Aladdin (My Take)

By abhiprak23

22 0 0

My version of a live-action remake of Aladdin (1992). More

Aladdin (My Take)

22 0 0
By abhiprak23

(Open on a desert. The wind blows sand across the screen. Camera pans to right and zooms to show a caravan of camels travelling across the desert.

Somber Arabian music plays in the background; the camera cuts and zooms to show the two camels at the front- we see a family of four, two members seated on a camel each. There is a dad, a mom, a son and a daughter. The dad and son sit on the camel in front; the mom and daughter sit on the camel right behind the first. The daughter is older than the son by two years.)

Son: Baba, how long until we reach the city?
Dad: Hmmm... (to his wife, the mom)How long have we been travelling?
Mom: I believe we have been going on for at least three days.
Daughter: Three days? More like three weeks...

(The son reaches into his side pocket and takes out the magic lamp.)

Son: Baba, I was wondering- you asked me to take this lamp with us for our trip. What's so great about this?
Dad: Oh, that's no ordinary lamp. Why, it's said to have once contained an all-powerful genie.
Son: (scoffs)No way.
Daughter: A genie? (Fascinated)Whoa...
Dad: Don't be fooled by its commonplace appearance, my boy. Sometimes, it's not what's on the outside, but what's inside that counts.
Daughter: What happened to the genie?
Dad: Well, a young man once found this lamp, and after some mishaps, he set the Genie free.
Daughter: Oh... What's his name?
Dad: Aladdin.
Son: Sounds interesting... Baba, can you tell us the story?
Dad: Hmmm... Well...

(Intro to "Arabian Nights" starts playing and the dad starts to sing.)

Dad: Oh, imagine a land, it's a faraway place
Where the caravan camels roam
Where it's flat and immense, and the heat is intense-
It's barbaric, but hey, it's home

(The son and daughter listen very excitedly as the dad continues to sing.)

Dad: When the wind's from the east
And the sun's from the west
And the sand in the glass is right
Come on down, stop on by
Hop a carpet and fly
To another Arabian night

(The camera pans from the dad singing on the camel to the desert sands ahead, and then it slowly zooms in on the city as the title card - "Aladdin"- shows up on the screen in golden letters. During the instrumental break and opening credits, the sky turns from the golden blue of early morning to the purple of late evening as the camera pans up to reveal a bustling marketplace, thronged by people of various kinds- shopkeepers, hawkers, families, old men sitting and chatting, women working in the public kitchens.)

Dad: (voiceover)As you wind through the streets at the fabled bazaars
With the cardamom-cluttered stalls
You can smell every spice
While you haggle the price
Of the silks and the satin shawls

(The camera moves to left to show a young bearded man with what looks like a vintage, 90s hairdo that reaches to his shoulders- he is Aladdin. We see Abu also, leaping off his shoulder. Aladdin quickly follows Abu.)

Dad: (voiceover)Oh, the music that plays as you move through a maze
In the haze of your pure delight
You are caught in a dance, you are lost in the trance
Of another Arabian night

(The camera pans up from where Aladdin and Abu were to an impressive shot of the royal palace. The palace doors open to reveal a beautifully arched passageway, after which the camera moves into the throne room to show the Sultana reading through some document, then the Sultan consulting with his council- among whom we see the sinister-looking grand vizier Jafar and his parrot Iago. The camera follows Iago as he flies out of the throne room and into the palace courtyard, which has a fountain in the middle.)

Dad: (voiceover)Arabian nights
Like Arabian days
More often than not are hotter than hot
In a lot of good ways

Arabian nights
Like Arabian dreams
This mystical land of magic and sand
Is more than it seems

(We then see a mighty Bengal tiger- Rajah- try to swag Iago with his paw, and then we see Princess Jasmine come to pet Rajah. She is followed by her handmaid Dalia. The camera then moves out of the palace courtyard to the desert, where we see a caravan of camels traverse across the dunes.)

Dad: (voiceover)There's a road that may lead you to good or to greed
Through the power your wishing commands
Let the darkness unfold or find fortunes untold
Well, your destiny lies in your hands

(We see sand blow across the screen as the sky now turns dark- we can see a beautiful full moon in the sky, with stars all around. The camera then slowly moves across the desert to show a falcon fly across the sky.)

Dad: (voiceover)Arabian nights
Like Arabian days
They tease and excite, take off and take flight
To shock and amaze

(The camera then moves from the falcon to show a horseman riding as fast as he can across the sand.)

Dad: (voiceover)Arabian nights
'Neath Arabian moons
A fool off his guard could fall and fall hard
Out there on the dunes

(The camera then shows the horseman stop near an ancient rock-face. The horseman alights from his horse and walks over to a tall, stately-looking man.

Cut to pan up to show the horseman's face. He is Gazeem, a murderer and thief. He walks over to the tall, middle-aged man. This is Jafar. Iago flies in from the right side of the frame and lands on Jafar's shoulder.)

Jafar: (austere)You are late.
Gazeem: (bowing, doing the "Cornish")A thousand apologies, your excellency. (Rising)Now, about my treasure—
Jafar: Trust me, my pungent friend. You'll get what's coming to you.
Iago: What's coming to you! Awk!

(We see a few soldiers in the frame, and Jafar and Gazeem gaze at the huge rock in front of them. Jafar takes out a small vial and sprinkles it over the rock, which turns into the terrifying face of a lion, with jaws agape. The dust blows up and around the men, almost knocking them off their feet. The lion's face in the rock is, in fact, the opening to the Cave of Wonders. Gazeem looks stunned; Jafar looks amazed.)

Jafar: Ah... It never fails to amaze... The Cave of Wonders.
Iago: Awk! Cave Of Wonders!
Gazeem: Goodness, gracious me!
Jafar: (to Gazeem)Now, remember- take no other treasure but the lamp. You will have your reward once you come out. Is that clear?

(Gazeem nods in agreement and slowly puts his foot inside the mouth of the Cave. Suddenly, like a mighty roar, the Cave speaks.)

Cave: Who disturbs my slumber?
Gazeem: (nervous)Uh... It is I, Gazeem. A humble thief...
Cave: Know this- only one may enter here. One whose worth lies far within- a diamond in the rough.

(Gazeem turns and gives Jafar a perplexed look.)

Jafar: Well, what are you waiting for? Go on!

(Gazeem puts his foot in, and then cautiously steps inside the Cave's mouth. He breathes a sigh of relief just as the Cave's mouth closes on him, killing him. The cloud of dust almost knocks Jafar off his feet as he tries to back away.)

Jafar: (getting up and turning to the guards)Let us turn back.

(Cut to show Jafar on his camel, followed by the guards on camels as well. Iago flies beside Jafar.)

Iago: (ranting)I can't believe it! I just don't believe it! We're never gonna get a hold of that stupid lamp!
Jafar: (to Iago)Patience, Iago- patience! Gazeem was obviously less than worthy.
Iago: (sarcastic)Oh- there's a big surprise.
Jafar: We must keep pressing. I must find this "diamond in the rough" as soon as possible...

(Fade to daytime, in the city of Agrabah. The camera pans down to show a busy street, full of cart-pullers and shops on either side of the road. We see Aladdin and Abu checking out some crockery in a store. Two women walk up to him. They seem to be call-girls of some sort. One is dressed in yellow; the other in red.)

Yellow: (walking up to Aladdin)Good day...
Aladdin: (turns to look at them)Oh... Hello there. Do you need something?
Yellow: What's your monkey's name?
Aladdin: Abu.

(Abu leaps onto the yellow lady and discreetly takes her expensive-looking, ornate necklace. Neither women notice Abu's sleight of hand.)

Yellow: Where does he come from?
Aladdin: (looking at Abu)He, uh...

(Abu leaps back onto Aladdin's shoulders. Aladdin suddenly remembers something.)

Aladdin: Oh- I forgot something at home! (To the ladies)See you around, ladies...

(Saying so, Aladdin and Abu hurry off into the distance. The women look confused- their charade didn't seem to work on him.)

Yellow: He's so dashing... Too bad we don't know where he lives.
Red: (to Yellow)Hey- wait... Where's your necklace?

(Yellow checks her chest, alarmed.

Cut to show Aladdin run through the crowd, and into an alleyway. He leaps onto the side of a wall and safely jumps down to the ground on the opposite side.)

Aladdin: (getting up, to Abu)How did we do, Abu?
Abu: (hands him the necklace).
Aladdin: Good monkey...
Abu: (takes his hat off).

(Cut to show Aladdin and Abu waiting in a queue at a booth- a heavy-set woman sits at the table. Aladdin manages to huddle over to her, showing her the necklace he stole.)

Woman: Aladdin, whatever it is you stole today I don't want it!
Aladdin: Whoa, whoa... I didn't steal anything. It's a family heirloom that's worth a lot of-
Woman: I'll give you a bag of dates for it- nothing more!
Aladdin: So, we both know that it's worth at least three bags-
Woman: (tossing the bag of dates on the table)Take the bag of dates and get out!

(Cut to Aladdin and Abu outside, with the bag of dates in Aladdin's hand. We hear Razoul, the captain of the guard, call out to Aladdin.)

Razoul: (offscreen)Thief!

(Aladdin and Abu turn around to see Razoul standing with the yellow and red woman in the distance. The duo start as Razoul moves forward with two soldiers, intending to capture Aladdin.)

Razoul: I'll have your hands for a trophy, street rat!

(Cut to show Aladdin run through a crowd of people walking across the road, and then head to the side of a house. An elderly woman looks out of her window as Aladdin takes a shawl and wraps himself with it. Abu has scurried off to hide in a basket.)

Elderly woman: Getting into trouble a little early today, aren't we Aladdin?
Aladdin: Trouble? Hah- no way. You're only in trouble if you get caught.

(Razoul suddenly appears and grabs Aladdin, making him lose his shawl disguise.)

Razoul: (grabbing Aladdin by his collar)Gotcha!
Aladdin: I'm in trouble!
Razoul: And this time, -

(Abu jumps on Razoul, tackling him and biting his nose.

Then cut to Abu leap on Aladdin's shoulders as he runs past several houses, with two guards following him. Aladdin stops by a window as the guards almost close in on him. He knocks on the window and runs away. A man opens the door, slamming it in one of the guard's faces.)

Aladdin: (running)Gotta keep
One jump ahead of the breadline
One swing ahead of the sword
I steal only what I can't afford
-And that's everything!

(Aladdin runs through a block where men are dying cloth. He runs across the wooden planks spread over the vats of cloth dye and the guards follow after him, pushing aside women and men.)

Aladdin: One jump ahead of the lawmen
That's all, and that's no joke
These guys don't appreciate I'm broke

(The guards surround Aladdin as he ducks their swords.)

Guards: Riff raff!
Street rat!
Take that!

(Aladdin suddenly leaps away from them, with a knife in hand. He strikes the knife at a rope hanging beside a wooden pole, which makes some carpets fall down on the guards, making them fall down to the ground.)

Aladdin: Try a different tact, guys!

(The carpets falling down apparently makes Aladdin get tossed upwards by a plank he was standing on. Cut to show the guards get up and toss the carpets off their backs.)

Guards: Rip him open
Razoul: 'Round the back lines

(Cut to show Aladdin climb up a balcony fence and step into the balcony. Abu shows up beside him.)

Aladdin: I can take a hint, gotta face the facts
(Fist bumping Abu)You're my only friend Abu!

(Aladdin turns around and enters a classroom, with young women seated in front of their teacher. She brandishes a cane.)

Women: Who?
Oh, it's sad, Aladdin's hit the bottom
He's become a one-man rise in crime
Teacher: (waving her cane at Aladdin)I'd blame parents, 'cept he hasn't got 'em!

(Aladdin manages to evade the teacher's cane as he slowly backs away from her and into a window. He falls out.)

Aladdin: Gotta eat to live, gotta steal to eat
Tell you all about it when I got the time!

(Abu picks a few grapes sitting near the window, and when the teacher comes to him, he leaps out after Aladdin as well.

Cut to show Aladdin and Abu tumble and land on several shop canopies, before finally falling on the ground.)

Aladdin: (to Abu)Abu, you okay?
Abu: (shows him a thumbs up).
Aladdin: (chuckles).

(Aladdin gets up, with Abu leaping onto his shoulders, and starts walking briskly, keeping an eye out for the guards.)

Aladdin: One jump ahead of the slowpokes
One skip ahead of my doom
Next time gonna use a nom de plume

(They turn around a corner and hitch a ride on a fast-moving cart.)

Aladdin: One jump ahead of the hitmen
(Passing by a flock of goats)One hit ahead of the flock
I think I'll take a stroll around the block

(Aladdin sees if it's safe to land and then leaps off the cart and quickly makes his way through an alleyway. A cobbler and a beggar can be seen seated along the walls.)

Cobbler: Stop, thief!
Beggar: Vandal!
Launderer woman: (as Aladdin rushes past her)Outrage!
Man: Scandal!

(Aladdin then turns to see some guards pointing their swords at him. He gets backed up a flight of stairs by the guards.)

Aladdin: Let's not be too hasty

(A fat woman appears from behind Aladdin, grabbing him and giving him a lustful look.)

Fat woman: Still I think he's rather tasty!

(Aladdin frees himself from the lady's grip and continues hurrying up the stairs. Abu leaps onto Aladdin's shoulders as Aladdin shows them the bag of dates and walks backwards on the terrace of the house.)

Aladdin: Gotta eat to live, gotta steal to eat
(To the guards)Otherwise we'd get along!

(Razoul appears from behind Aladdin, as do two other guards.)

Guards: Wrong!

(Aladdin sees that the guards are standing on a wooden scaffolding. He pushes it away, making them all fall down.)

Guards: Whoa... Oohh!

(Cut to show Aladdin deftly leap across a few houses, then run across a terrace. He is followed by Abu. He suddenly stops to see the guards climb over a terrace and looks around to see if there is any way he could escape.

He then sees a tall wooden pole lying against the terrace he is standing on. He turns back to see the guards climb over the wall.)

Razoul: You won't get away so easy!
Aladdin: (to himself, looking at Razoul)You think that was easy? (to Abu)Abu, get ready!

(Abu leaps onto Aladdin's shoulders and hold on tight. Aladdin moves back and then runs toward the pole, grabbing it as he safely pole vaults to reach the other terrace. He lands down on the terrace floor, which is filled with old furniture and a carpet.)

Aladdin: (spoken to Abu)Great work, Abu! Now, let's go—

(Aladdin grabs the rope and the wrapped up carpet, and Abu gets back on his shoulders. He swings down the side of the building, with the carpet in his hand.)

Aladdin: (singing)One jump ahead of the hoofbeats
One hop ahead of the hump
One trick ahead of disaster
They're quick, but I'm much faster
Here goes-
Better throw my hand in, wish me happy landin'
All I gotta do is jump!

(Aladdin swings over the terrace, tossing the carpet onto the wooden canopy below. The carpet breaks through the wood and lands on the ground, just as the guards arrive. They presume that Aladdin died and leave the place.

Then cut to show Aladdin and Abu peek from the wall on the other side. They slowly walk away to a quiet place to enjoy their dates.

Fade to show Aladdin and Abu settle down in a dingy alleyway. Aladdin takes out the bag of dates and shows it to Abu.)

Aladdin: And now, esteemed effendi- we feast!

(Abu takes a few dates, as does Aladdin. He almost puts the date in his mouth as he sees two small children- a boy and a girl, forage for food. Their clothes don't fit and they seem very worn. Aladdin looks down at his dates and then looks at Abu. Abu greedily bites into his date, unwilling to share any of it with the orphans. Aladdin reluctantly looks at the bag of dates and then gets up. He walks over to the children and hands it to them.)

Aladdin: (to the children)Go on. Take it.

(The children take the bag of dates. They seem very happy, which makes Aladdin feel better. He sees Abu slowly walk past him and hand his dates to the children as well. They pet him.)

Abu: Ah, don't!

(Abu turns around and follows after Aladdin. The children wave goodbye to Aladdin, who returns the gesture. Aladdin and Abu then continue walking home.

Fade to the royal palace. We see Jafar walking around in his study, which is filled with books and magical potions, as well as a couch. Iago sits on the head of Jafar's cobra staff and rants about their failure at retrieving the lamp.)

Iago: Jafar, we gotta think of something, right? There's gotta be a way to find this "rough in the diamond"!
Jafar: (correcting him)"Diamond in the rough", Iago.
Iago: Yes, that! I mean- what is it really? Could be a guy or a literal diamond? We've tried every trick in the book!
Jafar: (realising)Wait- that's it! The book!
Iago: (confused)What book?
Jafar: The Book of Insight! Iago- we must find it at once!

(Cut to show Jafar and Iago in front of a huge shelf, full of books.)

Jafar: (to Iago)You look at the top rows; I'll look down here.

(Iago and Jafar look for the book. Iago touches his beak on a thick book.)

Iago: Found it- (reading the name)"Insights On Administration"... Nah, I don't think it's this one.
Jafar: (to Iago, as he searches for the book)No, not that one. It's (finding the book)— Ah, found it!

(Cut to Jafar taking the book and placing it on his desk. He opens it and starts to turn the pages. Iago lands beside the book on the table and watches Jafar flip through the pages.)

Iago: So what are we going to do now?
Jafar: The chapter on the seeking out "chosen ones" must be somewhere around here... (finding it)Ah! There it is.

(Jafar begins to recite an incantation over the open page.)

Jafar: Oh... Here's an incantation:
Ruler of the darkest night
Grant us now a second sight
From deep ravine or mountain peak
Help us find the one we seek!

(Jafar eagerly peers into the book. Nothing happens. Iago and Jafar look at each other puzzled.)

Iago: What happ—

(Suddenly, smoke starts floating up from the book, gaining an opaque quality as it ascends into the air. Jafar and Iago look on wonderstruck.)

Iago: That's not normal book behaviour!
Jafar: Hush, Iago! Wait...

(A spooky voice begins to speak.)

Spooky voice: Who dares to awaken me?

(Iago looks terrified and flies to hide behind a bottle of magic powder. Jafar turns to see where he went and then answers the spooky voice.)

Jafar: Jafar- grand vizier of the Sultan of Agrabah. And my companion, Iago. We seek the identity of the "diamond in the rough", who alone can enter the Cave Of Wonders. Can you tell us who he is and where he might be found?
Spooky voice: (with a thunderclap)The diamond in the rough is one whose worth lies far within.
Iago: (from behind the bottle)Yeah, the Cave told us! Who or what is it really?

(The cloud of smoke shows an image of Aladdin and Abu walking around the street. Iago flies to Jafar's side and lands on his shoulder. They pause and look at each other in bewilderment, then throw their heads back and laugh loudly.)

Iago: That's the diamond in the rough?
Jafar: I always knew that the evil spirits possessed a sense of humour! Splendid!

(There is more thunder and lighting from the smoke and the spooky voice yells at the scoffing vizier and his parrot.)

Spooky voice: Ingrates! Do not question the revelation of the dark spirits of insight! Any doubt in the seeker will lead to great misfortune for him! Listen to the spirits, and only believe, if you want good to come to you!

(Jafar and Iago suddenly melt into submissiveness. Jafar bows and acknowledges the revelation of the evil spirit.)

Jafar: Uh, forgive me, dark spirit! If I had only known... I fully trust in your word. Thank you...

(The smoke dissipates as the dark spirit gives the final bit of information.)

Spooky voice: His name is Aladdin, and you will find him in your own city- in fact, he will fall right into your hands not many days from now...

(The smoke fully disappears and the book turns to normal.)

Iago: "Aladdin". Nice name. But are you sure we can trust the spooky voice?
Jafar: It said that any doubt in the seeker will lead to his misfortune. So no doubts- it is Aladdin.
Iago: And he will fall right into our hands?
Jafar: Yes... The sooner he does, the better.
Iago: Hah!

(Cut to daytime in the marketplace. Aladdin and Abu watch Jamal the baker arrange some large loaves of bread on his stall. The duo are hiding behind a wall.)

Aladdin: (looking at Jamal, whispering to Abu)Okay, Abu. Go.

(Abu sprints from where he is and starts jumping around Jamal. Jamal gets angry at him and tries to attack Abu with a stick. Abu smartly ducks the attacks.)

Jamal: (trying to hit Abu)You filthy monkey! Don't come near my bread!
Abu: (makes a silly face).

(Cut to Aladdin slowly walk out from behind the wall, tiptoe to the stall, and when Jamal is facing away, trying to catch Abu, Aladdin takes a loaf of bread and runs away. Abu sees Aladdin run away and then runs of around the wall and reaches Aladdin. They both slowly walk away from the wall and enter an alleyway.

Fade to Jamal back at arranging his loaves. He counts the number of loaves on his stall and finds that one is missing.)

Jamal: Nineteen, twenty- hey! Where's the twentieth one? (Realising)Wait a minute- that was Aladdin's monkey! (Fuming)Where on earth did they go?

(Jamal sees Aladdin walk by, with his bag slung across him. Jamal grabs a rolling pin and rushes to Aladdin.)

Jamal: Aladdin! I know what you did earlier- now, give it up!
Aladdin: (confused)Give what up?
Jamal: The bread. I know you stole it! (Shouting)Everyone knows it was you!

(The people notice what's happening. Jamal backs Aladdin up a wall. Abu appears from behind the wall, and watches the scene unfold in horror.)

Aladdin: Hey, I'm sorry- I already had it, and so did my monkey... (reaching into his bag)If you like, I can pay for it with my...
Jamal: I don't need anything from you, riff-raff!

(Jamal starts thrashing Aladdin with the rolling pin in front of the whole crowd. Some of them watch in confusion, others in amusement. Abu puts his hand over his mouth in horror.)

Jamal: (besting him)Take that! And that!
Aladdin: Jamal, stop! I didn't- I was hungry—
Jamal: You were hungry? Then earn a living!

(An elderly woman appears from the crowd and pulls Jamal away.)

Elderly woman: What are you doing? Leave him alone!
Jamal: (to the woman)He stole from my cart-
Elderly woman: He is not a child for you to bash like that! Have you no shame? Go back to your stall!

(The woman steps forward and helps Aladdin back onto his feet.)

Elderly Woman: (to Aladdin)You seem to be taking after your father. It broke your mother's heart when he went away. She feared the same for you and you started stealing as well.

(Aladdin looks conflicted. He doesn't know what to say, but he seems to agree with everything the woman is saying.)

Elderly Woman: How many times did you swear to her that you would quit stealing? And your poor monkey is into it too! If your mother were alive today, she would be heartbroken!

(The elderly woman walks away from him. She then turns back to say something else to Aladdin.)

Elderly woman: You're a young man now. Start to earn an honest living, and for once keep your promise to your mother.

(Abu walks over to Aladdin's side. They look at each other and then turn around to walk home.

Fade to Aladdin and Abu walk through a street. He sees a child run up to his mother in the distance. He throws his arms around her knees, and she picks him up and kisses him. Aladdin's eyes start to well up. He turns away and continues walking home, Abu following him. Music for "Proud Of Your Boy" starts to play.)

Aladdin: (singing) Proud of your boy
I'll make you proud of your boy
Believe me, bad as I've been, Ma
You're in for a pleasant surprise

(Aladdin walks down an alleyway, singing.)

Aladdin: I've wasted time
I've wasted me
So say I'm slow for my age
A late bloomer, Okay, I agree

(Looking up to the sky)That I've been one rotten kid
Some son, some pride and some joy
But I'll get over these lousin' up
Messin' up, screwin' up times

(We now see Al and Abu turn a corner and walk through a more run-down quarter of the city. We see some poor people going about their lives. It's not very heavily populated here.)

Aladdin: You'll see, Ma, now comes the better part
Someone's gonna make good
Cross his stupid heart
Make good and finally make you
Proud of your boy

Tell me that I've been a louse and loafer
You won't get a fight here, no ma'am
Say I'm a goldbrick, a goof-off, no good
But that couldn't be all that I am

(Aladdin is now seen on a small bridge over an irrigation channel. He and Abu look down at the water flowing below the bridge.)

Aladdin: Water flows under the bridge
Let it pass, let it go
There's no good reason that you should believe me
Not yet, I know but

(Walking on)Someday and soon
I'll make you proud of your boy
Though I can't make myself taller
Or smarter or handsome or wise

(Cut time Aladdin enter his house- it's at the top of an old tower, with a large hole through which we get an impressive view of the royal palace. We then see Aladdin move a cloth hanging on a wall near him to show an old painting of his mother. He looks at it as he sings.)

Aladdin: I'll do my best, what else can I do?
Since I wasn't born perfect like Dad or you
Mom, I will try to
Try hard to make you
Proud of your boy

(Aladdin falls on his knees as he finishes the song. Abu comes beside him to comfort him. Aladdin looks at him, then gets up and walks over to the large makeshift window. He sits down beside it, and looks out hopefully.)

Aladdin: Someday Abu, things are gonna change. We'll be rich, live in a palace and won't have any problems at all. But if we want to do that... We'll have to find work somewhere.

(Cut to the royal palace, inside. We see a beautifully arched balcony that is apparently part of the princess' chambers. We see a well-dressed, elegant lady walk around. She is the Sultana, the queen of Agrabah.)

Sultana: If you agree to this marriage, your father will get half the share of the prince's wealth. That's an offer we cannot miss.

(Cut to show the princess Jasmine looking out of her balcony. Her pet tiger Rajah lies beside her. She then turns around to face her mother.)

Jasmine: But what about me? We've met so many suitors before- I didn't like any of them. They're all so self-centred and only care about our wealth.
Sultana: But look at the bigger picture, dearest- isn't our kingdom's future important?
Jasmine: (sighs). (Turning away from her mother)I don't mean to sound ungrateful, Mother, but I just think that you all never seem to care about how I feel. (Turning around to face her)Don't you remember how you and Father met?
Sultana: That was different, child.
Jasmine: (leaning backwards on the balcony, grabbing the railing for support with her hands and crossing her legs)Why can't I meet a good man and fall in love with him? I don't care if he's a prince or not- I just want someone who loves me for me. Not for my wealth.
Sultana: (looking at her fondly)You take so much from your father. (Putting her hand on Jasmine's shoulder)You're just as stubborn as he is.

(Jasmine looks at her mother with a dejected look.

Just as they finish talking, Dalia enters.)

Jasmine: (to Dalia)Dalia, did you return those books I had taken from the royal library yesterday?
Dalia: (bowing)Yes, Princess. And your outfit has arrived—

(Dalia is seen holding a flat, ornate box. She opens it and shows the Sultana and Jasmine the dress.)

Sultana: (gasps)It's gorgeous... Darling, why don't you try it on now?
Jasmine: (taking the dress)It is beautiful...
Dalia: That prince won't be able to take his eyes off you in this!
Jasmine: Oh, not about him again.
Dalia: Oh- sorry, Princess.
Jasmine: Never mind... (changing the topic slightly)You know, I have always wanted to go out of the palace. See the city, and meet all the people.

(The Sultana and Dalia look at each other surprised.)

Dalia: I thought most royals would prefer to stay away from the common people.
Jasmine: I don't care if I'm royal- I'm just a young woman with more things than others. Why should some people get to live in such (pointing to the room)splendour while others don't?
(To the Sultana)You know, I just can't put up with these royal "laws" and "traditions" anymore. "A princess must say this." "A princess must do that." "A princess must marry a total stranger." It's absurd!
(Singing)Suitors talk of love, but it's an act
Merely meant to throw me
How can someone love me when, in fact
They don't know me?

They want my royal treasure,
When all is said and done
It's time for a desperate measure
So I wonder

(Looking out at some birds flying in the sky)Why shouldn't I fly so far from here?
I know the girl I might become here
Sad and confined
And always locked behind these palace walls

(The Sultana looks surprised.)

Sultana: I don't know, child- for someone like you, the outside world might be rather overwhelming.
Jasmine: (excited)Is that a promise?
Dalia: (to the Sultana)Pardon me, ma'am, but I think it'd to her some good.
Jasmine: (to Dalia)You do?
Dalia: I've never seen anyone who needed to get out more!
(Singing)Told to show devotion every day
And not second guess it
Jasmine: If a new emotion comes my way?
Dalia: You suppress it
Jasmine: What would be your suggestion?
Dalia: Stand on your own two feet
And ask why a certain question keeps repeating

(Cut to show Jasmine walk out to her balcony, singing as she does. Rajah, Dalia, and the Sultana look on.)

Jasmine: Why shouldn't I fly so far from here?
I know the girl I might become here
Follow your heart or you might end up cold and callous
Dalia: Love comes to those who go and find it
If you must dream then stand behind it
Jasmine: (turning to face the Sultana and Dalia)Maybe there's more beyond these palace walls...

(Fade to nighttime. Jasmine relaxes on her couch, wearing her nightgown, hair in braids.)

Jasmine: (getting an idea)What if I dared?
What if I tried?
Am I prepared for what's outside?

(Cut to Jasmine walk out of her closet with a large, dark, gold-embroidered shawl.)

Jasmine: Why shouldn't I fly so far from here?
Something awaits beyond these palace walls

(She drapes the shawl around her head as she sings the final words.)

Jasmine: Something waits beyond these palace walls!

(Fade to Jasmine walk to a large wall. She climbs a tree adjoining the wall, intending to jump over to the other side. As she starts to climb, she feels a tug at her dress.)

Jasmine: Huh?

(She sees her pet tiger Rajah pull at her dress. She bends down to pet him.)

Jasmine: Oh, Rajah... I'll be gone for just one day. I'll come back tomorrow- I promise. Dalia will keep your company.
Rajah: (lets go of her dress and looks sadly at her).

(Jasmine smiles at him and then continues to climb the tree. Rajah "purrs" sadly.

Fade to the next day, morning. We see Aladdin and Abu walk around the marketplace- a different one this time. They're looking for work. We also see Jasmine in her disguise walking around the place. She takes in the sights and sounds as she does. She passes by some stalls, and the traders call out to her as she passes by.)

Pot seller: (showing her a beautiful brass pot)Pretty lady, buy a pot. No finer pot in brass or silver!
Fruit seller: (showing Jasmine a pot of dates)Sugar dates! Sugar dates and figs! Sugar dates and pistachios!
Goldsmith: (showing a necklace)Would the lady like a necklace? A beautiful necklace for a beautiful lady!

(Jasmine walks on. She has on a beautiful gold bracelet on her left wrist- a gift from her mother. Cut to show Aladdin stand in a corner. He sees Jasmine and is immediately smitten. Abu tries to call him, but Aladdin just keeps looking at her.

Abu: (waving his hand in front of Aladdin's face)Uh... Hello? Aladdin?
Aladdin: Wow...

(He slowly begins walking to her.

We see Jasmine walk by a fisherwoman- she calls out to Jasmine in a loud, raspy voice.)

Fisherwoman: Fresh fish! We catch 'em, you buy 'em!

(Jasmine turns to see a little homeless boy reach out for an apple at a fruit-seller's stall. She goes to him.)

Jasmine: (to the little boy)Oh... (taking an apple he was reaching for)Here you go.

(The boy smiles and kisses her cheek. He then runs off, as Jasmine looks on satisfied. The fruit seller turns to see her. Apparently he noticed her take the apple from his cart.)

Fruit-seller: You better be able to pay for that.
Jasmine: (mystified)Pay...?
Fruit-seller: No one steals from my cart!
Jasmine: Oh, I'm very sorry, sir- I don't have any money—
Fruit-seller: (grabbing her by the hand)Thief!

(Aladdin and Abu see what's happening. They rush to the scene.

Cut back to Jasmine and the fruit-seller.)

Jasmine: If you let me go back to the palace, I could get some money from the Sultan—
Fruit-seller: (taking a sword sitting nearby)Do you know what the penalty is for stealing?

(The fruit-seller places her hand on a chopping block. He swings the sword above her hand, ready to chop it off. The block has some cuts in it from previous administrations.)

Jasmine: (eyes widening with fear)No- no, please—

(We see the sword fall, but a pair of hands block the arm of the fruit-seller. Aladdin puts the sword away and moves Jasmine away from the fruit-seller.)

Aladdin: (shaking the fruit-seller's hand)Thank you, kind sir! I'm so glad you found her! (To Jasmine, pretending)I've been looking all over for you!
Jasmine: (whispering)What are you doing?
Aladdin: (also whispering)Just play along.

(The fruit-seller looks surprised.)

Fruit-seller: You uh... You know this girl?
Aladdin: Sadly, yes. She's my sister. (Rolling his finger around his ear)She's a little crazy.

(Jasmine looks offended. The fruit-seller grabs Aladdin by the collar.)

Fruit-seller: She said she knew the Sultan!
Aladdin: (scoffing)She thinks the monkey is the Sultan(pointing to Abu sitting on the ground).

(Abu hears this and straightens up. Jasmine turns to him and falls on her knees.)

Jasmine: Oh, wise sultan! How may I serve you?
Abu: (patting her head)Well, blah blah blah blah, blah blah!
Aladdin: (to the fruit-seller)Tragic, isn't it?

(Aladdin takes Jasmine's bracelet and hands it to the fruit-seller.)

Aladdin: Oh, and keep this as payment for the apple.

(Abu leaps up to behind the fruit seller and takes the bracelet as soon as he's done putting it in his back pocket.)

Aladdin: It is all that we have. (As they turn to leave)Thanks again!
Jasmine: (quietly)What- that's my bracelet!
Aladdin: (winking)We gotcha.

(Abu jumps away from the stall and runs to Aladdin. He keeps on the charade of Jasmine being his crazy sister.)

Aladdin: Now, come along, sis- time to see the doctor.
Jasmine: (to a camel standing nearby)Oh, hello Doctor! How are you?
Aladdin: No, not that one...

(Abu silently hands the bracelet to Aladdin, who is walking away quickly with Jasmine.)

Aladdin: (showing the bracelet discreetly)See?
Jasmine: (breathes with relief).
Aladdin: (handing the bracelet back to Abu)Abu, keep it safe.

(A young man walks by and sees Aladdin with Jasmine.)

Young man: Hey- isn't he that street thief Jamal beat up yesterday?

(Aladdin and Jasmine both look back.)

Jasmine: (to Aladdin, quietly)Street thief?
Aladdin: (immediately; taking her hand)Run.

(They both take off into the distance, with Abu following them.)

Jamal: What? Him?!

(Fade to them climbing up a fleet of old stairs. Aladdin goes first, then Jasmine. Abu follows them leaping.)

Aladdin: Almost there.

(Aladdin steps into the terrace, followed by Jasmine. She trips, but falls into Aladdin's arms. Abu can't stand losing his best friend to a girl.)

Jasmine: (standing up, looking at Aladdin's eyes)I want to thank you for stopping that man.
Aladdin: (backing away slightly)Ah, forget it. (He steps over the terrace to walk down another fleet of stairs)So, uh... Is this your first time in the marketplace?

(Jasmine and Abu follow him.)

Jasmine: Is it that obvious?
Aladdin: (stops and turns around to look at her)Well... You do kinda stand out. It's that silk lining on your dress- it's imported. It comes from the merchant boats, straight to the palace.

(Jasmine looks stunned.)

Aladdin: But not to servants... At least not most servants- which means that you are a handmaid to the Princess.

(Jasmine blushes but then straightens up.)

Jasmine: (amazed)Impressive...
Aladdin: (modestly)Heh...

(They look at each other, very much in love. Abu stands between them.)

Abu: Hello?
Aladdin: (recovering)Right- c'mon, this way.

(Fade to them inside the roof of a building- Aladdin's hideout. They dodge some planks and beams as they go.)

Aladdin: (to Jasmine, holding her hand)Watch your head there- be careful.

(They enter the room. Jasmine looks around, observing everything. There is a makeshift couch, curtain, some boxes of clothes and a crate of fresh fruit. There's also a drum and an oud.)

Jasmine: (amazed)Is this where you live?
Aladdin: Yep. Just me and Abu- come and go as we please.
Jasmine: Fabulous.
Aladdin: Well, it's not much, but it's got a great view.

(He walks over to the large "window", that's almost as tall as he is, and pulls back the old curtain. He seats Jasmine down on a couch near the balcony.)

Aladdin: The palace looks pretty amazing, huh?
Jasmine: (dull)Oh, it's wonderful.
Aladdin: I wonder what it would be like to live there, to have servants and valets.
Jasmine: (forlornly)Oh, sure. People who tell you where to go and whom to love.
Aladdin: Well, it's a lot better than here. With not enough food or clothes. Or a bed...

(Jasmine looks around the room and spots Aladdin's mother's picture on the wall.)

Jasmine: Who's that on the wall?
Aladdin: My mother...
Jasmine: Oh, where is she?
Aladdin: She died some years ago.
Jasmine: Oh... I'm sorry. And your father?
Aladdin: (sighing)I lost them both when I was younger. Been on my own ever since.
Jasmine: Oh...
Aladdin: It's alright, It's just...
Jasmine: What?
Aladdin: It's a little sad. Me and Abu get by... We used to steal for a living, but then I... changed my mind. Decided to give up stealing and keep my word to my mom.
Jasmine: Oh...
Aladdin: Everyday I'd think things will be different but nothing ever seems to change. And sometimes you just feel like you're...
Jasmine and Aladdin: (in unison)Trapped.

(Aladdin and Jasmine look at each other. They realise they're perfect for each other.)

Jasmine: Like you can't escape what you were born into?
Aladdin: (bending down to sit next to her)Yes...

(Abu shows up with a few apples. He is not having any of this. Aladdin takes an apple from Abu, rolls it down his arm into Jasmine's hand.)

Aladdin: Oh, I'm so sorry- my name is Aladdin. Yours?
Jasmine: (looking at the apple)Oh, uh... I'm...

(Aladdin looks at her fondly. Abu smacks his thigh with his hand, but Aladdin doesn't seem to care.)

Jasmine: I'm Dalia.
Aladdin: It's great meeting you, Dalia.

(He takes a bite out of his apple and hands it to Abu. Abu gets really annoyed at this.)

Abu: Why you!
Aladdin: (to Jasmine)But, why'd you leave the palace?
Jasmine: My father's forcing me to get married.
Aladdin: Oh, no... That's awful.
Jasmine: And I wanted to spend just one day outside the palace before I get married to some... guy.

(Abu appears from behind Jasmine and tries to steal her apple, as if stealing her bracelet wasn't enough.)

Aladdin: (sees Abu)Abu!

(Abu races to a higher point, chattering and cursing as he goes. Jasmine turns around to see what happened.)

Jasmine: What? What's wrong?
Aladdin: Abu says that— uh— that's not fair.
Abu: (surprised)What?
Jasmine: Oh, did he?
Aladdin: Yeah. Of course.
Jasmine: (amused)And does... "Abu" have anything else to say?
Aladdin: Well, uh, he wishes there was something he could do to help.
Abu: Oh, boy!
Jasmine: (giggling)Hmm, tell him that's very sweet.

(Aladdin and Jasmine look at each other. Aladdin suddenly gets an idea.)

Aladdin: Hey- have you ever wondered what it would be like to take off, and never look back?
Jasmine: (sadly)Only every hour of every day.
Aladdin: What's stopping us?

(Jasmine becomes intrigued. Aladdin stands up as music for "A Million Miles Away" starts to play.)

Aladdin: (holding his hand out to her)Do you trust me?
Jasmine: (to Aladdin)What did you say?
Aladdin: (sincere)Do you trust me?
Jasmine: (thinking)I'm not sure why, but... Yes.
Aladdin: (Singing)We'll join a caravan tonight
Count on the stars to be our guides
We'll simply vanish out of sight
Go where the desert road decides

There won't be any obligations-
Jasmine: Or fathers to obey
Aladdin: 'Cause we'll be a million miles away,
Leave everything behind
When you choose to lose yourself
Who knows what you might find

And once the journey's done
You'll have some faith in me
After a million miles or so
We might feel like we're free

(Jasmine takes Aladdin's hand, and they begin to walk out of the tower. It's late in the afternoon now, and the sky is a beautiful golden blue colour.)

Jasmine: (standing in front of a dhow-shaped building)Maybe we'll travel on the sea
Aladdin: (coming up behind her)I'll tend the sails and you can steer
Jasmine: (seating herself on a low wall)Watch the waves roll on endlessly
Aladdin: (putting his foot on the wall, right behind Jasmine)And the horizon disappear
Jasmine: (getting up; to Aladdin)We'll leave all thoughts about the future to some future day
Jasmine and Aladdin: (together)'Cause we'll be a million miles away
Leave everything behind
When you choose to lose yourself
Who knows what you might find

(Cut to them walk on the street, with Abu in tow. Aladdin is now holding a drum in his hand.)

Aladdin and Jasmine: And once the journey's done
It won't seem quite so far
After a million miles or so
(Looking at each other lovingly)We'll find out who we are

Jasmine: Follow wherever the wind starts blowing
Aladdin: A million miles away
The kind of life people dream of knowing
Jasmine: A million miles away
Aladdin and Jasmine: We'll never turn back we'll just keep on going
Vanishing from view
Becoming someone new

(Aladdin and Jasmine reach out, hold each other and start dancing in time with the crescendo. Abu watches it all.)

Aladdin and Jasmine: We'll be a million miles away
Leave everything behind
When you choose to lose yourself
Who knows what you might find
(Breaking the dance and then singing to each other)And once the journey's done
We'll have no need to roam
After a million miles or so
We might find out we're home

(We see them both look to the distance from the alleyway. Abu leaps in to Aladdin's shoulder- he looks at him, and then he feels Jasmine take his hand. He holds her hand firmly as they sing the final lines together.)

Aladdin and Jasmine: After a million miles or so
We might find out we're home...

(They turn to look at each other, and kiss. Jasmine breaks the kiss, blushing. Aladdin looks at her sweetly.

Then fade to the royal palace, in Jasmine's room. The Sultana is speaking with Dalia.)

Sultana: Are you sure?
Dalia: (Bowing)That's what she said to me. I went to bed after that.

(The Sultan enters the room, followed by Jafar and Iago.)

Sultan: (to the Sultana)Darling, any news of Jasmine?
Sultana: No. She didn't tell Dalia anything much either.
Dalia: (Bowing to the Sultan)Your highness, the Princess had informed me that she was going to take a walk in the garden and nothing else. She told me to go to bed after that.
Sultan: (looking annoyed)Oh, why is she the way she is?
Jafar: Excuse me, sire, but I have news from Julphar- there's a possibility that Prince Abdullah might tarry for a while since a storm was predicted to occur by the ministers of weather.
Sultan: (frustrated)Oh...! (To Jafar)Thank you, Jafar. (To the Sultana)I've ordered Razoul to send some guards to escort her back, should they find her.

(The Sultan and Jafar leave the room, as Dalia bows to them.

Fade to the bright orange of evening- Aladdin, Abu and Jasmine are in a public square, where we see some funny jugglers and street musicians preparing to perform. They're standing some distance from the palace gates. Aladdin looks at the performers, thinking.)

Jasmine: (intrigued)This place looks fun.
Aladdin: (to Abu)Abu, can you dance?
Abu: Huh?
Jasmine: (to Aladdin)Why do you want him to dance?
Aladdin: (to Jasmine)Well, I figured since if we're gonna run away, we'll need some money for our trip. And I thought the perfect way to get some is to sing on the street. Hey, you know any good songs?
Jasmine: Hmm... There's this old song that goes like (she hums the melody).
Aladdin: Oh, I know that one! Come on— you sing, I'll play the drum.
Jasmine: Oh, I don't think I can—
Aladdin: Trust me, you'll do great! Come on.

(Aladdin sits down and starts playing the beat to "Bint El Shalabiya". Jasmine starts to sing. Abu sees Aladdin play and he starts to dance, albeit reluctantly.)

Jasmine: (sings the opening- sounds very much like an excerpt of "Harvest Dance").
El bint el shalabiya
3youna lawziya
b7ibbek men 2alby
ya 2alby anti 3inaya
b7ibbek men 2alby
ya 2alby anti 3inaya

(During the instrumental break, a few street performers see Abu, Aladdin and Jasmine perform. Two of them sit down and start playing their instruments along with Aladdin.)

Jasmine: 7ad el 2anater
ma7bubi nater
kasr el khawater
ya welfi ma han 3alaya
kasr el khawater
ya welfi ma han 3alaya

Btolh btlu7 wel 2alb majroo7
w 2ayam 3al bal bet3en we tru7
w 2ayam 3al bal bet3en we tru7

(As the music builds up, some dancing women approach Jasmine. As they dance to the beat, a crowd starts to gather around and Abu collects some coins and jewellery being tossed at him in his cap.)

Jasmine: Ta7t el remmani
7ebby 7akani
we sama3ni ghnani
ya 3yooni
we itghazal fiya
we sama3ni ghnani
ya 3yooni
we itghazal fiya

(The young women start singing the song and one of them takes Jasmine with her and gets her to dance with them. Jasmine is really enjoying herself now. The whole street is full of dancers now, and Aladdin also gets up and joins in the fun.

We see men and women dancing with each other, and Aladdin manages to step in beside Jasmine, and they dance together. Aladdin, playing his drum as he dances, notices Jasmine's graceful movements and they look at each other- it's as if time has stopped for the two lovers.)

Dancers: El bint el shalabiya
3youna lawziya
b7ibbek men 2alby
ya 2alby anti 3inaya
b7ibbek men 2alby
ya 2alby anti 3inaya

(The melody of "Harvest Dance" plays as we see slo-mo shots of Aladdin playing the drum and Jasmine dancing.)

Aladdin: (to Jasmine)Dalia, you dance beautifully...
Jasmine: (blushing)Thank you, Aladdin...

(Cut to show the royal guards walk through the crowd. They're searching for Jasmine. She notices them, and then hears the honking of a ship in the distance.)

Dancers: Ta7t el remmani
7ebby 7akani
we sama3ni ghnani
ya 3yooni
we itghazal fiya
we sama3ni ghnani
ya 3yooni
we itghazal fiya

(Jasmine runs away from the dancers, and this surprises Aladdin. Aladdin rushes after her. Abu brings his hat and vest- both bursting with coins, and dumps the earnings before Aladdin. He takes them, and Abu then puts on his vest and hat.)

Dancers: Btolh btlu7 wel 2alb majroo7
w 2ayam 3al bal bet3en we tru7
w 2ayam 3al bal bet3en we tru7

(As the musicians continue to play, Jasmine takes Aladdin and pulls him aside to herself. She looks tensed.)

Jasmine: (urgently)Aladdin, I'm sorry- I have to get back to the palace immediately.
Aladdin: (surprised)What?

(Cut to them walking briskly through a crowd that has gathered to see a parade of soldiers and officials from Julphar.)

Aladdin: It's just another prince coming to court the princess. I thought we're going to run away.
Jasmine: Exactly- and I have to, uh, get her ready, but I'll come back as soon as I can... (suddenly remembering)Oh, do you have my bracelet?
Aladdin: (remembering)Yes- your bracelet... (he checks his pockets).

(Jasmine looks here and there in her hurry. Aladdin is still checking his pockets.)

Aladdin: I'm sure I put it in here... somewhere... (to Abu)Abu, you had it last didn't you- where is it?
Abu: (shrugs).
Jasmine: That was my mother's bracelet...
Aladdin: Oh... Yes, it's lovely...
Jasmine: (hurt)You are a thief...
Aladdin: Well, yes- but, no-
Jasmine: I thought you promised you'd never steal again. (turning away from him)I am so naive...

(She seems very upset. She turns away and runs towards the palace. Aladdin calls out to her, and we see Abu look guilty as well.)

Aladdin: No- wait, it's not like that!

(As the parade advances, we see the street urchins we met earlier run up in front of a horseman- he is a herald, and the horse rears up in front of the children. We see the Prince Abdullah look out of his palanquin.)

Abdullah: (screaming at the children)Out of the way, filthy brats! (To the herald)Omar!

(The herald almost hits them with his standard, but Aladdin rushes in and rescues the children.)

Aladdin: (setting the children down near some people in the crowd; to the Prince)Hey! If I were as rich as you, I could afford some manners!
Abdullah: Are you talking back to me, street rat? Move out of the way!

(The herald charges past Aladdin, knocking him to the ground. Abu runs up to him, screeching at the herald as he trots past.)

Aladdin: (getting up from the ground; to Abu)Look at that, Abu- it's not every day you see a horse with two rear ends!

(Everyone who heard that gasps. The Prince Abdullah calls out to Aladdin.)

Abdullah: You're nothing but a worthless street rat! You were born a street rat, and you'll die one- and only your fleas will mourn you.

(The palanquin bearers and officials laugh at Abdullah's statement. We see Aladdin get up as the procession moves past him.)

Aladdin: (to himself)I'm not worthless. (Scratching his head)And I don't have fleas.

(Abu looks up at him sadly.)

Aladdin: (to Abu)Come on, Abu. Let's go home...

(Fade to them walking back to their hide-out in the abandoned tower. Sad music plays as Aladdin sings.)

Aladdin: "Riffraff," "Street rat"
I don't buy that
If only they'd look closer
Would they see a poor boy?
No, siree

(Aladdin sits down near the window.)

Aladdin: They'd find out
There's so much more to me...

(Abu walks over to Aladdin, and, without looking at him, hands him Jasmine's bracelet.)

Aladdin: (taking the bracelet)What? (Disappointed)Abu... How could you? You weren't supposed to steal it!
Abu: (hanging his head in shame)Sorry...

(Aladdin looks at the bracelet sadly, and then his face brightens- he gets an idea.

Cut to the palace, outside of Princess Jasmine's room. Abdullah storms out of the room, looking very angry.)

Abdullah: (calling to the Sultan)Your majesty- I've never been so insulted my whole life! The deal is off!
Sultan: (shocked)What?! You can't be serious-
Abdullah: I was told that your daughter is very sweet!
Sultan: She is very sweet!
Abdullah: I was told she was very charming!
Sultan: She is very charming!
Abdullah: I was told she was very obedient!
Sultan: ... She is very charming!
Abdullah: Well, good luck marrying her off! Good day, sir!
Sultan: But, Prince Abdullah!-
Jafar: (to the Sultan)He said, "good day".
Sultan: (aside)There must have been some sort of misunderstanding- I will speak to her at once. Clearly, I have spoiled the girl- from now on, I intend to rule over her with an iron fist.

(The Sultan walks to the Sultana and Dalia, followed by Jafar and Iago.)

Sultan: (to the Sultana)Darling, what happened back there?
Sultana: Well, she—
Jasmine: (walking out of the room)Father?
Sultan: (softening on hearing Jasmine's voice)Yes, angel?

(Jasmine comes out, with her hands behind her back. She looks very serious and disappointed.)

Jasmine: Father, I am so sorry, but I don't want to marry Prince Abdullah.
Sultan: But why? What's wrong with him? He's well-dressed, rich, and an able administrator!
Jasmine: But he's not understanding, kind or humble... which is more important!
Sultan: What did you say to him?
Jasmine: Well, all I said was that if we were to rule Agrabah together, we would need to help our poor. And he would have none of it- all he cared about was what share of my inheritance I would give him and he kept demanding more than what I felt he needed.
Dalia: (quietly to the Sultana)That's not very "princely"- don't you agree ma'am?
Sultana: (nods in agreement).
Jasmine: (to the Sultan)Why are you so determined to marry me off to any Salim, Rasheed or Abdullah that comes with money and flashy clothes?
Sultan: Dearest, you must stop refusing every suitor who comes to call! The law says you must be married to a prince! You're a princess!
Jasmine: Well, if marrying someone I don't love is part of the deal, then... (turning away and crossing her arms over her chest)Then maybe I don't want to be a princess anymore.
Sultan: Child, it's not only this law... It's... It's just that I want to make sure that you're taken care of... provided for. Mother and I won't be here forever, you know, and you might need help to rule the kingdom as Sultana.
Jasmine: (as Rajah prowls around the balcony)Father, I can take care of myself, thank you. Besides, I'll have Jafar and the other ministers to help me- why do I have to marry at all?
Sultan: We must uphold the ancient ways. I am your father, and you will obey me-
Jasmine: But I am not a child anymore.
Sultan: Exactly! And if you don't chose a husband, then I will chose one for you.

(Jasmine is walking beside Rajah. She stops and turns to look at her father. The Sultan and Sultana look at her as well.)

Jasmine: Please... Try to understand. I've never done a thing on my own. I can't have my life lived out for me. Besides, isn't it time we moved on from the more outdated laws of our land?
Sultan: (frustrated)Oh...! God forbid you have any daughters!

(The Sultan walks away, followed by the Sultana. She feels sad for her daughter, but fearing her husband, she stays quiet. Dalia steps forward to speak to her.)

Dalia: (softly)By the way, Princess- Your secret is safe with me. It must have been thrilling to be out in the city, right?
Jasmine: (turning to her, looking slightly happier)Come. I'll tell you all about it...

(Fade from Jasmine's balcony in the evening purple to inside the palace. The Sultan and Jafar, with Iago flying behind them, walk through the corridor.)

Sultan: (shaking his head)I just don't know where she gets it from.
Jafar: Fear not, your majesty. I am sure I can divine a solution to your problem. Unfortunately for us, we are running out of kingdoms- Julphar has terminated the deal, Sehrabad has only princesses and no prince, and all the other kingdoms are facing economic crises, which wouldn't be beneficial for us, but a potential alliance with us might be so for them.
Sultan: Hmm... now that you mentioned it, I shall invite all those young princes to come to Agrabah for the harvest festival. Thank you, Jafar.

(Jafar gets alarmed and he uses his cobra staff to hypnotise the Sultan.)

Jafar: No, your majesty- we cannot let them in. What if they secretly plan to invade Agrabah?
Sultan: (under Jafar's hypnosis)Invade... Agrabah...?
Jafar: We must try to keep our kingdom securely guarded first. We need to send soldiers into the city to check on all the citizens... Danger could be lurking around in any corner...
Sultan: Danger... in... every corner...

(We see the Sultana appear in the corridor. She calls to her husband.)

Sultana: Dearest?

(Jafar breaks the spell, and the Sultan turns normal. He goes to his wife.

Jafar bows low, as does Iago by landing on the ground. The Sultan goes into his office with the Sultana. Jafar makes sure that he has gone inside and then turns around to head back to his office.)

Iago: (to Jafar, lying on the floor)If there wasn't a floor here, I could go lower.
Jafar: (to Iago)What are you doing? Get up!

(Iago flies up and lands on Jafar's shoulder.)

Iago: If history's a good indicator, then Princess Jasmine is gonna reject all those other princes that might come. But if she chooses one,—
Jafar: Then I won't be Sultan of Agrabah after this one dies.
Iago: And then we're back to grovelling. Grovel, grovel, grovel!
Jafar: Lucky for us, she wants to marry for "love".
Iago: What a boob. Hah!
Jafar: (suddenly remembering)I wonder where that diamond in the rough is. He'd better show up as soon as he can!
Iago: Relax, your rotten malfeasance- go to your happy place!
Jafar: (gesturing to the throne room)This is my happy place!
Iago: Well, we've been dancing with devils in the pale moonlight for a long time now, so I think we should keep waiting for a little longer- Aladdin'll show up! Just you wait.

(Fade from outside the throne room to outside, nighttime deep blue. In front of the palace gates, we see several shops set up for crockery and jewellery. A street performer juggles fire. The camera pans to show Aladdin hiding behind a shop, with Abu on his shoulder.)

Aladdin: (to Abu, softly)You got me into this, bud.
Abu: Hmph!
Aladdin: (patting him gently)Don't worry- I've thought this through. Trust me.

(Aladdin waits for the perfect moment. He sees some guards come out.)

Aladdin: (to Abu)You know what to do, Abu.

(Abu leaps off his shoulder and runs past the guards, distracting them. They get surprised and start following Abu. Meanwhile, Aladdin hitches a ride on a cart that is headed to the palace. The camera pans up to the right to show Iago sitting on a high wall of the palace gate. He smiles evilly and flies back to report to Jafar.

Cut to Jafar standing in the balcony of his study, being served some coffee by a beautiful maid called Rukhaiya.)

Jafar: (not looking at her)Thank you, Rukhaiya. (Turning to admire her)You look lovely tonight.
Rukhaiya: (bowing)Thank you, your excellency.

(As she leaves, Iago flies into the balcony. He lands on the railing.)

Iago: (slyly)Jafar, I saw something very interesting...
Jafar: What?
Iago: He's here- the diamond guy is here!
Jafar: (suddenly becoming enthusiastic)Are you sure?
Iago: Yes! And he's headed for the Princess' chambers...

(Cut to Aladdin and Abu walking stealthily in the corridor. He sees a servant's turban and coat hanging on a stand- he takes it, and puts Abu under the coat, and puts on the turban over his fez. Cut to show Jafar observing him from a distance. He and Iago smile at each other slyly.

Cut to Dalia getting Jasmine ready for bed. She is removing her earrings and necklace.)

Jasmine: I don't understand... All my life my father surrounds me with knowledge of the world and yet walls me up in this palace. It's like I'm a prisoner.
Dalia: In a really, really, really nice prison.
Jasmine: (chuckles). But having riches doesn't mean that you'll be happy.
Dalia: But I'm sure having someone like me helps you stay sane.

(Dalia turns Jasmine around to face her.)

Jasmine: (taking Dalia's hand)I want to see the world, Dalia. I wish I could've just run away with him that day. Too bad he stole my bracelet and made me upset.
Dalia: I'm sure he didn't mean to. I mean, based on what you told me, it's just as possible that you lost it along the way.
Jasmine: Hmmm... May be. I mean, it's really crowded back there. But there's so much to do... So much to see and smell...
But I don't know if I can go out again like that.
Dalia: I think a nice, little warm bath will help you feel better.

(Dalia goes to draw the bath. Jasmine turns away and looks down at her wrist sadly. Just as she is about to remove her dress, she hears a knock at the door. She goes to the door and opens it. We see Aladdin in disguise standing there.)

Aladdin: Good evening, Dalia.
Jasmine: (confused, then turning mad)Wha...? You... You! How dare you- (pulling him inside)get in here, now!
Aladdin: (as she pulls him inside and shuts the door)I just- (discreetly sliding the bracelet onto her wrist)I just came back to return your bracelet.
Jasmine: (gasps)My bracelet? Where is it?
Aladdin: (admiring the room; not looking at her)On your wrist...

(Aladdin admires the beautifully arched, spacious room- it looks very pristine. Jasmine looks at the bracelet on her wrist, amazed and touched that Aladdin came back to return it to her.)

Jasmine: (amazed)How did you get past the guards?
Aladdin: (turning to face her)That was challenging... But, I have my ways.

(They both look at each other, silently.)

Aladdin: Hey... (walking to her)While the Princess is out, let's go for a stroll. Have a little chat.
Jasmine: (shaking her head in disbelief)You are unbelievable... You cannot just break into a palace and not expect to get caught.
Aladdin: Well, as far as I know, it's worth risking your life for someone you love.

(Jasmine smiles at him.)

Aladdin: So... What do you say? I did return your bracelet.
Jasmine: Well, you stole it.
Aladdin: Correction- the monkey stole it.

(Abu puts his head out of Aladdin's coat. He looks very guilty, but Jasmine comes forward to pet him.)

Jasmine: (stroking Abu; to Aladdin)He's your monkey.
Aladdin: He's still just a monkey.

(Dalia suddenly appears from the other end of the room.)

Dalia: (confused)What's going on here?

(Jasmine and Aladdin turn to look at her. Jasmine bows, and motions to Aladdin to do the same. Abu also quickly hides under Aladdin's coat.)

Jasmine: (making it up as she goes)My Princess, I was just speaking with this... servant boy about your... breakfast for tomorrow.

(The both of them rise from their bow. Dalia is confused. Jasmine silently explains to her who Aladdin is.)

Jasmine: (pointing to Aladdin)Boy- market- (pointing to the bracelet)bracelet!
Dalia: (tilting her head)Why're you being weird?

(Aladdin and Jasmine straighten up and look at each other. Jasmine then looks at Dalia.)

Jasmine: (silently)Bracelet. (Pointing to Aladdin)He stole the bracelet.
Dalia: (finally understanding)Oh... I'm the princess, yes... Mmhmm... (rather awkwardly)And it is good to be me with all my palaces, wagons of gold, and ... and dresses for every hour of the day.

(Aladdin looks sympathetically at Jasmine. They then turn to look at Dalia- Jasmine twiddles her fingers, telling Dalia to hurry it up.)

Dalia: ... And now, it is time for my cat to be cleaned.

(Dalia moves back to the bath house.)

Jasmine: (apologetic)She doesn't get out much.
Aladdin: (agreeing)Mmhmm, clearly... (noticing Rajah in front of him)Uh... (surprised)Aren't you supposed to be in the... bath?

(Rajah looks at Aladdin with a pleasant expression, which intrigues Jasmine. We hear Dalia's voice offscreen.)

Dalia: Oh, servant girl! This cat won't clean itself!

(Cut back to Aladdin and Jasmine.)

Aladdin: Funny... I thought cats clean themselves?
Jasmine: (urgently)You have to go now—
Aladdin: But wait- I'm coming back tomorrow night.
Jasmine: (shocked)What?
Aladdin: Wait for me in the courtyard, beside the fountain, when the moon is above the minaret. I'll come to return(taking Jasmine's hair brooch) this.

(Jasmine looks at the brooch, and then at Aladdin holding it.)

Aladdin: I promise(he kisses her on the cheek and heads out, looking at her as he goes)...

(Jasmine looks at him lovingly and then moves away from the door, holding the rod of the brooch to her lips.

Cut to Aladdin walking outside, discarding the coat and turban. Abu comes out on Aladdin's shoulder, heaving a sigh of relief.)

Aladdin: (to Abu, whispering)Can you believe it, Abu? The most heavily guarded place in Agrabah-

(Suddenly, Aladdin and Abu are met by Razoul.)

Razoul: (smiling slyly)Evening.
Aladdin: Evening— (clearing his throat)Evening...

(Two other guards show up behind him. Abu fearfully scurries into Aladdin's vest.)

Aladdin: Guards are behind me... (turning to them)Hello boys...

(Cut to dawn, with warm orange sky and golden sun in the background. We see a caravan of camels walk along the sand dunes. There's Jafar leading the caravan, followed by Razoul, then Aladdin, and two other guards- all on camels.

Then cut to Aladdin seated on a sand dune beside Jafar. A guard removes Aladdin's head-covering. Abu is seated on Aladdin's lap. He hands Aladdin his fez, and he puts it on. He seems confused about where he is, as does Abu.)

Aladdin: Wh-where are we?...
Jafar: (not looking at Al)In a world of trouble, boy.
Aladdin: Is this- is this about the bracelet? Well, there's something you should know- I didn't steal it. The handmaid-
Jafar: What was a handmaid doing with the queen's bracelet?
Aladdin: The Queen? No, no- she said it belonged to her-
Jafar: (finishing the sentence for him)Mother.

(Aladdin finally understands what Jafar means. He is shocked, and so is Abu. Iago flies into the frame and lands on Jafar's shoulder.)

Aladdin: Are you saying that... That was the princess? I was talking to the princess?...
Jafar: She was toying with you. It amuses her to meet commoners. (Turning his head to look at him)You really thought she liked you?

(Aladdin looks unsure of himself. He hangs his head in confusion.)

Jafar: What do they call you?
Aladdin: Aladdin.
Jafar: Aladdin... Do you know the golden rule?
Aladdin: Uh... Treat others the way you want to be treated?
Jafar: What? No! (Correcting Aladdin)The one who owns the gold makes the rules.
Aladdin: (looking confused).
Jafar: I've been observing you for a while now.
Iago: (reassuring)Not in a creepy way.
Jafar: I need someone of your specific talent to fetch me a very special article- a simple oil lamp- from a cave filled with wonders.
Iago: (to Aladdin)They call it the "Cave Of Wonders". Not very creative, I know.
Aladdin: (to Jafar)What do you want with the lamp?
Iago: That's the classified clause of this agreement.
Aladdin: Agreement? What agreement?
Jafar: An agreement to spare your life and not have you executed for trespassing the palace. If you can fetch me the lamp, I will make you rich and free.
Iago: Believe me, Al, this is an offer you don't wanna miss!
Aladdin: But- why me, specifically?
Jafar: We have been informed by a certain revelation that you are the "chosen one".
Aladdin: (looks at Abu, confused; turns to Jafar)Uh... I believe the "chosen ones" are several hundred miles to the west.
Jafar: No, no- you misunderstand! (Chuckling)You're the one that I need. You're nimble, stealthy, skilled! Do you want to continue abusing those skills? Or do you want to make a name for yourself, and do something that would make any mother proud?

(The word "mother" clicks with Aladdin. He becomes slightly intrigued, and he and Abu listen as Jafar begins to sing.)

Jafar: You... have the profile of a prince
With a physique that matches
Beneath the dirt and patches
You are a diamond in the rough

(Aladdin and Abu look at each other. Jafar puts his hand on Aladdin's shoulder as he sings.)

Jafar: I say we work together since
(Pointing to himself and Iago on his shoulder)You're braver than we two are
We're just as shocked as you are
That you're a diamond in the rough

Aladdin: (singing)Hey I'm no diamond in the rough...

(They get up and Jafar walks together with Aladdin, with his arm around him. Iago flies behind Jafar, and Abu walks behind Aladdin.)

Jafar: Under the filth and the fleas there
Are gifts that you've been neglecting
And truth be told you are not quite the guy that we were expecting
And though you might need finesse,
And perhaps some (sniffs)disinfecting
You'll be the one who succeeds when the lamp of their needs (In falsetto)collecting...

(Aladdin senses something fishy about this.)

Aladdin: Uhhh, I dunno guys, I've got a funny feeling about this. (Looking around for a way to escape)I better just be on my way...
Jafar: (losing his temper)Take one step and die, you brainless miscreant!
Iago: (to Jafar)Happy place!
Jafar: (remembering himself)Apologies...
What I meant to say is...
(Putting his hand over Aladdin's shoulder again)You... just don't know how swell you are
Iago: (flying around Jafar and Aladdin)You just don't know how swell you are!
Jafar: So far the only hitch is
Iago: There's just an itty bitty hitch!
Jafar: You're an embarrassment of riches Iago: Embarrassing- Too true!
Jafar and Iago: You are the diamond in the rough!
Iago: Let's all rejoice the spooky voice!
And you're the diamond in the

(The background suddenly changes to a Broadway stage, with a black background and spotlights shining on Jafar leading Aladdin in a tango. Iago flies around the stage, singing into a collar mic.)

Iago: (Holding a long note)Rough...!

(As Aladdin is finally let go by Jafar, the spotlights shine on Jafar and Iago as they sing their lines.)

Jafar: Look here's the diamond in the
Iago: Three cheers, the diamond in the
Jafar and Iago: We found the diamond in the rough!

(We cut back to morning in the desert.)

Aladdin: You better find somebody else!
Jafar: (anxious)There is nobody else!
Iago: (into Jafar's ear, softly)Talk about the girl...
Jafar: Oh...

(Background changes back to the stage. As Jafar mentions Jasmine, a beautiful portrait of the princess drops down beside him and he gestures to it as he sings to Aladdin. We hear a melancholy violin play in the background.)

Jafar: Then, of course there's Princess Jasmine
It's clear she took a shying to you

(Aladdin looks longingly at the picture, but Jafar moves in front of him.)

Jafar: But, let me be frank,
With no cash in the bank,
You'll never win her heart
It just tears me apart
(Holding his fingers out and shaking his head to create the vibrato in the last word)To see her slip right through your fingers...

(Cut to Aladdin in the desert, thinking, with Abu on his shoulder.)

Aladdin: (spoken to Jafar)... Which way is this cave of yours?
Jafar: (thumping Aladdin on the back)That a boy!
(Leading Aladdin by the hand)Go

(Cut to show Jafar mount his camel.)

Jafar: You
Might be a bum
But you're one
Of noble spirit- (spoken to Razoul)Razoul!

(Razoul and the guards also mount their camels.)

Iago: (flying to Aladdin's side as he prepares to mount his camel)It's just a cave that might eat you alive-
No need to fear it!
Aladdin: (mounting his camel; Abu following him)Well it's a risk that I might have to take-
Jafar and Iago: We're glad to hear it!
Jafar: (with the camel getting up)So please no missteps or blunders,
Iago: To the Cave of Wonders!
Jafar and Iago: (as they lead the caravan onward)We've waited long enough!

(The camels pass to the right side of the screen as the shot dissolves from them to the palace courtyard at night. Jasmine and Rajah are sitting beside the fountain.

Cut to a close up of Jasmine looking at her hair brooch pin, and then at the moon standing above the minaret. She is waiting for Aladdin to show up.)

Rajah: (purring, rubbing his face against her legs).
Jasmine: (stroking his head)Rajah, aren't you tired?

(We see Dalia walk to them.)

Dalia: Princess?
Jasmine: (turning around to see her)Yes?
Dalia: (standing beside her)Hmm... Still waiting? It's getting late.
Jasmine: No, I came out to... (in disbelief)He promised.
Dalia: I'll be upstairs if you need me.
Jasmine: Goodnight, Dalia.

(Dalia bows and goes away. Cut back to Jasmine looking around.)

Jasmine: (to Rajah)Rajah, what was that song Mother used to sing to us as children?
Rajah: (tries to remember).
Jasmine: (remembering)Oh, yes... I remember. She said that if we sing it, we can find our way through anything. As silly as it sounds, I think if I sing it, he might come sooner...

(Cut to Aladdin on his camel, led by Jafar and his guards. It's nighttime.)

Aladdin: (softly; on his camel)Abu, I promised to come see her tonight. I don't know what's going to happen to us.
Abu: (looks sad).
Aladdin: I know a song Mother sang to me whenever I felt sad. I don't know if I remember all the words, but I'll try...

(Cut back to palace courtyard. Jasmine sings the song to Rajah.)

Jasmine: When the shadows unfold
When the sun hides its gold
When the wind and the cold come calling
When the path isn't clear,
And the stars disappear,
As an endless midnight's falling...

(Cut to the desert at night. Aladdin is stting beside his camel, Jafar and the guards converse in the distance. Aladdin starts singing as well.)

Aladdin: At the edge of the sky,
There's a moon hanging high
When you're lost, it'll try to remind you

(Fade back to palace courtyard. A beautiful full moon is in view. Fade to show Jasmine peering over the fountain.)

Jasmine: On a dark desert night,
You can look to the light
Cause it's shining there
To find you

(Jasmine and Aladdin sing together, as the camera cuts between them both. Jasmine sings to Rajah; Aladdin has Abu on his shoulder and walks to mount his camel.)

Both: Desert moon, light the way
Till the dark turns to day
Like a lamp in the lonely night
Bright and blue
Desert moon
Wild and free
Will it burn just for me?

(Aladdin fades out as Jasmine sings.)

Jasmine: Shine down...

(Fade to Aladdin near the camel, looking up to the moon.)

Aladdin: Shine down...
Aladdin and Jasmine: Till I find my way to you

(Cut to Jasmine standing near the fountain. Camera pans up to the sky, showing the moon. Then pan down as Aladdin sings. He is sitting on the camel, travelling with the rest of the caravan.)

Aladdin: At the edge of the sky,
There's a moon hanging high
When you're lost you can try the view...

(Fade from desert to Jasmine walking towards the direction of the minaret.)

Jasmine: Cause it waits for you there,
Jasmine and Aladdin: And if you see it too...

(Fade to Aladdin on his camel and back to Jasmine in the courtyard.)

Jasmine: I can find my way...

(Both Aladdin and Jasmine fade back to show the both of them in the same shot.)

Aladdin: I can find my way

Aladdin and Jasmine: I can find my way
To you...

(We see Jasmine lay her head on Rajah's side- they both close their eyes and fall asleep.

Slowly fade back to the desert. Jafar looks at Aladdin and then looks ahead. Jafar's caravan has reached the Cave of Wonders. They get off their camels and Jafar leads Aladdin to the Cave entrance. Dissolve to them standing in front of the Cave's mouth as sinister music plays.)

Cave: Who disturbs my slumber?
Aladdin: (Abu cowers under Aladdin's coat)Uh... (nervously)It is I- Aladdin!
Cave: Ah... You are the Diamond In The Rough. The one whose worth lies deep within. You may enter...
Aladdin: (in disbelief)I don't believe it... My mother always said that if I only applied myself... if I only believed-
Jafar: (urgently)We don't have time for self-discovery! Fetch me the lamp- now!
Aladdin: (turning towards the mouth of the Cave)Wish me luck!
Iago: (as Aladdin steps into the Cave cautiously)Luck!
Jafar: Goodbye you diamond in the-
Iago: Please try you diamond in the-
Jafar and Iago: Don't die you diamond in the rough...!
Jafar: (turning around; spoken)At last!

(Cut to clouds of dust filling up the screen and then dissolving to show Aladdin and Abu walk into the Cave. Jafar and Iago watch from outside.)

Aladdin: (to Jafar, looking ahead as he walks)Where exactly is this lamp kept?
Jafar: Don't worry- you'll find it as you go. And remember- take nothing except the lamp.
Aladdin: Got it! Only the lamp...

(Fade to Aladdin and Abu walking among tall mounds of gold and precious stones- we also see towers of gold chests, with jewellery hanging over them, as well as interesting-looking statues made of beaten gold and precious stones. Aladdin and Abu gasp in wonder.)

Aladdin: Whoa... Just a handful of this stuff and I'd be set for life!

(Abu can't help his kleptomaniac tendencies and he suddenly leaps off Aladdin's shoulder and rushes to pick up a pot of gold coins. Aladdin stops him immediately.)

Aladdin: Abu- no! We can't take anything except the lamp, remember?
Abu: D'oh!

(Abu follows Aladdin as he looks for the lamp among the piles of treasure. Abu sees some more treasure, then bolts for it.)

Aladdin: Abu!

(Abu stops in mid run, hovering over a rug on the floor.)

Aladdin: Don't...touch...anything!  We gotta find that lamp.

(They begin to make their way through the room when the Carpet rises off the floor and begins following them. Abu gets the feeling they're being followed.)

Abu: Huh?

(He turns, and the Carpet lies flat on the floor. He continues, and the Carpet begins to follow again. Again, Abu turns back, but the Carpet is rolled up and leaning against a pile of treasure. Abu runs to Aladdin and tugs his pant leg.)

Abu: Aladdin!  Aladdin!
Aladdin: Abu, will ya knock it off?

(Again the Carpet follows, but this time, when Abu turns, the carpet jumps to the other side. It reaches down with a tassel and pulls Abu's  tail.  When Abu jumps around, Carpet again goes to the other side.  This time, Abu lands in a karate stance.  Carpet reaches down and plucks Abu's hat off, then puts it on himself.  Abu sits thinking for a second, until Carpet waves a tassel in front of his face.  Abu and Carpet both jump scared, and run away.  Abu tackles Aladdin and turns his head to look at the Carpet.)

Aladdin: Abu, what are you--crazy?

(The Carpet peeks out from behind a pile of treasure. Aladdin finally sees the Carpet.)

Aladdin: Abu... this is a magic carpet! These things really do exist...

(The Carpet slowly comes forward, shyly, then picks up Abu's  hat and dusts it off.  It flies over to Aladdin and hands the hat to Abu next to him.  Abu screeches, and jumps onto Aladdin's shoulder.)

Aladdin: (assuring)Don't worry, Abu.  He's not gonna bite. (To Carpet)Come on, come on out- I'm not gonna hurt ya.

(The Carpet again picks up Abu's hat and hands it to him. Abu takes the hat, shakes his fist and screeches at it. Carpet begins to walk away, "sadly.")

Aladdin: Hey, wait a minute. Don't go. Maybe you can help us. 

(Carpet looks back, excited. It then flies over and wraps around the pair.) 

Aladdin: Hey, whoa!
You see, we're trying to find this lamp—

(Carpet motions for them to follow it.) 

Aladdin: (to Abu)I think he knows where it is!

(Carpet moves ahead, with Aladdin and Abu following it. Dissolve to show them emerge in a giant underground cavern. In the centre of the room is a tall pillar, with a staircase going up to it. It is surrounded by water with unevenly placed stones forming a bridge. At the top of the pillar is a beam of light. Aladdin begins to cross the bridge. He sits Abu down at the foot of the stony steps.)

Aladdin: Abu, wait here. Don't try to take anything.

(Aladdin proceeds to climb the stony steps and he makes it to the top. He finds the lamp. Meanwhile Abu is distracted by a shiny ruby sitting in the hands of a monkey idol and he tries to take it, in spite of Carpet trying to hold him back.

Aladdin lifts the lamp just as Abu breaks free from carpet's grasp and takes the ruby. Suddenly there is violent shaking and the Cave's voice begins to boom.)

Aladdin: (seeing Abu with the ruby)Abu, no!!
Cave: Infidels!
Abu: Uh Oh.
Cave: You have taken the forbidden treasure! (Cut to Jafar and Iago waiting outside)Now you will never again see the light of day!

(Aladdin races down the steps but they flatten into ramps. He skies down until he flies into the air. The water surrounding the rocks turn into lava. Al almost falls into it but Carpet flies in time to save him. Abu is standing on a rock. He looks left and right and sees rocks exploding into lava. Carpet races over to Abu and Aladdin grabs him.)

Aladdin: Whoa, Carpet, let's move!

(Together they race back out through the caves, dodging the debris falling around them. Abu grabs Aladdin's head and covers his eyes.)

Aladdin: Abu, this is no time to panic!

(He pulls Abu off his head and sees that they are flying into a wall.)

Aladdin: Start panicking.

(Carpet goes into a dive, then through another cave. Finally they reach the entrance of the cave, where Jafar stands waiting for the lamp.

However, a rock falls on Carpet, making him toss Aladdin and Abu onto a ledge just below Jafar. Meanwhile, the Carpet manages to free itself.

We see Aladdin climbing up to where Jafar is standing.)

Aladdin: Could you give me a hand?
Jafar: (hurried)First the lamp.
Aladdin: No, first your hand—
Jafar: (urgent)We don't have much time. Give me the lamp!

(Al reaches down to his bag and hands Jafar the lamp. Jafar takes it from Aladdin.)

Aladdin: Your hand!

(Jafar takes a moment to admire the lamp. He puts it in his pocket.)

Aladdin: Now your hand!
Jafar: (turning sinister)How about my foot?

(Jafar puts his foot on Aladdin's hand.)

Aladdin: No! No!

(Abu leaps in to Jafar and attacks him.)

Jafar: Get off me, monkey!

(Abu does sleight of hand again and takes the lamp from Jafar. Aladdin loses his grip and falls. Carpet flies in and saves Aladdin. Jafar manages to throw Abu off of him and Carpet saves Abu as well.

Jafar moves away from the cave entrance.)

Razoul: (rushing to Jafar)Excellency!
Iago: (flying to him)Jafar! Where's the lamp?

(Jafar looks for the lamp but can't find it. He screams in anger.

Fade to Carpet bringing an unconscious Aladdin and Abu safely down to the cave floor.)

Abu: (shaking him)Aladdin? Aladdin?

(Aladdin wakes up.)

Aladdin: (rising)We're alive... I think. (He coughs)Thank you, Carpet.

(Carpet bows.)

Aladdin: (shaking his fist)That two-faced son of a jackal! He's now gone with that lamp. I guess we're trapped here for good.

(Abu pulls out the lamp from his vest.)

Aladdin: Abu... How did you?

(He pets Abu gently.)

Aladdin: You cunning little monkey!

(Al stands up to see the last beam of light shut out in the cave.)

Aladdin: Now, all we need is a way out. Hey Carpet- do you know a way out of here?

(Carpet points to the lamp.)

Aladdin: The lamp? Why... This looks like such a beat-up, worthless piece of junk. (Squinting his eyes at it)Hey, I think there's something written here but I can't quite make out what it is—

(Al rubs the lamp. Suddenly smoke bursts out of the hole and the lamp begins to shake and glow. Aladdin holds onto the lamp, as the Genie rises out in a poof of smoke.)

Genie: Aaaaaahhhhhhh!!! OY!

(Aladdin and Abu look stunned.)

Genie: 10,000 years will give you such a crick in the neck! (Stretching like elastic)Whoa! Does it feel good to be outta there!

(Aladdin looks stunned and Abu peeks out from behind him.)

Aladdin: (in shock)Who... Who are you?
Genie: (to Aladdin)Oh, you don't know who I am? (As Baymax)Hello, I'm
Baymax. Your personal medical assistant. How may I help you?
Aladdin: (looking speechless).
Genie: (normal)Kid, I'm the Genie! You really don't know who I am?
Aladdin: I'm afraid not, no...
Genie: Genie, wishes, (pointing to the lamp)lamp- none of that ringing a bell.
Aladdin: (looking around)Where did you come from?
Genie: (as Black Panther)Wakanda!

(Aladdin looks even more confused now.)

Genie: (normal)Kid, I'm from inside the lamp. Let's go back to the beginning- I'm Genie. I live inside the lamp. When you rub the lamp, I come out- which makes you "master of the lamp". What's that?
Aladdin: Uh... "master of the lamp".
Genie: "Master of the lamp"(pointing to Aladdin, intending for him to repeat it to him).
Aladdin: "Master of the lamp".
Genie: That's right- (slapping a diploma and mortarboard onto Aladdin)He can be taught! What's your name?
Aladdin: Al... Aladdin.
Genie: Aladdin! (Shaking Aladdin's hand excitedly)Nice to meet you, Aladdin! (Pointing to Abu)And who's that?
Aladdin: That's my monkey, Abu.
Genie: (petting Abu)He's so cute- such a pwetty widdle monkey!

(Genie sees Carpet. Carpet comes out and fist-bumps Genie.)

Genie: Yo... Rug-man! Haven't seen you in a couple of millennia! Love the new weave, by the way.

(Carpet falls back, laughing and shows a thumbs up with his tassel.)

Genie: (to Aladdin)Say, you're a lot smaller than my last master. Either that or I'm getting bigger- (grabbing his beer gut)look at me from the side, do I look different to you?
Aladdin: (unsure)Uh...
Genie: Ah! I knew it- you know, there's nothing much to do inside that lamp. Maybe except binge watch "Friends"- (to Carpet)don't you love that show?
Carpet: (claps his tassels in agreement).
Genie: (to Aladdin)And I always told myself, "Genie, don't eat the curly fries- do not eat the curly fries". And what do I do?
Aladdin: You... eat the curly fries?
Genie: (suddenly)I eat the curly fries! I can't help it- don't judge me.
Aladdin: (to Abu)I must have hit my head harder than I thought... (to Carpet and Abu)Are you sure all this is real?
Genie: Believe it, kid- (as a sergeant)I'm your lean, mean, wish-fulfilment machine! (Marching around)Say what you will want from me, I will give it to you free! Yeah! Yeah!
Aladdin: (looking intrigued)Whoa... Wish fulfilment?
Genie: Three wishes to be exact! And ix-nay on the wishing for more wishes! That's it- three. (Turning into three Sheikh Genies, each saying one number as he appears)Wahed, ethnaan, thalatha.
Sheikh Genie 1: Hey, that has a good beat.
Sheikh Genie 2: I agree!
Sheikh Genie 3: Let's groove, ya habibi!

(Suddenly more Sheikh Genies appears and start dancing the traditional "Yaollah" dance of the UAE, waving canes and guns.)

Sheikh Genies: Wahed, ethnan, thalatha...
Ali Baba had them 40 thieves
She-zie has a 1000 tales
Master you're in luck 'cause up your sleeves
(As a Sheikh Genie walks in wearing a "bisht")Is a Genie that never fails!

(All the Sheikh Genies disappear, leaving only Genie in his normal self.)

Genie: (turning into Ben Shapiro)But, here are some facts- no substitutions, exchanges, or refunds. And don't bother asking why, because facts don't care about your feelings.
Aladdin: (scoffing; to Abu)Okay, now I know I'm dreaming.
Genie: (to Aladdin)Oh... So you don't believe? Well... We can fix that!

(As he says "that", an old-fashioned mic-stand appears and Genie starts singing into it, dressed in a 40s-style suit.)

Genie: Bah-ski-wap-wap-wah
(To Aladdin)Can you gimme a
Aladdin: Bani-yani-yah-nah!
Genie: Good! Scotty-wop!
Aladdin: Scotty-wop!
Genie: Everybody- bibidibobidiboo!
Offscreen choir: bibidibobidiboo!
Genie: Wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-bop!
Hit it!

(Music for "Friend Like Me" starts to play. Genie starts to sing, transforming into various funny looks and magically creating dancers, food, &c.- all to show Aladdin what he is capable of doing.)

Genie: (jiving like James Brown)Oh my!
(With Carpet doing the Carlton Dance)Oh no!

(Cut to Genie spinning around and then landing beside Aladdin.)

Genie: (pointing to 40 men on horseback)Well Ali Baba had them forty thieves,
(Pointing to a queen serenading a king)Scheherezade had a thousand tales
Well master you in luck 'cause up your sleeves
(Pointing at himself)You got a brand of magic never fails
(With his hands turning into canons)You got some power in your corner now
Some heavy ammunition in your camp(the canons fire)
(Dissolves from the explosion to him and Aladdin)You got some punch, pizazz, yahoo and how
(Manipulating Aladdin into rubbing the lamp)See, all you gotta do is rub that lamp
And I'll say
(Appearing from the lamp, with hands folded and stars dancing around him)Mister Aladdin, sir
(Bowing)What will your pleasure be?
(Turning into a French waiter)Let me take your order
(Writing down something in Arabic)Jot it down
(Patting Aladdin's shoulders)You ain't never had a friend like me

No, no, no

(Putting a napkin around Aladdin, who is seated in a fancy restaurant)Life is your restaurant
And I'm your maître d'
(As a tiny version of himself, whispering into Aladdin's ear)C'mon whisper what it is you want
(Back to normal)You ain't never had a friend like me
(As a hairdresser and pedicure expert)Yes sir, we pride ourselves on service
(Seating him and Abu on a luxurious couch)You the boss
The king, the shah
Say what you wish
It's yours! True dish
(Multiple Genies appears with trays of baklava)How about a little more Baklava?

(Cut to Genie showing a menu card to Aladdin, pointing to the columns as he sings.)

Genie: Have some of column "A"
Try all of column "B"
(Thumping him in the back)I'm in the mood to help you, dude
You ain't never had a friend like me
Now watch me sell it-

(Genie dances with some waiter guys as Cab Calloway.)

Genie: Oh my!
Oh no!
My, my, my!

(Cut to Genie showing Aladdin various crazy tricks being performed by himself.)

Genie: (showing a Genie moonwalking)Can your friends do this?
(Showing a Genie spinning his waist while standing on his head)Can your friends do that?
(Pulling our Abu from a fedora)Can your friends pull this
(As Aladdin catches Abu)out their little hat?
Can your friends go, poof?

(Genie disappears in a burst of colourful smoke, and then reappears dancing on a cloud.)

Genie: Well, looky here
(Dancing)Can your friends go, Abracadabra, let 'er rip
Then make the sucker disappear?

(Cut to Genie appearing in Aladdin's hands.)

Genie: (showing the actions as he sings)So doncha sit there slack jawed, buggy eyed
(Turning into a monk- perhaps Francis of Asisi- kneeling in prayer)I'm here to answer all your midday prayers
(Seated next to Aladdin, handing him a scroll)You got me bona fide, certified
(Unraveling the scroll and showing Aladdin's and Genie's signatures)You got a genie for your charé d'affaires
(Putting his arms on Aladdin's shoulders)I got a powerful urge to help you out
So what-cha wish? I really wanna know
(Pulling out a long list of paper from Aladdin's ear)You got a list that's three miles long, no doubt
(Rubbing his butt with the list)Well, all you gotta do is rub like so
(Cracking the paper like a whip)And oh-
(Cut to Genie showing the numbers to Aladdin as he sings and dances around him)Mister Aladdin, sir, have a wish or two or three?
I'm on the job, you big nabob
You ain't never had a friend like... me!

(Instrumental break as various dancers step in and dance around Aladdin.

Then cut to Genie appear on the screen, wearing a modern suit and speaking into a microphone.)

Genie: (like a TV show host)Or maybe, our lucky contestant would like to wish for a talent of fame-
Welcome to, Dancing With The Scimitars!

(As Genie says the word "scimitars", he moves aside to show Bedouin men and women dance with Scimitars. After they finish dancing, Genie appears wearing a cowboy outfit and some country girls grab Aladdin and Abu and dance with them, spinning them around.)

Genie: (as a country singer)Grab Aladdin by the hand
Swing him 'round 'til he can't stand
Chicken in a basket
Sparrow in a tree
Never had a friend like me!

(The setting changes to a large auditorium, with Genie standing on the stage. He is dressed as Frank Sinatra and sings a medley of classic Disney songs. We can also see Aladdin, Carpet and Abu seated in the front row as VIP guests.)

Genie: (spoken)I'd like to bring the house down a little bit... Sing a few old classics- Couple of favourites of mine. (To Aladdin)I'll get back to you in a minute- Thank you!
(Singing)Tale as old as time...

(The audience cheers.)

Genie: (spoken)Thank you, thank you very much...
(Singing)True as it can be
Barely even friends
Beauty and the...
Look at this stuff
Isn't it neat?
Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?
Wouldn't you think I'm the genie who has everything?
(Scats to the melody of "Under The Sea)
And you'll never hear the wolf cry
To the blue corn moon
For whether we are white or copper skinned
I want adventure in the great wide
Ever just the same...
Ever a surprise...
(Pointing to Aladdin)Though he's sitting here
Watch Al disappear- right before your eyes, oh-

(Aladdin suddenly disappears, and then we see a trunk on the stage open to reveal Aladdin in it. He jumps out, and the audience applauds.)

Genie: (spoken)Hey, look everyone- it's a hunk in a trunk!

(The audience and stage disappear, and Genie and Aladdin are back in the Cave.)

Genie: (putting his left hand to his left ear)Can your friends do this?(we hear some tap dancing offscreen)
(Putting his right hand to his right ear)Can your friends do that?(more offscreen tap dancing is heard)
(Snapping his fingers)Can your friends do tap?

(The camera zooms out to show many tap dancing men and women, dressed in gold, appear- Aladdin and Abu look wonderstruck.)

Genie: (to Aladdin)Hey kid- can you tap dance?
Aladdin: No...
Genie: Well, now you can!

(Genie magically makes Aladdin and Abu tap dance an elaborate routine.)

Genie: Here's the big finish- Gimme a doggy bag, takin' it home!

(As the song reaches its end, Genie takes Aladdin and Abu up a flight of lighted stairs, and they dance over it, as the camera zooms out to show the dancers and the Carpet doing the Carlton.)

Genie: Mister Aladdin, sir, have a wish or two or three?
I'm on the job, you big nabob
You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend
You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend
You ain't never had a
friend like me!

(Camera zooms out to show impressive shot of the gold in the Cave of Wonders now looking like some buildings, with all the various dancers and performers Genie made to appear, as well as Genie dancing with Aladdin, Abu and Carpet.)

Genie: Never had a friend like me, yeah!

(Cut to some colourful smoke dissipate to show Genie in front of Aladdin and Abu, as well as Carpet, like when they all first met. Aladdin and Abu clap their hands in wonderment.)

Genie: (flexing his biceps)How'd you like that?
Aladdin: You're something else!
Genie: I knew you'd come around!
Aladdin: So basically, I get any three wishes I want, right?
Genie: Ten points for Gryffindor! (as Ben Parker)But with a great lamp comes great responsibility.
Aladdin: What do you mean?
Genie: There are some rules you have to keep in mind. Rule number 1- I can't kill anybody. (Chopping his own head off and then catching it)So don't ask. Rule number 2- I can't make anybody fall in love with anybody else(turning into a big pair of lips and kissing Aladdin). Rule number 3- I can't bring people back from the dead- (turning into a zombie)it's not a pretty picture... I don't like doing it!
Other than that, (bowing low)you got it!
Aladdin: (exchanging sly looks with Abu)You mean... you have limitations? (Scoffing)Some all-powerful genie you are. And only three wishes? Why only three?
Genie: I- I don't know, who cares?
Aladdin: (To Abu)Can't even resurrect the dead! I bet he can't even get us out of this cave.

(Genie is not happy with this. His face twitches in anger.)

Aladdin: (getting up and walking away)I dunno, Abu... Looks like we're gonna have to find a way out of here on our own.
Genie: Woah! Woah, woah, woah, woah! (Mocking Aladdin)"Oh, I bet he can't even get us outta this cave"!

(Aladdin and Abu look at each other slyly as the Genie speaks.)

Genie: (getting madder and madder)You wanna get out of this cave? You want outta this cave, boy! You're getting just that!!!

(Genie grabs the Carpet, seats Aladdin, himself and Abu on it, and in a burst of lighting, they break out of the Cave.

Dissolve from the sparks to Jafar and Iago walking through the arched corridor adjoining the palace courtyard, indoors.)

Jafar: (to himself)If I had only gotten that lamp!
Iago: What are we going to do now?

(Jafar and Iago think. Iago notices Jafar's cobra staff.)

Iago: Jafar... Why don't you hypnotise the Sultan into stepping down?
Jafar: Hypnosis won't get the Sultan to step down... It only lasts for so long.
Iago: Try marrying the Princess yourself, then?
Jafar: What? But I'm so old- she's so young!
Iago: Yeah, that's right...
Jafar: But, she is beautiful... A flawless figure...
Iago: Since that Aladdin kid is out of the way, you won't have a problem getting her.
Jafar: Well, actually, I do- (points his head to the Sultana walking outside in the corridor). But, it doesn't hurt to try...

Cut to show the Sultana in discussion with two ministers- a man and woman, while she supervises the decoration of the palace courtyard. The Sultan and Jafar simultaneously enter the courtyard to inspect.)

Sultan: (to the Sultana)This looks splendid! Is it done yet?
Sultana: No- not yet.
Sultan: Incredible! It looks wonderful...
Jafar: (to the Sultan and Sultana)Your Majesties, as your royal adviser, I must ask you- have you considered what course to take should the Princess never marry?
Sultan: Never marry?!
Jafar: Well, the law says that the Princess must be married to a prince by her 18th birthday, but she's 20 now and... (taking out a scroll and opening it)in the absence of such an event, the Princess would have to wed... (checking the scroll)...the grand vizier. Why, that would be... me.
Sultana: What? That's... That can't be right...
Jafar: (showing the staff at the Sultan's face)It is necessary to find the Princess a husband, is it not?

(The Sultan gets hypnotised by Jafar.)

Sultan: Find... A husband...
Sultana: (to the Sultan)We've invited some of our neighbouring rulers and their families to come see us, haven't we?

(Jafar moves the staff aside when the Sultana steps forward. The Sultan regains his consciousness.)

Sultana: (to the Sultan, pressingly)Haven't we?
Sultan: I, er... Yes- I had asked Prince Abdullah to visit us for the Harvest Festival. He is staying nearby- he said he could come to speak to Jasmine again.
Sultana: But Jasmine said that she wasn't interested in him.
Sultan: Nonsense! Jasmine will surely give him another chance.
Sultana: (to the Sultan)Dear, if a lady says no to a man, it is better to respect that.
Sultan: But you must understand- this is no ordinary man! He's Prince Abdullah of Julphar!
Sultana: Jasmine clearly wasn't interested in him, and we must respect that...

(The Sultan and Sultana walk away, discussing. We see the servants busy decorating the courtyard in the background as Jafar walks back into the palace, with Iago sitting on his shoulder.)

Iago: Well, I can't believe that we gotta keep kissing up to those chumps, and their chump daughter!
Jafar: I guess this is all because we doubted the dark spirit who told us about Aladdin... I should've perhaps stuck to my original plan- drive the Sultan mad with paranoia about marrying his daughter off.
Iago: Well, we saw how that worked out, (laughs).
Jafar: (glares at Iago).
Iago: (bowing)Sorry, oh depraved and mighty one!
Jafar: I must become Sultan of Agrabah at any cost!

(Fade to Genie, Aladdin and Abu on the Carpet, in the middle of the desert. They fly to an oasis. Carpet stops in the air and makes an impromptu stairway, down which Aladdin and Abu descend.)

Genie: (as a funny air hostess)Thank you for choosing Magic Carpet for all your travel needs. Remember to stand only when the rug has come to a complete stop. (As Aladdin and Abu get off the Carpet)Thank you, goodbye, thank you, goodbye, thank you! (Turning back to normal)How about that, Mr. Doubting Mustafa?
Aladdin: Oh, you showed me! Now, about my three wishes...
Genie: Dost mine ears deceive me? (Pointing a huge finger at Aladdin)You're down by one boy!
Aladdin: Ah, no- I never actually wished to get out of the Cave. (With Abu nodding)You did that on your own.
Genie: (about to say something, then realising what he said is right)Wha... (to Carpet)He tricked the Genie!

(Carpet rolls around on the sand, laughing.)

Genie: (to Aladdin, ruffling his hair)You're a clever little thing, ain't ya? I'm gonna keep my eyes on you.
Aladdin: (adjusting his fez; laughing)Thanks, Genie.
Genie: So c'mon- (turning into a black diva)time to get your wish on, wish on, wish on!
Aladdin: (looking at Abu, then Genie)Hmm... Three wishes. There's so much you can wish for- money, power, fame...
Genie: Usually, most folks wish for that. But I'm telling you- there's not enough money or power in the world to satisfy anyone.
Aladdin: Agreed.
Genie: Here's the thing about wishes- the more you have, the more you want. So you gotta be careful what you wish for.
Aladdin: Hmmm... Say, Genie- what would you wish for?
Genie: (astonished)Oh... No one's ever asked me that before. Well, in my case... (hesitating)Eh, never mind.
Aladdin: What? No, tell me.
Genie: (clinking his cuffs together)Freedom.
Aladdin: (holding the lamp)You're a... prisoner?
Genie: It's all part and parcel, the whole Genie gig- (turning into a giant, cosmic version of himself, surrounded by comets and planets)phenomenal cosmic power! (Suddenly appearing cramped and small inside the lamp)Itty-bitty living space.
Aladdin: Oh, Genie, that's terrible!
Genie: (coming out of the lamp)But oh, to be free... to not have to go (poofing as he says so)Poof! What do you need? Poof! What do you need? Poof! What do you need? To be my own master... (ascending into the air as he says so)Such a thing would be greater than all the riches, and all the power, and all the magic in all the world! But- what am I talking about? Let's be real... that's never gonna happen. (Descending and then sitting down on the ground)Genie, wake up and smell the machboos.
Aladdin: Well, can't you set yourself free?
Genie: (laughs)You see Al, that's not quite how it works. The only way I can get out of this is if my master uses one of his three wishes to set me free. (Looking dejected; lying down in a hammock)And you can guess how often that's happened.
Aladdin: I'll do it. I'll set you free.
Genie: (scoffing)Yeah, right. I bet you say that to all the genies.
Aladdin: No, really! After I use my first two wishes, I'll use my third one to set you free.

(Genie looks at Aladdin reluctantly at first, then he earnestly holds his pinkie out.)

Genie: ... pinkie swear?
Aladdin: (chuckling)Make that double.

(They double pinkie swear. Genie gets excited and shoots up into the air.)

Genie: Yahoo!!! (turning into a card magician)Alright, let's make some magic! (Normal)So tell me- what is it that you want most?
Aladdin: (looking into the distance, thinking)Hmm... There is something...
Genie: Oh, I've seen that face before!

(Genie makes a tent appear for them all to relax in. Aladdin appears seated on a flat couch, and Abu also gets a couch big enough for him. Genie is seem lying in front of Aladdin, with hands on his cheeks.)

Genie: So tell me- who's she? Who's the girl?
Aladdin: (sitting forward on his couch)Well, she's a princess.
Genie: Aww, aren't they all? Treat your woman like a queen, I always say.
Aladdin: No, no- she's an actual princess.
Genie: (imitating a buzzer)But I already told you, I can't make anybody fall in love, remember?
Aladdin: Oh, no- we've had a connection.
Genie: Oh... Okay...
Aladdin: She's so smart, and talented, and fun, and kind, and so beautiful...
Genie: (in a Parisian cafe, with Carpet and Abu sitting at a table)Ami... C'est l'amour.
Aladdin: But, she's the princess, so to even have a chance I'd have to be a... (getting an idea)Hey, Genie... Can you make me a prince?
Genie: (suddenly appears reclining on an easy chair)There's a lot of grey area in "make me a prince". I could just (making the Prince of Wales appear)make you a prince.
Aladdin: Oh- no, no.
Genie: Right, you'll be snuggled up with that guy for the rest of your life. Be specific with your words- the deal is in the detail.
Aladdin: (nodding his head)Got it.
Genie: But there's something I don't understand- if she already likes you, then why change?
Aladdin: I told you- she's a princess, so she has to marry a prince.
Genie: Ah, okay...
Aladdin: So, can I make my wish?
Genie: Of course- what are you waiting for? But remember- choose your words wisely.
Aladdin: Okay...
(Standing up, taking the lamp)Genie, I wish... I wish to become a prince!
Genie: Alright! At last- it's wish fulfilment time!

(Genie snaps his fingers and the tent suddenly disappears. Genie then turns into a dressmaker, with funny glasses on his face, a measuring tape around his neck, and a pair of scissors in his hand.)

Genie: Hmm... Let's talk about that ensemble- the vest and pants combo is much too third century. And this fez- what are you, a Shriner? It's just not working, Boo!

(He quickly takes Aladdin's measurements and makes a rather kitschy purple and green outfit appear on Aladdin. Aladdin also gets his beard trimmed short.)

Genie: Oh, no- the lines are all wrong, and the colour clashes with your skin tone!
Aladdin: (to Abu, holding up a funny-looking fan)What's this?
Genie: Hold on, lemme fix that-

(Saying so, Genie gives Aladdin a different outfit- he now looks like a Bedouin warrior with clothes made almost entirely out of orange and gold fabric.)

Aladdin: Okay, now we've gone too far.
Genie: Oh, come on! This can't be right- the Genie is slipping!
Aladdin: It's a little heavy, don't you think?

(Genie takes out a colour book and flips through it.)

Genie: (suddenly getting an idea)Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes...

(Genie crafts a white outfit, trimmed with gold and featuring a long cape that is white outside, and purple underneath. Aladdin also gets a feather-topped turban and golden shoes, as well as a clean shave.)

Genie: Ah, I like it! Let's see that princess resist you now...
Aladdin: I don't believe it- look at me! (to Abu and Carpet)Guys, what do think?
Abu: (claps his hands).
Carpet: (shows a thumbs up with his tassel).
Aladdin: But won't people recognise me?
Genie: Nobody'll recognise you- that's how genie magic works. People see what they're told to see.
Aladdin: Right... And who am I?
Genie: Eh... Prince Ali...
Aladdin: From...?
Genie: Ababwa...
Aladdin: Ababwa?
Genie: Yes- Ababwa.
Aladdin: Is that a real place?
Genie: Of course! (Showing a brochure)It's got a brochure and everything- just in case anyone asks.
Aladdin: Okay...
Genie: But that costume- it still needs something... What does it say to me? (Getting an idea)Ah, yes- mode of transportation!

(Genie takes Abu and puts him in front of himself.)

Genie: (to Aladdin)I'll be needing Curious George here for a moment-

(Suddenly we see Al and Genie in a game show- Aladdin is standing behind a podium and Genie is dressed in a suit and holds one of those long stick-like mics.)

Genie: And what better way to make your grand entrance on the streets of Agrabah than riding your very own camel!

(As soon as he says "camel", Abu turns into a camel.)

Genie: (offscreen)Watch out- they spit! (Abu the camel spits as soon as Genie says "spit".

Cut back to Genie as normal.)

Genie: Hmm... Not enough. (He turns Abu into a donkey)Okay, this isn't for the Prince of Peace- chuck that aside.

(Genie turns Abu into a unicorn, a tyrannosaurus...)

Genie: (seeing Abu as a T. rex)That's gonna wreck some havoc.

(...and a buraq- a mythical creature that is a cross between a human and a horse.

Genie finally gets an idea.)

Genie: No- wait! I got it!

(Genie turns Abu into a mighty tusker elephant. Abu looks at his reflection in the water of the oasis and runs around kicking up sand, trumpeting, scared of his reflection. Aladdin rushes to comfort him.)

Aladdin: Abu- Abu, wait!

(Abu finally stops running around. Aladdin walks over to him.)

Aladdin: Abu, you look good! (To Genie)But... What about you? If we go back to Agrabah, won't people—
Genie: Nah, they won't know a thing! (Turns into a human version of himself, wearing a blue outfit and turban)See?
Aladdin: Oh yeah- I should've remembered. You can shape-shift.
Genie: (Back to normal- rolling up his arms like they're sleeves)He's got the outfit... He's got the elephant... But we're not through yet! (Making the sands swirl around them all)Hang on to your turban, kid- we're gonna make you a star...

(Cut to the entrance gate of Agrabah. Three royal messengers- all of them Genie in disguise, walk up to the gate and we see them silently request the guards for permission to enter. They show them some papers, and the guards open the gates for them to enter.

Then cut to them standing in the main street. They hold a scroll each and they start to sing. A large crowd of people, most of them shopping, look on.)

Messenger 1: (opening his scroll)Hail, your attention I crave
Oh ye people of Agrabah
This is your lucky day
Messenger 2: (opening his scroll)Hail, high and low, great and small
Lucky people of Agrabah
Someone's coming to call
Messenger 3: (opening his scroll)Someone who tamed the Cyclops
Then fought forty thieves single hand
Messenger 1: He's richer then Croesus
Messenger 2: He goes where he pleases
Messenger 3: And this time he's chosen your land
Messenger 2: (stepping forward and singing)Oh, woah, woah... your land... oh, come on!

(We see Razoul walk up to Messenger 2.)

Messenger 2: I said come on! (Stepping back in line with the other two)Ah heheheh... (sheepishly)Nobody's coming.
All 3 messengers: So here he is now with his band!

(Camera shows them move aside to reveal some armed horsemen, led by a herald holding a banner- we see some writing in Arabic on it: "الأمير علي". They are followed by percussionists banging large drums, then some trumpeters playing their instruments, and some swordsmen brandishing their swords and some attractive dancing women.)

Swordsmen: Make way for Prince Ali!
Dancing women: Say hey, hey, hey- it's Prince Ali!
Say hey!

(Some women dressed in feather costumes move aside to reveal the Genie dressed in a zoot suit and a fedora, dancing like Michael Jackson as he sings into a mic stand.)

Genie: Hey! Clear the way in the old bazaar
Hey you! Let us through!
It's a bright new star! Oh
Come! Be the first on your block
To meet his eye!

(Cut to various people stopping their work to see the parade entering the area.)

Genie: Make way
Here he comes!
Ring bells! Bang the drums!
Are you gonna love this guy!
Make Way!
Dancers: Make Way!
Genie: Make Way!
Dancers: Make Way!
Genie: Make Way!

(As Genie tosses his hat aside, we see more dancers and swordsmen arrive- this time, brandishing two-pointed swords and fans with ostrich feathers.)

Genie: Prince Ali! Fabulous he!
Ali Ababwa
Genuflect, show some respect
Down on one knee!
Now, try your best to stay calm
Brush up your Sunday salaam
Then come and meet his spectacular coterie

(Cut to a shot of some women dancers with feathered fans parting them to reveal Aladdin, dressed as Prince Ali, waving to the crowd from on top elephant Abu.)

Genie: Prince Ali!
Mighty is he!
Ali Ababwa
(As some elders of the city greet Aladdin; Aladdin returns the greeting)Strong as ten regular men, definitely!
He once slew seventy Turks
Mustaches, sabres, real jerks!
Who gave those bad guys the works?
All: Why, Prince Ali!

(We see some servants come out carrying large golden camel figurines.)

Male Dancers: He's got seventy-five golden camels
Genie: (as a male reporter)Don't they look lovely, June?

(Some men come out with purple peacocks on their arms.)

Female dancers: Purple peacocks
He's got fifty-three
Genie: (as a female reporter)Fabulous, Harry- I love the feathers!

(We see some men and women come out with bears, lions, llamas, snow leopards, painted hunting dogs, thylacines, an orangutan and various rare types of gazelles.)

Genie: When it comes to exotic-type mammals
Has he got a zoo?
I'm telling you
It's a world-class menagerie!

Genie: Wow!
Prince Ali! Wonderful he
Ali Ababwa
Choir: He's essayed quite a parade
For you to see
Genie: He's assayed a parade!
So get on out in that street
Got someone I wantcha to meet
Dancers: Come on, start kissing the feet
Of Prince Ali!

(We see Aladdin request to get off Abu. He starts playing with some children and gives them rare and delicious-looking sweets.)

Dancers: Sing hey, hey!
Sing hey, hey!
Sing hey to Prince Ali
Genie: Over the top!
Dancers: Sing hey, hey!
Sing hey, hey!
Sing hey to Prince Ali
Genie: Sounded good, fellas!
Dancers: Babadabadow...
Genie: Hit me one more time...

(Cut to show Princess Jasmine, Dalia, Rajah, the Sultan and Sultana look out from their respective balconies to see the parade. Then cut to show Jafar and Iago also looking at the parade. Aladdin, now back on Abu, sees Jasmine looking at him and the parade.)

Genie: There's no question this Ali's impressive
Though his entourage may be excessive
(Showing the mighty elephants with their mahouts)All those elephants at once can quite unnerve one

(Cut to show Aladdin look at some beautiful young women waving at him from a balcony. He awkwardly waves back at them- he's only got eyes for Jasmine.)

Genie: Still, the guy gives a parade new meaning
And the sight of all those peacocks preening
He's a prince without a peer
And we deserve one!

(Cut to show Genie appear alongside the young women. He's dressed in drag and starts dancing and singing.)

Genie: Prince Ali, handsome is he, Ali Ababwa!
Young women: There's no question this Ali's alluring
Never ordinary!
Never boring!
Genie: That physique- how can I speak? Weak in the knee!
He's so hot!
Young women: Everything about the man just plain impresses
Genie: Well, get on out in that square
Adjust your veil and prepare
Young women: He's a winner, he's a whizz
A Wonder!
(Genie catches them as they faint)He's about to pull my heart asunder
Genie: To gawk, and grovel, and stare at Prince Ali!
Young women: And I absolutely love the way he dresses!

(Cut to show some men carry large cages, full of white Persian monkeys.)

Genie: He's got ninety-five white Persian monkeys
Townspeople: He's got the monkey's, lets see the monkeys
Genie: And to view them he charges no fee

(We see Aladdin toss some gold coins to the crowds- they rush to pick up whatever they can.)

Townspeople: He's generous, so generous
Genie: He's got slaves, he's got servants and flunkies
Slaves and Servants: Proud to work for him!
Dancers: They bow to his whim
Love serving him
They're just lousy with loyalty to Ali!
Prince Ali!

(Cut to show the parade approaching the palace gates. The gates open wide and the parade makes a grand entrance into the palace compounds. We now see Genie in a different outfit- an oriental style outfit, with a turban. His golden cuffs are also visible.)

Genie and dancers: Prince Ali!
Amorous he!
Ali Ababwa
Genie: Heard your Princess was a sight
Lovely to see

(Cut to show Jasmine rolling her eyes and going back inside her room, followed by Dalia and Rajah.)

Genie and dancers: And that, good people, is why
He got dolled up and dropped by

(As the parade enters, we see the objects being named appear on the screen. We also see dancers holding fancy umbrellas and fans make way as Abu enters with Aladdin on his back.)

All in the parade: With sixty elephants, llamas galore
With his bears and lions
A brass band and more
With his forty fakirs
His cooks, his bakers
His birds that warble on key
Make way... for Prince...
Genie: Prince Ali!
Dancers: Say hey to Prince Ali!
Genie: Prince Ali
Dancers: Say hey to Prince Ali!
Genie: To Prince Ali!
All: Babadababow!

(Cut to the people outside applauding loudly. Cut back to Genie looking at Aladdin. Streamers and firecrackers burst as the song ends. Genie and Aladdin hi-five each other as they make their way towards the Sultan and Sultana, with Jafar and Iago standing behind the king and queen.)

Cut to inside the throne room. The three messengers and Genie are standing inside, waited upon by Jafar and Iago. The Sultan enters the throne room.)

Messenger 1: (to the Sultan, in a funny accent)Your majesty...
Messenger 2: (also to the Sultan, in a funny accent)May we introduce...
Messenger 3: (to the Sultan, now botching the accent)His royal highness...

(Genie glares at the three messenger guys.)

Genie: (to the three guys, silently)Kill it with the accent.

(The three guys become silent. We see Aladdin enter the room and greet the Sultan by beating his breast twice, and then stomping his foot once.)

Aladdin: Your highness- I am Prince Ali of Ababwa-
Jafar: We know. We heard the song.
Sultan: (to Jafar)Jafar!
Jafar: (bowing low).
Sultan: (to Aladdin)Prince Ali of Ababwa- it is a pleasure to welcome you to Agrabah!

(We see the Sultana enter the throne room as well, followed by the royal council.)

Aladdin: (to the Sultan)It is just as much a pleasure to meet your acquaintance. I have journeyed many miles to seek the hand of your daughter.
Sultan: (stepping forward to greet him)Well, this is good news- we are delighted to meet you, my boy!

(The Sultan touches his nose to Aladdin's in traditional Arab Gulf manner.)

Sultan: (pointing to Jafar)This is my royal vizier, Jafar- he is delighted too...
Jafar: (callously)Ecstatic.
Iago: Awk! Ecstatic!
Aladdin: (recognising him as the guy who tried to use him to retrieve the lamp)You... You're the royal vizier...?
Jafar: (nodding his head)Yes... And?
Aladdin: And you don't... recognise... me?
Jafar: (raising his eyebrow)Am I supposed to?
Aladdin: (regaining his confidence)Why, of course! (Flipping his cape)I am Prince Ali of Ababwa!
Jafar: Well, let me tell you something, Prince Abooboo-
Aladdin: (correcting him)Correction, sir- it's "Ababwa".
Jafar: Yes, whatever- you cannot just parade in here and demand to meet the Princess!
Aladdin: Oh, and why not?

(Aladdin turns to Genie. Genie speaks to Jafar.)

Genie: Actually, your excellency- we have submitted all the important documents and we have had them stamped with the royal seal by the guards at the royal gates, as well as at the entry point of the city.
Aladdin: (to Genie)Thank you, my good friend.
Jafar: (to Aladdin)As someone who has known the Princess her entire life, I can assure you- you are not her type.
Aladdin: (to Jafar)What do you mean? I'm rich, handsome, and oozing with charm- that's everybody's type!
Sultana: (to Aladdin)Our daughter would certainly approve of such a handsome suitor.
Aladdin: (to the Sultana)And I'm sure I will approve of her as well...

(Genie whispers something to Aladdin's ear. We see Jasmine and Dalia enter the room as they do so- they were listening to the whole discussion from behind the curtains. Aladdin doesn't notice them at first.)

Genie: (whispering)Tell them we have gifts.
Aladdin: (to the Sultan)Oh- We have things- gifts! All made locally in Ababwa.

(Servants enter bearing vessels of spices, as well as the golden camel figurines and crockery hung on poles.)

Aladdin: We have spices... golden camels... and spoons- tiny spoons! How do they make them that tiny?

(Jasmine looks on judgementally, but Dalia finds this amusing. She's also eyeing the Genie- she finds him very attractive.)

Aladdin: We have jams!
Jafar: Jams?
Iago: Jams?
Aladdin: (to Jafar and Iago)Yes, jams! We have fig jams, strawberry jams and date jams- seedless! Delicious, exotic jams...

(Genie looks flustered. He whispers something else to Aladdin.)

Genie: (whispering)Move away from the jams.
Aladdin: (subdued)What?
Genie: (whispering)The Princess is here.

(Aladdin turns to see the Princess. He becomes nervous for the first time.)

Aladdin: (stepping forward and greeting the Princess with a bow)Princess Jasmine... It is an honour to meet you.
Jasmine: (to Aladdin, coolly; not recognising him)And likewise.
Aladdin: Oh, Princess- we have a special gift, just for you-

(Aladdin looks to the Genie. Genie motions to a servant to come forward with a falconer following him- he holds a beautiful falcon of the "shaheen" type. Aladdin presents the falcon to her.)

Aladdin: I believed that the beauty and power of this bird could be matched only by that of the Princess of Agrabah.
Jasmine: (the falcon seems to interest her)Oh... It's lovely.
Sultan: (to the falconer)She would make an excellent addition to our own hunting falcons.
Jasmine: (observing all the merchandise)Say, Prince Ali- what do you hope to buy with all these expensive...
Aladdin: (forgetting himself)... You, of course.

(Genie facepalms himself. The Genie messengers look shocked, as do the Sultan and Sultana, but Jafar and Iago find this amusing.)

Genie: (silently)That's not right.
Aladdin: (seeing how upset Jasmine looks)No- no, no, no, no- a moment with you- I meant to say, buy a moment-
Jasmine: I see... And what makes you think that I would fall for you just because you're "rich, handsome and oozing with charm"? Is that how you think I measure a person's worth? I suggest you look for someone who's as shallow and self-absorbed as you are. But thanks for the parade- you certainly know how to put on a show. Now, if you'll excuse me- I need to find some bread...

(Jasmine angrily turns away and goes back to her room, followed by Dalia and Rajah.)

Genie: (silently to Aladdin)That went well.
Aladdin: (sheepishly smiles at the Sultan).
Sultan: Prince Ali, pay no attention to that- you can talk more in the evening, when we celebrate our harvest. Would you care to join the festivities?
Aladdin: Why, certainly, your majesty! I look forward to it. Oh, and (to the Sultana)your majesty, if you can please- convey my sincere apologies for what I said to your daughter. I just got—
Sultana: No worries, son- I will. She's a good-hearted girl and she will understand.
Aladdin: (bowing)Thank you.
Sultan: (to Jafar)Jafar, arrange a lavish room for Prince Ali to rest- also make sure his servants are comfortable.
Jafar: (to the Sultan)Pardon me, your majesty, but I don't trust that Prince Ali. He seems... rather suspicious.
Sultan: Nonsense! One thing I pride myself in, Jafar, is the fact that I am an excellent judge of character.

(The Sultan pats Jafar on the chest and leaves.)

Iago: (quietly)Excellent judge- yeah, sure... Not!

(We see Aladdin and Genie walk toward Jafar. He speaks to them.)

Jafar: Say, Prince- in which far corner of the world exactly is your country?
Aladdin: (to Jafar; lying)The... farthest.
Iago: (quietly)That's very convenient.
Jafar: But how come we've never heard of it before?
Iago: Never heard of it! Awk!
Aladdin: (to Jafar)We are a very private people... We... Ababwanese. It's a beautiful place- it's got rocks, and sand, and lots of rivers...
Jafar: That narrows it down a bit... Well then- Prince Ali, I better get on with the preparations for the celebrations this evening. I look forward to seeing you there.
Aladdin: Me too, sir. (Bowing)Have a nice day.
Iago: Awk! Have a nice day!
Jafar: You too.

(Aladdin and Genie are led away by a servant. Jafar then turns aside and Iago flies up in the air.)

Jafar: We are aware of every eligible prince in the world and yet he shows up out of the blue... Something is amiss...
Iago: I can't help but think we've seen him before- maybe if we imagine a beard on him...
Jafar: I personally think he would look awful with a beard.
Iago: Yeah, maybe not a beard...

(Fade to evening, in the guest room of the palace. It is well furnished and we see Aladdin walking around the room, with his turban off. We also see Carpet lying on the floor, and Genie enters the room.)

Genie: (turning into Mufasa)Al... I am very disappointed in you.
Aladdin: (to Genie)Genie, what did I do wrong? She got upset...
Genie: Oh, I don't know- the big attitude, the gifts and the whole buying thing. You made me look bad! I am a good genie!
Aladdin: That was a mistake!
Genie: I'm not gonna lie- what happened back there was a tragedy. I thought you two had a connection!
Aladdin: I just— I was just... nervous. You know, like how guys get nervous around the girl they like- like that! And I just got... (sighs). I just got a little tongue-tied. Princes don't get tongue-tied!
Genie: How about toning it down a bit?
Aladdin: But she's the Princess, right? Isn't she supposed to like... you know, everything grand and spectacular? Things like rich people have?
Genie: I don't know, kid- this Princess might not be your ordinary spoilt girl. How about a nice heart-shaped box of baklava and some flowers? There's a store down the street.
Aladdin: (doubtful)Really? You think that would work?
Genie: You could give it to her after the party this evening...

(Cut to Aladdin scratching his head, thinking.)

Genie: I understand how you feel, but we can fix this- we've got one more chance at this at the party. You work on what you're going to say to her- I better go check on Abu and also get us some snacks. I'm famished.

(Saying so, Genie leaves.

Cut to a view of the port. We see fireworks in the sky, marking the beginning of the festivities. Cut to the passageway to the courtyard- the walls are decorated with lanterns and flowers. We see Genie in party wear and Aladdin walk down the passageway.)

Genie: Okay, this is your chance- do whatever you would do normally at a party...
Aladdin: Is this a bad time to say I've never been to a party before?
Genie: (surprised)What do you mean you've never been to a party before?
Aladdin: Well, I've never been in front of so many... rich people in my life. What if I screw up?
Genie: Al, look at me.
Aladdin: (turns around to look at him).
Genie: Who am I?
Aladdin: Uh... Genie?
Genie: Exactly- I got your back. Now, man up, and give that Princess the night of her life. Trust me- you got this.

(Cut to show them enter the courtyard, which is now full of noblemen, noblewomen, ministers, and several young rich couples. We also see the Sultan and Sultana sitting in special chairs, and they're flanked by important aristocrats on either side. We also see Jafar and Iago enter the party from the opposite end of the courtyard. We see Aladdin and Genie look around, searching for the Princess. )

Aladdin: I don't think I can do this... There are a lot of people...(he turns to leave)
Genie: (blocking Aladdin with his hand)No, no, no- you're staying right here. (Apparently spotting Dalia in the crowd)Oh... Look at her handmaid. She's going to get some punch- feeling a little thirsty myself...
Aladdin: No, wait- you can't leave me! They'll see right through me.
Genie: (putting his hands on Aladdin's shoulders)Kid, I live in a lamp. This is a party. Do not mess this up for me- go get her!

(Cut to show the Sultana standing up. She holds up her cup and proposes a toast in honour of Prince Ali.)

Sultana: In honour of our visiting guest, a toast- to Prince Ali of Ababwa!

(All the guests raise their cups in unison.)

Guests: Yay!
Aladdin: (surprised at the mention of his name)He-hey!...

(Aladdin awkwardly raises his cup to the Sultan and Sultana. They raise their cups at him as well.

Cut to show Jasmine and Dalia observing Aladdin. They are dressed in their party wear.)

Jasmine: (to Dalia, looking at Aladdin in the distance)Just as I thought- another prince more interested in Father.
Dalia: (to Jasmine)Hmm... I don't think so- this one might be different. And he comes with such an attractive friend- please make it work...
Jasmine: (surprised at Dalia's last sentence)And what about Prince Ali?
Dalia: (offscreen; we see Aladdin awkwardly stand and wait for the Genie to show up)Look at him. He's trying so hard...
Jasmine: (camera cutting back to Jasmine and Dalia)Then that's the problem.

(Cut to Aladdin waiting for his moment. The party guests keep chatting and having a good time in the background. Aladdin walks and sits down beside the fountain. Genie comes back to Aladdin. We see Aladdin dip his fingers into the water, which is strewn with flowers.)

Genie: (to Aladdin, subdued; slightly annoyed)What are you doing?
Aladdin: (looking up at him)Hmm?
Genie: What are you doing?
Aladdin: I was just... looking at the flowers...
Genie: Why are you not over there, talking to her?
Aladdin: How am I supposed to impress her without looking stupid again?
Genie: (sitting down beside Aladdin)Al, you've got to be more confident about what you have got to offer.
Aladdin: What do I have to offer? Knowledge of how to steal food? How to jump between buildings? Now, Prince Ali- he's got-
Genie: (cutting him off)Okay, stop- stop. I did all this just so that you can court her. I may have made you look like a prince on the outside, but I didn't change anything on the inside. Prince Ali got you to the door, but Aladdin has to open it.
Aladdin: (thinking)Hmm...

(Cut to a wide view of the party. Everyone is drinking, eating, chatting, and having a great time overall. Cut to Genie and Aladdin standing some distance away from Jasmine and Dalia.)

Genie: (to Aladdin)It's showtime.
Aladdin: (to Genie)No- I'm waiting.
Genie: No, no- no more waiting. We're done waiting.
Aladdin: Okay, look- I'm in charge, okay? I say when it's the right moment to-
Genie: (magically makes him slide backwards to where Jasmine and Dalia are).
Aladdin: (subdued; as he slides backward)Really? Really?

(Cut to Aladdin approach Jasmine and Dalia.)

Dalia: (quietly)He's here- say something; act natural. (Forgetting her own advice on seeing Aladdin)Ah... hehehehehe... hi!
Aladdin: (raises his eyebrows at Dalia; then turns to Jasmine)Princess- I believe we started off on the wrong foot—
Jasmine: Oh, you mean this one? (Mimics Prince Ali's unique form of greeting by beating her breast and stomping her foot.)

(Jasmine and Dalia giggle. Aladdin looks sheepish. Genie breathes through his teeth.)

Genie: (quietly)It's okay... Relax.

(Cut back to Aladdin, Jasmine and Dalia.)

Aladdin: (to Jasmine)I... I just want to apologise for the jams, and the... the "buying you"- that wasn't me.
Jasmine: (looks at him, intrigued and slightly amused).
Aladdin: No, it was me- it's not like, I have a twin brother or anything, but, I... uh...
Jasmine: (hearing music in the distance, cutting him off)Dance? I'd love to!

(Jasmine walks away from him, leaving Aladdin very flabbergasted. Cut to Genie giving him a double thumbs up in the distance.)

Aladdin: (silently to Genie)Dance?
Genie: (silently; dancing)Just dance...
Aladdin: (silently)But I don't know how to—
Genie: (silently)Trust me- I got you.
Dalia: (as Aladdin follows Jasmine)Go... go... (squeals excitedly).

(Cut to the couples line up for the dance around the fountain as the music for "Harvest Dance" plays. Jasmine is the only girl who has no partner. She looks around, only to find Prince Ali by her side. She finds this prince vaguely familiar, but she's not sure how.

Cut to Genie discreetly manipulating Aladdin's body with his fingers. Aladdin is surprised at this, but we see Genie tell him to relax.)

Aladdin: (silently)What am I supposed to—?
Genie: (silently)Relax.

(Jasmine and the other ladies begin the dance by doing a catwalk. Aladdin looks at Genie who's standing in the distance. Genie starts manipulating Aladdin's body to help him dance.

Aladdin does a few moves and clumsily comes near Jasmine. He smiles at her and she acknowledges him. Genie continues to manipulate Aladdin.

Aladdin walks behind like the other men there as the ladies turn around and raise their arms. The men come toward the women and Genie makes Aladdin do the same. The ladies then pose as the men bow. Aladdin bows before Jasmine.

Heavy percussion begins to play and the music intensifies. The women begin shaking their hips and the men rise and turn. Genie continues to manipulate Aladdin to help him go with the flow.)

Aladdin: (looks at Genie).
Genie: (silently)It's alright, it's good.

(Genie makes Aladdin stand up. The dance continues. The Sultan dances in his seat as well; the Sultana laughs at him fondly- they hold hands. Iago is also grooving but Jafar watches with a stoic expression from behind the older nobles gathered there.

The dance continues. Everyone is having a good time. Genie keeps helping Aladdin dance.)

Aladdin: (silently to Genie)This is great!
Genie: (silently to Aladdin)Here comes the grand finale—

(Then, all of a sudden, Aladdin breaks into a solo routine. He wows everyone with his dance solo, including Jasmine. The nobles begin to clap and encourage Aladdin. Aladdin briefly walks past Jasmine. Genie keeps helping Al make an impression on Jasmine and the crowd.

Aladdin then slides down and leaps on to the fountain. He does a little robot dance and turns and points to Jasmine. The crowd carries on with the clapping and Genie continues manipulating Aladdin. Aladdin finishes the dance with a big back flip and lands on his knees in front of Jasmine. The crowd gives a thundering applause.

Jasmine is clearly amazed but the backflip was probably overkill so she goes away to her bedroom. Aladdin rises, looking disappointed. He raises his arms in enquiry at Genie, who looks confused as well.

Fade to Genie, Aladdin, Abu and Carpet in the garden adjoining their guesthouse. Aladdin is walking around the garden, wondering why Jasmine walked away. Meanwhile, Genie and Carpet are playing a game of chess. Abu is trying to eat a banana- we see bunches of bananas lying beside him, and squashed bananas lying in front of him- previous attempts at peeling the bananas. Aladdin looks very disappointed.)

Aladdin: She just... walked out.
Genie: (looking up from his game with Carpet)I might have gone slightly overboard with the backflip, but that dance is probably the best thing you've ever done in your life.
Aladdin: Thanks, Genie. But nothing seems to impress her! Not jewels, or dancing... or jams...

(Cut to Genie and Carpet playing chess.)

Genie: (to Carpet)So move.

(Carpet makes a move that impresses Genie and catches him by surprise.)

Genie: Hey- that's a good move! (As Rodney Dangerfield)I can't believe it- I'm losing to a rug.

(Cut back to Aladdin taking off his turban.)

Aladdin: Genie... I need help.
Genie: (rushing to his side; as Jack Nicholson)Alright, Sparky- here's the deal.  You wanna court the little lady, you gotta be a (with the sound of a gunshot)straight-shooter, do ya got it?
Aladdin: What?
Genie: (now as a schoolmaster, pointing to a blackboard with a rod)Tell her the (flipping the board to show the word "truth" in bright neon lights)truth!!!
Aladdin: (making the board disappear with his turban)No way! If Jasmine found out that I was really some crummy street rat, she'd laugh in my face.
Genie: (as an electric lamp on Aladdin's head)A woman appreciates a man who can make her laugh. (Turning back to normal)All joking aside, Al- you really ought to be yourself.
Aladdin: Well... If it's gonna help me get her... (looking up at Jasmine's balcony)You have to get me over there!
Genie: (back at the game with Carpet)Is that a wish?
Aladdin: No, it's more of a favour... for a friend.
Genie: Well, you see, Al- genies really don't have any friends.
Aladdin: But I thought you said you (in a sing-song way)"never had a friend like me".
Genie: (correcting him)No, I said you never had a friend like me. When you're a genie, somebody always wants something from you.
Aladdin: Oh, right, right. Besides, it would've involved distracting a certain handmaid...
Genie: (suddenly rushing to Aladdin)You were saying?

(Cut to Genie, in his human disguise, standing outside the Princess' door. He knocks on the door without touching it. Dalia opens it, and he slightly bows to her.)

Genie: Good evening, miss.
Dalia: How did you get past the guards?
Genie: Oh, uh... snuck past them.
Dalia: All 48 of them? Even the ones that eat fire? Impressive(She has a deadpan expression).
Genie: That's uh... That's what people say about me. (He chuckles).

(Dalia slowly turns to look at Jasmine, who is reclining on a couch, reading.)

Genie: Well, that didn't come out... the right way... No one says that— I don't know why I said that.

(He makes a bouquet of flowers appear from behind him and offers them to Dalia.)

Dalia: (turning back, gasping at the flowers sarcastically)They're beautiful(Turing deadpan again)She will hate them.

(Genie looks confused.)

Dalia: Tell Prince Ali that the way to her heart is through her mind.
Genie: Actually, these are from me... to you.
Dalia: (face relaxes now)Could you excuse me for one moment.
Genie: Wait, just—

(Dalia slowly shuts the door and noiselessly jumps with joy. Jasmine is excited too.)

Genie: (outside, muttering to himself)"That's what people say about me". Pooh!

(Dalia opens the door and Genie smiles.)

Dalia: My favourites. (She takes the bouquet)I accept— please continue.
Genie: (awkwardly)I was noticing how... pleasant the evening is at the party... and I noticed you noticing... how... pleasant I am.
How's this going?
Dalia: It's clumsy, but in a charming sort of way.
Genie: A— a stroll. Would you like to take an evening stroll?
Dalia: Just the two of us? On purpose?

(She says this holding the bouquet.)

Genie: Yes... as people.
Dalia: Just one more second.
Genie: Okay. (To himself)Why did I say "as people"? Talk about following your own advice.

(Dalia shuts the door and tosses the flowers to Jasmine. Jasmine catches the bouquet and motions to her to go out and enjoy herself. Dalia opens the door, wearing her veil.)

Dalia: (to Genie)I've never done this before. How does this work?

(She takes Genie's hand and walks out with him.)

Dalia: Do you like sheep cheese?

(They both walk out.

Cut to Jasmine walking back to her couch, with Rajah lying near her. She hears another knock.)

Jasmine: (looking up)Come in.

(Cut to Aladdin climbing over the balcony railing. Jasmine turns around when she hears his voice.)

Aladdin: (to Jasmine)Actually, I'm already in.
Jasmine: (to Aladdin; shocked)How did you get... there?
Aladdin: A... magic carpet?
Jasmine: And what are you doing in my private chambers? I'll call the guards—
Aladdin: Please, Princess- I only came back to apologise for what I said earlier... (taking his turban off and bowing to her)I only meant to say...
Jasmine: Wait a minute- (looking at him carefully with his turban off)are you sure we haven't met before?
Aladdin: (straightening up)Huh? (Scoffing)No way! What do you mean?
Jasmine: (with Rajah standing beside her)You remind me of someone I met... (emphasising the last word)at the marketplace.
Aladdin: (putting his turban on)The marketplace? Heh, no way! I have servants who go to the marketplace for me. Why, I even have servants who go to the marketplace for my servants- so it couldn't have been me you met. Heh.
Jasmine: (slightly dejected)Hmm... I guess not.
Aladdin: (curious)If you don't mind, will you tell me who he was?
Jasmine: His name was Aladdin. Such a simple, down-to-earth fellow, and very handsome too... I wish more women would be fortunate enough to meet a man like him.
Aladdin: (blushes)R-really? (Remembering where he is)Oh, really? Can you tell me more?
Jasmine: He's poor, but he has more than I could ever have- he can go wherever he wants, be independent. (Looking sad)Unlike me... For him, the world has so much to offer. I want to be a part of that. (Turning to look at Aladdin)If I saw him again, I would just run into his arms and ask him to take me away to some far off place... Where he and I can be together. Where no laws will stop us from being who we are.
Aladdin: (touched)Oh...

(At this point Aladdin realises that this princess is probably the most real, honest person he has ever met. He can't believe what he heard about himself from her.

There is a full moon in the night sky, and the moonlight reflecting on Jasmine catches Aladdin's attention.)

Aladdin: Uh... Princess? Did I mention how beautiful you look this evening? And you dance beautifully too.
Jasmine: (chuckling)I suppose you're going to flatter me then.
Aladdin: Oh, no- I mean it. With all my heart.
Jasmine: (walking towards him)Now you'll say I'm very charming...
Aladdin: Oh, yes- very.
Jasmine: Sweet-natured...
Aladdin: Mmhmm... Very sweet-natured...
Jasmine: ... A fine prize for any prince to marry.
Aladdin: (as she steps closer to him)Yeah... a prince like... me?
Jasmine: (putting her hand on his shirt)A prince like you. (Suddenly turning away from him in anger)And every other stuffed shirt, swaggering peacock I've met!
Aladdin: (shocked and confused)What?
Jasmine: (as she continues walking back to her room)Go- jump off a balcony or something!
Aladdin: (becoming sad)You know what? You're right.

(Jasmine and Rajah suddenly turn around, surprised.)

Aladdin: You're not just some prize to be won. You should be free to make your own choices. I guess I'll do as you said...

(Saying so, Aladdin jumps off the balcony. Jasmine, in shock, calls out to him.)

Jasmine: Prince Ali, no—!

(We then see Aladdin appears behind the balcony railing. He seems to be floating in the air.)

Aladdin: What? What's wrong?
Jasmine: (amazed)How- how are you doing that?

(We see Aladdin slowly rise, standing on Carpet. Jasmine walks toward him, intrigued and amazed.)

Aladdin: It's a magic carpet.
Jasmine: I didn't know those really existed... where did you get it from?
Aladdin: I know a guy...

(Carpet takes her hand with his tassel and kisses it.)

Jasmine: (to Aladdin)It's lovely...
Aladdin: (to Jasmine)You don't suppose we could go for a ride, do ya? We could get out of the palace... see the city.
(Singing)You must feel trapped inside these walls
We'll get away- just you and me
Why not escape as evening falls?
There's a whole world you've yet to see...
Jasmine: (thinks for a while, then responds)If I go with you, will it be safe?
Aladdin: Sure. (Holding his hand out)Do you trust me?
Jasmine: (realising she's heard that before)What did you just say?
Aladdin: (earnest)Do you trust me?

(Jasmine looks at Rajah, then back at Aladdin.)

Jasmine: I'm not sure why, but... yes.

(Saying so, Jasmine climbs onto the carpet beside Aladdin.

Cut to them flying away into the air, with Rajah looking on from the balcony in amazement. Music for "A Whole New World" starts to play as the Carpet goes for a dive, making Jasmine hold on to Aladdin. They go for a trip all around the city as well as the adjoining wadis, mountains, ocean, beach and oases.

Cut to them flying above the homes of some landlords, decorated colourfully. Jasmine looks around from behind Aladdin, still holding onto his shoulders.)

Aladdin: I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering, splendid
(Looking into her eyes)Tell me, princess, now when did
You last let your heart decide?

(Taking her hands in his)I can open your eyes
(Waving his hand slowly across in the air as Jasmine looks on in wonder)Take you wonder by wonder
(Going over a bridge, then beside a house, and then under another bridge)Over, sideways and under
On a magic carpet ride

(Cut to them now hovering over some mountains. They fly high in the air, with the wind blowing through Jasmine's hair.)

Aladdin: A whole new world
A new fantastic point of view
No one to tell us no
Or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming

(Carpet takes them up to a hillside, dotted with flowers. Jasmine's tiara has now fallen off. As they fly past the flowers, Aladdin picks one and puts it in Jasmine's hair.)

Jasmine: A whole new world
A dazzling place I never knew
But now from way up here
It's crystal clear
That now I'm in a whole new world with you
Aladdin: (as they ascend into the sky again)Now I'm in a whole new world with you

(They're now flying above some mountainside streams, or "wadis" in Arabic. A couple of falcons fly past them into the starry sky.)

Jasmine: Unbelievable sights
(Putting her fists to her chest)Indescribable (with Aladdin harmonising)feeling
Soaring, tumbling, free wheeling
Through an endless diamond sky

(Cut to them flying toward the ocean. Jasmine puts her tiara back on. Aladdin puts his hand on her shoulder and smiles at her as he sings.)

Jasmine: A whole new world(closing her eyes as Carpet dives down to near the surface of the water)
Aladdin: (holding her hands and removing them from her eyes)Don't you dare close your eyes
Jasmine: A hundred thousand things to see
Aladdin: Hold your breath, it gets better

(They fly above the water, greeted by some flying fish leaping out of the water. Jasmine and Aladdin put their hands in the water.)

Jasmine: I'm like a shooting star
I've come so far
I can't go back to where I used to be

(Cut to a gorgeous shot of the couple's silhouette against the full moon sky, then cut back to them on the Carpet as it turns around to head back to the city.)

Aladdin: A whole new world
Jasmine: Every turn a surprise
Aladdin: With new horizons to pursue
Jasmine: Every moment red letter
Jasmine and Aladdin: (looking down from the Carpet)I'll chase them anywhere
There's time to spare
(Looking up at each other)Let me share this whole new world with you

(Cut to them fly by some fruit trees. Aladdin picks an apple and tosses and rolls it down his arm to Jasmine, who has now understood that this Prince Ali is none other than Aladdin.)

Aladdin: A whole new world
Jasmine: A whole new world
Aladdin: That's where we'll be
Jasmine: That's where we will be

(Cut to a shot of their reflection in a river surrounded by trees and grass. Jasmine puts her head close to Aladdin's.)

Aladdin: A thrilling chase
Jasmine: A wondrous place

(Cut to a back view of them both, looking into each other's eyes as the Carpet carries them above the river.)

Aladdin and Jasmine: For you and me

(Fade to camera pan up to them watching the fireworks above the port, which is lined with dhows. Aladdin and Jasmine are seated on the Carpet. Jasmine is also wearing a flower in her hair.)

Jasmine: Oh... It's all so magical.
Aladdin: Yeah...
Jasmine: It's a shame Abu had to miss this.
Aladdin: (forgetting himself)Nah, he doesn't like fireworks— (realising that Jasmine knows who he is)I mean, uh...
Jasmine: (turning to face him)Did you really think I would go on a magic carpet ride with a total stranger?
Aladdin: (feeling ashamed of himself)So... So you knew all along. I didn't fool you for a second, did I?
Jasmine: (mad; taking his turban off)Did you think I was stupid? (Tossing the turban back to him)Why did you lie to me? (Softening; holding his arm)I thought I lost you. Why didn't you come to see me that night like you promised?
Aladdin: Well, uh... I—
Jasmine: Who are you? The truth this time.

(Carpet turns around slightly. Aladdin tries to come up with something as Jasmine looks at him- her dark eyes seem to pierce right through Aladdin's soul.)

Aladdin: The truth is... The truth is... Is that... (lying to her)I really am a prince- I just... dress up as a commoner sometimes to... escape the pressures of palace life.
Jasmine: Oh... Why didn't you just tell me then?
Aladdin: Well, you know... royalty going out into the streets in disguise- sounds a bit strange, don't you think?
Jasmine: (hitting her shoulder against his)Not that strange.

(Jasmine lays her head on Aladdin's shoulder as he looks at her. He seems a bit sad.)

Aladdin: (adjusting his turban)It's getting late... We should probably head back.
Jasmine: Already?

(Fade to them flying back to Jasmine's balcony. Dissolve to Jasmine getting off the Carpet. He lowers down with Aladdin on him, bringing him face to face with the Princess. She turns to face him.)

Aladdin: There you are- back home safe and sound.
Jasmine: (taking his hand in hers)Thank you for the ride... I've never experienced anything like it before. I will remember this night for as long as I live.

(Aladdin is moved.)

Aladdin: (kissing her forehead)Until tomorrow, Princess.
Jasmine: Good night, my prince.

(The Carpet makes Aladdin lean in and kiss Jasmine on the lips. They kiss passionately and then Jasmine slowly breaks the kiss. She turns away, blushing and smiling, walking back to her room.

Cut to Aladdin looking very ecstatic and happy. He falls back onto Carpet.)

Aladdin: Yes...

(Dissolve to Carpet bringing him down beside Genie, who is relaxing in a hammock.)

Genie: (to Aladdin)So... How was it?
Aladdin: (to Genie)It was the best.

(Cut to Jasmine twirling around joyfully, silhouetted against the moonlit sky, in front of Dalia.)

Jasmine: (to Dalia)It was better than the best.

(Cut back to Aladdin.)

Aladdin: She figured out that I was Aladdin...

(Cut back to Jasmine reclining on her couch, with Dalia resting her head on her belly.)

Jasmine: He told me he was actually a prince...
Dalia: (raising her head)And you believed him?

(Cut back to Genie.)

Genie: ... And she believed you?

(Cut back to Jasmine and Dalia.)

Dalia: Don't you think maybe you want to believe him because you have to marry a prince and not a commoner?
Jasmine: I believe him. I do...

(Cut back to Genie and Aladdin.)

Genie: (warning)Eventually, you're gonna have to tell her the truth.
Aladdin: Eventually, I will. Anyway, I feel like I really am a prince now.
Genie: (fearful)Oh... So that's how it's gonna be.
Aladdin: So what? People change...
Genie: (quietly)But not always for the best...

(They pause and look at the sky for a while.)

Aladdin: (getting off Carpet)Hey- I'm gonna go take a walk. I don't feel very tired.
Genie: Okay, then. I'm off- (putting on a blindfold)good night, Al!

(Cut to Aladdin walking away.)

Aladdin: 'Night, Genie!

(Dissolve to Aladdin walking down the garden. He passes by some neatly trimmed flower bushes. As he walks on, he sees Razoul walk toward him.)

Aladdin: (seeing Razoul)Good evening...
Razoul: Evening...
Aladdin: (noticing the evil expression on his face)Is... everything fine?
Razoul: The vizier wants to see you...
Aladdin: Huh?

(Cut to two soldiers show up behind Aladdin. They quickly bind and gag him.

Cut to the soldiers put Aladdin bound to a chair in front of a window, with Aladdin's back facing the sky outside.)

Aladdin: (as the soldiers remove the cloth off his face)Gentlemen, please- there's been some sort of misunderstanding! I don't think you know who I am
Jafar: (offscreen)Oh, no, no- we know who you are.

(Cut to a shot of the soldiers exit- they do so to reveal Jafar standing as a silhouette, with a few rays of moonlight shining on his green eyes. Iago is also seated on his shoulder. He steps forward to interrogate Aladdin.)

Jafar: The prince from a kingdom that doesn't exist... who now possesses a magic carpet, which is said to reside only in the Cave of Wonders- which contains a certain treasure. My treasure.
Iago: (flying to Aladdin's side)We heard the cheesy duet too! Hahah!
Aladdin: Listen to me- I don't think you know who I am... I- I'm Prince Ali of—
Jafar: (stepping forward, putting the end of his staff on Aladdin's chest)If I push you down, and you are who you say you are, you will die a watery death. If you survive, it could only be because of the lamp. In which case I will have my answer. Now... Tell me- where is the lamp?
Aladdin: I don't know what you're talking about. I have no idea—
Jafar: Goodbye, Aladdin!

(Saying so, Jafar pushes Aladdin out of the window into the ocean below by hitting him with his staff.)

Aladdin: No- no!!!

(Aladdin falls down, bound to the chair, to the ocean floor. As his head touches the bottom of the floor, his turban comes off, and so does the lamp from inside one of his side pockets. Aladdin manages to move to the lamp, rubbing it with his fingers as he slowly falls unconscious. Genie appears.)

Genie: What's with all the water getting into the... (turning to see Aladdin unconscious)Al? (Panicking)Al! Kid, snap out of it!

(Aladdin has fallen completely unconscious.)

Genie: I can't help you unless you make a wish! (Grabbing Aladdin)Okay, try forming the words- "I wish"... (to himself)You need to think, think, think, think... Think! (Seeing fallen Aladdin)Okay- a little grey area here, but it's worth a try(he pulls out a contract paper and a pen). (Reading out the contract)I, Aladdin, being of sound body and mind, (holding Al up and making him sign the contract with a fountain pen)declare that my second wish is to be saved from certain doom, and take the liberty to backdate that a day— I hope you don't mind.

(Genie turns into a giant submarine, swallows up Aladdin, and shoots out of the sea and, as his normal self, gently places Aladdin on the shore. Genie turns him over and presses the water out of him. Aladdin wakes up coughing.)

Al: Ughhhh...
Genie: (to Aladdin)Don't you scare me like that!
Aladdin: (spits out water).
Genie: (as John Wayne with a cowboy hat)Aw, shucks Al. I got ya outta there in time, quirky or you would've been fish food.
Aladdin: Genie, I—uh... (hugs Genie). Thanks, Genie.
Genie: (putting Al on his shoulders, taking the lamp and putting it in his pocket)Oh, Al. I'm getting kinda fond of you, kid. Not that I want to pick out curtains or anything.

(They all fly back to the palace. Dissolve to them back in their guesthouse as Genie lays Aladdin on a bed.)

Aladdin: Genie... I thought you said no favours. I thought you said no friends.
Genie: Um... It actually cost you a wish.
Aladdin: Whatever it cost... You saved my life. (Remembering)Hey— where's the lamp?
Genie: (holding the lamp out)Right here.
Aladdin: We have to stop Jafar.
Genie: Jafar? What did he do?
Aladdin: He's the one who tried to kill me. He wants the lamp... That's why he sent me into the Cave that day.
Genie: (shocked)Oh...
Aladdin: And if he gets his hands on the lamp... Something tells me he's up to no good. We have to stop whatever he's planning to do.
Genie: But how? It seems like he's got everybody fooled!
Aladdin: We've got to try.

(Cut to the Sultana enter Jasmine's room. Cut to show the balcony, with the golden blue of morning in the sky. Jasmine leans on her couch, staring into the sky. The Sultana comes to her.)

Sultana: Jasmine? How are you doing, child?
Jasmine: Oh, Mother... (turning around to face her)I have wonderful news(Hugging her mother).
Sultana: Oh? What is it?
Jasmine: (smiling)I have chosen a suitor.
Sultana: (happy)What? Really?
Jasmine: Yes... I want Prince Ali to be my husband.

(Cut to show Jafar and the Sultan enter the room. Jafar has the Sultan under a hypnosis spell using his cobra staff.)

Sultan: (under Jafar's spell)Jasmine...
Jasmine: (walking to her father joyfully)Father, I am so happy...
Sultan: (With Jafar controlling him)You should be, Jasmine. I have chosen a husband for you.
Jasmine: (confused)Huh? But, Father—
Sultan: You are to marry Jafar, my dear.
Jasmine and the Sultana: (in unison; shocked)What?!
Jasmine: But I—
Jafar: (stepping forward)You're speechless, I see! (Holding her chin)A fine quality in a wife...

(Jasmine pushes his hand off of her and moves away from him.)

Sultana: (to the Sultan)My lord, what is the meaning of this?
Jafar: (to the Sultana)My lady, it is the law.
Jasmine: (to Jafar)But I chose Prince Ali!
Jafar: (to Jasmine)Prince Ali left... He is a traitor- he wants to usurp your father's throne, my princess.
Jasmine: What? No way!
Jafar: Razoul told me of his treachery- he saw him flee the night. He even overheard him tell his minister to send a message to his kingdom, asking them to raise an army to invade Agrabah.

(Camera quickly pans to the door of Jasmine's room to show Aladdin standing outside. Jasmine sees him and rushes to his side.)

Aladdin: (to Jafar)Better check your crystal ball again, Jafar!
Jasmine: (to Aladdin)Ali!
Jafar: (gasps)!
Iago: (forgetting where he is)How in the he— I mean, uh... Awk!
Aladdin: (to the Sultan and Sultana)Your majesty, your adviser's not who he says he is.
Jafar: (scoffing)What ridiculous nonsense! I'm not who I say I am?

(The Sultana looks on, stunned.)

Aladdin: (walking to Jafar)Tell them the truth, Jafar- you tried to have me killed!
Sultana: What?!
Jasmine: Huh?

(Jafar controls the Sultan with his staff. The Sultan speaks.)

Jafar: (to Aladdin)How dare you... (to the Sultan)My Sultan. You know my loyalty belongs to you- he is obviously lying...
Sultan: (under Jafar's spell)Obviously... lying...

(Jasmine sees that something is amiss.)

Jafar: Yes...
Sultan: (still under Jafar's spell)Prince Ali, you invited yourself into our city, and we welcomed you as our guest. But I believe your intentions are... (Jafar strengthens the spell)deceitful...
Jasmine: (walking to the Sultan)Father! What's wrong with you?

(Aladdin notices the staff. He rushes to Jafar.)

Aladdin: I know what's wrong—

(Aladdin takes the staff and smashes it to the floor, breaking its cobra head. Jafar and Iago look on in shock, as do the Sultana and Jasmine. The Sultan wakes from his hypnosis and rubs his head.)

Sultan: What- what happened?

(The Sultana and Jasmine move to his side. Aladdin picks up the staff.)

Aladdin: (to the Sultan)Jafar has been controlling you with this- (showing the Sultan the staff).
Sultan: (takes the staff)Jafar... (turning to look at Jafar)You're my most trusted advisor...
Jafar: (apologetic)Your majesty... All of this can be explained...
Sultan: (shouting)Guards! Arrest the vizier!
Iago: (hanging his head low; to himself)That's it- we're done for. Dig a grave for the both of us- we're dead.

(Guards appear on either side of Jafar and grab him.)

Jafar: (to Aladdin as the guards drag him away)This is not done yet, boy!

(Jafar takes out a vial of magic powder and smashes it to the floor. In a poof of red smoke, he and Iago disappear. The guards look confused and shocked.)

Sultan: (to the guards)Find him- search the whole palace! And have him thrown in the dungeon!

(The guards leave.

Fade to a shot of them all gathered in the Sultan's private chambers. Jasmine and the Sultana sit on either side of the Sultan, with Dalia standing beside Jasmine and Aladdin and Genie standing in front of the Sultan. Rajah lies beside Jasmine. The Sultan speaks to Aladdin.)

Sultan: (to Jasmine)I can't tell you how happy I am, Jasmine.
Jasmine: (smiling)I know- this seems all so sudden but it's as if I've known him my whole life.

(Jasmine and her parents look happily at Aladdin. He smiles back at them.)

Sultan: Now do you see how everything works out if you follow the ancient decrees?
Jasmine: Funny. If I didn't know better I'd think that was your way of saying "I told you so".
Sultan: Dearest- if I wanted to say "I told you so", I'd just come out and say it.
Jasmine: Well, thank you for taking the—
Sultan: I told you so. (Laughing)I'm sorry- I couldn't help myself.

(The Sultan then speaks to Aladdin.)

Sultan: Prince Ali... I must apologise on Jafar's behalf.
Aladdin: Well, your highness, there's something I'd like to explain—
Sultan: Your honour and integrity will never again be questioned here in Agrabah.
Aladdin: (surprised)I—
Sultan: A more noble and sincere young man has never graced the chambers of this palace.
Aladdin: Well, uh—
Genie: (in a whisper)Wow.
Sultan: A person of your unimpeachable moral character is exactly who this kingdom needs. As for me and my wife, we would be honored to call you our son in law.
Aladdin: (slightly nervous)Right... Unimpeachable moral character... That's me...

(Aladdin and Genie are surprised.)

Sultan: ... (turning to Jasmine)If that's something more than you wanted.
(To Aladdin)You are also to become Sultan and rule beside Jasmine. (Standing up)You two will be wed very soon. I would like for you to wear my royal vestments for the official declaration- they have a great deal of history to them.
Aladdin: (bowing)Of course...

(The Sultan takes Jasmine by the hand and has her stand beside Aladdin. He raises his hands, holding them above Aladdin and Jasmine's heads. He blesses them.)

Sultan: (to Aladdin and Jasmine)And by the grace of God, both of you shall be happy and prosperous.

(Genie and Aladdin are both amazed but Aladdin looks worried when he turns to leave. Jasmine looks at her groom-to-be expectantly.

Dissolve to Aladdin walking around in the guesthouse.)

Aladdin: (to himself)... Sultan? They want me to be Sultan?
Genie: (turning into a one-man band)Hurrah! Hail the conquering hero!

(He plays a victory tune. He sees Aladdin flop down in his chair, looking forlorn. He snaps out of the one-man band and scratches his head. He turns into a group of photographers and a reporter and puts a mic to Aladdin's face.)

Genie: (as reporter)Aladdin, you've just won the heart of the princess! What are you going to do next?

(Aladdin looks at him and turns his head away. Genie is again confused and walks up to him with a screenplay labelled "Aladdin" in hand and opens it. Aladdin flops down in an easy chair. Genie wears a director's sunglasses. We also see Abu and Carpet look inside through a large window.)

Genie: Psst. Your line is "I'm going to free the Genie". Anytime.
Aladdin: Genie... I can't.
Genie: (normal)Sure you can! You just go(grabbing Aladdin's face and making him mouth the words)"Genie, I wish you free".
Aladdin: (pulling away)Genie, I'm serious! Look- I'm sorry, I really am. But they want to make me sultan. No, they want to make Prince Ali sultan! Without you, I'm just Aladdin.
Genie: But Al, you won!
Aladdin: Because of you! (Turning away from him)The only reason anyone thinks I'm anything is because of you. What if they find out I wasn't really a prince? (Quieter)What If Jasmine finds out? I'll lose her.
Genie: So you... never tell her the truth?
Aladdin: Well, what else can I do?
Genie: Al, you told me that she figured out who you really are.
Aladdin: But then I lied to her again! Genie: Why did you? You'd rather lie to someone you love than give all of this up? Al, here's a fact- the more you gain by pretending, the less you're actually going to have.
Aladdin: You don't get it, Genie. People like me don't get anything except by pretending.
Genie: Al, you know that's not true—
Aladdin: You'd rather meet me back in the streets, with nothing to survive on? I thought... I though you'd be happy for me. But all you cared about was that I'd use my last wish to set you free.

(Genie is hurt when he hears this.)

Genie: You know what? I actually don't care about that wish at all. This is about you- what's happening to you.
Aladdin: (Turning back to Genie)Genie, I can't keep this up on my own. I know I promised to set you free, but now after all that's happened... What if after I become sultan, something bad happens? I'll need that last wish. Genie... I can't wish you free.
Genie: Lies, broken promises... it's too much. In 10000 years, I've never called a master a friend. I broke the rules for you. I saved your life. And for what? You're breaking my heart here, kid...

(Aladdin looks at Genie. He seems frustrated and sad.)

Genie: Oh, and- I don't expect you to forgive me for saying this, but if your mother saw all this, she'd be very disappointed.

(The mention of Aladdin's mom catches his attention. He looks on sadly as Genie goes back into his lamp.)

Aladdin: (holding the lamp)Genie- I'm sorry...

(No response. Aladdin angrily throws the lamp down on the bed and puts a pillow over it.)

Aladdin: Well, fine then- stay in there!

(Aladdin sees Abu and Carpet look on, sadly.)

Aladdin: (to Abu and Carpet)What are you looking at?

(Abu and Carpet are shocked at this- they become sad and walk away from there.)

Aladdin: (realising what he's done)No- no, guys... I was just...

(They go away, in spite of Aladdin's protests. We see some servants enter the guest house.)

Servant: (to Aladdin)Prince Ali?
Aladdin: (turning to the servants)Uh... Yes?
Servant: We have been sent by the Sultan to prepare you for the announcement of your engagement to the Princess. Please come with us.

(Aladdin gets up and walks with the servants.

Cut to them walking outside- it's daytime now, with the blue sky. Camera pans from the servants and Aladdin to Iago hiding under a window pane near the pond, which is dotted with flamingoes. He makes sure that he's not been seen and flies into the room.

Cut to him landing on the bed. He picks up the pillow which Aladdin put over the lamp, takes the lamp in his talons and flies off with it to Jafar.

Dissolve from Iago flying to Aladdin being dressed in royal vestments by the servants- he is given a new turban and a long, wide-sleeved cloak, white and trimmed with gold. He looks sad and reflective.)

Aladdin: (speaking in his head)Tell the truth, lose the princess... Keep the princess, live a lie.
(Singing quietly)I know that I was a louse and a loafer
You won't get a fight, I agree
I was a goldbrick, a goof-off, no good
So, how did this happen to me?

Proud of your boy
I hope you're proud of your boy
Cause I don't feel any taller or smarter
Or handsome or wise

And now, I know what I have to do
How can I be a prince when it isn't true?
So, I will try to try hard to make you
Proud of your boy

(Fade from the servants bowing to Aladdin in his completed look to Jafar and Iago in the secret study.)

Jafar: (holding the lamp)Yes... Yes! At last...
Iago: Careful now- we don't want to make too much noise...

(Jafar rubs the lamp and Genie comes out.)

Genie: (looking away from them as he comes out)You know, Al- I've been getting really... (turning to see Jafar and Iago)I... don't think you're him.

(Cut to show Genie descend from the top of the frame holding a playbill and a pair of handheld glasses to Jafar and Iago.)

Genie: (reading the playbill)Tonight the role of Aladdin will be played by a tall, sinister-looking man—
Jafar: (grabbing Genie's beard)I am your master now!

(Jafar tosses Genie down to the floor and puts his foot on his face.)

Genie: (from under Jafar's foot) I was afraid of that...
Jafar: And now, for my first wish...

(Cut to the throne room. The ministers are gathered together, and we see Aladdin and Jasmine standing next to each other. Aladdin looks slightly fidgety. Jasmine smiles at him and he returns it. Dalia stands behind Jasmine, and the Sultan sits on his throne. The Sultana stands beside him. Some royal guards stand with them as well- the Sultan's personal guard.

We see some elderly officials gathered at one side, with a sheikh in front of them. He reads out irritatingly slowly from the scroll he is holding.)

Sheikh: ... That the Princess Jasmine has chosen Prince Ali of Ababwa to be her husband and rule alongside her as Sultan of Agrabah...

(Cut to the Sultan, seated on his throne. Suddenly, his turban flies off his head and out of the window and he rushes to catch it. A strong gust of wind blows through the room- we see the turban vanish into the air. The sky goes from bright blue to red. Everyone gasps and looks around in confusion.

Cut to Jafar opening the doors of the throne room, followed by Iago flying in the air. Jafar is dressed in the royal robes of the Sultan. Iago also has a small turban on his head. Aladdin, the royal family and all those gathered turn to see Jafar enter. The Sultan is particularly shocked and angry.)

Sultan: (getting up from the floor)Jafar! You vile betrayer—
Iago: (flying and sitting on Jafar's shoulder)That's Sultan Vile Betrayer to you, boomer!
Sultana: (to Jafar)What are you doing here?
Sultan: You should have left Agrabah when you had the chance- (calling the guards)Guards!
Jafar: (raising his hand to stop the Sultan)There is a new order now- my order... (to the soldiers)You obey the Sultan- so you obey me now.
Aladdin: (taking his turban off)We'll see about that!

(To Aladdin's shock, he finds the lamp missing from his turban. He then frantically checks his pockets. Jasmine looks at him with concern.)

Jafar: (taking the lamp out of his pocket)Finders keepers, Abooboo! (Calling to Genie)Slave- show yourself!

(Genie enters- Dalia looks at him and she realises that the handsome man she strolled with that evening is in fact an all-powerful genie. She is shocked and doesn't know what to think. Aladdin looks distraught.)

Aladdin: (calling to Genie)Genie! No!
Genie: (sadly)Sorry, kid- I got a new master now.

(The soldiers stop marching to Jafar when they see Genie.)

Guard: Look- it's a genie!
Jafar: (to the guards)Your former Sultan has now lost his insignia. I hold the lamp. To whom will you swear loyalty now? You know the law, men...
Guard: (looking at the Sultan and the royal family, and then at Jafar)... (falling on his knee and beating his breast)M-my Sultan!

(The other guards, the sheikhs and the royal council do the same.)

Guards, everyone else: (falling on their knees)My Sultan!
Jafar: (noticing the royal family still standing)And you? What are you waiting for?
Jasmine: (adamantly)We will never bow to you!
Iago: Why am I not surprised?
Jafar: Very well, then... (getting angry)If you won't bow before a sultan, then you will cower before a sorcerer! (To Genie)Genie! My second wish- I wish to be the most powerful sorcerer in the world!
Aladdin: (rushing to Genie)Genie! Stop!

(Genie puts his hand over his eyes, points his fingers at Jafar, and with a powerful gust of wind that sends Aladdin and the rest of those in the room flying backwards and landing on the ground, Jafar gets turned into a powerful sorcerer- complete with a new red outfit and a staff.)

Iago: Ladies and gentlemen- a warm Agrabah welcome for Sorcerer Jafar!

(Everyone gets up to see Jafar take his staff.)

Jafar: (looking around)Now... where were we? (Seeing the royal family)Ah, yes... (pointing the staff at them)Abject humiliation!

(Jafar makes the royal family and Dalia bow before him forcefully. Rajah roars and comes to attack him, but Jafar points his staff at the tiger as well.)

Jafar: (to Rajah)Down, boy!

(Jafar turns Rajah into a small kitten. We see Aladdin run to Jafar, but Jafar takes Aladdin using magic from his staff and holds him in the air. It seems like some invisible force is choking Aladdin as he struggles in the air.)

Jasmine: (calling to Aladdin)Ali! No—
Jafar: Oh Princess! There's a little secret I wish to let you in on your groom-to-be.

(Jafar then makes Aladdin fall from the air to the floor, turning his clothes from the royal vestments to his original, dirty outfit- the one in which Jasmine saw him first. She gets up, shocked to see the street thief before her. He raises his head to look at her, with eyes moist.)

Iago: Or should we say... Aladdin?
Jasmine: (gasping)Ali?
Aladdin: Jasmine- I meant to tell you earlier- I'm not a prince... I'm just a nobody wh-who...

(Jasmine starts to cry as Jafar begins to sing a dark reprise of "Prince Ali".)

Jafar: Prince Ali, yes, it is he
But not as you know him
(Grabbing her face by the chin)Read my lips and come to grips
With reality

(Walking around Aladdin)Yes, meet a blast from your past
Whose lies were too good to last
(Prodding Aladdin's behind with the end of his staff)Say "hello" to your precious Prince Ali!

So, Ali turns out to be merely Aladdin
Just a con, need I go on?
Take it from me!

(Jafar raises Aladdin into the air with his magic. He also brings out Abu- now a monkey again- and the two of them are held in a swirling force of energy by Jafar. Jasmine looks on tearfully. Her parents get up, shocked. Her mother puts her hand on her shoulders as Jafar flips Aladdin upside down and brings him closer to his face.)

Jafar: His personality flaws
(Slapping Aladdin's face)Give me adequate cause
To send him packing on a one-way trip
So his prospects take a terminal dip
(Spinning his staff with his fingers)His assets frozen, the venue chosen
(Holding the staff at Aladdin's head, then swinging it like a golf club)Is the ends of the earth, whoopee!

(Genie holds his arms out as if to stop Aladdin and Abu from flying away into the sky, but in vain. They disappear in the air. Genie then sees Carpet secretly follow them in the air.)

Jafar: So long, ex-Prince Ali!

(As the song ends, Jafar laughs maniacally- sounding a lot like the Joker.

Jafar then moves over to the royal family. He takes Jasmine and the Sultana by the hands and dashes them to the ground. Jasmine gets up and tries to throw a punch at him, but Jafar takes his staff and changes her outfit into that of a harem girl's. He also binds her hands with chains.   He does the same to the Sultana and Dalia as well, and puts Rajah in a small cage, with a muzzle over his jaws.)

Jasmine: No! Jafar- stop!
Sultan: (getting up and taking his dagger)You dog- how dare you!

(Jafar uses his staff to wrap the Sultan in spiked chains and changes his royal robes to that of a jester. He also makes muzzles appear on the faces of Jasmine, Dalia, the Sultan and Sultana.)

Genie: (seeing Dalia)No...
Jafar: I will take it from here!

(Jafar brings the elderly Sheikh to him. He pulls him by the beard.)

Jafar: Let it be known throughout the kingdom- Jafar is the new Sultan of Agrabah!

(Jafar throws the Sheikh aside. He scurries away as fast as he can to the royal scribe. Jafar sits down in the throne, and Iago flies down and lands on top of his staff. They look at each other.)

Jafar: I feel an evil laugh coming on.
Iago: Mind if I join in?
Jafar: Be my guest...

(Dissolve from laughing Jafar and Iago to the Himalayas. Nice panoramic shot of the icy mountains. Dissolve to show Aladdin walking through the snow with Abu in his arms. Aladdin is crying.)

Aladdin: (to Abu)I'm- I'm sorry, Abu. I shouldn't have ever lied to her. I deserve this...

(Cut to show Carpet appear in the sky. Aladdin raises his head to look up to Carpet as he flies down to them.)

Aladdin: (calling to Carpet)Carpet! Over here!

(Carpet flies to them. Aladdin and Abu get on him.)

Aladdin: (wiping his face)Carpet- let's go home. And fast!

(Carpet carries them into the air and back to Agrabah.

Fade from a shot of them flying in the sky to the throne room. It is now lit with flames hanging from the ceiling via black chains. The ministers are gagged and dressed in jesters' clothing. The Sultan is dressed like a clown and forced to dance on a bed of hot coals. Jafar and Iago look on, laughing. Cut to show Dalia, Jasmine and the Sultana, dressed in identical- and very revealing- slave outfits, hands shackled. They are seated on a bed with a canopy. Jafar calls to Jasmine.)

Jafar: Oh, Jasmine! Won't you come and entertain us?

(Two of Jafar's guards appear and point their swords at Jasmine. The women see that it's pointless to refuse, so Jasmine gets up and walks to Jafar, who is seated on the throne.)

Jasmine: (holding her head up)Yes, Jafar?
Jafar: (to Jasmine)It pains me to see you reduced to this. (Creating a beautiful golden crown from the air)A fair desert bloom like yourself should be (taking away her tiara and placing the crown on her head)on the arm of the most powerful man in the world.
Jasmine: I will never marry you!

(She takes a cup of wine sitting nearby and throws the contents in Jafar's face. Genie looks on sadly in silence- he can't help them, as much as he would like to.)

Jafar: Ah! (Grabbing her by the arm)I'll teach you some respect!

(Jafar takes Jasmine, throws her down to the floor, and holds her by the neck, as if to molest her. She struggles under his grip, kicking with her legs until he lets go of her, falling to the ground. Jasmine gets up as quickly as she can and runs back to where Dalia and the Sultana are sitting.)

Jafar: (yelling at her, getting up from the floor)You little— (getting an idea)Wait... I know what to do...

(We see Aladdin and Abu appear behind the wall behind the throne. The lamp is placed on a special stool, and Iago guards it.)

Jafar: (to Genie)Genie- my final wish! I wish for Princess Jasmine to fall desperately in love with me...

(The Sultan, Jasmine, Dalia and the Sultana react with disgust and horror. Genie attempts to explain that Jafar cannot wish for someone to fall in love with someone else.)

Genie: Uh, master... (as William F. Buckley)There are a few addenda, some quid pro quo's—
Jafar: (angry; grabbing Genie's beard)Don't talk back to me, you big blue lout! You will do what I order you to do!

(Jasmine sees Aladdin enter through a window above them. She smiles excitedly. Aladdin motions for her to wait. She gets an idea to distract Jafar while Aladdin prepares to steal the lamp.)

Jasmine: Jafar?
Jafar: (turning around to look at her)Yes?
Jasmine: (getting up and putting the crown Jafar made on her head) I never realised how... incredibly handsome you are.

(Genie's jaw literally drops to the floor.)

Jafar: (to Jasmine)There... that's better. (Pulling Genie's beard and making it roll back up like a window blind)Now, tell me more about myself, pussycat...

(As Jasmine seduces Jafar in order to distract him, Aladdin and Abu climb down to the floor- much like they used to during their pickpocketing days. They grab the curtains and slide down the pillar nearby. Iago flies away from the lamp momentarily and sits on the arm of the throne.)

Jasmine: (putting her hands around Jafar)You're tall...

(Cut to Genie noticing Aladdin.)

Genie: (excited)Al! Al, little buddy! (Laughs).
Aladdin: (to Genie)Shush!
Genie: Oh, (literally zips his mouth).

(Genie quietly moves to Aladdin's side.)

Genie: (unzipping his mouth)Al, I can't help you. I work for (doing an impression of Jafar)senior psychopath now. What are you gonna do?
Aladdin: (to Genie)Hey, I'm a street rat, remember? I'll improvise.

(Saying so, Aladdin sees the lamp, and he manages to quietly slide down a few piles of gold treasure and coins.)

Jasmine: (discreetly motioning to Aladdin to come closer to the lamp)You take my breath away...
Jafar: (enamoured)Go on...

(Jafar is still distracted by all that Jasmine is.)

Jasmine: (to Jafar)And your beard is so... twisted...
Iago: (turning back to see Aladdin; calling to Jafar)Jafa—

(Abu leaps in, grabs Iago and takes him away. Aladdin slowly moves toward the lamp, getting very close. Meanwhile, Jafar is still distracted by Jasmine- she finds his breath repulsive, but still keeps the charade up.)

Jafar: (to Jasmine)And the street rat?
Jasmine: (pretending)What street rat?

(We see Aladdin reach out to take the lamp. As he does so, Iago struggles to get out of Abu's grip. Amid this, the two of them tumble and knock over a bowl of fruit. Jafar gets alerted and quickly turns around, but Jasmine grabs Jafar's head and kisses him. The Sultana, Dalia, and the Sultan all get disgusted, as do Aladdin, Abu and Genie. Jafar looks very satisfied- he breaks the kiss and notices Aladdin's reflection in Jasmine's crown.)

Jafar: That was... (seeing Aladdin's image in the crown)You!

(Jafar turns around, throws Jasmine aside, and unleashes a powerful magical force that sends Aladdin flying away from the lamp. Aladdin lands on a pile of treasure.)

Jafar: How many times do I have to kill you, boy?!

(Jafar takes his staff for another go, but Jasmine rushes to stop him. They struggle for a while, but Jafar just zaps her away, throwing her to the floor. Aladdin sees what's happened and runs to challenge Jafar.)

Aladdin: (mid-run; to Jasmine)Get the lamp!

(Aladdin and Jafar briefly duel. They struggle for a while, but Jafar sees Jasmine run to the lamp. He creates a huge hourglass and traps Jasmine in it.)

Jafar: No! (to Jasmine)Ah-ah, Princess! Your time is up!
Aladdin: (seeing Jasmine trapped in the hourglass)Jasmine!
Iago: (to Jafar; still in Abu's grip)Oh, nice shot Jafar!

(Abu takes a brass vessel and bangs Iago's head with it, knocking him unconscious.

Cut to show Abu run to grab the lamp, but Jafar uses his staff to turn Abu into a wind-up toy.)

Jafar: (throwing Aladdin off of him)Don't toy with me(turns Abu into a toy)!
Aladdin: Abu!

(Carpet comes to the rescue- he takes the lamp in his tassel, but Jafar uses his staff on the magical rug as well.)

Jafar: Things are unraveling fast now, boy!

(Jafar magically unravels Carpet. There is chaos and confusion all around. The Sultana and Dalia, as well as the Sultan, try to escape. Jafar sees them and traps them all in a giant cage. Jafar's magic makes the lamp fall over and to the floor, and Aladdin runs to grab it. Jafar stops him by magically producing a row of swords between the lamp and Aladdin.)

Jafar: Get the point?

(Aladdin tries to reach for the lamp from between the swords, but Jafar picks it up. Aladdin gets up and takes one of the swords.)

Jafar: I'm just getting warmed up!

(Saying so, Jafar breathes a ring of fire around Aladdin. Aladdin swings the sword, ready to attack.)

Aladdin: (surrounded by the fire)Are you afraid to fight me yourself, you cowardly snake?!

(Jafar walks through the flames toward Aladdin. His eyes look unnatural, with slits for pupils and in his mouth, long fangs for canines.)

Jafar: A snake, am I? Perhaps you'd like to see(with a forked tongue coming out) how snake-like I can be!

(Saying so, Jafar turns into a monstrous cobra snake. The flames also transform into part of his snake body. All in the throne room look on terrified.

Snake Jafar tries attacking Aladdin repeatedly, but Aladdin moves away quickly, swinging his sword. As Jafar moves in for a lethal attack, Aladdin slashes him across the face, forcing Jafar to scream in pain.)

Jafar: Aaaahhhh!!!
Genie: (as four cheerleaders)Rick 'em, rack 'em, rock 'em, rake
Stick that sword into that snake!
Jafar: (to Genie)You stay out of this!
Genie: (as a single cheerleader, waving a flag with a "ج" on it; dully)Jafar, Jafar
He's our man
If he can't do it
(Screaming into the screen with inflamed eyes)Great!!!

(Jafar goes in for another attack as Aladdin flees toward some piles of treasure. Jafar's head smashes down on a pile of treasure just as Aladdin moves away in time. Jasmine calls out to Aladdin from the hourglass- we see the bottom of the hourglass with sand up to Jasmine's belly.)

Jasmine: (to Aladdin)Aladdin!

(Jafar knocks Aladdin over with the end of his tail, making him lose the sword in his hand. Aladdin sees a large window, and he jumps on a brass vessel, slides to the window, takes the sword as he goes, and slides past the window as Jafar slithers after him. Just as Jafar comes out, Aladdin pins the sword into Jafar's body, making Jafar scream again.

Cut to show Aladdin pick up a long piece of broken wood and rush to the hourglass just as more sand fills up to Jasmine's neck.)

Aladdin: (running toward Jasmine)Jasmine, hang on!

(Just as Aladdin reaches Jasmine, Jafar bangs his tail on the floor, causing Aladdin to fall down. Jafar slithers around Aladdin, constricting him. Jafar brings his face close to Aladdin as he speaks to him menacingly.)

Jafar: (laughing at Aladdin)Little fool! You thought you could defeat the most powerful being on earth?
Iago: (sitting on an arm of the throne)Squeeze him, Jafar... Squeeze him like a—

(Genie flicks Iago away with his elbow.)

Jafar: (to Aladdin)Without the Genie, boy, you're nothing!
Aladdin: (Getting constricted by Jafar; realising something)The Genie... The Genie! The Genie has more power than you'll ever have!
Jafar: What?
Aladdin: He gave you your power- he can take it away!
Genie: (quietly, from behind a pillar)Al, what are you doing? Why're you bringing me into this?
Aladdin: (to Jafar)No matter how hard you try, there will always be some man... some being more powerful than you. Face it, Jafar- you will always just be second best!
Jafar: You're right... His power does exceed my own. But not for long...

(Saying so, Jafar slithers to Genie.)

Genie: (laughing nervously)The boy's crazy... He's a little punch-drunk- (punching his face with his fist looking like a snake)one too many hits with the snake.
Aladdin: (to Genie)Genie! Trust me... (tilts his head to Genie's cuffs).

(Genie looks at his cuffs...)

Genie: Ohh...

(...and finally understands what Aladdin is doing. We also see the sand in the hourglass filling up, leaving only the top of Jasmine's head and eyes exposed.)

Jafar: Slave! I make my final wish- I wish to be the most powerful entity in the whole universe- even more powerful than you!
Genie: (putting his fingers together)Hmm... A lot of grey area in that wish...

(Genie and Aladdin exchange sly looks.)

Genie: ... But most powerful being in the universe it is!

(Saying so, Genie turns Jafar into a genie. Jafar rises into the air, revelling in his new powers. Aladdin, who is now free from Jafar's grip, falls down, gets up and running, quickly takes the piece of wood and rushes to break open the hourglass.)

Jafar: (laughing wildly)Ah, yes... I can feel the power... (rising into the air; breaking open the roof of the throne room)The absolute power!

(Aladdin breaks open the hourglass, freeing Jasmine. She falls into his arms and embraces him, but seeing Jafar as a genie, she becomes frightened.)

Jasmine: (to Aladdin)What have you done?
Aladdin: (to Jasmine)Trust me.

(Cut to show a dark lamp appear at the foot of Jafar's genie form. Aladdin rushes to pick it up, followed by Jasmine.)

Jafar: The universe is mine to command- (swirling some planets and comets around his arms)to control!
Aladdin: (calling to Jafar)Not so fast, Jafar! Aren't you forgetting something?
Jafar: (looks down at Aladdin).

(Jafar sees gold cuffs appear on his wrists. He is surprised.)

Jafar: What?! (Screaming at Aladdin)What have you done to me?
Aladdin: This is your wish, Jafar- I didn't do anything! You wanted to be the most powerful being in the universe, you got it. (Picking up Jafar's lamp)Along with everything that goes with it!
Jafar: (spinning around, getting sucked into his lamp)No- no! I will not forget you boy- mark my words!
Aladdin: (quoting Genie)Phenomenal cosmic powers...

(Jafar gets sucked into his lamp completely. Iago watches in shock from behind a leg of the throne.)

Aladdin: (after Jafar gets sucked into the lamp completely)... Itty bitty living space.

(Genie comes to Aladdin's side and ruffles his hair fondly.)

Genie: (to Aladdin)Al, you little genius, you!

(Genie then rises in the air and magically restores everything- the sky becomes normal again, the palace is restored, the Sultan, the Sultana, and Dalia are set free, the ministers and sheikhs are freed as well. They all get their original outfits back as well. Abu runs to Aladdin's side and leaps into his arms. Aladdin hugs him fondly. Genie and Carpet fist-bump. The royal family embrace each other.

Genie sees Jafar's lamp lying beside Aladdin. He takes it.)

Genie: (as a baseball player)10000 years in the Cave of Wonders ought to cool him off!

(Genie spins the lamp around and then, gently placing it in the palm of his hand, flicks it into the distance with his other hand.

Cut to show the guards catch Iago and throw him in a cage.)

Iago: (to the guards)Ah! Jafar and I weren't that close- we were just work friends, heh!
Guard: It's time we did to you what we should have done long before, parrot!

(The guards take Iago away in the cage.)

Iago: (as he's taken away)Let me out! Please! Give me one more chance- I'm allergic to prison mites!

(Cut back to Aladdin and Genie. Genie sees Aladdin look at Jasmine being embraced by her parents and Dalia. Rajah is also there with them- as a tiger. Genie, Aladdin, Abu and Carpet are on the balcony of the throne room.)

Genie: (to Aladdin)Ah, ah, ah- no long faces! Okay, this is your last wish. Royalty was the right idea- we should just tweak it a bit... Alright- here's what I was thinking- (turning into an Olympian version of Aladdin)Aladdin. Warrior prince. A noble heart in a land where thieves run amok! (Turning back to his normal self)You like it?
Aladdin: (shaking his head)Genie, wait—
Genie: Okay, maybe not that- here's an even better one-(now wearing a turban and reading glasses; taking out a scroll- the governing laws of Agrabah)let's see... the governing laws of Agrabah by royal decree, hmm... (finding the article)Here it is! (Showing Aladdin the scroll; reading it out)Must. Marry. A. Prince. Okay, but you say the word and this law just goes away. You and the Princess- in it, together, forever.
Aladdin: You can make the law disappear?
Genie: Of course- like it never existed! (Pointing at Jasmine)Al, trust me- you won't find another girl like that in a million years. Believe me, I've looked.
Aladdin: (thinking; getting an idea)Well, okay then.
Genie: (shaking his arms)Are you ready for your last wish?
Aladdin: (taking Genie's lamp from beside him on the floor)Yep.
Genie: Okay then, let's hear it- Genie, I wish...
Aladdin: Genie, I wish...
Genie: One fine prince pedigree coming right up—
Aladdin: Genie, I wish- I wish to set you free.
Genie: (shocked)What?

(A transformation scene takes place- Genie is carried into the air as sparkles swirl around him. We see his cuffs come off and fall to the ground. Genie slowly descends to the floor, with no cuffs on his wrists. We also see the lamp rise from Aladdin's hands and then drop onto the floor. Genie is in shock- he can't believe this happened.)

Genie: (in disbelief)Wait... Wait a minute... (to Aladdin)Quick- tell me to do something... tell me to bring you some...
Aladdin: Uh... Jams- bring me some jams.
Genie: (suddenly)No way! (Pointing his finger at Aladdin)Hahahahahaha!

(Genie shoots around in the sky, with fireworks going off in the distance. Jasmine comes to Aladdin's side to see what's going on.)

Genie: (flying around in the sky)Boy, does that feel good! (Shaking Carpet and Abu's hands/tassel)I'm free! (Pinching Aladdin's cheeks)I'm free at last! (Now in the sky, with an open suitcase in front of him)I'm hitting the road- (packing things into his suitcase)I'm off to see the world, I'm—

(Genie suddenly pauses to see Aladdin smiling at him fondly. Genie comes back down. He slowly walks to Aladdin. Aladdin nods his head, telling Genie to come to him. Genie walks to Aladdin and slowly puts his arms around Aladdin.)

Genie: Th- thank you, kid.
Aladdin: No- thank you, Genie. I owe you everything.
Genie: You've definitely made your mother proud of you.
Aladdin: Genie, I- I'm gonna miss you.
Genie: Me too, Al... (Breaking the hug)No matter what anyone says- you will always be a prince to me.

(Dalia walks slowly to Genie and Aladdin. She is also moved at what she saw. Aladdin sees her standing.)

Aladdin: (to Genie; looking at Dalia)Genie... aren't you forgetting something?
Genie: (seeing Dalia)Oh, uh... (turning bashful) I said I was off to see the world... But, I don't think I'll enjoy it as much if I went alone. (Kneeling before her in his human disguise)Will you- will you come with me?

(Dalia turns to look at Jasmine. She nods in approval. Dalia joyfully squeals.)

Dalia: Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes!

(She throws her arms around Genie and kisses him on the cheek. Genie suddenly puts on a new outfit- a Hawaiian shirt and Bermuda shorts. He also gives Dalia a new look- a light summer dress and a straw hat. Genie calls to everyone there.)

Genie: Oh, come here, all of you- group hug! Group hug!

(He magically extends his arms out and grabs the Sultan, Sultana, Carpet, Abu, Rajah, Aladdin, Dalia and Jasmine in a group hug.)

Genie: (to Aladdin)Do you mind if I kiss the monkey? (Kisses Abu). (Spitting a hairball)Ooh- hairball!
Dalia: Wait- why don't we all have a picture painted of ourselves?
Genie: (taking out a mobile phone)Why paint what you can photograph? Selfie time! (He clicks a selfie with all of them together).

(Genie then puts his phone back in his pocket and rubs his hands.)

Genie: Well, I can't do any more damage around this popsicle stand! C'mon, Dalia- we've got a whole world to see!

(Saying so, he takes Dalia and the two of them get in a biplane and take off into the sky, waving goodbye to everyone.)

Dalia: (to Jasmine)See you again, Princess!
Genie: Goodbye everyone! See you all in a few months!

(We see the plane fly away into the distance. Cut back to Jasmine standing beside Aladdin. He looks at her sadly.)

Jasmine: Aladdin, what's wrong?
Aladdin: Jasmine... I'm sorry for all the lies. I didn't know any other way... I do love you but I have to stop pretending to be someone I'm not.
Jasmine: I understand... It's just not fair- that stupid law...
Aladdin: I guess it's goodbye then...
Jasmine: (gasps)What? No... Let me speak to my father- hold on.

(Aladdin walks away from her, Abu following him. He also feels sad for them both.)

Aladdin: (turning back to look at Jasmine)I hope you find what you're looking for. You deserve so much...

(Aladdin bows and walks away, with Jasmine, the Sultana and the Sultan turning around to see him leave, followed by Abu. Rajah looks at Jasmine sadly, as she watches Aladdin leave, her eyes filling with tears. The Sultan sees how sad she is, and walks to her side.)

Sultan: Jasmine... I hope you can forgive me. I cared more about our ancient decrees and our wealth than my daughter's happiness.
Jasmine: (hugs her father, sobbing).
Sultana: Wait- I'll be back—

(Saying so, the Sultana leaves. The Sultan is still comforting Jasmine, and we see the Sultana return with the scroll Jafar had used earlier to show that the royal vizier would have to marry the princess if no prince was found worthy.)

Sultana: (walking to her husband and daughter)My loves- Jafar was lying to us the whole time! The law really says that (opening the scroll and showing it to them), "if the Princess finds any of the suitors unworthy, she may choose a man she deems worthy, regardless of whether he is royalty or not."

(Jasmine turns hopeful. She quickly turns to look at her father.)

Jasmine: Mother... I—
Sultana: Yes! (Kissing her)You may marry him if you wish.
Sultan: That boy is a hero- he saved Agrabah, and I can think of none worthier to be called a prince. He deserves all the world, in fact!
Jasmine: (joyfully)Oh, Father- thank you! (She hugs him tight and kisses him).
Sultan: (looking at her; pats her shoulder)Go get him.

(Jasmine runs away from them, smiling from ear to ear. The Sultana takes her husband's hand in hers.)

Sultan: (smiling)Well done.
Sultana: (smiles back at him).

(Cut to Aladdin walking outside the palace gates. He is followed by Abu on the ground. His hand brushes against his pocket- he feels something in it. He takes it out and holds in his hands Jasmine's hair brooch. He looks at it, smiling sadly.

Cut to a wide shot of the market space in front of the palace. We hear Jasmine's voice call out to Aladdin. He stops in his tracks. Abu turns around and pulls at Aladdin's pant leg. He turns around to see her run to him.)

Jasmine: Aladdin! Wait!

(Camera pans to show Jasmine run up to Aladdin. The people in the crowd gasp- they're seeing the princess outside for the first time.)

People in the crowd: My goodness... Is that the Princess?... The Princess?...

(We see Jasmine approach Aladdin. They stand a few inches away from each other. Aladdin shows her the brooch.)

Aladdin: Princess, I—
Jasmine: (putting her finger to his lips)Shush... Don't say anything.

(She takes his hands in hers, pulls him closer to her and kisses him in front of the whole crowd. An orchestral instrumental version of "A Whole New World" plays in the background as the camera pans around the kissing couple, going from them kissing in the street to their wedding in the palace courtyard, attended by various noblemen and noblewomen, the Sultan, Sultana, Genie, Dalia, Carpet, Rajah and Abu. The camera then zooms out of them as the crowd cheers and throws flowers at the newlyweds, and the guests clap their hands. Genie, Abu and Carpet come to congratulate Jasmine, while the Sultan, Sultana and Dalia approach Aladdin. The Sultana kisses Aladdin on the cheek, and they all clap for the couple, as the camera pans up to show the Carpet flying into the air, carrying Abu on it. We see fireworks burst in the sky as the end title card appears and the music ends on a crescendo.

Quick open from black screen to show Genie singing into a mic with a spotlight on him. We see Aladdin and Jasmine seated in a nuptial bower, decorated with flowers. We also see Dalia standing beside the Sultana and Sultan, who are reclining on special couches.)

Genie: Bah-ski-wap-wap-wah
(To Aladdin and Jasmine)Can you gimme a
Aladdin and Jasmine: Bani-yani-yah-nah!
Genie: Good! (To Dalia and the Sultan and Sultana)Scotty-wop!
Dalia, Sultan, Sultana: Scotty-wop!
Genie: Everybody- bibidibobidiboo!
All the party guests: bibidibobidiboo!
Genie: Wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-bop!
Hit it!

(Cut to the party guests dancing at Aladdin and Jasmine's wedding. The dancing couples move aside to show Genie clapping his hands to the beat of "Friend Like Me - reprise". We see the main characters perform various interesting feats as Genie sings.)

Genie: Can your friends do this?(show the Sultan and Sultana doing the tango)
Can your friends do that?(show Abu ride Rajah like a cowboy)
Can your friends go— (show Aladdin playing a double flute and Carpet doing the Carlton dance)

Can your friends do this?(show Dalia beatboxing and Jasmine and some other ladies dancing)

(During the instrumental break we see Razoul and some guards dance with some ladies. We also see the Sultan and Sultana dance among some other affluent couples. Then we see Genie and Aladdin come up in front of the camera and walk up to the corridor, which doubles as a stage for the wedding ceremony.)

Genie: (spoken)Gimme a doggy bag- Genie's taking it home!
(Walking down the stairs with Aladdin in a fancy, theatrical style, with lights shooting from either side of them above)Mister Aladdin sir
Got a wish, or two or three?
(Climbing back up the stairs)I'm on the job, you big nabob
You ain't ever had a friend
Never had a friend- (to Aladdin)sing it kid!
Aladdin: Never had a friend
Never had a friend
Genie: Never had a friend
Never had a friend- one more time!
Aladdin and Jasmine: Never had a friend
Never had a friend
Genie: (dancing in a circle with Dalia and Carpet)Never has a friend
Never had a friend- with me now!
Genie, Dalia, Aladdin, Jasmine: (all together)Never had a friend
Never had a friend
Genie: You ain't never!
Aladdin: Never
Genie: Had a
Aladdin: Had a
Genie: Friend like...
Background choir: Wah wah wah...
Genie: ... Me!...

(Camera shows the main characters come dancing to the screen- Genie and Dalia, Sultan and Sultana, Aladdin and Jasmine, Abu, Rajah and Carpet in the end- as the song finishes. Then Genie suddenly appears in front of the screen, with Abu on his shoulder.)

Genie: You ain't never had a friend like me!


Roll credits.)

End credits songs:
1. Proud Of Your Boy(extended version)
2. Once More(Aladdin and Jasmine's theme)
3. Genie medley

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