RusCan: Snowy Relationships

By officialameliamoon

254K 8.6K 8.4K

RusCan: Snowy Relationships: a similarity between Russia and Canada? Their climates? It snows? They're big na... More

Chapter 1: Beginning
Chapter 2: Comrade
Chapter 3: Relief
Chapter 4: Sibling
Chapter 5: Blessé
Chapter 6: Douleur
Chapter 7: Surprise?
Chapter 8: "Camarade"
Chapter 9: Teddy Bear
Chapter 10: Punition
Chapter 11: Special
Chapter 12: Snowstorm
Chapter 13: водка
Chapter 14: Tournesol
Chapter 15: Visitors
Chapter 16: Hockey
Chapter 17: Winners or Losers
Chapter 18: Gagner la Confiance
Chapter 19: tireur isolé
Chapter 20: Jealousy
Chapter 21: Glace
Chapter 22: Home Free
Chapter 23: кровавый снег
Chapter 24: Sans Sommeil
Chapter 25: gâteau
Chapter 26: сердце
Chapter 27: Heureux, pas triste
Chapter 28: Cauchemar
Chapter 29: Enfoncer
Chapter 30: защита
Chapter 32: Go Home
Chapter 33: Mignon
Chapter 34: обучение
Chapter 35: Любовь?
Chapter 36: shy
Chapter 37: я поступил
Chapter 38: .. Comme quelqu'un l'a déjà ...
Chapter 39: The God France?
Chapter 40: Sleep over?
Chapter 41: Oh... The Dress
Chapter 42: Joyeux anniversaire Canada
Chapter 43: My Little Sunflower
Sequel Preview
Author note

Chapter 31: Understanding

4.6K 167 146
By officialameliamoon

This story was influenced by "Giving In" by Artificial.

Chapter 31: Understanding

Canada had a hard time sleeping that night, he kept thinking Belarus would sneak into his room and murder him. He had clutched onto Kumajirou tightly and looked at the door several times to make sure no one was there; he didn't even feel comfortable with the door locked. What he woke up to didn't help.

Canada opened his heavy eyes only to find Russia staring at him. "Ahh!" Canada screamed and jumped back, falling off the bed too. Russia stood there blankly, not knowing how to react to that.

"Well good morning to you too..." He said. Canada popped back up on the other side of the bed.

"How the maple did you get in here? ! I locked the door!"

"There's another door to this room Matvey."

"....There is?" Canada said, now a little afraid.

"Da. I can't tell you were it is though."

"Why not! ?""It's a secret." Russia smiled. "So. Are you ready to leave?"

"Eh? Leave?"

"Da. I did say I would show you Moscow didn't I?"

"O-Oh. Yeah."

"Da. So hurry up and get dressed." Russia headed toward the door. "Take a shower too. You smell." He left out the door. Canada sat there a bit dazed, then decided to sniff his arm pit, a real America move, and damn he did smell; the smell of fear....

After showering and changing into a clean sweatshirt and jeans, he met Russia downstairs, avoiding any eye contact with Belarus. Before she could even say a word to the two, Russia grabbed Canada and pulled him out to the car, he almost dropped Kumajirou in the process. Russia was obviously in a rush to get the hell out of the house, Canada didn't want to slow him down. He quickly climbed into the car as Russia got in and started it up. They were on the main road within minutes.

"So." Canada asked. "Where are we going?"

"Krasnaya ploshchad." Russia said. Canada pouted.


"Red Square." Russia said. "I think you'll like it, it's Ukraine's favorite place in Moscow."


"Just don't get lost, and don't talk to any women trying to... touch you."

"I told you I didn't do anything back!"

"Just making sure." Russia smirked. "You are French." Canada moaned.

"Shut up..." He mumbled. Russia smiled a bit, he was amused.

After a couple minutes of driving, they arrived by Red Square. Russia easily got out as Canada once again climbed out, this time more of a fall out. Russia had to wait for the boy to get his balance and grab Kumajirou before finally going to the Square. "You carry that bear around everywhere don't you?" Russia asked. Canada smiled and gave a big nod.

The Red Square was smack in the middle of Moscow. It was bounded on one side by walls, the color buildings were everywhere now, the bricks of the square red (Canada guessed that's how it got that name), this place was huge! You could see St. Basil's Church, Zemsky prikaz Museum, the Kazan Cathedral, statues and monuments, everything represented respect.

Russia enjoyed coming here. He didn't like any crowds or interacting with anyone, but he liked seeing the place; the colors, the buildings themselves, his people, he enjoyed seeing them. Canada liked seeing this place, it was just like the pictures in the book. He looked around, thinking also about Russia's past, how much war and rebellions had gone on throughout this city's life, throughout Russia's life. He looked at the Russian. "What's with the look?" Russia asked. Canada pouted a bit, Russia blinked. "What?"

"N-Nothing." Canada looked away. Russia continued staring at the boy, wondering what that was about. "Do you want to know something?" Russia asked.

"Huh? Like what?" Canada looked back at him. Russia scratched the side of his head a bit.

"I don't know..." He admitted. "But you look confused so..."

"I was just thinking about something I read, that's all."

"And what did you read about?"

Canada paused. "Um.... Zombie attack in Florida?" He said, figured he just say the last thing he saw on the news. Russia glared at him.

"No offense, but I hope they eat your brother first."

"That's so mean!" Canada squealed. "I know he's obnoxious and annoying and a pain in the ass and loud and selfish and-"

"Exactly why he should go first!"

"Noooo. You're missing the point!" Canada said then sighed. "Look point is, he really is a good guy. I know you hate him and don't see him that way but I respect him and what he does for his country, he is a good guy. Okay?"

"I don't understand..." Russia said.

"Understand what?"



"Da. You." Russia said. "I thought you were an open book, but your not."

"Um....Thank you?" Canada questioned.

"Why would you respect someone who is the very sole reason why everyone mistakes you, ignores you, and abuses you?" Russia said. Canada blinked, even twitched a bit. "You keep ignoring my questions about certain things."

"I-I do not."

"Da you do. I asked you in that bathroom if it was hard for you to be forgotten." Canada flinched. You never answered me." Russia said.

"I, um, don't remember that."

"Liar. You know you do. So what is it? Why do you avoid the question?"

"I'm not avoiding the question!" Canada yelled a bit, it surprised Russia so much he actually took a step back from the Canadian. "Juste tais-toi! Vous n'avez pas besoin de savoir sur ma vie!" He yelled.

"W-What?" Russia blinked. "What did you say?"

"Hmph!" Canada was in a puff ball of anger, he walked away from the Russian to cool down. Russia didn't understand what the hell just happened, he knew he pissed the Canadian off but he didn't understand why. Maybe it was a touchy question? Maybe he was just PMSing? Was he just fed up with the questions? Russia didn't get it and he wasn't happy that he upset the Canadian either; he was his best company right now and didn't want to lose him. That and, even though he tried to deny it, he only wanted to see the boy smile, it upset him if Canada was upset.

Walking around here, you would get lost. Canada clearly didn't care and he simply walked down the red bricked road, looking around a bit and not looking back at Russia. Knowing Canada would get lost, or he knew someone would start touching him again, Russia followed behind the Canadian. Not so close that he would see, but not so far that he couldn't see the Canadian. It was silent between them, Russia watched him and followed to make sure he wouldn't go to far and get lost, while Canada didn't throw a single look back at him, it made Russia feel bad....

Finally, he noticed Canada stopped, maybe he grew tired of the silent aloneness? Russia decided it was time to start talking again and he walked up to the Canadian. He looked over at his face, he didn't look back, Canada was to busy looking at something else. Russia looked up at the object. "It's called Kolokolnya Ivana Velikovo." Russia said. Canada looked at him finally. "Ivan the great bell tower."

"It's a bell tower?" Canada asked. He than realized something and looked right at him. "Wait. I heard Ivan was your name? Right?"

"Da. Ivan Braginski." Russia said. "But this Ivan was a...Boss of mine."

"Ivan the great...He gathered Russian lands right?"

"You know about him?"

"A little..." Canada thought about it. "He was a grand price of Moscow and ended the dominance of the Golden Horde."

"Da. That's correct." Russia said. "I'm surprised you know a little of my history."

"W-Well...Wikipedia helps."

"You googled my country?"

"....I wikied it." Canada laughed a bit, clearly he was over being in a bad mood.

"So um," Russia started. "Do you want to go inside?"

"Na. I just want to look at it." Canada said. "Can you tell me about it?"

"Your very interested huh?" Russia said, Canada gave a big nod as he looked at the tower. "It has 52 bells. The first bell tower was built in 1329 until Ivan the great replaced it. Um, in 1600 the main tower was rebuilt to what you see now. Enough facts?"

"I guess." Canada said. He looked down a bit and pouted, Russia looked at him. "H-Hey Russia."


"I'm sorry for yelling at you and storming off..." Canada said looking at the ground. Russia smiled just a bit.

"It's fine Matvey. It was nice to see you have balls."

"Eh! ?" Canada jumped at him and yelped. Russia laughed a bit as he started to walk away. Canada blushed a bit, pouted, then followed behind. "Um. Where are we going?"

"I'm just walking around." Russia said. His phone suddenly vibrated in his coat pocket. The two walked around a little more as Russia checked his phone multiple times, his boss was contacting him, and Russia did not want anything to do with his boss right now, he was enjoying himself and work would only ruin his day. Instead of answering his phone, he ignored it and went with his day, which sadly had to end eventually.

"Whatda mean you need to leave! ?" Canada yelped. The two stood at the front door of Russia's house as he readied himself to leave, he ignored his boss and now needed to speak with him.

"I need to run a few errands, talk with my boss, country stuff da?" He said putting his boots on.

"I want to come with you!" Canada yelped like a child.

"No Matvey." Russia glared. "Look I understand, you don't want to be home alone with Belarus but I can't take you with me."

"Please! ? You're right! I don't want to be here with her!"

"Quiet down. Ukraine is here, you'll be fine."

"You're sister is insane!" Canada was on the verge of almost crying now, and that caught Russia's attention.

"Why are you more afraid of her? Your fear grew." He said.

Canada paused. "N-No. What? Not at all. I don't know what you're talking about, seriously, like what the maple." He rumbled, nervously. Belarus did say if Russia found out, she would brutally kill the Canadian with her bare hands, painfully and brutally.

Russia paused. "Matvey?" He asked. "Did she... threaten you?" Canada froze, that was enough of a answer. Anger flushed over Russia, how dare Belarus! He thought as he started to head for the stairs to confront his little sister upstairs.

"Russia wait!" He quickly grabbed onto Russia's wrist in panic. "P-Please don't say anything to her! Please!"

"Of course I'm going to say something. She threatened you."

"Yeah well she said if you found out, I would be dead! Please don't!"

"I'll make it like you didn't tell me."

"Russia please...." Canada pouted and whimpered. Russia hesitated to just let it go, Canada's life was being threatened here, but Belarus would be extremely mad if her threats weren't taken, meaning she would kill Canada if Russia comforted her about it.

"Fine. Just stay with Ukraine or lock the door in your room da? I'll try to be back as soon as I can be."

"Please do..." Canada quietly said.

Russia nodded, then actually thought about what America said. "Matvey. If you want, I can teach you to defend yourself."

"Defend myself? Like fighting?"


"I know how to fight! I can defend myself just fine!" Canada protested.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure!" Canada said, though Russia knew the boy really couldn't, especially with Belarus being the one attacking. But Russia let it go, he couldn't force the boy.

"Fine fine." He sighed. "I'll be back quickly." He said. Canada nodded as the Russian finished buttoning his coat and walking out the front door. Before anyone could hear him leave, Canada ran up stairs like Italy running from the British to his room. He locked the door and jumped onto his bed, hugging onto Kumajirou as well, only hoping the time could go by fast.

After 45 minutes of sitting there holding Kumajirou, Canada finally decided that was enough and got his laptop to do some country work. His nerves calmed down a bit now, it seems Belarus wasn't interested tonight. The house was still silent, he could hear the faint sound of the T.V. downstairs where Ukraine was, he could only hope that Belarus was with her.

Canada acted like a son waiting for his father to come home, frequently looking toward the window to see if Russia was pulling up. This time, he got up off the bed and walked over to the window to see. It was pitch black outside, definitely no car lights, even after an hour and a half of Russia being gone; he couldn't help but wonder what Russia and his boss was thinking about.

His thoughts were cut short though.

A creek in the door scared Canada a bit as he turned to see what it was, he knew he locked that door so how was it opening? Slowly, the visitor walked in wearing her blue dress. Belarus came in fully and closed the door behind her, then locked it.

"B-Bela-" Canada tried but she interrupted

"Big brother isn't here to protect you now." She said with a cold stare, a murderous stare, as she took out several small knives.

OOOOThank you~

First off, this is influenced by "Giving In" By Artificial. We did talk it over and the author has given me permission to start it like this.

Places used in this are real, and I have no connection with them

Ok so back to this story merp..... So much Canada abuse... DX Ok so I left it on a cliff hanger, think about what Belarus will do to our poor Canada. Next Chapter, it will be very dramatic!



Juste tais-toi! Vous n'avez pas besoin de savoir sur ma vie!: Just shut up! You don't need to know about my life!

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