help but I couldn't think of any.

The boy began to walk towards us. "Tom? Tom Riddle?" Harry sounded just as confused as I must have looked. I watched the scene play out as silent tears slipped down my face. "What do you mean she won't wake?" Harry asked. "She's not-"

The boy picked up the pace, "she's still alive. But only just." He had a stone cold face, no emotion in his eyes at all. Harry sat, "are you a ghost?" The boy stopped a few feet from Ginny. "A memory, preserved in a diary for fifty years."

He looked down at me a faint smile tugging at the corner of his lips. I shuddered as I focused my attention back on Ginny. I touched Ginny's hand, "she's as cold as ice." Harry looked desperate and he turned back to Tom. "You have to help us save her!" I watched Tom as he picked up Harry's wand rotating it lightly in his fingers.

"Come on Ginny! Wake up!" Harry's voice sounded urgent. "Tom you have to help us! There's a basilisk-" "It won't come 'till it's called." Tom stated and Harry slowly stood up and held out his hand. "Give me my wand Tom." I slowly released Ginny's head and stood keeping my wand concealed.

"You won't be needing it." He stated plainly. "Listen! We've got to go! We've got to save her!" I said trying not get angry. "I'm afraid I can't do that Y/N, you see as young Ginny gets weaker, I grow stronger." Alright this dude was acting super sus. How did he know my name and what type of voodoo stuff is he doing to Ginny?

I looked around as realization struck, "yes Y/N. It was Ginny Weasley who opened the Chamber of Secrets." I shook my head. "No! She couldn't, she wouldn't." " It was Ginny who wrote those frightening messages on the wall, Ginny who sent the basilisk on the students and Filches cat."

"But why?" Harry asked. "Because I told her to." Tom replied, "you'll find I can be very persuasive." His expression hardened, "not that she knew what she was doing. She was in... shall we say some sort of trance? Still, the power of the diary began to scare her, she tried to dispose of it in the girls bathroom. And then who should find it but you." He pointed the wand at Harry as he began to circle us.

"One of the people I was most anxious to meet." Harry stepped forward only about 6 inches from Tom. "And why did you want to meet me?" Harry asked his voice hard and angry.

"I knew I had to talk to you. Meet you if I could. So I decided to show you my capture of that brainless oaf Hagrid to gain your trust." I stepped forward balling my fists. "HAGRID'S OUR FRIEND! And you framed him didn't you?" Tom smirked.

"It was my word against Hagrid's, only Dumbledore seemed to think he was innocent." Harry smiled, "I bet Dumbledore saw right through you." "He certainly kept an annoyingly close eye on me after that. I knew it wasn't safe to open the chamber while I was still at school so I decided to leave behind a diary.

"Preserving my 16 year old self in its pages so that one day I would be able to lead another to finish Salazar Slytherin's noble work." I glared at the teen, "well you haven't finished it this time. In a few hours the mandrakes draught will be ready. And everyone who was petrified will be alright again." His lip curled, "but haven't I told you? Killing Mudbloods doesn't matter to me anymore. For months now my target has been you two!"

He turned to me and stood only inches from me. "Ginny wrote all about the two of you. How she was jealous of her 'sister'," He made air quotes as he said it which rose confusion. "Much prettier than her and of course, best friends with her crush, Harry Potter.

"She told me the story about how you were brought to the Weasley house when you were only one and she was just an infant. You and Harry," he jutted his head at Harry. "Escaped the power of Lord Voldemort with nothing but scars! While Lord Voldemort's powers were destroyed!" He placed a finger under my chin and lifted my face examining it, "though yours seems to be concealed."

I ripped my face from his grasp, "you're completely mental!" He glared, "am I?" He circled closely around me. "Get away from her!" Harry yelled but Tom smirked. "Seems Ginny was right to be jealous." He was right behind me and he grabbed my hair but he didn't yank it. "You fancy her." Harry glared, "don't touch her!" Tom let my hair fall and faced me again caressing my jawline. I bit towards his hand and he pulled it away. Tom smirked at me as he continued.

"See you're so-called family never told you that you were there that night. HOW DID TWO INFANTS WITH NO EXTRAORDINARY MAGICALLY TALENT ESCAPE LORD VOLDEMORT!?" I tried to mask my confusion, "why would you care? Voldemort was after your time!"

He leaned in only centimeters from me, "GET AWAY FROM HER!" Harry began to run towards us but Tom simply pointed the wand behind him and I heard Harry's footsteps stop. "You see Y/N," I could feel his breath hit my face I tried to step back but Tom grabbed my face with one hand keeping me close to him.

"Voldemort is my past present and future." He smiled at me and caressed my cheek before turning. I wiped my face disgusted and Harry joined my side. He grabbed my face in his hands, "are you alright?" I nodded and he released me and we turned watching Tom carefully.

He wrote words in the air with Harry's wand. I looked closer and it said,


He swished Harry's wand and the words began to move and when it was done it read,


"You?" Harry asked. "You're the heir of Slytherin." I said through a clenched jaw. "You're Voldemort." He turned on me, "surely you didn't think I'd keep my filthy muggle father's name. No, I fashioned myself a better name, a name I knew that wizards everywhere would some day fear to speak when I became the greatest sorcerer in the world!"

Harry took a step forward glaring at him, "Albus Dumbledore is the greatest sorcerer in the world!" Tom sneered, "Dumbledore has been driven out of the castle by the mere memory of me." I stepped forward, "he'll never be gone! Not as long as those who remain are loyal to him!" Tom and I glared at each other for a moment. I heard a phoenix cry and I looked around.

I saw a beautiful red bird with the sorting hat clutched tightly in its talons. It dropped the hat in Harry's hand and landed gently on my shoulder nuzzling my head before setting it's eyes on Harry. "Faux?" He asked and I tried my best to shrug.

"So this is what Dumbledore sends his great defenders? A song bird, and an old hat." Tom then turns towards the statue of Slytherin and held his hand out and spoke a bit if Parsel Tongue to it. And the Basilisk slowly came out a now open pipe. I quickly averted my eyes as Tom said, "let's match the power of Lord Voldemort heir of Salazar Slytherin against the famous Harry Potter." He now addressed the basilisk. "Get him!" Harry turned and ran as the basilisk followed him.

I felt Faux leave my shoulder as Riddle called out to Harry. "Parsel Tongue won't save you now." I tried my best to look frightened and unprotected. I heard Faux screech followed by the basilisks cry. "NO! YOU MAY HAVE BLINDED THE BASILISK BUT IT CAN STILL HEAR YOU!"

Faux perched by the sorting hat as I heard Harry running through the pipes. I turned and looked Tom directly in the eye. "As for you," he approached me slowly taking my face in his hands. He stared at me for a moment and started to bring my face to his but as fast as lightning I punched his gut and pulled my wand out of my robes pointing it at him.

Tom smirked, "so you aren't just a pretty face?" I glared as he raised the wand and screamed "Avada-" but I was quicker, "Stupefy!" I yelled and he flew backwards groaning as he did. He was quick to get on his feet. "REDUCTO!" He yelled and I dove tucking into a roll just barely missing it.

As Tom and I were duelling Harry ran to try and interfere but I just gestured for him to check on Ginny. He reluctantly knelt by her side. "Yes Potter!" Tom yelled over the sound of the spells I threw at him which he blocked. "The process is nearly complete. In a few minutes Ginny Weasley will be dead, and I will cease to be a memory." I faltered a bit, "Lord Voldemort will return! Very much ALIVE!"

I clenched my jaw and shot a few more spells at him forcing him to turn his attention back to me as the basilisk shot out of the water. I heard the sound of a sword unsheathing but I didn't dare look, if I looked away Riddle would kill me.

"Bombarda!" I yelled and he jumped out of the way just barely missing the explosion. He raised the wand "Rictusempra!" I blocked the spell and shouted one of my own. "Expelliarmus!"

The wand shot out of his hand and I snatched it out of the air. He sneered at me but I pointed my wand at him, "Stupefy!" He flew backwards farther than last time and hit one of the walls.

I heard the basilisk screeching. I winced as I saw Harry walking towards me grunting as he did. He had his hand cupped over his arm that gripped both the sword and a fang. I looked at him concerned but he waved it away. "Are you okay Crystal?" I nodded, "are you?" He nodded and I turned to Ginny falling to my knees next to her.

Harry dropped the sword and fang falling next to me. He placed his hand over Ginny's. "Remarkable isn't it Harry? How quickly the venom of the basilisk spreads, I guess you have more than a minute to live. And you Y/N, will die soon enough. But I want you to see the two of them die first." I glared at him, I glanced once again at the diary and pulled it out of Ginny's hand flipping it open to a random page.

I grabbed the basilisk fang and raised it above the pages. "What are you doing?" I stabbed the page and Tom screamed, "NO!" I looked up at him as a hole formed through him. He screamed in agony and started towards me as I pulled the fang out but I was quick to stab the other page.

He stumbled backwards screaming louder than before. I pulled the fang out once again and shut the book thrusting the fang into the book for the final time causing Tom to explode in a shower of sparks. Ginny's eyes snapped open and she began to breath deeply and sat up.

I dropped the fang and threw my arms around her hugging her tightly. Once I let her go she looked at the two of us guiltily. "Y/N, Harry. It was me but I swear I didn't mean to! Riddle made me." I nodded, "it's okay," my eyes drifted to Harry's arm and Ginny gasped. "Harry, your hurt!"

"I'm fine, listen you two follow the chamber and you'll find Ron." I was shaking my head as Faux landed on Harry's knee. "You were brilliant Faux," he said and tried for a smile. "I just wasn't quick enough." Then Faux leaned over Harry's wound and began to cry into it.

"Of course!" I said as I grabbed the journal and stood. "Phoenix tears have healing powers." Harry's wound instantly began to close, and he smiled at us, "don't worry it's over. Its just a memory." They both stood and Harry engulfed me in a hug, "thanks." He let me go and I cocked my head to the side, "for what?" "For getting rid of Riddle, and dueling him" I shrugged, "it had to be done."

I glance at Ginny and she averted her eyes I made a mental note to assure her that I didn't have feelings for Harry. Harry grabbed his wand and together we made our way out of the chamber and back to the wall of rocks which Ron had barely dented.

He poked his head out of a small hole he made and his eyes lit up, "you guys are alright! And you saved Ginny!" I nodded, "you and Professor Lockfart better stand back." Everyone laughed at the name and I pointed my wand at it. "Bombarda Maxima!" A large explosion hit the rocks which all dusted into pebbles.

Ron tackled the three of us in hugs and Faux came and landed on my shoulder, "what's that?" I smiled up at the bird, "this is Faux. He saved our lives." The bird flew in front of me gesturing for me to take his tail. I did and grabbed Ron's arm and he grabbed Lockhart's who Harry grabbed and Ginny wrapped her arms around his waist. I smiled at her and Faux took off.


The four of us stood in Dumbledore's office. We had just finished telling the story and Dumbledore leaned back, "well seeing as how Ginny was in a trance you will face no punishment." She let out a sigh of relief and my mother and father rushed in. After we were all smothered in hugs including Harry. Dumbledore beckoned our parent towards him.

They exchanged quick whispers, mum pursed her lips but dad placed his arms on her shoulders and they took Ginny and exited the office. Dumbledore faced the three of us.

"The three of you realize of course that in the past few hours you have broken perhaps a dozen school rules." Our heads lowered slightly as I nodded. "I have sufficient evidence to have the three of you expelled!" "Yes sir," we replied sadly. "Therefore it is only fitting, that the three of you receive," we looked up fearfully. "Special services to the school." He smiled sweetly at us.

We each looked at eachother smiling widely. "Thanks sir!" I exclaimed and he nodded still smiling. "Now Mr. Weasley, if you would have an owl deliver these release papers to Azkaban, I believe we want our game keeper back." He handed Ron an envelope and Ron exited and Dumbledore stood walking up to us.

"First, I want to thank the both of you. You must have shown me great loyalty in the chamber nothing but that could have called Faux to you. Now Miss. Y/N would you please wait outside the door, I need a private word with Harry then you." I nodded and stepped out.


About 15 minutes later Harry walked out and grinned at me, I smiled sweetly at him and walked into Dumbledore's office and he gestured for me to stand with him.

"So what did Tom say to you down in the Chamber?" I bit my lip nervously, "well he said alot professor but the part that confuses me the most is what he said about my family." Dumbledore gestured for me to continue.

"He said that I wasn't really a Weasley that I-" I sighed, "that I was there that night in Godric Hollow and that I helped destroy Voldemort's powers." Dumbledore laced his fingers together. "Miss. Y/N I am sorry but what he said is true. You are not Ronald's twin, in fact you're not a Weasley at all. Your mother passed along with Harry's mother, protecting the two of you. Your father..."

His voice trailed off and I looked up, "my father?" Dumbledore looked sympathy, "you'll find out about your father in due time my dear." I groaned, "but professor!" He simply raised his hand to silence me.

"Just as Harry you possess alot of the qualities that Voldemort himself possesses. Harry was given the gift of parsel tongue and you were given his gift of fast healing and smarts. Your ability to read spells once and succeed immediately is in your blood, but it Voldemort's power is mixed into there as well.

"And as for your scar, you do have one. It was concealed when we made the transformation of your looks." I cocked an eyebrow, "we had to make you look more like a Weasley." He stated simply, "well." I gulped, "what do I really look like?" He smiled and raised his wand, "this won't hurt a bit child." I nodded and he waved his wand.

I slowly opened my eyes and Dumbledore smiled at me. I didn't dare look at my hair but I realized I was about two inches taller. I bit my lip and walked over to a mirror what I saw made me gasp I hardly recognized myself.

(This is Emily Rudd your face claim. This was the youngest I could find^^)

My hair was just as long as it was before but the texture was more wavy rather than curly and it was black not red anymore. My eyes were now dark brown and I lost my freckles. "My dear," Dumbledore placed his hand on my shoulder. "Push back your hair."

I did as he said and tucked my hair behind my ear and I gasped, I had a lightning scar identical to Harry's. I shut my mouth and Dumbledore smiled, "you look just like your Father," I smiled, "you have your mother's smile." a silent tear fell down my face.

The door slammed open and I whipped around and saw Lucius walk in and Dobby trailed close behind. "Dobby? So this is your master! The family you serve is the Malfoys." He nodded though the only way he could recognize me is my voice.

Lucius glared down at Dobby, "I'll deal with you later." He walked up the stairs and held out his cane. "Out of my way Miss. Y/N!" He pushed me with his cane and I huffed. "So it's true? You have returned." Dumbledore took his seat and looked at Malfoy Senior with a dull expression.

"Once the governors received word about Authur Weasley's daughter being taken into the chamber they saw fit to reinstate me." Malfoy sneered, "ridiculous!" Dumbledore either didn't hear him or just chose to ignore it. "Curiously enough Lucius, several of them were under the impression that you would curse their families if they didn't agree to have me removed in the first place."

"How dare you!" Dumbledore just raised an eyebrow, "I beg your pardon?" Lucius leaned on his cane. "My sole concern has always been and will always be the welfare of this school. And of course it's students." He turned to me and sent me a hard glare which I returned.

He turned back to Dumbledore, "the culprit has been identified I presume?" Dumbledore nodded, "oh yes." "And? Who was it?" Dumbledore and I shared a look and he faintly smiled at me. "Voldemort." Lucius lifted his head, "ah."

"Only this time who chose to act through somebody else. By the means, of this." He held up the destroyed diary. Lucius looked a bit nervous. "I see." Dobby tugged on my sleeve, he gestured at the diary then at Lucius. I nodded slowly.

"Fortunately," Dumbledore continued, "our Young Y/N and her friends discovered it. One hopes that no more of Lord Voldemort's old school things fall into innocent hands. The consequences for the one responsible would be severe."

Lucius turned to me glaring hard. "Well let's hope that the new Miss. Y/N
is always around, I save the day." I smirked slightly, "don't worry. I will be." Dumbledore smiled at this and Lucius turned back to the Headmaster. He nodded once, "Dumbledore." Dumbledore nodded back and Lucius swished his robe.

"Come now Dobby, we're leaving." He kicked Dobby down the stairs and I winced as he hit him once more on his way out. I glanced down at the journal, "I was wondering in I could have this sir?" He nodded and I grabbed it, "thanks." "But make sure to come back when you're done, I need to have a word." I nodded.

Holy Sh!t what a plot twist!!! What did you guys think?

I want to thank you all for being so patient with me!

All characters are owned by J.K Rowling Except for Brianna I own her!
You own yourself!

Make sure to comment and Vote if you enjoyed!


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