See You Later Boys

By Cecilia-Jeanette-

435 15 4

"Bye Boys!!" She said, she then heard a series of responses, but even after all these years she was still sea... More



24 4 2
By Cecilia-Jeanette-

             After Y/n had finally found an empty compartment she set her things down, but within the moment of three seconds, she realized that there was one problem, the compartment next door was making a lot of noise and she wouldn't be able to focus on anything else besides their undying laughter and shouting.  

             She decided that she would go next door and check out what they were doing. She crept out of her compartment, hoping that no one would take it while she was gone, and peeked her head in the compartment. And as she did this she was surprised to see that her seven closest friends were chatting it up about what they had done over the summer.

             She opened the compartment door and was greeted by the many boys saying "hello" or "hi". These boys included- Dean Thomas, Ron, George, and Fred Weasley, along with Oliver wood, Harry Potter, and last but certainly the boy y/n was most excited to see, Seamus. She greeted all of her friends with smiles and promises to catch up with all of them later as she then turned to face Seamus.  

             "Seamus, can I talk to you in the next door compartment for a sec?" She said in a gentle tone, causing all of the boys to go:

"you got this mate" 


"don't chicken out mate she'll say yes"

             These responses made y/n's cheeks blossom with different shades of red as she turned and walked out of the noisy sound of teenage boys yelling as loud as she could over her shoulder,


             So that she could finally get Seamus to follow behind her, and leave his friends behind for a moment. THE moment. Y/n could barely contain her emotions of excitement and fear as she then slipped into the next door compartment and listened for a certain boy's goodbyes. 

             She knew that it was terrible, and she wanted to be with Seamus above all, she couldn't help but have a hole in her heart where a certain red-headed twin's love and affection should be. That's when she heard it, coming from Freddie himself,

"I missed you Y/n."

             And even though he didn't say much, these words meant the world to y/n, causing a smile to rise to her lips, and her heart to have a light flutter. She sat down on the bench to the right side and waited about 30 seconds until Seamus came running in yelling

"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! I missed you! I missed you! I missed you!"  In a voice that sounded like he was the most nervous person in the world trying to mask it all with the exhilaration of excitement. 

She then responded with:

"I missed you too!" She said embracing him and planting a small kiss on his cheek before motioning for him to sit down across from her. 

 "Oh! And what will I say yes to according to Ron and Dean?"

             Just then he turned to y/n and said the words she wanted to hear the most in the world right now as shades of pink exploded onto Seamus' cheeks. 

"Y/N Y/L/N will you be my girlfriend?"

             And as he said it he shut his eyes, bracing himself just in case he got an answer he didn't want to hear. But instead, he was met with y/n jumping onto his lap and hugging him as tightly as she possibly could.

"Of course, I'll be your girlfriend Seamus! I have no idea why you look so nervous right now, I've been waiting for you to ask me that all summer!" She said hitting his arm playfully and looking him directly in his eyes now. And at that moment he couldn't even come up with words to respond until ten seconds later when he said,

"I have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world don't I?" Happily hugging the girl he could now call his girlfriend.  

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