My Saving Graces

By useremma123

410K 9.1K 1.1K

Avery Reyes decided to leave her old town and move across the country. She was fresh out of college and found... More

Before You Read
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Writers Note
!Cover Contest!

Chapter 39

6K 151 29
By useremma123

"I'm not ready for this Mason. They are going to hate me." I let out a sigh and cover myself even more in the quilts. Today is thanksgiving and we decided we would go ahead and break the news to Masons family. Just like last year we would be announcing it after everyone has ate dinner. It feels like deja vu.

"It will be fine. No matter what they say, I love you and I'm always going to love you. We are strong and can handle this." Mason says and tries to pull me up. This year thanksgiving was being held at Masons parents house. We had to leave in an hour and we have yet to get the kids up and dressed. I had no energy to do anything.

Mason got me up and we went to get the kids dressed. He dressed Carter in a onesie and pants that were thanksgiving themed. The onesie read 'daddy and mommy's little turkey'. It also had a matching hat.

I dressed Layla in a long sleeved onesie and a brown skirt that was also thanksgiving themed. Her shirt said 'sweeter than pumpkin pie'. We wanted to dress all in thanksgiving colors so Mason went and picked them up their outfits.

Once the kids were dressed, we both went back to our closet. Mason picked out a brown and white plaid shirt and jeans while I found a burnt orange flowy dress. It was big enough to not show my small bump that has been growing a lot here lately.

Mason chased Layla down and was able to catch her while I grabbed Carter off of the floor. He finally started crawling and now him and Layla have races around the house. Layla of course is faster and runs ahead of him so he just ends up plopping down on the floor.

We got both of the kids into my jeep and strapped in. I gave Mason my keys and let him drive us to his parents house. They didn't live very far away so it didn't give me any time to ease my nerves.

Sitting in the trunk of my jeep is a box that has two onesies and a plague in the bottom of it. As soon as someone opens it, they will see what it all says. Mason was just going to set the box on the counter and see who opens it first. Whoever opens it will hopefully get everyone's attention and they will all find out. If his dad opens it first, heaven help us all.

As we pull into the driveway, I see that we are the last ones here. Even the crew beat us! A few of the crew members that have been working for them for awhile is joining the dinner. I know Greg, Hayes and Callum are. I'm not for sure if there are any more.

We get out and I take Carter while Mason carries Layla. He grabs the box with his other hand and we walk inside. We were met instantly with the smell of turkey cooking. I tried to not smell anything just incase a smell triggered it.

Mason set the box down in the living room for now and we carried the kids into the kitchen/dining area where everyone was. "Ah there's my other grand babies." Bridget says as she comes and grabs Layla. Chris grabs Carter from me which allows Mason and I to sit down. He sits down first and I was going to sit beside of him but he pulls me down onto his lap.

"So have you guys planned a date yet?" Lacey asks and we both shake our heads. After finding out we were pregnant again, we decided that we would wait until after the twins are here to have the wedding. I didn't want to be bloated during my wedding, I wanted to fit into my dress perfectly.

"Not yet." Mason answers her.

"You guys need to hurry up. I want to call Avery my sister!" She tells us and I give a small chuckle. Growing up with both brothers, Lacey loves having Amber and I around.

"She already is your sister basically. Just because we aren't married yet, we will within a few years." Mason tells her and she shrugs while she stirs the beans. "How long until it's done?" Right when he said that, the open beeped.

"Right now." She responded as she pulled the turkey out. Bridget helped cut the turkey and we all helped bring the dishes to the table before finding a seat and sitting down. I had Carter asleep on my lap and Layla was on Masons lap, eating mashed potatoes and whatever else Mason let her have.

We made small talk over dinner. Mostly about the upcoming race season and the new track. Also about Mason and Is wedding. I didn't really want to talk about it since we didn't know when we wanted to have it yet. It wasn't that big of a deal to us. We basically acted like we were already married. Living together and having kids together.

Finally after desert, the box was noticed. Lacey was the one to find it and she sat it onto the counter while she opened it. I watched in fear as her eyes went wide. "Seriously!? Who!?" She practically yelled from excitement.

"What? What is it?" Bridget asked as she got up and looked. She put her hand over her mouth and looked at Chris and Amber first before looking at Mason and I.

"What are you staring at us for?" Chris asked in confusion.

"It's not yours and Amber's?" Lacey asked and he shook his head. He was still confused. "Oh my god!" Lacey ran to me and hugged me, being careful of the now awake Carter.

"What's all of this about?" Mark said. Bridget held up the box and showed everyone the inside.

"Dude seriously? Do you not know how to use condoms?" Chris asked Mason. Mason flipped him off while Amber let out a small squeal and hugged me.

"So it's twins?" Bridget asked and we both nodded.

"Yeah. They are superfetation twins. Which means that we conceived them at two different times. Baby a is a week older than Baby b." I explain to everyone.

"I didn't even know that was possible." Lacey says.

"It's rare but possible. Leave it to us to have it happen. Through a condom, birth control and breastfeeding." I say with a small chuckle to try to lighten the mood. Mark is clutching his fork and I can tell he isn't very happy.

"That's awesome though. You will make the list of rare pregnancies." Amber tells me with a smile and I nod to her.

"Fucking hell. You two already have two young babies that need your attention. You definitely do not need anymore. Do you even want to still work at the shop Mason? What about the track you bought and have put so much money into, is that going to go to waste too?" His dad finally let out.

"It wasn't like we planned this. We've always been careful and used protection. We were done having kids, we were happy with Layla and Carter. I'll still be working at the shop and the track is almost ready to be opened next season. Avery is going to stay home or if there's paperwork she can do it from home or bring the kids to the shop. This is a huge shock to us as well but we are going to get through it." Mason tells his dad.

"If you really used protection, how has it failed three times? How do you know she's not doing something to mess with it and get pregnant on purpose? She's just using you to get money. The more kids you have with her, the more money she can get. How do you even know they are yours? She could be out screwing a homeless man and saying they are yours to get someone to take care of the money." He says and that makes me freeze along with most everyone else at the table. My fork drops from my hand and I'm suddenly not hungry anymore. Is that seriously what he thinks of me?

I feel nauseous now and the nerves that weren't sitting right are now eating me from the inside out. "Shut up dad. You don't know what you are talking about. You can look at Carter and see plain as day that he's mine. He looks identical to me. Why would she try planning a pregnancy when she didn't even want kids in her life? When she lost her first baby girl to a miscarriage, she said she never wanted kids again. Well guess what, a few months later she found out she was pregnant with Carter. We talked through it and even though she was scared shitless she went ahead and carried him through pregnancy. Now look at him, he's apart of this family. These twins will be the same way."

Now they all knew about my miscarriage and that I had a baby before meeting Mason. They will think even worse of me now. My mouth started watering and the familiar feeling of my food coming back up was hitting me. I set Carter in Masons lap and ran outside since I had never used their bathroom here and wasn't sure where it was at.

I puked for what felt like 5 minutes and finally collapsed onto the side of the house. I sat up against it and didn't even realize that I was crying until I felt the tears drop onto my shirt. I was close to having a panic attack but I was trying my hardest not too. I knew it couldn't be good on the babies. I closed my eyes and tried to control the shaking.

I could hear some yelling inside and then the front door slammed shut. "Hey, baby look at me." I heard Masons voice. His hands found my shoulders. "Take deep breaths and focus on me."

I did what he said and I looked into his eyes. I could see love and anger floating through the soft look he was giving me. Once I was calmed down, Mason spoke again. "Go ahead and get in the car, I'll grab the kids and we can go home." He said and kissed my forehead. I nodded and allowed him to help me up. He opened the door and put me in the passenger seat before heading back inside the house. He came back out a few minutes later with Layla and Carter in his arms.

He drove us straight back to the house and put the kids to sleep while I laid on the couch. "Are you feeling better now?" Mason asks after he's finished. He sits beside of me and lays my head in his lap.

"Yeah, I'm sorry for running out. I felt sick and then the panic attack hit." I say softly.

"It's not your fault. I'm sorry for the things he said. After you ran out, I made sure he wouldn't say them things ever again. It wasn't right for him to say that. When he gets mad, he just shoots things out and doesn't think about it and it's affects." Mason tells me and I nod. I didn't really blame his dad. They had a huge business and it would be easy for someone to take money from them but I have been with Mason for a year and it's obvious that we love each other. I'd never try to take anything from Mason, even if we didn't work out and had to be coparents.

There was a knock at the door so Mason got up to answer it. As he opened the door, Lacey, Bridget, Amber, Chris, Greg and Hayes filed in. I sat up and looked at them all. They had plates of dessert. "We came to finish Thanksgiving. Callum stayed behind to try to talk some sense into Mark." Bridget told Mason. He nodded and grabbed a dish from Lacey.

Lacey came and sat by me. "We all yelled at him and told him that you would never do that. We are all on your side, he just needs time to cool down." She said and gave me a side hug.

"Thank you. I understand where he's coming from but I've been around for almost two years. I didn't think he'd still be like that with me." I say quietly.

"He likes you and he knows how good you are for Mason. He's just over protective of him since he's the baby of the family and his past with girls." She tells me and I nod. "Come on. Let's go eat some pie."

I followed her to our kitchen and seen everyone was cutting the dessert or already at the table. I took a seat beside of Mason and he put his arm over my shoulder. "So how far along are you?" Bridget asked.

"Baby A is 9 weeks and Baby B is 8 weeks." I tell her.

"Will there be complications from where they are two different ages?" Greg asks and I shake my head.

"It's just like I'm carrying twins except they won't be identical and the one will be a little smaller then the other." I explain. They ask a few more questions that Mason and I answer. For the rest of the day, we sat around and talked to everyone. We caught up with each other and once the kids woke up, they passed them around to spend time with them. I thought they would all think of me like Mark said but none of them did. They treated me like they always have and I couldn't have been happier.

This chapter was edited as of April 6, 2021

Re-edited as of September 5, 2021

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